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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?

AppleShy Sparkle

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Definitely Canterlot Wedding, especially on a music, animation and epicness scale.


Hurricane Fluttershy is an extremely close second. I think it was at that point when I realized how awesome this show truly can be.

  • Brohoof 1


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A Canterlot Wedding. Hands down. It's the only episode that truly amazed and surprised me when I first watched it. The epic storyline, the awesome songs, it was all just great.


Return of Harmony would be a close second, with Lesson Zero coming in at third.

  • Brohoof 2


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Well, Putting Your Hoof Down and A Canterlot Wedding are both excellent episodes but Find a Pet has my favourite song. But then, A Canterlot Wedding has 3 great songs. I'm going to have to go with A Canterlot Wedding; Find a Pet being a close second.

  • Brohoof 1
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I can only name my top 3: Green Isn't Your Color, Over a Barrel, and The Last Roundup. All amazing episodes. This is the first "favorite episode" thread I've actually seen people mention Green Isn't Your Color.

  • Brohoof 1
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Aiiie! Choosing favorite episodes are harder than I thought. :(


But, if you ask me my favorites:


~The Best Night Ever

~ Canterlot Wedding

~ Green isn't your color


Love all of those episodes. :)

  • Brohoof 2
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This is SUCH a hard decision to make. So, I'll just list my top favorite and then random other ones that I absolutely adore:


Grand prize: A Canterlot Wedding. This has two of the most amazing songs in the series, B.B.B.F.F. and This Day Aria. The story is phenomenal, it's very emotional and just epicly perfect. I can't get over how amazed I was finishing S2 for the first time.


Season one runners-up:

Look Before You Sleep

Fall Weather Friends

Over a Barrell

Party of One

The Best Night Ever


Season 2 runners-up:

The Return of Harmony

Lesson Zero

Sisterhooves Social

May the Best Pet Win!

Sweet and Elite

Secret of My Excess

Baby Cakes

Read it and Weep

A Friend in Deed

It's About Time

MMMystery on the Friendship Express


That said, I fully expect at least 10/13 of season 3's episodes to make it onto the runners-up list, and one of them to become my new favorite, probably the premiere or finale.

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I would have to say episode 23 of season 1: The Cutie Mark Chronicles. My reasoning is very very similar to why I love the episode of Teen Titans right before the beginning episode of the Season 5 finale. It shows how the characters are related to each other as well as their pasts. However, there are many other worthy contenders.


* I also love Dragonshy. That episode is the main reason why I love Fluttershynso much. In previous episodes, she is shown to be timid, calm, peaceful, loving, and all those other warm and fuzzy qualities. But when the dragon goes after her friends without any remorse, that is when she became awesome and not just the fun and lovable pony that we knew of. Her dialogue in that part is one of my favorite quotes from the entire show.


* And then you have The Stare Master. The Cutie Mark Crucaders are back in action and Fluttershy has to go of to find them. (this is also when scootaloo is revealed to be a chicken, one of the more unusual references one can use when talking in "brony speak".) fluttershy once again notices her friends are in trouble. Because of this, she manages to stare down a cocatrice of all creatures! That's basically like having a staring contest with medusa! Once again, she is epic.


* pinkie keen is another fav. It shows how some (although it is only a negligible amount) of her randomness is explained. This also allows for her part in the Mare Do Well episode. Twilight goes to her for help in It's About Time because of her pinkie sense. Plus, I loved the part when Twilight becomes Rapidash. XD


* Bridle Gossip (don't worry, it's short.) it introduces one of my favorite non-mane 6 characters. It also gives fluttershy a hilarious voice and singing part. And, the message: don't judge a book by its cover. I love that part especially.


* It's About Time is completely about time travel. When I saw it I went :| :):D:wub: that's pretty much why I love it. Also the fact that there are two twilights in one room for a good amount of time and the fact that it's an infinite loop makes it twice as fun and 20% cooler.


* Winter Wrap-Up is one of my favorites simply because of the song. It also kinda shows Twilight shown in a way that I can somewhat relate to. I also have issues figuring where I fit in. But eventually, I find my niche and do an excellent job at it.


* Hurricane Fluttershy is an episode that gives Fluttershy a HUGE ego boost! I wanted to be pinkie pie and break through the tv just to hug her.

* last but not least is the Sonic Rainboom episode. The name says it all. Also, the part before the intro is very entertaining because fluttershy has this giant gasp near the end and speaks like she usually does. :)


And that's how Equestria was made!

  • Brohoof 2


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Luna Eclisped and the Royal Wedding, no doubt.


My reasons:


Luna Eclisped:


-Finally showed Luna since the two pilot episodes and how she changed.


-Tells us more about her personality and how the Mane 6 help her adjust to modern Equestria.


-Shows a bit of history (Very little in my opinion)


Royal Canterlot Wedding:


-Had one of the best songs on the show (This Day Aria and BBBFF Song)


-Epic storyplot, a bit darker than the other episodes but completely awesome.


-Chrysalis and Celestia battle; although it may have only lasted a few seconds, every moment was heaven (For us atleast, bet Celestia got hurt)

  • Brohoof 1

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff. " - The Doctor  :comeatus:   


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Hurricane Fluttershy, Its about Time, Sonic Rainboom. Those are my 3.


In no particular order other really good ones were Ticket Master, Boast Busters, Swarm of the Century, Winter Wrap Up, Feeling Pinkie Keen, The Best Night Ever, Lesson Zero, Lunar Eclipsed, Mare Do Well, Cider Squeezy, Read it and Weep, A Friend in Deed, Ponyville Confidential(sorry I actually do like that episode), Canterlot Wedding.

  • Brohoof 1

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I would have to go with a canterlot wedding i could not believe it! the songs were just amazing! and when the mane 6 went to get the elements of harmoy i thought oh yeah they will win they will get the elements and save the day BUT NO i couldn't beleive it i didn't know what would happen i was getting scared that would end it with the kingdom getting destroyed so yeah thats my favourite due to the fact i didn't know what would happen next.

  • Brohoof 1
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You know, I could never really like A Canterlot Wedding as much as a lot of people do. To me, it's very overrated. The fact that Shining Armor and Cadence were never mentioned previously (or any foreshadowing at all for the episode) just grinds my gears. Not to mention that it didn't focus on all of the Mane 6; it only focused on one. A season finale that really focuses on only one of the main characters isn't a good season finale. Also, Discord is a much better and more memorable villain that Chrysalis.


Anyway, my favorite episode from season 2 would have to be Lesson Zero. Crazy Twilight is hilarious and, at one moment, downright creepy.


My favorite episode from season 1 would have to be Best Night Ever. THIS is a season finale. Though it doesn't have the epic scale of the wedding, it does right what the wedding did wrong. It was foreshadowed in the previous episodes and it focused on all of the main characters. Needless to say, I enjoy this episode a lot more than the wedding episode.

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Hmm..."Party of One" or "Lesson Zero"? Can't really decide. They are both crazy good (yes, pun intended Lol). I think I've seen both of those episodes like, ten times.


Those are actually fun to watch as well. Emo Pinkie and Crazed Twilight, just amazing. No offense to anyone of that sort.


Random four words ending! :lol:

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No matter what, "Winter Wrap-Up" or "Hurricane Fluttershy" are always a good watch. (There's a lot more great episodes out there, but TBH, I haven't bothered to learn their names. I just know them as, "that one episode where..." :D)

  • Brohoof 2


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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The Return of Harmony: Discord. Nuff' said. I really liked this double episode combination. I loved Discord's subtle but creepy introduction as Celestia's lawn ornament, I loved his actual introduction and interactions with the main characters, and I generally thought the pace was pretty good, granted they had a lot to fit into their time frame. Hell, even though I felt it was a bit sudden and could have been a bit more flashy, or for Discord to actually give up a fight as opposed to just freezing from shock, I even enjoyed his



Fall-Weather Friends: The tomboy-centered episode about Dashie and her farm pony friend, I thought the premise for this episode was interesting, and I really loved the beautiful forest they went through for the second half of the episode. I thought the fact it was all dedicated to the friendly rivalry they had displayed in numerous scenes before-hand in previous episodes was sweet.


I've got a few others in mind as well, but those are my tops.

  • Brohoof 1


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Oh god... there's the Nightmare Moon episode... then there's the Discord one... and the Wedding... and... but... then there's... and....




  • Brohoof 1


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Favorite Episodes


The Return of Harmony: Best two parter in the series, with epic adventure plot, epic villain, and epic friendship problem solving thingies. The ponies using EoH is always something to be awed at.


Over a Barrel: Applejack cooing a tree hilarity. I love the scene at the end when RD and AJ were running after Little Strongheart, it was really sweet.


The Last Roundup: The scene at the end touched me hard and actually made me cry the first time I saw it. The bad side is that it's stolen by Derpy and that's all the bronies care about. Honestly, it wasn't even that funny... http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

It's About Time: Twi is a baus here, nuff said.


Least Favorite Episodes

Can there possibly be least favorite episodes in this awesome show? They all are SO AMAZING. But there is some that got on my nerves and I usually never watch them ever again.


Fall Weather Friends: I don't like it because RD and AJ both acted like jerks to each other and Twilight. Plus, I don't see sense in RD having as much muscle as Applejack, she doesn't even exercise. And the fact that her running speed is the same as AJ's. I sometimes try to pretend this episode doesn't exist because honestly I strongly dislike it. (Not using the word "hate" XD)


The Cutie Mark Chronicles: Overrated episode...and I don't like how Rainbow Dash is the sore cause of all of their cutie marks...why couldn't it be more equal? Like the mane six helped each other? The fillies are cute, but some of the stories are really rushed. I've hoped that this was more of a group episode, but now... :mellow:

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