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Twilight Sparkle Alicorn/Princess Speculation [SPOILERS]



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  1. 1. Would you approve of Twilight becoming an alicorn?

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Possibly. It would have to be the last episode of the show and the others should become alicorns as well. The are the bearers of the elements, the only other bearers of the elements were alicorns, and its unclear if they were alicorns before or not.


As to two becoming nightmaremoonish, it would make an interesting plot to see her fall and be redeemed.


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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The odds of Princesses being killed off on a My Little Pony are remote, to say the least. Unless the revival of Dallas reminded them that "Who Shot J.R.?" was an awesome cliffhanger to end a season on and virtually guaranteed that the first episode of the next season would receive off-the-chart ratings.


In any case, I very much doubt that Celestia is grooming Twilight for rulership. Twilight is way too nuts-and-bolts to make an effective leader. She'd make a great adviser or agent, but she lacks the temperament to sit there and soothe bruised egos for hours on end or glad-hoof with vain, stupid ponies, or carefully grease a political operation to achieve the desire result with a minimum of fuss.

  • Brohoof 6
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I've already posted a couple rants on this subject, and I will do so once again here. The ONLY thing that changes with Twilight becoming an Alicorn is the fact that she will have wings. That's IT, and if anypony here has paid attention to her personality in the show they'd see that. She is the absolute last pony in the entire show that would forsake her friends for power. There have been NUMEROUS instances in all three seasons of this, and I can recount most of them, and I think through the course of responding to this particular subject matter that I have.


First off, in the Very first Episode, (I count two-parters as one episode) After she had discovered her friends after having their help to defeat Nightmare Moon Twilight Refused to go back to Canterlot to live with you teacher, mentor, and the Ruler of the entire country to stay with her friends. The very next episode in Ticket master, Twilight willingly returned her own invitation to the Grand Galloping Gala, the most prestigious event in all of Equestria because she only had one other ticket to take one friend and she couldn't take one without feeling bad for the others. This is again, the same Twilight to put her own reputation at risk to help Princess Luna, (Which remember, is also an Alicorn,) whom at the time of Lunar Eclipsed was the most feared and Disliked Pony in Equestria, gain more positive publicity and helped her find a way to make friends. This is the same Twilight that refused to even challenge Trixie in the first season because she was afraid of losing her friends, and also the same Twilight who remained Faithful to all of her friends when every single pony, including Rainbow Dash(Element of Loyalty), Princess Celestia, and her own brother turned their backs on her at the Royal wedding because she was the only pony that saw through Chrysalis's disguise.


Finally Most recently, she gave up the one thingthat Princess Celestia specifically told her she had to do in order to protect her friends, and willingly as far as she had known at the time, failed the most important test that Princess Celestia had ever given her, because she was worried about her friends, her brother, and the entire empire. So I will state this fact again. Unless the Writers COMPLETELY rewrite Twilight's personality when they make her an Alicorn, Nothing in the show at all will change other than the fact that Twilight will have wings. The very nature of Twilight's design won't let anything else happen, and so far, in my honest opinion, season three has had the MOST accurate renditions of everypony's personality so far.


On the topic of Alicorns being God-like, what actual cannon evidence is there to support this? Not Fannon, cannon. If anything there has been vastly more evidence showing us the exact Opposite. Princess Celestia has been defeated Twice in the series, Once by Nightmare Moon in the first Episode, and Once by Chrysalis in A Royal Wedding, and was completely outsmarted by Disqord, and while it can be said that Disqord is the most powerful being of magic in Celestia, it still doesn't change the point that is made that he still beat Celestia. Princess Luna as Nightmare Moon has been defeated twice, Once by Celestia before the series has taken place, and once by Twilight and her friends using the Elements of Harmony. Finally, Princess Cadence, albeit the weakest of the three, appeared to have been easily defeated by Chrysalis prior to A Royal wedding, and while she wasn't technically defeated, she did falter. Granted it was after several days of what can only be described as hell, but here's a news flash for you, Shining Armor was capable of doing the exact same thing to protect Canterlot from the Changelings, and he didn't even have to continuously support the barrier, only occasionally strengthen it. So the argument that Alicorns are god-like is null and void anymore. Seriously, they are anything but overpowered.


Bringing this to the conclusion and back full circle again, Regardless of whether the rumor is true or not shouldn't matter. AS a user above me has mentioned, the entire concept of the brony community was founded on love and toleration, and seriously right now, I see little to no toleration towards the very people who are responsible for bringing us together. I see so many users having so little faith in the writers to be able to come up with things to make everything they do work that the term Brony I feel is starting to lose the value that it used to hold. Now I understand that not all changes are good, but what everypony else here needs to realize is the exact opposite. Not every change that is going to be made is going to result in something bad as well. Yet very few are waiting to see how anything would be handle if Twilight became an Alicorn and are instantly turning their backs against the writers at the mere mention of it. As a story writer myself, I actually find that quite appalling that others are becoming so strict with their demands for the show that they start criticizing the writers for writing the story that they planned. We have to remember, this is their story, not ours, and whatever they decide to do with Twilight has my full fledge support. The absolute only way I could even agree on any of the negativity of this reaction so far is if the change completely reworks Twilight's personality in the span of a day, which any writer of any experience will tell you is a big no no. The very fact that these are professional writers gives me enough faith to say in certainty that Nothing extreme is going to happen when Twilight becomes an Alicorn if she even does.




At this point I'm just quoting my original rant on this topic because it appears to have gotten buried to the point where no pony is reading it. Either that or everypony making the claims that The show will have twilight becoming all powerful and leaving her friends behind to live in Canterlot as a princess, and ruin the mane 6 and the elements of harmony just refuse to acknowledge the hard, physical evidence that I have provided over all three seasons so far as to why the very character make up of Twilight Sparkle would not let ANY of the rumored Collapses at all. Seriously It's like no pony has paid attention to the personalities of the characters at all in the show.


Also to all the users saying that twilight becoming a princess is a bad idea. Need I remind you that Twilight Sparkle, is already a princess. She is Prince Shining armor who is married to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. By the way of the royal monarchy works, that makes Twilight a princess already by relation. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if that was the entire reason for the Canterlot wedding was to only further prepare and make the initiation process that much easier.


And as far as over-power see original rant. Everypony needs to get fanfiction out of their heads when they are judging the show. Because in the show. it has been stated SEVERAL times that unicorns were just as capable as raising the sun and the moon as Luna and Celestia are. Every Alicorn in the show has been defeated AT LEAST twice, not counting any defeats that may have occurred before the show started. And Shining Armor, did the same damn thing that Princess Cadence did over the Crystal Empire over Canterlot, and he did it for a week longer than she did over the empire and Shining armor DIDN'T have to constantly sustain the spell to get it to work. Just repair it when it weakened. And before you say "well Cadence did it over an entire empire," need I remind you that the Crystal Empire was no larger than Canterlot. The entire empire was well in site range from the bottom of the Crystal Tower. So surface area has no argument here.


The show itself has shown us that CANNON, Alicorns are not overpowered and in some instances WEAKER than unicorns. Anyone who thinks otherwise obviously hasn't paid attention to the show and is basing their entire opinion of Alicorns based on Fanfiction.


Bottom Line:


Twilight Overpowered? Hardly

The show will no longer be about friendship? It will always be about friendship. That's the entire focal point of the show.

Twilight will forsake the rest of the mane 6 and be a girly girly princess? Not a chance in hell

Twilight becoming a princess is too Mary Sue? She's already a princess. Deal with it.

Alicorns overpowered? If protecting a city for 3 less days than a unicorn and having to sustain the same spell that a unicorn can cast freely is overpowered than Absolutely. If not, then quit your griping.

Alicorns can't be beaten? They've been defeated 6 times over the course of the show alone.


Seriously people. If you're going to make accusations about a show, then use the evidence that's provided in the show. All the evidence in the show supports the exact opposite of what everyone is whining about.


and I have to agree with the other user that said that this is by far one of the worst, absolutely pointless, over-reactions that I've ever seen come out of any fandom EVER, and I've been part of the Dungeons and Dragons fandom for 15 years. I've seen extreme reactions to new content before, and even DnD fans that are die hard set on their edition, have never ranted or over reacted or forsaken something to the point of which that I've seen come out of the brony community over something as goddamn simple as a pair of bucking wings. That's ALL IT IS. If you want all of that crap to happen when Twilight becomes an Alicorn, then go write your own fanfic about it. We have a fanfic section for that reason. Until then, let the writers do their damn jobs and give them a chance before you tell them to buck off.

Edited by Ice Storm
  • Brohoof 1


Princess Luna is best pony

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Very well organized and developed theory.I have believed this since I joined the fandom 10 months ago. More evidence seems to fit that it will happen soon. Personally, I think the elements of harmony do the transformation, though that does not work with cadence. They other mane 6, may become alicorns as well, but twi is the only logical progression.


Oh, good eye on the Luna jealousy.

  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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I think if Twi as an alicorn it'd be the end of the show.If she was an alicorn what would they make the episodes about. It'd be a  season finale-true,but how would they make another season?It'd probably be the downfall of the whole show,and this time,with Twi being an alicorn they can't make another show out o f it.Though i do think it'd make sense it makes me upset...and Hubn gives proof that it WILL happen, on the commercials they say ''And one pony will discover her true destiny'' while on Twilight Sparkle.While it truly saddens me i don't think we'll have much of an impact on the matter though,their already bringing Discord back,so who knows what will happen next?''Turn to the fans for ideas because your obviously running out'' That's what i think and would say to Lauren Faust. -_- They should really take this into consideration,but whatever your opinion is-i can't change it,this is my personal opinion on the matter and not meant to hurt anyone else. :mellow:

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It would be fair if the rest of the Mane Six became alicorns, too. But, Its an okay idea. But..............WHAT HAPPENS TO CELESTIA?! DOES SHE DIE!? If she does, I am going to SCREAM.


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Ice Storm, I agree with your opinion.  If being alicorn equals OP, then why did Cadence get exhausted after 3 days of the same spell?  Why did Celestia get defeated not once, but twice?  Not only that, but NMM was an alicorn and got creamed by the EoH.  Hello, if that's not balanced, IDK what is.

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No way in hell, Hasbro.  <_<


Actually, I'd be very extremely very surprised if they did. They'd probably have to end the show to pull off something like that, and we all know that won't be happening anytime soon. I really don't think there's any need to worry, it was probably just the vector artist being a troll...

Besides, why would Twilight just suddenly become an alicorn? Advance her studies? I don't think so. How would she be able to study friendship if she becomes a princess and leaves Ponyville? Makes no sense to me.  -_-

  • Brohoof 1


~Sig by Kyoshi. ;)

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Sorry, Ice Storm, no wall of text (which I did read BTW) will stop these reactions. I kind of regret starting the thread at this point, but what's done is done.


I don't think it would kill the show. But surely you'd accept the opinion that I and many others, sans overblown predictions of doom, just don't want Twilight to be a damn alicorn. :) That's not so bad is it? We don't have to agree, and we probably won't, but that's the good thing about being bronies. We'll still coexist.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I would say yes to this, I mean, sure, it may be an unexpected change, but then again unexpected changes get to be the best, besides, this is professional writting we are talking about, if rumors are true, then the guys at Studio B know what they are doing. 

  • Brohoof 1
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So yeah, basically, does everyone remember when that picture circulated the web, it was a block of text written by 'a Hasbro employee'? Yeah, well that mentioned Twilight Sparkle becoming an Alicorn. I for one, dismissed it as a pathetic trolling attempt. I'm not asking for conjecture on the matter, rather on the contrary. 


I want to know why it's suddenly propped up again (The Twilight/Alicorn rumor). 


Why are we making a big deal out of it? Seriously, even if it is true, which I am 99% sure it isn't, why are some of us making a really big deal out of it? Sometimes, this fandom panics a little too much, i swear.

  • Brohoof 2


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I agree, though there is so evidence supporting it, firstly multiple sightings of official merchandise with twilight as an alicorn, mistake? maybe, but the fact that it happened multiple times in different images makes that less likely. Also it is almoast certain twilight will become a princess (Will a very small chance its cadence), even if only temporarily. This is shown in the latest add, featured around twilight "Discovering her destiny" then finishing with said coronation title, the fact that there is not even a mention of cadence makes it seem very likely it will be twilight (Again not 100%). This whole princess deal is relevant because every princess up untill now has been an alicorn, and up until "the Magic Duel" hasbro even officially named alicorns "Princess Ponies" making it all seem more likely

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Yeah sometimes I think certain fans take things too seriously with the show.

Considering in the older gen they made a pony a princess ,and she still wanted to be the same person, I would think if it did happen the same would happen with twilight. I think it makes sense that she would become a princess. Whether she needs to be an alicorn or not I'm not sure but either way it doesn't bother me.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have no idea where this concept came from. Seriously for me this is getting old.

I watched the crystal empire over and over again (Becaus it was after this that people started to make claims about Alicorn Twilight) and I still don't see it.


Sure Twilight may have a huge role in the future, but is saw no evidence that said "yes Twilight soon you will be an Alicorn". Assumptions you can make, yes, but no hard evidence or any good evidence that says Twilight will become and Alicorn.

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From what Iv'e seen the ponies don't just become Alicorns they are born as a Alicorn. I think the figurines are just for marketing purposes and nothing more, just my humble opinion. 

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I agree, though there is so evidence supporting it, firstly multiple sightings of official merchandise with twilight as an alicorn, mistake? maybe, but the fact that it happened multiple times in different images makes that less likely. Also it is almoast certain twilight will become a princess (Will a very small chance its cadence), even if only temporarily. This is shown in the latest add, featured around twilight "Discovering her destiny" then finishing with said coronation title, the fact that there is not even a mention of cadence makes it seem very likely it will be twilight (Again not 100%). This whole princess deal is relevant because every princess up untill now has been an alicorn, and up until "the Magic Duel" hasbro even officially named alicorns "Princess Ponies" making it all seem more likely

On this, there was another thread featuring a picture a picture of what looked to be official merchandise, only the name of this character was "Princess Skyla", she was a filly alicorn and everything. 




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I don't want Twilight to become an alicorn, and I fear that's what her true destiny is. I see that commercial all the time, and it irks me. Not to mention, if Twilight was an alicorn, she wouldn't need her friends anymore. She'd have all of their powers as the new ruler of Equestria.


In all honesty, if Twilight becomes an alicorn, even though it pains me to say it, I'd leave the fandom. It would ruin the ENTIRE show. And what is the point of making Twilight an alicorn anyway? She's stronger than Princess Celestia is. A unicorn who's special talent is magic, is not someone to trifle with.


Although I'm sure that she's not really becoming an alicorn, I just wanted to offer my input.

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I think Hasbro might be pulling a fast one on us, by making it seem as if the princess thing is going to happen to Twilight. Remember, they love to lie during promos. It wouldn't be too surprising if this is all a ruse.

  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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I think it probably is likely that Twilight might become an alicorn, given that she showed up in official merchandise as an alicorn on at least three different occasions, not to mention the references to Twilight "achieving her destiny" and "going on to the next level of her studies" and so forth meaning that such a scenario is not impossible.


My answer to that, though, is so what? Remember when everybrony was upset with A Canterlot Wedding, because of how much it was obviously an attempt to cash in on little girl toys, that the episodes were obviously just a show-length advertisement for their frou-frou girly "OMG a princess wedding how romantic buy all our playsets and toys!!!1" wedding sets? And remember how much the episodes didn't suck? 


Apparently I'm the only fucking one.


We have skilled animators and story writers here. They can take a pretty bad episode concept like that and make something palpable to watch out of it, but it seems everyone all of a sudden lost all confidence in them for no reason.


The point of my rant: if Alicorn Twilight happens, the show isn't going to be ruined, calm the fuck down. And that's even if it does happen, which isn't even 100% confirmed.



  • Brohoof 3
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I thought that "post" by Hasbro animator (?) was a confirmed hoax. 

It's just the idea somehow stuck. I don't think they would kill off Mane 6 like that, it wouldn't be worth the possible sales from "Twillight alicorn" toys in the long run, I think, anyway. And if it happens, noone can do anything about ti anyway, so why stress about it.

Edited by Jessper


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