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  • I'm both a sadist and a masochist.

I adapt to change very easily.

It's easy for me to learn how to play a video game within a few minutes.

I remain extremely calm in dire situations.

I tend to be emotionless.

When my voice is recorded, it sounds depressed and British. 

I tend to automatically change my voice to a southern or British accent without knowing from time to time.

I always have a deep purple or pitch black around my eyes from lack of sleep.

In order to actually sleep, I have to suffocate myself. 

I only talk when I find it necessary.

I'm extremely quiet.

I refer to my parents as "You" instead of "mom" or "dad", as I think those names sound childish. 

I have breathing problems.

I tend to overwork myself to the point of exhausted.

I don't allow myself to fall in love, as I usually believe it as a waste of time.

I put thinking and logic above feelings and emotions.

Edited by WheatleyCore
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Interesting facts? I'll give it a shot.

  • Sometimes I have a good pain resistance, ( I've been head butted at least once, plowed over several times, and had other miscellaneous injuries in soccer. )
  • I seem to have an insane amount of luck, either good or bad, sometimes. It's kinda ridiculous.
  • I'm good at gaming ( depending on my luck, skill, and knowledge of the games mechanics. )

There's tons of other stuff, but I'm not sure it's that interesting.

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Interesting facts? Well I guess that's really all in the eyes of the beholder, but let's see...

  • After years and years of dating I realized I was a-sexual.
  • I view all of my friends as my siblings.
  • When working out I imagine all the bullies I beat up in school to push myself harder.
  • I hate bad symmetry... Death The Kid from Soul Eater? That's me.
  • Combined I've driven about 100 miles while sleeping over my life.
  • Lying, stealing and bullies are things that make me blow a mental fuse.
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Interesting facts, eh?


  • I'm a Transgender MTF
  • I have an allergy to Bottlebrush plants
  • I constantly clean and tidy everything around me to an extreme degree
  • I still have a fear of the dark and heights
  • I'm a massive francophone fan (music in the French language or of French origin)
  • I have a massive crush on Karl Pilkington (apparently I'm the only one in the world XD)
  • I will usually listen to one song on repeat for weeks on end before switching to a new one.
  • Brohoof 1
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-I play five instruments. (Sixth coming up nicely)


-I buy all my music as physical copies.


-I hate birthdays with passion, and suffer from "birthday blues" each year.


-I don't watch television.


-I don't play video games.

-Nearly all of my friends live abroad. I only have two within the confines of my own country.


-I'm fascinated by the occult.

-I speak English with a weird bastard child of the British Estuary dialect. I honestly don't know where it comes from. 
Probably from all that British multimedia that I was constantly exposed to as a child.


-I speak three other languages, aside from Finnish and English; Swedish, Estonian, and German. I can also understand spoken Norwegian via Swedish relatively well.


-I keep physical journals.

-I advocate the Zeitgeist movement.

Edited by Bron-Yr-Aur
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* I used to be a Christian, then I read the bible.

* I have almost committed suicide about 3 or 4 times.

* I have beaten the Sinnoh pokemon league about 10 times with only a Rayquaza. No potions even.

* I attempted the saltine challenge. I failed by 28 seconds.

* The longest relationship I've ever been in was a month long.

* I have a scar on my right middle finger from a rat bite.

* I have considered getting a sex change.

* I happen to be one of the best I know at simple math. Like number sense.

* My Little Pony and Halo both have saved my life.

* I have chronic mood shifts.

* I am the 2nd lightest and 2nd weakest of my high school class. But I am also one of the tallest.

* I can sprint well, but my best mile was 9:48 in the seventh grade. It is usually around 11:00.

* I have almost gotten hypothermia twice: Once in a snow storm in Washington about 6 or 7 years ago, and once tonight at a football game in central Texas.

* I am zoosexual, attracted to dogs.

* I hardly ever get ill. Apparently my immune system works well.

* I had a heat stroke in a room heated to about 75 degrees. I nearly had heat strokes while marching in parades.

* I am quite anti-social, it has actually gotten me in trouble a few times with my band director. (Those gold tubas break too much, if you know me, what would the chances be?)

* I have an IQ higher than most of the population. I suck at chess.

* I have never used a rifle, but know somewhat well how to accurately and professionally fire one. I learned this from FPS games.

* I have an enormous vocabulary. I also have somewhat of a knack at pronouncing words.

Edited by Twilight Sniper
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  • If things are supposed to be in a line, I go out of my way to ensure they are.

I have a very severe nail-biting problem.

The knowledge that others are depressed makes me sad myself.

I have a large birthmark scar that takes up around 20% of my right forearm.

I have performed surgery on myself.

I was diagnosed with Spina Bifida before I was born. The test was wrong, luckily.

It is my humble opinion that green olives make everything taste better.

I don't understand the practical use of sadness or depression. I do, however, realize that they are necessary parts of being human and not always the choice of the victim.

I'm nearly always happy.  :)

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- I used to be allergic to almost everything but at the moment only few animals.

- Can speak four languages.

- When I was a child I almost died because of my stubbornness. Refused to eat and had almost starved myself to death.

- Car enthusiast.

- Cartoon lover.

- I'm a fraternal twin.

- I have a twin sister.

- Have loved cars since I was a little kid.

- Good runner, have good stamina and endurance even though I have asthma.

- My childhood dream was driving, so I'm living the dream. :D


That's all for now I could probably name a few more things but it will have to do for now. 

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I've been in some extreme situations. I fell about twelve feet onto cement from the back end of the high dive. I bounced twice a life guard said.

1998 auto accident. I had a fractured l2 vertebrae due to whiplash and had a can shoot out of the open box in the back hatch give me a bruise through four inches of seating. I healed in about six months.

I've been told I'm as resilient as a cockroach.

I've had a few people tell me that my eyes change colors when I'm angry. They said my eyes turn black and they also said my eyes turned white.

I've got the largest ears of my entire high school class.

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-My brother once told me that I walk like I am ready to kick someones ass

-I had a nasty case of asthma when I was a kid but mostly grew out of it

-I can sometimes push myself too hard much like Applejack has done a few times

-I am the most stubborn and bull headed person I know

-I am now writing a book about my experiences with Autism

-I was shy an introverted in my younger years, I am still introverted but became more confident once I found my inner Applejack

-I have been mistaken for a football player on a few occasions when I was in high school due to having that particular build

-I was once mistaken for a girl while I was on the phone during my teen years (I don't know if it was my voice breaking or what)

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  • I'm kind around others.

  • I've been shy and introverted over the past few months.

I used to run Track & Field in elementary school.

I'm a bit skilled at first player shooters.

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Well, I have auditory processing problems, I love engineering, I suck at algebra (though I have yet to take pre-algebra), I have high pain tolerance, (kept jogging with rocks in my side), good at solving puzzles, I'm morbid in a way, I like to be creepy with really good friends... So that's all for me.

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There is nothing about me that is particularly interesting but here is this:


-I have many different strange obsessions

-I am immensely fascinated by human biology and genetics and the human animal in general

-I have hydrocephalus

-I am an anti-social recluse

-I hate people yet feel lonely at times and I actually do want love at some point

-I have no self confidence and I hate myself, yet I kinda like who I am in other ways. Paradox.

-I am emotional

-My brain makes no sense

-Neither does my thought process

-Or my lists

-And stuff.


Other things too. Meh. I am not too interesting.

  • Brohoof 1
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- I'm a natural born idealist, with an aversion and even opposition to cynicism and the darker side of reality.

- I relate more to girls than to boys.

- I oppose gender roles, opposing society's terms of "manly" and "girly".

 * But that said, if I were to follow the definitions of those terms America has set up, I'd be more "girly".

- I get mad easily, but I can't hold a grudge.

- I'm a casual gamer, yet I rage quite a bit.

- I have a love of cute things, and will likely not enjoy something if nothing in it is cute.

- I tend to get very obsessive over my fandoms.

- I have a serious phobia of being ignored, and if such happens, my reactions vary to annoyance to bursting into tears, depending on the intensity.

- I'm asexual, but heteromantic... essentially, I intend on never having sex, but I still feel romantic feelings

- I'll take "cute" over "hot" any day.

- I wouldn't mind being considered cute, honestly. If only I weren't so gosh-darned ugly.

- I intend on wearing skirts and dresses when I'm living on my own.

- I hate being active, and all things associated with it, from manual labor, to sports, to just playing outside.


Probably more, but I can't think of it right now.

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-I can balance on one foot for an extremely long period of time. I can even flail my arms or wiggle my other leg without loosing balance. 

-I can't close my left eye by itself.

-I have a great sense of time, I can guess what time it is with only a 3 minute margin of error. At least most of the time. 

-I'm constantly cracking my wrists. 

-I tend to calculate all possibility for what I'm doing when I get bored. 

-I find talking to myself more entertaining then talking to most people since no one ever watches the same movies or reads the same books. 

-I can maintain an objectivistic point of view even when my own ideals are questioned. 

-I can eat an insane level of spice and not even break a sweat. 

-I think a goat is cuter than any puppy. 

-I can stay warm at much lower temperatures. Or maybe I'm just really stubborn. 

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1.) I absolutely detest smoking & drinking just things I see no point in.


2.) Was born in the south yet I have no southern accent or interest in my things people in the south enjoy. 


3.) I used to be a very closed minded person at one point in my life. 


4.) People always say to me I used not be shy when I was younger but now that I am older I have become much more quiet. Its true I am a pretty shy person now but I also enjoy solitude a lot as well.


5.) Music to me is the best thing that there is to relax and get things off one's mind. 


Guess those are a few things I suppose.

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- My legal birthday is not my biological birthday

- I grew my hair out for 5 years until it was past my butt, then I cut and donated 26 inches

- I have trypophobia

- My middle name means 'goddess of victory'

- I seem to have a disproportionate amount of redheaded friends

- I'm really not that interesting :P

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Oh, perfect. Here goes...

  • If I'm working on a project alone, there is almost zero chance I will finish it. I have literally hundreds of unfinished games, animations, stories, etc.
  • I have a broad range of music preference. One day I'll be listening to an upbeat remix, the next a slow, meaningful song. It's weird. :P
  • I have this imaginary thing I call symmetric OCD.
  • I am happy pretty much all the time.
  • I am really weird and really random, to the point where it's definitely probably annoying to others.
  • Relationships don't interest me at all right now. Tremendous waste of time.
  • Whenever I play a game, I take tricks and strategies I've picked up from other games and apply them.

    For example, I've been playing Minecraft on a really laggy server, and I've been getting swarmed by laggy creepers and skeletons, so I made a little strategy. Then my dad challenged me to a game of Halo, and while he usually demolishes me, I crushed him using various strategies I'd been using. :D

  • I don't make sense a lot of the time.
  • Pasta walrus
  • I have this weird obsession with creating. I'm always constructing something new, in my head, on paper, or on a computer.
  • I'm friends with some weird, weird dude named Kolth.
  • I dunno how to link users lol
  • I animate ponies. A lot. I get asked a few questions on the bus every now and then. :P
  • Sometimes I made really short, pointless posts.
  • When it comes to talking about myself, I make posts with 1133 characters.
  • I'm done here.


**EDIT: Adding things because lolwhynot

  • I don't speak unless I have something to contribute to the conversation, or I'm failing at making people laugh, or I'm with close friends. Then I'm just an idiot. Someone may or may not have accused me of being on drugs at one point
Edited by ~Handsome Swick~
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-sigh- Okay, get ready!


- I am trypophobic. Yup. A fear or clustered holes... Not clustered flanks, I love them...

Just looking into a honeycomb or a lotus pod gives me severe heebie-jeebies, uncontrollable shaking and an itchy feeling...


- Whenever I get emotionally hurt, it's either I cry for 5 hours straight or 2.6 seconds...


- I always end up being separated from my friends and become a third wheel... Here's an example, when I was in highschool, I ended up being in the house- Arachnids and them being in the Wildcats... Darn it, but YOLO (Sorry)


- I always bottle up my feelings and emotions when in public, but then I steam out my craziness while I'm relaxed and at home...


- I have fantasy friends and crushes... TwT


- I sometimes wonder about the meaning of my existence, which becomes a distraction to my life and making me a candidate for being voted potential asylum patient. High security. ID cards.... Crime investigat- Okay, I should shut up now.


- My body is like an indestructible bottle filled with emotion and can never be opened up unless I want to. I say this because whenever I watch a hilariously funny video, I don't react at all whilst I'm in lala land in my brain hysterically laughing...


- I am a late bloomer. I was 12 at nearly my whole entire grade 8th year until September...


- I watch YouTube videos until my eyes melt out from their sockets. ;)

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Lets see.


  • I think far to damn much.
  • I spend most of my time untangling the mindfuck in my head. (MLP helps, greatly)
  • I love Tea, even though the government claims 5 a day will see me dead at 55. Meh.
  • I am Atheist, more or less because our world is so chaotic it could only be the work of a mad man.
  • I am seriously conflicted between finding a soulmate or avoiding the hassle and just stay single.
  • I fear having kids will destroy me on every possible level imaginable.
  • Male pattern baldness is a bitch when it hits you at 18. There is no away i'm buying at stupid spray-on hair either.
  • my great-grandfather lived to be 102. I can't even begin to imagine myself living that long. (if i do, oh the irony)
Edited by Malinter
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