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Your most recent dream you remember after waking up?


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I remember that I kept in contact with my ex-fiancée. We got married and moved into my old house. but then the house was shot up. I wasn't hurt, but my wife was dead. I went pinkamena on the city, and killed hundreds. I woke up shaking and sobbing at what I had done.


Once I dreamed I went mad and just brutally killed as many people as I could, nobody was safe from the wrath of my endless fury.

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the most recent one was very strange and that is saying something for me. i was at this i think resturant and my teeth fell out but they turned out to be dentures and underneth them was like 6 teethe that were destroyed they were fangs and chipped theeth and one tof them had the remnants of braces on them. strangest one i had in a long time.

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Once I dreamed I went mad and just brutally killed as many people as I could, nobody was safe from the wrath of my endless fury.


That's kinda scary, most of the time I don't dream, so there isn't a normal for my dreams, but is seems that most are scary. I really didn't like the fact that I was an antagonist though.


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It's weird when this happens, that's why I remember the dream so well, because, really, how often does anything like this really happen?


About once in a few months, although i have had a super weird one in which i was jousting o.O then it hit my hand and i woke up with the most monumental pain in my pinkie and i think i may have even blacked out a little or just fell asleep again. As far as crazy rampaging dreams go, i can say that i have never had any murder sprees but have had others die due to natural causes though. Dreams can be weird and wonderful but somewhat deeply disturbing lol ^^

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My last dream that I remember was me on a swing going really fast and managing to do a full 360 degree cycle then smacking my face against the wooden frame as I jumped off and having blood all over my sheets from my face (mouth and nose), ahhh the joys of dreaming. Anyone else have these sorts of dreams aswell in which an action causes something physical to happen to you?


It may sound weird, but you very likely headbutted your wall when you were asleep.

This kind of thing happened to me once, where I dreamt that I jumped off a building to land a gravitationally enhanced punch to someone's face.

The moment the punch connected, I woke up and my fist was in an incredible amount of pain. My brother was walking past my open door at the time and he asked me why I had punched my wall.

So, yeah.


In recent dream news, I was a pony in Equestria trying to save someone from falling off a cliff, but I couldn't move. I could only watch this poor pony struggle then fall to his death...

After the fall, I could move again, but as I leaned over the cliff face to see what had happened, I woke up.

All I could do after that was just cry. It was really strange because even though this pony existed in my mind for such a brief amount of time, I felt like I'd known him my entire life.

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The last dream i remember was that i was in some battle arena and then some random girl i was battling and then aliens came with a Big Mother Ship and stole our memories!!! That was weird i was hoping for a MLP related one but that was just ........off...... does that symbolize something?

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My most recent dream was being back in japan and having a giant Pinkie float over Tokyo Instead of having panic and guns we had parties and candy... soooooo much sugar.

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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i had a weird weird dream recently...

I started off my day normally, then princess Luna had a contract with humans to build this HUGE command center. So everyone that was apart of the build looked like engineers from TF2, then i met up with a friend named nick of mine. We had to do parkour running through a china town, we both slipped on this roof and almost fell to our deaths while people started shooting at us, we made our way to back to luna's HQ and there was a swedish shop maker selling random upgrades, he wore a stained white apron like you'd see in a diner, then luna said she needed me, then i woke up.

  • Brohoof 1


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i had a weird weird dream recently...

I started off my day normally, then princess Luna had a contract with humans to build this HUGE command center. So everyone that was apart of the build looked like engineers from TF2, then i met up with a friend named nick of mine. We had to do parkour running through a china town, we both slipped on this roof and almost fell to our deaths while people started shooting at us, we made our way to back to luna's HQ and there was a swedish shop maker selling random upgrades, he wore a stained white apron like you'd see in a diner, then luna said she needed me, then i woke up.


That actually sounds intense, I remember my first pony dreams, that's when I knew I was a brony for sure, and transferred from hater to proud brony.

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My most recent dream I remember after waking up was today...

I was grown up and married and had 2 sons and a daughter and we got a robot with AI. I was trapped by the robot. It had an off switch somewhere on it's body and I tried to turn it off but it had rewired itself so the off button wouldn't work. Then it tried to kill me and I tried to escape and it took my family hostage and i spent the rest of my dream running from it trying to figure out a way to destroy it... then I woke up before it drew to a conclusion...

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My recent dream last night is where I'm inside an 8-bit, PS1-esque racing game, with me as the dune buggy trying hard to navigate through corners while one of my favorite songs from Sega Rally 2 is played. Here's the music:



It's weird how a good, modern song would be fit into an 8-bit game (which was from the dream I had last night, as mentioned earlier). :blink:


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I killed someone that have been bullying me since I was 6. She's been trying to drown me, push me in front of a train, she made me stay home from school for a whole week a couple of times, throwing sharp knives at me etc...

Uhm yes, I want her to die.

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I had a dream a few nights ago about being stuck in a weird looking hospital elavator, at first, there were only 3 floors, but as I stop on each floor, a new floor becomes added in the building, eveytime the elevator stops, a random guy comes in, most of them we're video game characters and salarymen. By the end of the dream, The elevator was packed then I was crushed to death.

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I wish it never came true and I just got up now I have to say D: 'Things' grew everywhere cause my sister was watering everywhere. Apart from that it was a nice dream, Just cute little newborn puppies suckling their mom. Which was a stool.

Edited by Dontlookmenaked
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hmm lets see... This might be long because I'm good at remembering dreams. Ok so the last dream I had was that I was traveling with my grandma during a zombie apocalypse and we where driving a buggy. The roads we where driving where windy and my grandmother had a zombie strapped to the front of the car that was still alive. We also had her dog in the back seat. We stopped near a tunnel for a short break and I decided to kill the zombie that she was keeping on her hood. We then set of driving again and she asked me where was the zombie. I said I got rid of it because it could be dangerous to keep him. Then we basically argued, I was explaining how keeping a zombie could result in it getting lose and killing us and she was stupidly defending it. After we got done arguing we stopped in the middle of the highway to rest some more. I let her dog out which was a thin male boarder collie. I knelt down and hugged him and then he made an odd zombie noise. I then backed away and yelled for grandma. I explained how her dog was making a weird noise and that it might be infected, in the end we shot it and carried on driving. Then my dream morphed into something strange. I was thrown into a dark spooky woods with black leafless trees, dark gloomy sky and dense fog. I then ran because I was being chased by a man eating pack of wolfs. I dodged trees left and right and I was scared shitless. I then came to a cliff and climbed halfway down it. I was hanging on to a thick root on the middle of the cliff wall. The wolves, which where black, stood on the top of the cliff barking and snapping at me. Then they just jumped of randomly trying to get my but died when they hit the bottom of the cliff. I started yelling at some that weren't jumping so that they would. Then the world morphed into a minecraft world and everything was blocky except for the wolfs and myself. I saw a house in the distance of a valley that was at the bottom of the cliff. I then went into a noclip mode and flew all the way to the house. The wolfs crowded the door of the house but i just flew inside and closed the door. Then they basically broke down the door and killed me then I woke up. Told you I had a great memory.

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I was playing my Xbox and I got a message from someone names PiNkIePiE and it said to go on to my computer now.

I was a bit freaked out so I turn my laptop on to see if they had messed with it.

I log in to my profile and there is one new shortcut that says equstria.

I know I didn't put it on there so I was going to delete it but Curiosity got over me and I clicked it.

Suddenly a Portal like from portal appered on my wall and Pinkie Pie came into my room.

I was excited and freaked out at the same time.

She talks to me and tells me to go through the portal.

I'm like ok and walk on in.

as soon as I get though I get Glomped my Princess Luna.

In my Head I'm like "YEY THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIKE" but I said"What's going on here?"

Pinkie Pie then explains that there is this huge thing called My Big Humans and it's very popular in Equestria.

She then says how Luna Commissioned her to use her Gypsy magic to bring me into this world.

I was thinking how this was crazy awesome.

Pinkie tells me that she had to do some more commissions and showed me the list and it had all of my Forum Friends and their Favorite ponies requesting them... Luna had a lot of said request.

I sit on a pile of Hay and start thinking to myself how awesome life is going to be...



Then I woke up.

  • Brohoof 2
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My dreams are always so weird for some reason.. o.o


The last one I can remember, I was on a boat in the middle of the ocean with my parents when suddenly zombies started chasing us on another boat. Their boat was way larger than ours, and then they started jumping out of it to come and get us. Our boat sank and everybody died. I was holding my breath underwater for way too long until one zombie kicked my head, and then I woke up...



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The Nitrus Oxide track from Crash Team Racing was an Attack/Defense map in TF2. I was defending as an engineer. No, I wasn't playing the game, I was the engineer.


Being inside video game universes is actually a really common theme in my dreams.

  • Brohoof 1

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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I dreamed there was a swimming pool in the cellar (lives in an apartment)

and some people where standing on a floating thing watching a Tractor that floated in the pool :S

and then they screamed in for my help so I jumped in and pushed away the tractor...

Then I realized I couldnt go up so I swam don instead becoming panicy for lack of air!

Then I reached the other end got up on a field and then I was Hunted by Draco Malfoy who tried to kill me with lots of diffrent pokemon!

But the Machoke got me :( it looked like a dinosaur for some weird reason :S

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I don't often remember dreams, but I remember last night's.


I was on the train, going from the nearby city to the village I live in. I was with some friends. A friend of mine from school, a year below me who moved to New Zealand came along the carriage. I gave him a manly hug as I hadn't seen him in a while. With him was a someone else from school, someone I was never ever friends with, someone who I didn't really know. I barely remember his name. But here he was, on the train. it was a bit awkward.


Also there were volcanoes and lava outside, but I didn't seem too fussed.

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My most recent dream was a nightmare. I was being chased by a horde of squealing rats! Thousands of them.

I'm running and I come to a dock yard. I'm trapped against the water and rats swim. I race down a pier, hop into a a small boat and start rowing as fast as I can.


I'm watching as thousands of rats pour off the pier into the water. the water is full of rats and they are catching up. Soon I'm surrounded, and they are string to leap and scrabble into the boat.

---One gets in. He is the size of a dog. There is blood on his mouth. He rears back and give this weird demonic squeal...


I woke up with my hand on the light switch. Had the lights on for two hours.

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I had this dream just last night. For some reason I was at the beach and then I headed to a house. In that house was some terrorist, can't remeber what, but for some reason I became there servant with a bunch more people. I was all, Fuck this shit, and left to go home. When I got a home a message was on my table saying I worked from monday to friday. then I woke up.

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my friend had turned into a evil mastermind and was stealing all the tourists pets and hiding them in his house and i had to go rescue them and drive them off one by one in my golf cart

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Oh god....it was a horrible dream :(. Mah grandma was driving me to this place in Rhode Island, and a fair was in town. We got on this large bridge, and there were BABIES all over the road. We managed to avoid all of them BUT this one last one. We accidently ran over the babies' arm, and oh my god, even in the dream, I was freaking out. I was like "Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod Ohmygod!!!". I mean, the babies' screaming, and the fact that his arm was all mangled up and purple made me feel EXTREMELY bad :(. Someone was helping him, but I couldn't look at it. The sight was too horrible



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