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What Is Your Alignment?

Creamy Arty

Alignment Poll  

173 users have voted

  1. 1. What you would say might be your alignment?

    • Lawful Good
    • Neutral Good
    • Chaotic Good
    • Lawful Neutral
    • Neutral
    • Chaotic Neutral
    • Lawful Evil
    • Neutral Evil
    • Chaotic Evil

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   "Anakin, my allegiance is to the Lawful Good, for security!"


   I am Lawful Good, because laws protect us from people like the Joker.

The laws are human made... they're not flawless and are only good so long as they adapt and evolve. Most of these stuff they do them late. So i prefer the human mind that evolves on the spot and rely more to the "sense" of justice rather than a written code. If you abide by the law and society you dont need a stupid book to tell you what justice is. Because the law also supports the Death Penalty. I am full against that!

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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True Neutral.


I try to do the pragmatic thing in every situation. I'm not going to try and help someone if it means I'll likely die, and I'm not devoting myself to a single cause. Having a single set of rules and morals is foolishness, but so is acting without thought for the larger consequences. Power doesn't interest me, I prefer the simple things in life (like ponies).


I'm the guy who lets a sick child die in front of me so that ten others can live, I'm the one who starts a war to end a future war before it begins, and if I have to choose between myself and someone else I'll choose myself every time. Compassion must be metered by reason. None of us are superheroes, we can't save both Lois Lane and the city, Mary Jane and the school bus. We have to make a choice, the right choice. Based off logic, not our feelings, future guilt, or what society thinks the morally acceptable choice is. That's what being neutral means: you aren't influenced by emotion or personal desire.

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I took the quiz on the Dungeons and Dragons website and this was my result:



Based on your answers to the quiz, your character’s most likely alignment is Lawful Good.


Lawful Good

A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. She combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. She tells the truth, keeps her word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.


--excerpted from the Player’s Handbook, Chapter 6



Well, how about that. :)


                       Sig made by the talented EarlGrey!

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I am neutral good everywhere in my life besides work where I am more lawful.good, the reason for that is I work with animals for a living and their safety and my safety is number one and that can only be assured by following the saftey standards set to keep everyone safe, my job doesn't have too many useless rules in my eyes for that reason, I do break rules on occasion but I feel bad for it there.


Everywhere else I am neutral good, I do what I feel is going.to be the greater benifit or good for others and if that means bending rules or breaking them then I have few qualms about it. People are still people regardless of what they have done and I will help that person if they are suffering and I will also have no qualms about hurting someone that tries to hurt me, but if I did hurt someone I would probably tend to their wounds as well,


Now as for rpgs my character right now in the tabletop I am playing is by far chaotic good, she is a druid with knight like fighting style and she much prefers to do things her way and lives outside of society, she sometimes values non human life a bit higher up the scale, but always helps anyone who.is suffering, regardless of alignment. She feels no regard.to social order other than she realizes she has to follow some level of it to survive in more urban environments, and feels slightly constrained having to perform to social order especially when dealing with nobels or the court (her father was a knight, hence the fighting style and connection.to court).

I may have been born yesterday sir, but I stayed up all night - El-P

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I have to go with True Neutral I have a Dwarven wizard/rouge/arcane trickster and it is kind of hard to be any other kind of alignment, well in my opinion. But It also reflects to myself I like to do what I want when I want and obey the rules but not to the furthest extent. (I play pathfinder)



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I never really liked alignment systems myself as I don't believe in the notions of Good or Evil. Nobody can really call themselves "Evil" as most people believe that their own thoughts, beliefs, and actions are good. And the standards of what is Good and Evil vary CONSIDERABLY if we take cultures into account. It's all a matter of perspective. And before you say: "Hitler was DEFINITELY evil," his actions were disgusting and deplorable to a large amount of people. But I'm sure some found him to be good (like nazis and such).Just because a majority of people has a belief, doesn't mean it is universal. (Though again, I'm not JUSTIFYING what he did. I'm just saying that even though it was deplorable to most of us, it isn't universally evil due to differing beliefs) Life, people, motives, emotions, and beliefs are far too complicated to have such a simplified black-and-white dichotomy   


Anyway, I'm getting off-topic. I just thought I'd put that on the record before I go to stick myself in a vastly oversimplified category. Doing this for the hell of it/fun, and to see which one I'd fit in the most. 


The one I'd say I fit into the most is any of the Goods. I display traits of Lawful, Chaotic, AND Neutral all at once. Lawful because when there are rules, I am crazy about upholding standards a lot of the time. But I'm not actually good at doing so, so I don't fit in there as well as the others. I can still be very anal about it though. And I don't like to take risks or go outside of the book a lot of the time. I like to be safe. My fear and hesitancy makes me cautious and want to follow the rules.


Chaotic? Yes, that too. I hate being controlled, and prefer to be the one in charge. I see most authority figures and anyone above me as my enemies and competitors  It's not really something I can control, my mind just automatically does it even though logically, I know it's not true. I think I'd like to overthrow someone, some evil dictator. I'd be right at home in a rebellion if you took out the immense caution and fear I have within me.


Because I have traits of both though, and seem kind of balanced, I'd have to say that Neutral Good fits the most. Sometimes, I say, screw the rules. And others? LET US FOLLOW THEM OR WE WILL DIE! Depends on either how courageous I'm feeling at the time (my mood), or how passionately I believe in what's going on. I also seem to have some shades of True Neutral (particularly the part about disliking extremes, and how I don't believe in notions of good or evil), but considering the fact that most of my personality, demeanor, and beliefs fit into what most people would think is Good, I'd have to say I'm overall just Neutral Good. I like to do things that I think are the best for me and within my beliefs. Also, I'm just far too passionate to be as detached as a True Neutral.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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The Rules axis aka Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic is how you deal with rules and stuff in general. The "moral" axis or the axis of "life" is the Good, Neutral, Evil. The way the DnD system works Evil is the one that gives less regard to life when it comes to killing a person or desecrating a body, or commiting adultery or anything. Its not exactly the word. Its the stance towards life that determines how "good" we are. 

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Yes, I am aware of that. I'm just saying that I don't really believe in it anyway and think it's just a silly pointless system for defining a person or a character. That's why I called myself Neutral Good instead of say, True Neutral. As when fitting into what the stereotypical norm for good would be, such as your regard for life, I would fit into that even though I espouse a more neutral viewpoint that avoids extremes. (I have a mostly high value for life.)

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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@, I know i understand. However you need to see these videos. 

This guy explains the alingments all of them. He also mentions that the alingment DOES NOT define the character rather than HIS ACTIONS define the alingment. A Lawful Good character in a state of rage can suddenly turn into a Chaotic Evil idiot or something. Nor does it mean that these people cannot commit sins. They each have their flaws and depending on their alingment some flaws are bigger.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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I'm probably the most True Neutral person in the entire world :P, that description is pretty much me in a nutshell, but I do try to do good for the sake of goodness, so maybe I share some traits from the Neutral good side

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alignNG.JPGAlignment: Neutral Good

      You do the best good that a person could be expected to do. You are devoted to helping others. You are willing to work with authority figures, but you do not feel any particular allegiance to them.

      You are the stereotypical “Benefactor.” You believe in doing good without any particular bias for or against order.

      Examples of charactersand people who fit into the same alignment as you include Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Gandalf, Indiana Jones, O-Bi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, Frodo Baggins, and the Dalai Lama.



Hmmm... I guess I'm a stereotypical independent character that just does good for common sense and not so much because I have to follow a code. C: 

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"The government is capable of thinking for me, so I don't want to think."



That line of thinking is likewise alien to me. Individuality is both sacred and humanity's greatest strength. The ability to think for ourselves is what separates us from being highly evolved ants after all. Now before I go any further, let me clarify that I don't think any good or even neutral alignment is "more right." We are all different, and as long as freedom isn't being used to violate another's freedom, no one should conform to a standard that isn't theirs.


That being said, I have long since described myself as LAWFUL GOOD. All the way back to when I first started playing as a paladin in my freshman year of high school. The idea of serving others with a code as my badge of office, and my source of power. It was a large part in why I wanted to serve in the military. Living by a Code of Conduct even in civilian life while still bringing the fight to evil. But much like yourself, I was tested by life and refined by Equestria.


In my case, it was College, specifically Valley Forge Military College. I went there with the hope of graduating as a Second Lieutenant in the Army. I believed there I would find a corps. of those my age with similar beliefs to my own. Honesty, Loyalty, Respect, Freedom, Patriotism the whole shebang. Instead, I found those who salute the flag out of begrudging obedience than actual love of what it stands for. I became disillusioned not only with the school, but military life. "Not everyone in the military is a patriot." Some said, I couldn't accept that. This wasn't the world I wanted to enter, this was a place for rejects that their parents wanted nothing to do with.


I decided to leave and abandon my hope of joining the exalted ranks of heroes. It was not a decision I am proud of, but as much as I love my country, would certainly be willing to fight, kill, and die for it's people and ideals, and still believe wholeheartedly we are a force for good for all of humanity; I could not live that life. I valued my personal freedom too much to surrender it to a regime where not all by my side or above me may not share my beliefs. That's around when ponies came into my life.


In brief:

-Saw clip on a YouTube Poop.

-Looked it up on TVTropes.org

-Watched the first four episodes in one sitting.

-Was a brony two minutes into the first.


This show was the first to get me to actually sit down and write fanfiction. The more I wrote, the better it felt. I was also told by both teachers and parents that my writings were actually very good. I felt like I had found my cutie mark! This was what I wanted to do with my life, AND IT FELT RIGHT!


As a corollary, with my interest in the military waning, I went back and revisited my martial arts training. Realizing that it felt like something was still missing that I thought the military would give me. It was then I picked back up my old fencing foil. Again, I felt like I was always tip-toeing around my calling. Then it hit me!





The sword. The weapon that had been a constant in my life. Through all forms of media, the myths and literature I read. Even among my own brainstormed protagonists for stories were all consistently swordsmen, no matter what the setting was like. I began to pursue the German school of fighting with a long sword. My predilection towards chivalry since I was 8, my fantasies of fighting the Taliban in close quarters with an officer's dress sword, even my preferences for melee weapons in video games! It all just fit into place! That's when I knew I had my cutie mark! Word writer and sword fighter! But how could I reconcile that all with being Lawful Good? Just being decent and obeying the law isn't enough, that just makes me true neutral.


I realized, mostly through the brony movement, that such a code can be self-imposed and in fact, might be better that way. Now I live by a sort of "code of character." I'm trying to find out what kind of hero I would be if I was the protagonist of a story. (Spiritually, I believe we all are, to some extent.) My ponysona is the prototype for that hero. An aspiring Canterlot novelist and already a master swordpony. He has a life, friends, moderate success, and he's happy with who and where he is.


My code follows thusly:




-The freedom of all must be protected, unless they abuse it to harm or restrict another. They have thus forfeited the right.


-We all must make our own way in this world, it is only by personal reflection and belief that we unlock our true strength and happiness.


-The progress of humanity is brought about through science. If you can't advance it yourself, promote it. Any faith, political or religious that stands against noninvasive scientific research must be ignored or stopped depending on the severity of opposition. (Please note: Far less established religions are against scientific progress than most atheists would have you believe. This more refers to philosophical Luddites.) 


-If your home is invaded, protect it through any means available to you.


-The sword, and the knowledge and skill to use it properly, gives you power that your fellow man doesn't have. You must take care to treat that power respectfully, but it IS your power to use.





It's a bit more Objectivist than most examples of Lawful Good, but I believe it still fits.


In some ways, I envy those who are Neutral Good. They have a far clearer sense of right and wrong than I do. I have too much passion. I can't easily distance myself from a moral dilemma to REALLY see it from all sides. My view of the world is very black and white.


"Grey? I don't know what to do with grey."

-Garrus Vakarian

Edited by Steel Accord
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  • 2 months later...

Darn it, I just found out there's a thread about alignment already when I thought there isn't a thread about it.


Merge the threads togther, close this one, or whatever if you must and you have the power to.


Anyway, what alignment do you think you are most like personality-wise?

Edited by ÷Zero
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I played D&D before. Most of my main characters were based on myself more or less, and my characters reacted to situations presented by the GM in similar ways as me. That is mainly because for one, I was inexperienced and never played for very long anyways so active role-playing of that kind wasn't my strong suit. It turns out all but one of them were of Chaotic Good alignment, so it's safe to say that's my own alignment.

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most likely chaotic good "if you can save someone you are obligated to do so" is what i always say don't have to have a heart of gold just do what is right

  • Brohoof 1
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that's my current gearbox alignment tongue.png


seriously tough, i don't really know, i think my good friends can judge about that better then me.

i think i could be in the lawfull neutral tough

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Lawful evil. I have my rules. I will do whatever it takes, but will not break those rules.


Plus its cooler that way. And way more fun.

  • Brohoof 2


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Neutral good characters desire good without bias for or against order. A neutral good character does good for goodness' sake, not because he is directed to by law or by whim. Such a character will obey the law, or break it when he sees that it will serve a greater good. He has no problems with co-operating with lawful officials, but does not feel beholden to them. In the event that doing the right thing requires the bending or breaking of rules, they do not suffer the same inner conflict that a Lawful Good character would. He isn't bound strongly to a social system or order. His need to help others and reduce suffering may take precedence over all else. A doctor who treats both sides in a fight and somebody who feeds the starving in a war zone are both examples of neutral good characters.


In the other thread, I mentioned I am chaotic good but having read the descriptions of the alignments, I think Neutral good describes me better. What matters the most to me is doing what is best for all parties involved, myself and others. Having a sense of order in a society is good, but laws are fallible and while it is good to respect them, it's even better to question them first as there are laws which can hinder progress and actions which would benefit others more than encourage them.

  • Brohoof 1
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I would have to go with Chaotic Good. Seems kinda like the "Robin hood" or "Spiderman" of the group. Yeah, I like that. Vigilante/Rob rich give to poor, ect. It all works for me.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I say Lawful Neutral. I would not break the law, howver I may do bad deeds if I must. If I don't have to, then I won't and that's actually just about sexactly how characters of that alignment act.


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Chaotic good. I'll use every foul word and insult everything there is, but when you think about it I tend to give out good advice.

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Lawful evil. I have my rules. I will do whatever it takes, but will not break those rules.


Plus its cooler that way. And way more fun.


And this, my friends, is why Lawful Evil is best evil alignment. It's easily the most prone to "Even Evil Has Standards", and for that reason it rocks.

Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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