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What are the positive qualities of Rainbow Dash?

Princess Twilight

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'Cause she's 20% cooler than anypony else, duh.


To be fair, I could ask the same (albeit highly rhetorical) question about Fluttershy. What's to really like about a character lacking all semblance of self-confidence, so skittish and meek that she practically runs from her own shadow? So soft-spoken that she can barely introduce herself to a stranger without slipping into a panic-induced coma? Well, Fluttershy fans have their reasons for liking her, I'm sure, just like we Rainbow Dash fans have our reasons.


Now that I've rustled the jimmies of all 7 people who like Fluttershy (trolololol), let me slip into my white knight armor and say that I don't really see what there is to actively dislike Rainbow Dash for. The go-to excuse for her most avid haters always seems to center around her "arrogance", but there's a clear and definable line between arrogance - an undeserved sense of superiority - and what Dashie really has: Unrelenting self-confidence, combined with the will to be the best she can be (you know, your typical Pokémon trainer mentality).


Yes, on a small handful of occasions Dash has let her drive to be the best send her into arrogance territory - most notably in The Mysterious Mare Do Well - but in the end, does she not learn her lesson after being taught some humility by her friends? Character development: It's super effective!


...Jeez, I've got Pokémon on the brain tonight for some reason.


Anyway, other than the whole "sometimes she's arrogant" issue, I don't find a whole lot of fault with such a determined, headstrong character. Perhaps her attitude simply rubs some people the wrong way on a fundamental level of personality, and I can respect that...just as long as all you Flutters fans can respect that your favorite yellow pony rubs me the wrong way in that very same regard. Just a little.


As for which of Dashie's traits fans love her for the most, well, I can't speak for everypony. But for me, it's because her radiant sense of confidence sends an inspiring message to anypony who strives for a bit of self-betterment. Trust me, I went through the whole self-loathing arc in life, so I can say with certainty that Rainbow Dash's personality - while abrasive to some - is a breath of fresh air for yours truly.

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she's my least favorite, but i can name a few reasons why i still like her.

i think he too busy being an unlikable character (arrogant, brash, stuck up) she sometimes makes me laugh, but not nearly as much as the other ponies.

Edited by crazitaco
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It's quite simple, really. She's just 20% cooler than the rest of the ponies.


I mean, she can fly and super sonic speeds.


She lives on the edge.


She's loyal to her friends.


She's Rainbow.


Seriously, what's not to like about her?


Okay, her cockiness can be a bit much sometimes...

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Rabbit-Kin                                                                 ~Paris' Waifu

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"To be fair, I could ask the same (albeit highly rhetorical) question about Fluttershy. What's to really like about a character lacking all semblance of self-confidence, so skittish and meek that she practically runs from her own shadow?" *1


"there's a clear and definable line between arrogance - an undeserved sense of superiority - and what Dashie really has: Unrelenting self-confidence, combined with the will to be the best she can be


Yes, on a small handful of occasions Dash has let her drive to be the best send her into arrogance territory - most notably in The Mysterious Mare Do Well - but in the end, does she not learn her lesson after being taught some humility by her friends? Character development: It's super effective!" *2

*1  I can see that, but then don't they all have their flaws? ie, Rarity has vanity, AJ has stubborness, Twilight can be neurotic, Pinkie can be so overly friendly she becomes socially awkward ect...


*2 I like that she doesn't act arrogant in putting others down or actively trying to make others feel inferior but she could still do with some more humility episodes imo because sometimes she comes across less wanting to be the best and more "oh yeah baby I AM the best" which implies others are inferior.


But um if you'll excuse the phrase different horses for different courses, I like confidence too, but evidently I prefer AJ's brand of confidence to RD's, but that doesn't mean I dislike RD in anyway just that she's not my personal best pony.



But in response to the OP, The reason I like RD even though she isnt my best pony is because she basically balances the mane 6, if she didn't exist it wouldn't just be a missing element it would be a missing personality. Infact maybe thats the reason some RD fans and Flutter fans disagree so much because those two ponies are like complete/generally opposites of confidence, like in toughness one could say Rarity and AJ are opposites and in intellect Pinkie and Twilight strike me as opposites. Though they all have their moments where they throw off their own personality stereotypes.




Edited by Scrumpy
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Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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I have seen a lot of polls with Rainbow in the lead but that doesn't mean that everypony loves her. I'm considered a Rainbow Dash fan because her personality and rough altitude is just like mine. A lot of people think Dashie is overrated but she isn't and don't get me started on the lesbian stuff. There is absolute no proof that she's sexually a lesbian. Okay, she can be a bitch sometimes making fun of Fluttershy but she's Rainbow Dash. Accept and deal with her personality. I'm sorry if I sound rude but this is my spot on opinion of your thread.

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Thank you ever so kindly Gone ϟ Airbourne for making my signature.


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No I didn't mean to offend anyone  who is reasonably obsessed with her and a part of bronydom.  You took what I said and blew it out of proportion.  I just stated the reason why trolls love to chose her to work with.  Its fine if your actually a fan and like her for good reasons.  I should have worded that more specifically.

Well, we all make mistakes.  I'll give you a brohoof as an apology.


To be fair, I could ask the same (albeit highly rhetorical) question about Fluttershy.

Oh, so there is somepony else who doesn't like Fluttershy.  I'm not alone!

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*1  I can see that, but then don't they all have their flaws? ie, Rarity has vanity, AJ has stubborness, Twilight can be neurotic, Pinkie can be so overly friendly she becomes socially awkward ect...


*2 I like that she doesn't act arrogant in putting others down or actively trying to make others feel inferior but she could still do with some more humility episodes imo because sometimes she comes across less wanting to be the best and more "oh yeah baby I AM the best" which implies others are inferior.


Oh yeah, I get that they've all got their flaws, that's what makes them all so interesting, after all. I'm just saying, personally, I think it's a wee bit hypocritical for people to rip on Dashie so hard for her flaws whilst simultaneously glorifying the flaws of other characters as being "cute" or whatever...as is the case with Flutters's crippling insecurity; most seem to "D'awwww" at that flaw of hers, but it sets my teeth on edge just a bit. Personally, I find each character's flaws endearing, to varying degrees. As you said...different horses for different courses. wink.png


Also, I don't think her patting herself on the back for her talents is arrogant per se, although I can definitely see how it might come off that way. Perhaps it's just the way I see the world, but I've always kind of been of the "if you've got it, flaunt it" mindset; if you're talented at something, recognize it, embrace it, and continue to perfect it while at the same time not putting down others who aren't quite as good. I think Dashie generally gets this right, but yeah, she could use a few more humbling experiences later on in the series.


I think the best example I can come up with to compare cockiness with outright arrogance is two legendary guitarists, Paul Gilbert and Ingwie Malmsteen; Paul is a godly guitarist, and it's pretty clear that he knows and celebrates it. But he makes instructional videos and is very encouraging to his pupils, telling you that if you put your heart into it and practice, practice, practice, you can be as good as he is. Yngwie, on the other hand...mega douchebag. Literally says crap like "no amount of practice will ever make you as good as me, you have to be born with this type of skill." Dashie would not approve of that message, I'm sure. dry.png

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Despite being arrogant and sometimes mean to her friends, she's never truly cruel, and the only time she's ever turned against her friends was in A Canterlot Wedding, and then, even Princess Celestia spurned poor Twilight.

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"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Well, we all make mistakes.  I'll give you a brohoof as an apology.


Oh, so there is somepony else who doesn't like Fluttershy.  I'm not alone!

I don't like Fluttershy either.  She has a really (IMO) shallow personality, and weeaboo's only like her because she is portrayed as weak and helpless.  There's not really anything special about her character.


*Gets into trench to await Flutternazi bombings*

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Rainbow Dash tends to get very opposite reactions from people. There's a large amount of fans who love her, making her a clear fan favorite, but there's almost as many who can't stand her. She's very polarizing because of her personality. I also think some of the dislike comes from bitter fans who don't like the extra attention from fans as well as the huge amount of merchandising involving Dash. At times it appears as if Dash is the star of the show, and some people tend to resent that, especially if they like another pony more.


Dash is the obvious "cool" character, and it's easy for a lot of people to get on board with characters who are strong and confident. She's a daredevil, she can break the sound barrier, and she's not afraid of a whole lot. She has a healthy amount of flaws and weaknesses, but she will always overcome them when she has to. She oozes personality, and being that she's the tomboy of the group, it's easier for a lot of male fans to identify with her. Over the course of the series, she has probably grown the most after Twilight Sparkle, and you'll see that there's a lot of Dash fans who cite this as a reason for liking her so much. Her goals and aspirations of becoming a Wonderbolt add to the interest. There's also the littler things. The fact that she flies around a lot instead of walking on all fours adds to the amount of gestures and actions she can do. She has a very colorful design and that in itself makes it easy to get sucked into the character.


I'm just scratching the surface here, but there isn't much to say that has not already been said. Besides, it's hard to put into words why a person likes a certain character. That's why this show is so great, because every main character has a lot to offer, and it's easy to find a clear favorite.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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Well, alot of bronies like Rainbow the most in the beginning, because she shows the most peronality in the first two episodes (when she refuses to follow her amitions to go with the shadowblots). That's why people like her the most. It's just human nature, we (well, most of us) seek strong personalities. But when the show goes on, you discover the true personalities of the characters, and that's when we start identifiyng ourselves with the character we are most like or want to be like. Mine is fluttershy, because she is the calmest. I don't know if this theory is right, buut that's what I deduced.

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I guess that since there are more older male fans of the show. Rainbow Dash's tomboyish behavior and personality seems to attract many male fans. Its not Dashie's fault she's overrated anyway although I do consider she is in my bottom list of the best mane six ponies just above Applejack.

Edited by ~Carousel♥Boutique~
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  • 3 weeks later...

She's my third favorite pony, and that's because she's just awesome. Although it may not be a good reason to like somepony, it makes me like her, and I can't help who I like.

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By the way, if you're talking to me in a thread, please quote my previous post. Otherwise, I might not respond to you.

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Why is rainbowdash a fan favorite character? I don't understand. I mean I get like she's the "under dog" or whatever but she is , in my opinion, a stuck up, pretentious, snob who should just stop talking. She only thinks about herself and no one else. Why is that? I would think the most fan favorite would be like twilight or something but i guess not.

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Because "SHE HAZ DEM SWAG YOLO TROLOLOLO 20%" or something like that,


But seriously she acts like a Homeless thug with a laptop

  • Brohoof 1

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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Because "SHE HAZ DEM SWAG YOLO TROLOLOLO 20%" or something like that,

But seriously she acts like a Homeless thug with a laptop

Because "SHE HAZ DEM SWAG YOLO TROLOLOLO 20%" or something like that,

But seriously she acts like a Homeless thug with a laptop

I totally agree that she is not a good person, and I don't know what u ment by homeless person but it was funny. She is totally not the correct symbol for loyalty
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I've merged your thread with another posing an identical question to yours, namely the reason for Rainbow Dash's popularity in the fandom.


I have twelve reasons for you, or anyone though.



1: She is surprisingly cute and huggable. Her more pronounced insecurities about showing weakness or mushy behavior make her adorable moments even more wonderful. Just watch Read it and Weep, her freaking out about being seen as uncool and all her scampering around is the cutest dang thing ever. The voice cracks help.

2: For all that she’s been bashed for not living up to her element (she’s certainly made mistakes along the way, as all characters have), she can be extremely determined to do whatever possible to get the job done. Helping Fluttershy overcome fear of judgment, being focused on bringing Applejack home to her family, making sure Pinkie could get help when she was at her lowest, there’s a lot of good in her.

3: There’s a lot wrong with her. She has a massive ego, she’s insensitive, she can be a bit closed-minded. And that is good. Flawed characters are often the most captivating, simply because they are less predictable and there’s more room for growth.

4: She’s taken advantage of that. Season 2 went heavily into the problems that Rainbow Dash has to deal with, and Season 3 was so much fun because we could see how far she’s come. She can compete with any character for development.

5: She is a character driven by a dream. I would bet money that loads of little adorable pegasus kids would do almost anything to get into the Wonderbolts, but most all of them give up over time, beaten down by the impossible demands of the program and having to compete with all of the other hotshot daredevil fliers. Rainbow Dash is wonderful because she doesn’t quit.

6: Rainbow Dash is wonderful because she did quit, rather than go against her principles. The Wonderbolts were what she focused single-mindedly on for, so far as we know, her entire life. And she was willing to throw that all away if it meant that she could keep her integrity.


7: That character design. She’s very appealing visually as well, and seeing her dress up a bit for events like weddings or galas lets you see an entirely different side of her.

8: She’s got a big heart. Yes, she can be blunt and rude when there’s a problem to solve and somebody’s hindering that, but she can also be extremely caring and supportive. She genuinely didn’t care how bad Fluttershy was at flying, so long as she participated for her own sake. She took on the job of mentoring and caring for a filly that admired her and needed a role model. For all that she’d beat me up for saying it, she’s a big softy.

9: The general rock theme music that she has spices things up a bit.

10: While some may rip on her as "overrated", the fact that she so clearly breaks stereotypes of previous generations has brought a lot of people into the show. Even if some of these traitors move onto lesser other characters, I believe she's partially responsible for the size of the fanbase.

11: She is prone to doing unusual and interesting things that can brighten up an episode. For example, I thought that her self-insert novel genius work of literature that humanity will unfortunately never get the chance to read impoved an otherwise generally sub-par episode. She can be pretty unpredictable.

12: She has some pretty fantastic interactions with other characters. The Pinkie/Dash and Fluttershy/Dash friendshippings are some of my favorite parts of the show, and I feel that her personality just lends itself to mesh with others in fun and memorable ways. I really want a Rarity/Dash friendshipping episode in Season 4. That would have the potential to be one of my favorite episodes in the series.


Edited by DashForever
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Why is rainbowdash a fan favorite character? I don't understand. I mean I get like she's the "under dog" or whatever but she is , in my opinion, a stuck up, pretentious, snob who should just stop talking. She only thinks about herself and no one else. Why is that? I would think the most fan favorite would be like twilight or something but i guess not.


Rainbowdash isn't my favorite character, but I understand why people like her so much.


Firstly, she doesn't just think about herself. Far from it, in fact. What makes her interesting is that while she appears to be the type of character who's self-centered, she's actually incredibly thoughtful and... loyal. We've seen her put others before herself with the Shadowbolts in episode 2, fairly recently in Wonderbolt Academy, and in the Best Young Flyers competition.  Putting others before her own ambitions which she works so hard for is part of her development, and we've seen her grow as a character quite a bit, which is part of what makes any character interesting.

It can be incredibly difficult to put other people before your own goals and ambitions, especially when you want them as badly as Rainbow does, and the fact that she's actually done this multiple times shows that's she's actually a very good person pony, with an amazing sense of loyalty, even if she doesn't always show it.

And whilst she puts on a "tough" and "snobbish" attitude a lot, we've also seen her kinder side with Scootaloo. 


The fact that on the face of it, she appears to be an obnoxious, self-centered character, but actually has a kind, loyal, and selfless side as well makes her a three-dimensional character that people might be able to relate to, with a potentially good back-story.

Edited by Hansel
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Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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  • 8 months later...

Whether I love Rainbow Dash or not is my choice, and no one's opinion here is going to change that rather they think she is mean or not. Rainbow Dash may seem brash, and very cocky...but she appealed more to me when I started watching MLP FiM. Not because she stands out from the mane six, or because I can "relate" to her. She is the element of Loyalty, probably in my opinion is one of the most important elements in the show. Ya gotta think, I love her because she is just so...freaking...awesome. I mean My heart stopped on her Super Sonic Rainboom, and without Rainbow, our beloved characters would not have found their talents and never defeated Nightmare Moon. Fluttershy wouldn't communicate with animals, Pinkie Pie would've lived in a rock farm all her life not knowing how to smile, Rarity would not be a successful designer, Twilight wouldn't have been Celestia's apprentice and be who she is today, and Applejack would be homesick her entire life, trying to be someone she isn't.
I have many reasons why I like RD. To me, she has a ton of potential. :3


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      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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Well I personally like her because she is the exact opposite of me with traits that I WISH I could have had;


-She's confident.








-And she knows what she wants to do with her life.

Edited by TimeLordRainbowDash
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Two answers:


1. For those that are fair-weather or NEW fans, Rainbow is the most marketed Pony. She is in nearly every commercial, her image is all over the merch and she is also the most eye catching and easy to remmeber in terms of color. (this is not a shot a new fans or those that "watch the show with friends/there kids").


2. For the "Real fans" of RD, well just look at her chart. She is a cocky, loud, protective and brave female. Lets take that in pieces. One she is female. In a show based around female characters, why is this is a big deal? Even in 2014 the "strong" female type figure in any show,game, comic, movie etc, is rare. Most of the time you get a FF Lightning type character, bland, emotionless and really really emo. Dashie is none of these, but is still the "strong" one of the mane6. Protective is easy, its her element. She is loyal and in being so her own personality of brash and loud work well into this role. She is the "Knight" character, forever at attention..but just more modern. Instead of silent and just, she is a smart-mouth and active. Finally, her brash, cocky nature appeals to many. The internet has really ruined humanity in the sense it allows for us to act on our base instincts without thought for properness or hell, self respect. You have an entire generation coming up that thinks its "just pixels" to spend hours bashing, insulting, and tareing down others works. This comes out in Rainbow, many of the younger generation are drawn to her willingness to say her mind ALWAYS, and never hold back. This generation feels its there "right" to be assholes.



Dash is a vital, vital character. This figure of the Tomboy, of any female group is important for the success of its show/game/film. I often compare her to Sailor Uranus/Haruka Tenou from Sailor Moon, and for good reason. Prior to her apperance that role was sort of filled by Sailor Jupiter, the first few seasons sufferd due to this lack of a backbone in the group, but when Haruka showed up the fanbase exploded with interest (and no its NOT because she is a lesbian...sigh, morons).


Take Dash for who she is, she is the shield of the group. The one that would lay her life down in a moment to protect those around her. The Pony who will forever have that chip on her shoulder, and the mare that has more inner conflict then the other 5 combined. She is the Tomboy, and in a way she is the Tragic-figure of the group.



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---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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  • 3 months later...

Well, in my OPINION (heard of it? Joking!) I dislike dash, and I really wonder why so many people like her and can't like Rarity... Err... I mean like a different pony; but hey: you can't change others opinions.


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It's funny, she started out being my absolute favorite character of the show. - She's ballsy, confident, ambitious, tomboyish, sporty and has a way less stereotypically feminine voice. But there was more to it than that when it came to my love for her. 


I was initially fixated on her Sonic Rainbooms especially because I found it pretty incredible that a friggin' "My Little Pony" character (this is back when I was in the process of going from intense doubt that the show would be any good, onto being a brony/pegasis), did such a thing.


I remember finding it incredible how her facial expression was animated: She's gritting her teeth, her face is contorted in ferocious determination, and freaking tears were flying off her eyelashes were animated as she's pushing through the air, whipping up a Sonic Rainboom. - She has this particular kind of "grittiness" about her that was just unheard of not only in young female target audience shows, but MY LITTLE PONY of all things. I suppose you could say that she went some way in "converting" me to FIM, I guess. 


It was that moment of, "Okay, this is NOT what I expected at all... Holy wow.." 


However, since I've become a lot more familiarized with the show, I go through stages of different characters being my favorite. I think it has a lot to do with which personal strength I am deficient in. When I started watching FIM, I was lacking in confidence, so Rainbow Dash was like the antidote to this; I'd be inspired by her. Right now, I'm lacking in happiness, and so Pinkie Pie is my drug of choice! XD

Edited by babymoondust

~ But it's what my cutie mark is telling me... 


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She's my favorite mane 6: she's very different from the other mane 6 ponies and most of the episodes about her are great (Read It and Weep, Wonderbolts Academy, Sonic Rainboom...).

Plus she's very cool.


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