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Do you find it strange for guys to cross their legs while sitting?


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Why would I care about something so meaningless like that? As far as I'm concerned anyone should sit how they want unless it's uh... harassment.

  • Brohoof 1
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While I type this there is a businessman across from me on the train sitting with his legs crossed, it does not at all seem unusual in any way, though personally I find it uncomfortable to actually do myself and like others view it as a more feminine posture.

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In my opinion, it's one of the most uncomfortable ways to sit and I don't understand why anyone prefers this sitting position, but if you think this position is something you feel comfy with, then be my guest. Why would I judge anyone based on how they decide to sit, I don't care if you think doing the splits is the ideal sitting position for you. :mlp_wat:

  • Brohoof 1
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Sitting cross-legged is no big thing. In fact it's not a 'thing' at all. I see guys do it all the time. Girls cross their legs knee over knee and most guys cross their legs ankle over knee, but I've seen men do it both ways and it seems perfectly natural. Whatever is comfy, that's what matters here. 

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...... * head tilts suddenly to one side, both in confusion & the distant sound of bamboo pipes clanking together*

 Really?! Like... really? 

Never even occurred to me it was a thing anybeing else thought about, much less judged! In fact, I judge myself for doing so on entirely different reason! Don't think femininity ever comes into play here!

 Because... you know... I think the general consensus is that males might not want to so tightly close the gap betwixt the legs... where most males usually wish to have room for comfort... or not have force applied there... because they may have things there that the other genders typically don't.... Yoooou, uh, picking up what I'm putting down here...?

In fact, I often find myself strangleholding down my legs from a fierce habit because doing so should, and often does, hurt! 

Think the homosexual idea is only involved because of the assumption that less testosterone would make one less sensitive, or at least less concerned with, that general area. Though it's not like there's any link to testosterone & preference. 

 Me, probably the only reason it doesn't feel like making a Manwich outta two 2x4s every time I slam mah gams, it's probably because my thighs are so pillowy, fluffy n' comfortable.


 ...Yes. I do refer to my weight as "fluffy." Shaddup, don' make me beanball you with one of my limbs!

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I do actually remember back in High School feeling sort of self conscious about crossing my legs as I remember someone pointing it out once that it was "apparently" a very feminine way to sit.

Of course nowadays I don't at all care what people think and neither should anyone. It's a way of sitting, why does it matter? If it's comfy then do it. And if people judge you for it then just laugh at how low they are

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It's a feminine way of sitting so I can imagine some guys getting weird glances about it, but they probably aren't as judgemental as one might imagine.

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I don't notice nor care if guys crosses their legs but I don't cross my legs while sitting. It's feels awkward and uncomfortable, plus my legs gets numbs pretty easily.

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Yeesh, one hell of a necro. Anyway I most certainly don't, never had anybody say otherwise all my life. I personally find it comfortable for the most part, but I can see where this stigma came from. 

Either way, I've never had anyone look at me funny, ask me why I am sitting that way, or anything else. Seen plenty of other males do the same thing too, both the very masculine looking guys and to opposite side of the spectrum, in my experience hardly anybody cares the way you sit unless it is provocative or infringing on their personal space.

Nobody cares enough unless for the most part. Not saying there aren't people who will make judgments on something so petty though.

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I personally don't do it, but I don't find it particularly strange. It's really none of business on how others sit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I only care when they are sitting right next to me, then it becomes my issue. Sitting cross legged makes you mindful when next to people since you dont take up any more room than needed. However, if you are sitting cross-legged in a fashion where the bottom of your shoes are facing the person next to you, or your leg is draped and resting on the other, than your not only weird, but your also a jerk.

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