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Things You Dislike About the MLP Fandom


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What I generally dislike about the fandom is people who are so extreme about their love for the show that they throw it in everyone's face and try to turn whoever they encounter into a Brony. I myself make no secret of my love for the show (even have a wallpaper on my work computer because no one in the office cares), but I only really talk about it if people ask. Otherwise, it's just a normal day for me, enjoying the stuff I like just as anyone else would. Everyone has their own tastes, so it's best to live with it if it doesn't hurt anybody.


R34 also kinda bothers me but hey, like I said in the cloppers thread, I've seen a lot worse in hentai.

Edited by Freedan
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yeah the brony community spammed cards vs humanity with an mlp deck... which is jarring and disgusting to say the least. That game is NOT pony friendly.


I also don't like the way many in the fandom exaggerate how dark the show is(I find the size of this shows nightmare fuel list on tvtropes laughable). Yes it goes further than most shows for little girls(though adventure time is technically a kids show and goes much further than mlp ever will), but I think it's darkness is purely relative. It is still very much a young girls show. A really good one. 

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I don't really like cloppers; but I kind of feel bad for them too. They get a lot of hate from the fandom but I guess they can't really help it, can they? 


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I think the only real thing I dislike about the fandom is that a lot of us freak out if we hear anything, anything at all is going to change. Seriously. Chill out. That's about it. As for everything else, I'm okay with us. I'm happy with our fandom. You know why?


Cause we're SO AWESOME!!! wub.png

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Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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I recently watched a video review of Equestria Girls on YouTube. While the critic thought the movie was decent, he claimed that the viewing experience was one of the worst he had ever had because Bronies in the audience talked throughout the entire thing and freaked out whenever a character they recognized appeared on screen. I'm all for interactive movie viewing, but that sounds a little ridiculous and obviously distracted other viewers.



Another really random thing I dislike is when fanmade videos give female characters male voices. That's just annoying.

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In terms of fan creations, I'm not a huge fan of running into any clop stuff, but I try to forget or look over it, I have nothing against the people though.


However I really hate the bronies who are shoving ponies into other people's faces, they are what makes us look bad, that is why there are so many brony haters, the people who can;t stop talking about it to non bronies. It infuriates me seeing it happen while playing an online game or something like TF2 especially, it makes me almost hate bronies myself :P


I also hate the fans who overreact over every change made in the series such as Alicorn Twi and Equestria Girls, the amount of anger it spread made no sense. I also hate how part of the fanbase sometimes complains when there isn't enough brony driven references in the show, then start complaining when the nods to bronies are shown saying that it's "not what it used to be" and stuff like that.


I'm also not a huge fan over the obsession with background characters. I admit, some are cool, but the obsession makes no sense to me because they aren't even real characters, there is little to like about them outside of design, it epecially bothers me that I feel like Derpy and Vinyl are more popular than Applejack and Rarity

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I don't mind shipping if its innocent. (I think Flutterpie is adorable as well as Scootabelle)  What I do NOT like is when they go way too far with it. I don't like watching ponies have sex or do shit like that. That's why I don't like certain ask accounts. They make me shiver. 


In other words:

No Rule 34. Or any porn like that. I don't like pony porn or porn in GENERAL. Its disturbing yet because I have so many DA groups I always see it. (Why do people think showing off your body is art? Showing me your areas isn't art. Its disturbing. ) I don't mind if they hug, kiss, etc, but the porn is disturbing.


I don't clop to crap. Its......I need words! Anyways, I don't like those who either irrationally love it (Those who'll hate you for hating it) or hate it (those who hate it but never seen it and bash it without actually knowing the show)

  • Brohoof 1




LUNA=Best Princess


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A thing I really dislike about most fanbases is shipping.
I think it's because I find stories about friendship more engaging than stories about romance, but that's probably just me.
That and a lot of ships don't really make any sense, and they only seem to spawn when a character has a small sympathetic moment with another (i.e. Fluttershy and Discord)

  • Brohoof 1

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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I heavily dislike this fandom's tendancy to overanalyze everything and be to critical on episodes to the point where they ruin episodes, either for themselves or for everyone. imo Rainbow Dash and Spike episodes in particular seem to be the most noticable victims of this. I don't want to bring up these, because I'm honestly tired of discussing/picking on these, but after Mare Do-Well and Dragon Quest,I feel as though fans feel the need to utterly rape be overly critical of just about anything regarding these two characters to where it's retarded

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A lot of the ships and the occasional fanfic bother me. It's a. Really cliche if two characters hate each other and then the next day they're dating, and b. If girls hate each other, they HATE each other. If a girl fights with another girl, they're NOT just going forget the whole thing so easily and be dating the next day.


And with shipping? I'm not against those who are gay by any means, but I just don't like it when it comes to MLP:FIM so I don't ship many characters. FlutterMac I'm okay with, but I've seen people shipping ShiningSparkle. (TwiXShining Armor) Really? They're SIBLINGS. That just seems wrong. 

  • Brohoof 1

~That one equestrian that does that riding stuff on ponies~Doctor Who {Tennant is best Doctor}~Voice Actor~



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Well I don't necessarily like how a lot of brony's hate on each other for the stupidest of reasons, for instance arguing about who is best pony and why certain characters suck. Me personally I love all of the mane 6 equally except for a certain rainbow maned pagsus which I absolutely adore for some reason.


Also I'm probably going to get hated on for saying this but I don't necessarily favor the type of brony that give all other brony's a bad name. You know I guess the buzz word for them is "ponyfag" *cough cough* excuse my language I meant no offense. Anyway the part of the fandom that inspires people to make videos like this.


Also If someones a clopper I think It would probably be a good Idea to keep it somewhat to themselves and don't go around bragging about it. Any way Just my 2 cents worth, I didn't mean to offend anyone and if I did I apologize.

Edited by buster500
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I personally hate Derpy with Muffins. I like Derpy, but when you add muffins to the mix I just go bananas (lol).

I also dislike Celestia. But that's the show, not the fandom.

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I think the only thing I dislike is the whole, (here comes the flaming), coming out aspect. I keep hearing about Brony's who say "Oh god I came out to my parents yesterday about watching My Little Pony" and I really think this is so stupid. Its a TV show, you're not born a brony and it isn't something people need to know if they don't ask. I'm all for chatting about the show with my friends but I don't want a fucking ceremony just because I told people I watch MLP. #JustSaying, you never see people come out about watching The Simpsons.

  • Brohoof 5

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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Well I've only got a few complaints really. Grimdark, it doesn't really fit in to the fandom especially when they try to link it to the cannon somehow. And brutal force bronies, the ones who try to force it onto people, I can say what it does to them. It makes you hate all bronies and puts them away from the show for a while. Take me for example, three friends tried tirelessly to make me love the show and fandom and in the end I hated everything small, cute, and colorful because of it, of course when I toke the time on my own I found it to be enjoyable but people like that just ruin it.

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To be honest, there is very little to hate about this fandom. From what I have gathered from my time as a brony, the fandom is generally polite, open minded and mature. Once again, for the most part; every fandom has it's bad apples. 


However, there are three things I absolutely loathe about the brony fandom. 



1. People who declare (INSERT REASON HERE) to be the end of the fandom. Seriously, this one annoys me quite a bit. The fandom itself isn't going anywhere, you are just losing interest for whatever reason. Our fandom is only three years old, and it's already one of the largest and most rapidly growing fandoms on the internet. No matter how you look at it, that's pretty impressive. Especially when compared to fandoms like Star Wars, who have been around for 36 years. It's shocking how often this one comes up too, seriously. Remember when the Twilicorn incident was supposed to end the fandom? How about Equestria Girls?


I will admit that I was no fan of Equestria Girls before it came out (The movie itself turned out to be enjoyable), but I never thought it would end the fandom. 


Hell, some people even think the fandom will end because Season 4 isn't here yet. Just shut up already.



2. People who hate on Cloppers. Alright, I've talked about this one at length in my blog already (http://mlpforums.com/blog/268/entry-1978-clopping-ethical-behavior-or-no/) so I'll keep it short and sweet. There is nothing wrong with clopping, what people do behind closed doors is their business. It doesn't mean they 'aren't REAL fans', or 'an embarrassment to the fandom', you're just being a closed minded asshole. 



3. People who assume Rainbow Dash is a lesbian for being a tomboy. Now let me explain; If Rainbow Dash was actually a lesbian, I wouldn't care. I have nothing against same sex relationships. However, It really gets under my skin when people just assume tomboy means lesbian. I've known plenty of women who act 'boyish' who are heterosexual. There is absolutely no reason to think she is into mares, other than really superficial reasons like she has a rainbow mane and acts boyish. 

  • Brohoof 5



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Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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My least favorite thing about any fandom are fans who lack a sense of humor about themselves, and about the things they're fans of.


These are the folks who make you wince when they go to the microphone at a convention, or get in front of a camera. They scream, "I'm a social dumpster fire and I demand that you mock me and this thing I like".

  • Brohoof 2

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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I personally hate Derpy with Muffins.




I love Derpy, and I love muffins...but the whole obsessive compulsive pairing of "huehue Derpy is seen muffins" therefore "Derpy is -always- eating muffins and that's her only shtick" pisses me off like nothing else.




To add to this, I hate Fluffle Puff or whatever its name is.


I usually don't hate hard on fandom-made things, but this is literally one constant joke regurgitated so often that I grow cross whenever others in the fandom try telling me it's "omg so great".


I get it. She's pink. And fluffy (which doesn't even make sense). She also acts like a braindead moron so the joke is literally "cute and stupid fluffy pony does things that annoys literally everybody else". It's like the huge fandoms for the moe anime that exist or anything that has no redeeming quality outside of the 1 joke associated with it.


Like for example^, I love Vinyl Scratch, but I visibly cringe every time I have to read the word 'wub' in a comic or otherwise artistic depiction of her as if that's all there is to her.




I guess my main gripe is the 1-track-minded creators in the fandom.

Ehhhh we can do better than that.

  • The fandom being overly pessimistic and over-dramatic about absolutely everything. Almost everyone seems incapable of seeing the rather sad pattern of 'Freak out, only to find out it turned out just fine, if not better than just fine' that's occurred about 6+ times so far, from Canterlot wedding to Equestria Girls, and everything in-between.
  • 'Cloppers' is a term that doesn't need to exist, and shouldn't, imo. Every fandom in the history of existence has porn. It's called Rule 34, people. It's everywhere. Just because someone enjoys R34 of MLP instead of R34 of another cartoon does not make them a zoophiliac, nor does it mean they need to be ostracized into this presumed 'gross' class of people ('cloppers'), that need to listen to your bullshit opinions. Get over it, and stop letting things bother you when they don't affect you in any way.
  • The asinine amounts of grimdark in this fandom is grotesque. The more happy, cute the show, the more the fandom likes to turn it into the opposite. A rule of existence I don't particularly enjoy about us humans.



I edited this down to the parts I agreed with, because these, I can't agree hard enough.


But I actually had no idea that there's a lot of grimdark focus on the fandom: my only annoyance is Cupcakes and Hotdiggedydemon means that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are incapable of social functions like normal ponies and have to be fucked up beyond reason "because hurr comedy" or something. I don't dislike it, I genuinely hate it. But despite that I make it a point to not just sabotage posts about either.


I too am so over the overly pessimistic parts of the fandom. I hate it.




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Another thing that's lately become a little pet-peeve of mine with regards to the fandom is how so much fanwork depicts Pinkie Pie to be this murderous psycho. I get that there's the penkamena thing going on but that part of her isn't necessarily crazy like others think she is. It is starting to bother me.

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  • Bronies who post YouTube videos, consisting of unbelievable amounts of spaghetti, such as "coming out of the stable" to their parents.






I'm going to have to agree to a extent, I like not being ashamed of who you are and all, but when you treat as something weird like that, it makes it worse. There's fine between a good kind of pride(like the following song) and over doing it. 





"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I get annoyed by certain parts of the fandom that other people would find disturbing or gross.


I'm okay with cloppers, but I hate them too because; come on, if you tell somepony about MLP or search up a certain pony on Google images, it's all good: That is, that was until you scrolled down. Then it turns into clopper-heaven. Then again, it is their thing so you shouldn't hate on them that much. Okay maybe a little...


I highly dislike R34 bronies. They always post disturbing, mature and adult images, jokes and/or text.


I also dislike spammers. On a lot of YouTube videos I see a music video that I like a lot. I click on it and scroll down and see a Top Comment/Spammed Top Comment with the words, "Can all the bronies stop posting pony stuff? This video has nothing to do with ponies so please stop posting stuff like that." My point is that I don't like bronies who shove MLP into their faces.... I also dislike twilicorn haters.


What I hate about bronies:









Twilicorn Haters


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Even though I personally dislike clopping, I don't/ I refuse to dislike cloppers, I mean that one thing aside they could be really nice people so no reason to rule them out entirely just because they like something I don't.

But I think the thing I dislike the most about the fandom is those people who (thankfully a minority) are so over the top brony they are using it as a replacement personality. OK you are a brony, you like MLP, well ditto, good for you but it doesn't define you, and if it does it shouldn't there are other things away from the fandom like your job, family ect... sometimes you come across that %1 or %2 that are just unhealthily obsessed.

Edited by Scrumpy
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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I don't mind Bronies who use Pony vocab like "everypony" and such, but Bronies who act offended if you don't talk the lingo all the time annoy me.


Also, Bronies who wear MLP tshirts, and give you an evil stare if you even ask about the shirt. 


"Interesting shirt."


*gives me the go-to-**** look


"Er... you know I don't mind bronies... I don't watch the every episode, but I still think the fans are cool..."




"Perhaps I should go."



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Anti-cloppers are annoying as hell, but what I dislike the most is the disturbingly large number of Libertarians and Objectivists this fandom attracts. Seriously, what's up with that?

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