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What is your dream job?

Miss Light Diamond

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I hope to be a Singer and songwriter.

Ive taken up guitar, but also plan on taking piano and drums.

I hope to be the next Big canadian musician.

Justin bieber kinda inspired me. (DONT HATE)

(Hes makin 50 mil a year..........)


People only heat JB because they think its cool and they are all jealous, I don't like his music because I am not really into that type of music but that doesn't mean I don't like him, He makes lots of money and he donates alot of it to different causes, hes a cool dude.
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id want to be a mangaca, but with my abilitys i wont get much paid...

with my abilitys i wont get lot of money nometter what will i work at, so my option is serial lottery winner ._.

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People only heat JB because they think its cool and they are all jealous, I don't like his music because I am not really into that type of music but that doesn't mean I don't like him, He makes lots of money and he donates alot of it to different causes, hes a cool dude.


Id probably do the same. Id also give the bronies publicity being famous and all. ;)

But i aint gonna get ahead of myself.........yet.

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my Dream job well that is simple! haha i would love to get paid to sit on my butt, drink some Lemonade, and look at funny pictures on the internet. BUT as of right now i have no clue as to what i would want to do or anything of that sort... sadly i don't know :( what i want to do and all....

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Oh, I always wanted to be a teacher, but alas, I'm stuck being a moulder. They don't hire people with violent criminal records. I suppose it's for the best anyway...


Wait, what? People hate Justin Bieber because we're jealous? Partly yes, because I wish I had hair that good, but mainly because the bastard's singing is barely tolerable and there are much better musicians out on YT (where he was "discovered") than him. I personally have no real hate against him, but his fans make him look like a dumbass.


Honestly though, that is some fucking amazing hair.

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Hm, how about list my past dreams instead of getting to the point.

First it was a chef, back when I use to watch the Food Network on TV alot.


Then it was a Video Game Developer. Why, because I love Video Games, and have plenty of ideas for them.


And now, since that was actually pretty fast, I would love to be an writer. I love writing, and I have plenty of ideas. I just, you know, need to write more than I do.

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I want to front a successful rock band. Not successful in the sense that I'm freakin HUGE but enough to where I can live comfortably and not deal with crazed fans. Like a popular underground band I guess. I love singing! :D

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I want to be poet/psychology/history professor who does archaeology and paleontology on the side while sipping tea and wearing funny clothing and a beret who is known as the general eccentric on campus. <3

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My dream job is to be able to live on my juggling. Have enough jobs so I can survive. I don't really care what type of juggling jobs it is, but I want to perform (but not at children's birthday parties...). But sure I really would want to perform at a big circus or a big variete.


Currently I'm spending most of my time working towards that dream. I'm practicing my routine and searching for that break through job. I have a couple of contacts in the business. One which was a part of a cycling duo back in the days (she's retired now). They were one of the most requested acts in all the world. They even performed at the Eurovision Song Contest in Paris.


I use to talk with her for advice, and she helps me a lot. She really believes that I can make it, and she should know :)

Edited by Juggler
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My dream job is to be able to live on my juggling. Have enough jobs so I can survive. I don't really care what type of juggling jobs it is, but I want to perform (but not at children's birthday parties...). But sure I really would want to perform at a big circus or a big variete.


Currently I'm spending most of my time working towards that dream. I'm practicing my routine and searching for that break through job. I have a couple of contacts in the business. One which was a part of a cycling duo back in the days (she's retired now). They were one of the most requested acts in all the world. They even performed at the Eurovision Song Contest in Paris.


I use to talk with her for advice, and she helps me a lot. She really believes that I can make it, and she should know :)


I want to see your routine! I love juggling it's really neat! I used to juggle but i'm not very good. But i still appreciate good juggling when i see it! You should put up a video of your routine!

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I want to see your routine! I love juggling it's really neat! I used to juggle but i'm not very good. But i still appreciate good juggling when i see it! You should put up a video of your routine!


If you really want to see it, ok. It's not my best performance though. Please tell me what you think about it. Critique is always welcome as well :)



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Hobo, I set my dreams low so when I grow up I can impress myself.


(that was a joke)


I just wanna do what I want, but for a job I guess something in computers.

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I would love to ride and train horses for a living. I do that anyway, but it's only a part-time job because I'm still in high school. I'm going to university next year to study to be a vet, which is another dream job of mine. I want to be an equine or small animal vet.

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My dream job would be to with some big company programming video games. And an even bigger one would to be actually working for EPIC Games! Oh, man, if they actually kept the Gears of War series alive and I got to work on one! That would be so freaking awesomely amazing! Posted Image Edited by Kirby
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When I was little, I'd look up and see those airplanes soaring in the sky. From age 4, I started to gain interest in aircraft and then one day decided that I want to join the air force as a fighter pilot.

Posted Image


And what better air force to fly for than the PAF?

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To be a famous YouTuber like PewDiePie or Nova because 1. Its easy 2. You play games for a job. 3. You become famous.


I have to disagree with you on your first point. I don't think it's as easy as some think. Sure, you record yourself while playing games. That should be easy, right? Well, yeah. But the hard thing is to make good videos. You have to make sure that every single video that you make is enjoyable. As Pewdie has said, he has recorded a video but didn't think that it was good enough so he threw it away. You also have a ton of pressure on your back. Like Pewdie, he is expected to put up 2-3 videos a day. 2-3 good videos. Also there's all the editing and such.


So what I mean to say is: It's easy to be a letsplayer. It's hard to be a famous letsplayer. But if you really enjoy what you're doing, you'll manage.

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Dream job, you say? For me that would be playing the bassoon in an professional orchestra, doubling on English horn, and playing the tenor saxophone in a jazz band (or a jazz rock band). Then I'd play my three favorite instruments, and be playing in my favorite styles as well.


But I'm not going for that one. I just am not the performing type. I think being a teacher is better for me.

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i would like to make money of of my music. so i'm going to study music in "videregående (high school/college?)".

i'm also thinking of becoming a dj who plays obscure music in some sort of club in the weekends or something.

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