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Sorry if this thread already exists, a quick search didnt yield any results.


So, here is the question, would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf and what veriation would you be?

Would you change anyone else?




You would be the first vampire/werewolf, you will wake up as whatever you decided to be, you can change others if you wish but only in the normal way for your variation (commonly a bite, but there are variations e.g having to drain nearly all the human blood out)


Vampires -

A few examples of vampire variations would be:

The standard living dead vampire, can't go outside, silver and garlic kill you, must consume human blood to live, provided you don't starve or get killed, you live forever.


The twilight 'glitter-fairy' vampire, can't touch silver or galic, can survive on animal blood alone, can go outside but skin shines like a glitter fairy, lives forever provided you don't get killed.


The trueblood vampire, exactly the same as the standard but with the addition of a form of mind control when looking into a humans eyes and super fast speed, can drink synthetic blood provided someone invents it for you.





A few examples of werewolfs would be:

The standard werewolf - normal human untill full moon, during full moon takes on a wolf like form, standing on two legs, driven to hunt and kill, has no recollection of what happened the next morning, lives a normal human lifespan, can only be killed with silver bullets.



The wolf - Normal human form, chooses to shift into a wolf whenever they want, appear to be a normal wolf when shifted, great self healing capabity, above average strength, can be killed by normal means but self healing means that they enjoy a slightly higher than average lifespan.


The big wolf - same as the wolf, but turns into a large wolf, near enough as big as a car, can telepathically talk to members of their pack while shifted.





I personally would choose to be a twilight glitter fairy vampire, purely because they can live off animal blood so I wouldn't have to kill humans to survive. I would turn friends and family if they really wanted to be a vampire but would advise them against it as newborn twilight vampires are very aggressive.

(yes I have read the books, they're not as bad as everyone makes them out to be, the movies on the other and are shockingly bad)

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I would be a necromancer XD

I honestly don't like vampires or werewolves.

They always end up being annoying or just weird or OP.

  • Brohoof 2
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Twilight kind of screwed over both Vampires and Werewolves for me. If I could, I would pick neither. But other than that I would have to be a werewolf. Vampires can't see the sunlight :( and they also can't have any food with garlic :(

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The twilight 'glitter-fairy' vampire, can't touch silver or galic, can survive on animal blood alone, can go outside but skin shines like a glitter fairy, lives forever provided you don't get killed.

You forgot that some of those glitter fairies have some unique abilities :V


If I can choose, I would like to be the fairy prince, but with the ability to turn invisible


Oh yeah, I will have some fun~♪

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  • Brohoof 1
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Neither, both are overrated and Twilight ruined vampires forever. :(


Werewolves are just misunderstood and misrepresented.

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Forget all of those terrible archtypes of vampires, I would want to be an I Am Legend vampire. They still hunger for blood, and are sensitive to UV light; but they're semi-feral, insane, aren't weak against garlic or religious symbols, and live normal lifespans. Much better than the Count Dracula vampire and the Twilight vampire, in my opinion.

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Pfft, vampires aren't harmed by silver...


Anyway, Vampire, easily. Werewolves have little control over their powers. Vampires, with all their weaknesses, still have pretty cool powers, and the fact that they can control them (assuming they're not starving and go into a blood frenzy) is invaluable. The whole regeneration thing is pretty awesome, too. Staying out of sunlight, avoiding garlic and religious artifacts can be managed.


Personally, I'd be my own variation of Vampire. I have immortality and regeneration, as long as I drink the blood of the living (human carries the most power, but as long as it's mammal blood and the creature was alive when I drank it).

Anyway, aside from regeneration, increased strength and other physical attributes, I have blood manipulation. i.e. I can move my own blood around freely, and even have some control over it's viscosity/solidity (I can make weapons and other objects and stuff from my own blood), though it uses up a lot of my blood.

Weaknesses include the normal stuff, like being burned by sunlight and religious stuff, but not garlic, because quite frankly, I think the garlic weakness is stupid.

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Before Twilight: 10/10 VAMPIRES!

After Twilight: Meh... Hard to choose, both suck.


No, I´d pick "TheDark Shadows" kind of Vampire. :wub: Because that movie restored my hope in humanity (or.. vampirity&werewolfity?)


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Can I be a vampire like Marceline instead? She drinks shades of red so no one is ever really hurt...except things that are red.


Marceline is the sexiest vampire that the Zeitgeist has puked out in recent years. She's interesting, unpredictable, charming, flawed and even kind of cute. Twilight can die in a fire.


EDIT: I forgot to mention Let the Right One In. That type of vampire is closer to the "traditional" kind than any of the other options presented. But I love it because the vampire character is fucked: unable to grow up physically, unable to mature emotionally, but horrifyingly good at manipulating the people around her, and capable of shocking displays of violence.


HERE THERE BE SPOILERS! Most jaw-dropping vampire scene in film history:



Edited by NLR Information Minister
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I'm going to use skyrim as a thing....


Wolf: I like wolf because your powerful and a beast! But you smell and you don't go to sovinguard...


Vampire: your quick, a creature of the night, you have awesome powers... Like me! I hate the sunshine... And you live forever! But you must feed on blood often... Not that I have a problem with that...



My pick: vampire

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I do believe the proper term is "lycan", and I already have my own, deeply involved species of lycan I had created for the novel I am writing currently (can't give away spoilers, sorry XD).



Overall: Werewolf, closer to the second variation, with a mixture of the third variation and even the first (many different forms XD)

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Werewolves arguably get a better soundtrack.


Metallica - Of Wolf and Man





Megadeth - She-Wolf





Your mileage may vary. There's a crap ton of vampire-themed music out there, but much of it is just bad.

  • Brohoof 2
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Is it not man, creator of both of these horrors, who is the true monster? We compensate for our own ferocity by making ourselves the victims in the case of both vampires and werewolves. Children fear these beings more than they fear humans, yet humans are the only ones that would cause such child unprovoked and unnecessary harm.

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I would be a Loup Garou (That is basically french for werewolf.) but the difference between a Loup Garou and a normal wereworlf is that a Loup Garou can change whenever they want but they change into a normal wolf (I could be wrong, some people say that if they change during the day they will be stuck as a wolf), and when they change they are just as smart as they are as a human.

  • Brohoof 1
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Twilight really fucked over the concept of vampires and werewolves. People unfortunately (whether they like the series or not) think of Twilight when they think of those two creatures. I'd probly be a werewolf though, and what you label as "the wolf".

Edited by Australianfries
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hmm....Vampire or werewolf? well thats simple i'd be a werewolf because for one thing wolves are my favorite animal so i would love if i could turn into one as for the the type i would be...i'd have to choose between The Wolf or The Big Wolf, honestly i can't choose between those two.

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If there is one thing that I learned from watching, An American Werewolf in London. It would be the fact that, werewolves can get the dame without being metrosexual. Werewolves would be my choice.

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I don't like either, and it has nothing to do with Twilight. I just have an aversion to creatures like that in general. I prefer unicorns. The girly, cute unicorns that don't harm people. =P

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