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Favorite Season Poll

Gone Airbourne

Favourite season  

117 users have voted

  1. 1. What's your favourite season?

    • winter
    • fall
    • summer
    • spring

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Autumn. The temperature is cool (but not too cool) and love watching football and baseball playoffs on TV.


Plus orange trees look cool.

Edited by Kenny
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Winter. When I write I love writing about winter. I love the winter scenery so much. Bare branches covered with snow and ice. Watching snow falls are really pretty too. In the middle of the night the streets are empty, it's so ominous yet beautiful. The winter fashion is really cute as well.


I like dollies.

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Summer because not only does school let out, but the town pools are open also! Plus, it's always the best time to be in my shorts and T-shirts, which I love very much. Yeah, summer beats all by so much you can't even begin to describe.

Formally known as Misselaineous97.


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Oh hard choice. I picked Summer only because NO SCHOOL!!!!!! That is about it. I like all seasons in their own way. I like Spring because it is gorgeous, and the color of nature. I hate it because well...Allergies, Tornado season, when it rains too much and there is a flood, and when it tends to get chilly and storms a lot. Summer, I already said why I like it, but I hate it because it gets SOOOO humid here where I live, sunburns, and Allergies. I like fall because it is also gorgeous and it's so peaceful, and our annual county fair is here ^_^, I hate because it gets chilly, and..winter is coming. I only like Winter cause of Christmas. Otherwise i hate it all. Too cold, ice storms, bad colds, frost bite, and you get sick a lot

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I love Fall because it's usually the best time temperature-wise up in the Northeast. 50's - low 70's usually from September - start of November. It's fantastic! Plus, I love just seeing the leaves change colors. It makes the environment a lot more lively/interesting than just straight up green. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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Winter, I like the cold.


And a few other reasons, such as getting to met some family at christmas, new years. Also my birthday is in December.

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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Definitely fall/autumn.


-Summer is too hot, and there's bugs everywhere.

-Spring is muddy, often rainy where I am, and there's mosquitoes everywhere due to just hatching from the puddles caused by said rain.

-Winter is cold, there's dangerous ice everywhere, and it's usually muggy overcast with no sun where I am.


Fall isn't too cold, but isn't hot either, bugs are usually dieing out or non-existent by this point, and to top it all off, the beautiful leaves changing colors, falling from the trees and covering the ground is really awesome.

  • Brohoof 1


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Winter!! I'll be honest though, I hate the cold soo much!! But I love playing in the snow and whatnot. I also love when I get out of school because of a snow day. ;DD But if I wanted a pretty season, it would be Fall. The pretty leaves. <3
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For sure Fall/Winter, the colouring of the leaves is such a beautiful sight, time to get the sweaters out! But I mostly just hate the heat of the summer, way too hot, and then when it snows, I get quite excited, it's nice to go for walks in the snow, something calming about it.




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I'm a summer guy, even though this summer was miserable. Where I live, its cold most of spring, too hot in summer, rains too much in autumn, and snows in winter, Winter for me last year was quite warm, and lead to an extremely miserable summer. :C
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Winter is my favourite season by far. I just love the look of snow on the ground and I really like snow. I don't like shoveling snow but the snow being there makes up for it. When it's not very windy the cold isn't even that bad either, it can be kinda pleasent in a way.


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Summer and Autumn. I grew up in California but live in New York now, and I've always been naturally tolerant of heat - I actually did a sort of experiment once, and found that heat doesn't become uncomfortable for me until it reaches around 110 degrees (thank Celestia it never gets that hot in CA or NY!). I like Autumn because the air is cool enough to wear a hoodie but not so cold that I have to wear coats (I really really hate coats) and I want to die. I never fully adjusted to New York winters.

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Fall time is my absolute favorite. It could, and just may be because I was born in the fall time, but I just love the view of orange/yellow/red leaves instead of the same old green. Plus I love Halloween, my favorite Holiday just after Christmas. Oh, and not to mention it's apple season! It's the time to honor Applejack with a nice delicious apple with a tall glass of apple cider. :D


Winter used to be my favorite season, but lately it's just been getting way too cold for me to enjoy it anymore. Constant runny noses and the such just aren't for me anymore. Now season is my second favorite, since the blooming colors are so beautiful to see. Then summer, since it's the time everypony's out of school and hitting the beach! :D


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Autumn all the way.


It's fairly quiet, with the leaves changing into beautiful hues of orange and brown. It is nice and cool, a relaxing change from the heat of summer. It is not too cold, however, which is why I like it better than Winter. Birds stop chirping all the time, making short walks through the forest silenced and peaceful.


I absolutely LOVE wearing long sleeves shirts and hoodies, as well as jeans. They are so comfortable and hide the excruciatingly white skin on my upper arms.


Oh god, I'm gonna cry...


Having moved from Raleigh to Taipei, I have come to miss the beautiful colors of Fall time and feel like I took it for granted.


So yeah, that's why I love Autumn.

Edited by Jverne



OC's: Whirl Wake and Noon - Profile Picture Credit - Signature by Me

twilight sniper kill blue all tf2 wow map you see firend rianbow dsah,pinkie pie,applejack,rarity,fluttershy wow team red kill blue red win huh robox bad new


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  • 5 months later...

Autumn would be my favorite. Spring has allergies and bad weather, Summer is nothing but blazing heat, and Winter is just too cold and no snow where I'm at. Though if there was a lot of snow, Winter would've been the top.

Edited by Retro✮Derpy


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  • 5 months later...

Nope, I'm not referring to the show. I'm referring to summer, spring, autumn, and winter.


I love the winter because I love snow. Whenever I see a snowy tree, or road, I find it beautiful. Snow in nature, is always breathtaking. Plus, the cold weather is nice.


Fall is extremely awesome because of football. I don't watch it on TV, but my pals and I play football every autumn. Also, who doesn't love apple picking, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and pies?


I enjoy summer because it's the only time of the year that I'm more interactive. There's a local bridge that everypony flocks to each summer, so I get to see more friends there, annually.


As for spring, I don't enjoy it that much. Unlike the snow, I dislike rain, and the spring is filled with it. 


If I had to choose, I'd say my favorite season is the fall.


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Me personally? I really, really, really enjoy winter. Why?


Well for 3 main reasons:


1. MLP seasn 4 begins, which I am really excited for.

2. Snow, I freaking love snow.

3.Christmas, and spending time with the family.


Winter is just a good, cold time. Hanging with friends and family, winter is the best in my opinion.



This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! :D

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Winter is easily my favorite, why?


  • Warm clothing
  • The Cold
  • Snow
  • Christmas
  • It looks beautiful outside
  • I'm always the happiest during Winter more than any other season...
  • Delicious warm foods such as: Hot Chocolate and S'mores.

It's just perfect to me...


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I've gotta go with winter. I absolutely LOVE the cold (I can't stand being hot/sweating, bleh) and I always enjoy the holidays and, as mentioned earlier in the thread, MLP season 4 :D

  • Brohoof 1


Silver Herald X Solarshine since 2012!



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I like winter the best. You get to be in the snowy season (even though I live in cali) but you still dress warmly, and you get to enjoy hot cocoa and wear my favorite kind of ugg boots.

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