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Parent & Friend Reactions to your Bronyness: Before & After

Braeburn Apple

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only a few of my  friends reactions  to me becoming a brony were "thats awsome so am i" the rest just did what haters do best and still do as a matter of fact therefore we hardly ever talk and when we do they usually throw some sort of hatefull comment towards me for being a brony

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I don't know what their reactions were because I came out on Facebook. any way I posted a meme and the one freind who had been trying to get me to watch the show commented "You posted a pic from the show? I haven't even done that yet! And so the student has become the master."


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The only friend I've really had a chance to tell so far is my band's guitarist, and his reaction was...underwhelming. He was just like "Brony, eh?" and laughed, then we proceeded to talk about music stuff. Just to be sure he knew I was serious, I made a point to wear my new MLP T-shirt around him the other day, and he didn't take much notice one way or the other. Even sent him a reaction clip of Dash going "omigoshomigoshomigoshomigoshomigoooooosh" and he wasn't freaked out, so...suffice it to say, I think he's cool with it.


Now I just wonder how my longest standing friends are going to react. I think my "BFF" (God, I loathe that term) is going to be surprised, but intrigued...we're so close that he might even check out the show himself simply to follow my example of open-mindedness. My oldest friend, who's a bit of a weirdo (seems to be obsessed with the little Touhou girls) should take it well, given what he's into, but you never know. In an ironic twist of fate he might just say "That's weird, dude, really weird. *turns back to computer* Hee hee, Cirno is so cuuuuuute!" huh.png

  • Brohoof 1
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My friends replies were mixed... i converted some, where others jus shunned meh... haters will hate though, right? one way or another, i dont care what anyone thinks, ima brony to the end! or is it pegasister?  img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png

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Reactions were mixed -- as they often are. My girlfriend was absolutely thrilled that I liked the show. Her response was along the lines of... "And this is why I love you." Some friends don't get it, but I have a reputation for being a little eccentric. Most of my friends use the "It's Wing" excuse and just move on with their lives. :P 


Either way, the friends I've made on the forums far outweigh whatever negative shit exists in reality. 

  • Brohoof 2

Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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Well my best friend is also a brony but other friends were like: "Are you 5?" and "Are you a girl?" well, I guess haters gonna hate, I will still be a brony no matter what they say to me. :D

Edited by ok3y11


[ Signature by me, made in GIMP | DeviantArt | Personal Website ]

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Luckily for me, most of my friends were bronies before me. I have a group of very open-minded friends; even the ones who don't get why I would like the show don't give me too any hell about it. Although I'm not really shy about my interests, I don't really get called out or picked on. I guess you could say I'm just lucky.

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Well, I have been a closet brony for about 6 months, and only told about 5 people. 2 were neutral, 1 hated a bit but didn't really care and 2 converted. About 10 minutes ago I announced it on FB. Lets see how this goes... 

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I dont have much friends irl to begin with, but once they found out i was one of them, they left me.

Cureently have no ikr friends :( foreveralone...

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Friend encounter 1:


Me: "Dude, I finally got round to watching that new MLP show, it's so freaking awesome!"


Friend 1: "Cool, I might give it a go."


*next week*


Friend 1: "I tried watching that My Little Pony show you told me about, but I could really get into it myself."


Me: "Cool."


Friend 1: "So, did you watch the new Adventure Time?"


Me: "Yeah! It was awesome!"


*continues chatting as we decorate our studio space with Adventure time and Pony posters*



Friend Encounter 2:


* insert endless conversations about ponies*



Friend Encounter 3:


Me: *Le browsing Pony fan art in class*


Friend 3: "Hansel... Are you looking at... My Little Pony?






I could go on, but most of them are pretty much like this. Then again, I'm on a 2D animation course, so we're all on a similar wave length when it comes to cartoons. I don't think any of us really see it differently from other cartoon. Honestly, the whole "hate" and "I must hide this from everyone" thing is really alien to me. huh.png


That's not to say I haven't had any negative encounters, but not with any actual friends.

Edited by Hansel
  • Brohoof 4

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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Well, literally yesterday I changed my profile picture on Facebook to a pony and the results went like this:


Friend 1: oh no! not you to! D:

Friend 2: you are a brony?

Me: @Friend 1 XDDDDDDD @Friend 2 Maybeeeeee.....

Friend 1: nice picture
bad cause

Me: whaddaya mean bad cause?

Friend 1: brony -____-

Friend 1: jk. idc if you a brony...it seems everyone is nowadays...

Friend 2: There aint nothing wrong with it


That's literally what went down. Only 2 of them saw it, and neither of them mentioned it at school today. Pretty good, I'd say. They were very accepting :)

  • Brohoof 2


The Brony Who Does Way Too Much Stuff!

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Well, me and a close friend decided together to give the show a try, and we both became bronies. When I told my friends they were like:


Friend 1: My Little Pony is for 3 year old girls.


Me: Tell that to the thousands of adult male fans of it.


Friend 1: I don't need to, those pedos alrrady know


Me: -_____-


And then...


Friend 2: My Little Pony, My Little Pony...


Me: *sings entire theme song* Why didn't you sing with me?


Friend 2: You were serious?


And finally...


Friend 3: My Little Pony is for 3 year old girls


Me: Tell that to the thousands of adult male fans of it.


Friend 3: Pedos.


Me: Hey, have you been talking to -Friend 1-?


They don't understand the fandom.

Bow ties are cool.


This sig needs to be around 20% cooler.

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Two of my friends were already fans, so they didn't mind.

Another friend was angry because I kept showing the show to her, but she's perfectly okay with it now. In fact, she switches from being a fan to a calm, non-fan every now and then. 

Finally, the other thought it was funny and cute. They also said "aww, you have unicorns on your shirt" with a big smile, I was wearing a Pinkie and RD shirt...so not unicorns. happy.png


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Two of my friends were already fans, so they didn't mind.

Another friend was angry because I kept showing the show to her, but she's perfectly okay with it now. In fact, she switches from being a fan to a calm, non-fan every now and then. 

Finally, the other thought it was funny and cute. They also said "aww, you have unicorns on your shirt" with a big smile, I was wearing a Pinkie and RD shirt...so not unicorns. img-1445267-1-happy.png

That's why I'm against that "converting people to Bronyism." What is this,a religion or something?

My experience with friends, is that, they just accepted ,y Bronyism.


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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That's why I'm against that "converting people to Bronyism." What is this,a religion or something?

My experience with friends, is that, they just accepted ,y Bronyism.

I just wanted to see if she would eventually starting liking it. :P Now she watches it without complaints. :3

Lucky, with the accepted bronyism thing. :3

  • Brohoof 1


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Oh my god, they loved it. At first they were like "WHAT, A GIRL BRONY?" 

Of course, I persuaded them to watch it and now we fangirl bout it on a daily basis. x3

  • Brohoof 1


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I just wanted to see if she would eventually starting liking it. :P Now she watches it without complaints. :3

Lucky, with the accepted bronyism thing. :3

Not really, well my friends do, not my family last time

My family told me back when I first became a brony, that I will look gay to other people.

But seriously, ever since i joined the herd last July, I didn't develop any crushes to other men.

But, now they accept me too.


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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Very few of my friends know.
My Best friend and sister thought it was funny (However my Best friend said not to send her anything pony. Naturally I spammed her inbox on facebook with pony memes. #FuckDaPolice).

I sent one of my other friends one of my drawings, and she just said, 'Bro, you're adorable.'

Then there was Laura, who, being Laura, said 'That's Weird,' and moved on.

The worst so far was a 13 year old girl who THOUGHT that she was mentally ahead of her age (go figure, those people are the worst) who tried to lecture me on how it was wrong. After listening to everything she said (the usual: It's for little girls, etc), I read her the riot act, explaining how that was demographic stereotyping and how, just because of a label, many people miss out on what could be enjoyment in life because 'morons like you are too close minded to realize that a book cannot be judged by it's cover."

Her response? "Oh."

Once again, I win. Mwaha. Fear me.


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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I have no idea whether or not I've already posted here, but if not, I'll report in again! <3


My parents actually think it's hilarious. My father teases me about it a lot, like he'll sing the theme song in a falsetto whenever he notices me watching it. (He's like that. X_X) But my mother's making an effort to learn all their names and has expressed an interest in watching the show. I've shown her several of my favorite episodes, like Lesson Zero and Feeling Pinkie Keen, and she's liked it so far.


And I haven't run into a whole lot of negative opposition, except one rather embarrassing experience. Other then that, the world doesn't seem to mind. xD Probably because I'm a girl. <3

  • Brohoof 3
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My parents chuckle a bit when the subject is brought up, but I'm OK with that. I do get a lot of flak from my brother, who doesn't want to believe that bronies are real people and not psychos in an asylum, even if the evidence is right in his face.


My friends don't know yet, so what is a good way to get a positive reaction?

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Well I've been a brony for about five weeks now. I told my friends about two weeks in and two of my friends said they didn't care so long as I don't clop (which I don't). My oldest and longest friend had a rather negative reaction to it saying things like 'you've betrayed your manhood' and 'oh god just kill me now' which was quite surprising  but then again you could say it is very out of my character to like My Little Pony. But the strangest reaction I got was off of the one friend that already was a brony. When I told him he didn't believe me and though I was trolling him so after about ten minuets of being interrogated about the show and related stuff he finally believed me. As of two days ago I have publicly admitted to being a brony and most people just don't seem to care, but mind you I don't think that the people that would bully me about it know yet so I'll have to get back to you on that. But in general I've had a pretty neutral reaction which, to be honest, was a bit better than I expected.


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My friend met me in the pub while I was wearing an mlp tee my gf had bought me (this was just after Christmas). The worst I got was my friend jake telling me "because I'm wearing ponies I have to buy him a pint" apparently this is a rule lol. The rest carried on as normal.

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Well, I'm probably in a different boat, being older than most of you. I basically got "Why do you like it?" to which I replied "It's cute".


General reaction after that was shrugged shoulders all round. We're a pretty 'live and let live' kind of bunch anyhow, so I didn't expect too much crap for it-although it was kind of nerve wracking bringing it up.

  • Brohoof 1


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Let's see... one of my friends has seen the pony pictures on my phone and he just said "Is that My Little Pony?" I was like "Yup." and it hasn't really been brought up since. My Black Ops 2 emblem is Rainbow Dash, so I'm sure some of my other friends have noticed though they haven't said anything. I'm honestly surprised one of them hasn't brought it up, because he teases me for being a sci-fi nerd all the time. I'd honestly think ponies would be great material for his teasings, but if he's noticed he hasn't mentioned it. By teasing I mean like poking fun at me, like friends do. He's never mean about it, really. But yeah, the reactions have been pretty underwhelmingly "meh." Before I stopped hiding my bronyism (I never went and announced it, because what's the point? I just stopped making an effort to hide it.) I kept coming up with worst-case scenarios in my head. I have a tendency to overthink/overreact to small things.


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