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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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Oh and, i'm going to point out: They never even showed us HOW the mane 6 (not twi) got their cutie marks switched. They were too lazy to tell us. It was a musical, not a two-parter episode.  <_<


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This episode was pretty good, however it felt rushed. When the pics surfaced of Twilight with wings, I was pretty excited. I mean, we kinda all saw it comming. Why else would Celestia be spending her time  with Twilight and having her do all these tasks?

Anyway, I didnt mind the episode being a musical. It was kinda fun and a good change...but it did make it a little hard to follow the story.


All in all: 7 horse shoes out of 10


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I wonder if Hasbro ever sold products of the six mane wearing the grand galloping attire? If so they might be able to produce a new line of the six mane wearing the new coronation outfits.

Edited by poniesforfun


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The final test to create new magic, while impressive, seemed minor compared to the other things Twilight and her friends accomplished. Restoring Princess Luna, Defeating (and later converting) Discord, Saving the Crystal Empire, ect. Compared to that, this final test seemed a bit minor. Maybe it holds more signifigance (is that how you spell that?) than I know, but thats how I view it.


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I just realized something about this I earlier did not say(And by earlier I mean when it premeired). I originally thought my dislike was for the fact that this episode turned Twilight into super Alicorn OP madness. However that is not the case. What I really disliked was giving her princess status. I could have lived with Twilight being an alicorn it's the princess status that will get on my nerves. I feel as if that's going a little overboard.


Anyways, those are just some thoughts I wanted to put down.

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Well, this topic got away from me.

People make mistakes, and discussions try to find a way to fix it, or at least, to make the next product better than the current product.

And this is exactly what I have been doing. Did you miss that giant post of mine several pages back that explained why I disliked the episode and how to improve it? I've done nothing in this topic but put forth constructive comments, which you're apparently missing.

1. No you missed the point of the spike plot hole. Why was that an entrance exam at all? Its clear that no one passed it as it is indicated Spike is the only dragon among ponies. So was this specific to Twilight? If not that academy is apparently empty. If it was just an entrance exam why adopt it at all? Its clear pony knowledge of Dragon is more than severely limited. So why would students even exceptional ones be expected to hatch an dragon egg?

When you put it that way, I see what you mean. That is rather dubious, isn't it?

2. I agreed with you in that second post about the Spike thing so why the insult?

What, when I said "childish"? That was me responding to you when you said something that I interpreted as an insult. Perhaps there has been a misunderstanding.

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After this Rarity became the only unicorn in the Mane 6. Poor li'l Rarity. Ah well, changing the topic, I wonder what will be Princess Twilight's first royal decrete. Perhaps more books.

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Well, this topic got away from me.



And this is exactly what I have been doing. Did you miss that giant post of mine several pages back that explained why I disliked the episode and how to improve it? I've done nothing in this topic but put forth constructive comments, which you're apparently missing.



When you put it that way, I see what you mean. That is rather dubious, isn't it?



What, when I said "childish"? That was me responding to you when you said something that I interpreted as an insult. Perhaps there has been a misunderstanding.

1. It seems that way, but on the whole I can really forgive it. If I where to point out all of the weird things like that the whole show would seem poorly written. However that would be ignoring the excellent presentation of the whole. 


2. Looking over it again I see I failed to see that you were responding to someone else in the same post you responded to me. So yes a miscommunication.

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I take something back that I said before.  They could have made this work as one episode.  The corrination was what took up to much space.  They could have spent that time explaining a few things and spacing out the songs.  We just kept saying it would be better as a two-parter, because we wanted it.  Season 2 did set the bar quite high.


For anypony who still wishes it didn't go this dirrection, I made you an alternative:

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I don't think Season 4 will last...I also think there won't be a season 5 in the future... do you guys think so?


Based on what?  The ratings are great.  There is no reason to think that S4 will start out any less.  People aren't going to tune out just because Twilight gained some wings.  Remember, this is a show aimed at little girls, and what is the dream of every single little girl on the planet?  To become a princess, which is exactly what happened to Twilight.  This was simply caterting to wish fulfilment, planned from Day One, and was a very wise move.


They aren't going to break up the Mane 6.  In fact, look for continued evolution.  More character development, more toys to sell. Win win.  Static is boring.


I look forward to

the Cutie Mark Crusaders getting their cutie marks and Rarity getting her shop in Canterlot.



I like the idea of growth and that, while remaining who they are and who we all love, are becoming more.


Hail, I say.  Hail to Season 4 and 5!

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I think that this whole "Alicorn" thing won't last, Why?

Because Magical mystery cure is part one of three episodes, there will no doubt be a new villain that will force twilight into choosing between her friends or her Alicorn powers. 


Also i really hope the next villain ends up being Starswirl The bearded as i've read on another persons post because he couldn't understand the concept of friendship. 


(Also is it just me or are the ponies like slaves to their cutie marks?)

Smile today and be happy and make memories worth remembering because tomorrow may leave you alone and in tears.

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i don't know about everyone else, but to me that was the worst episode ever, i absolutely hated it, i'm probably never going to watch that episode again, i'm sorry but it was just... horrible D:

I think that this whole "Alicorn" thing won't last, Why?

Because Magical mystery cure is part one of three episodes, there will no doubt be a new villain that will force twilight into choosing between her friends or her Alicorn powers. 


Also i really hope the next villain ends up being Starswirl The bearded as i've read on another persons post because he couldn't understand the concept of friendship. 

Starswirl doesn't really strike me as a bad guy, it seems to me that was just too focused on spells his entire life, not to mention that he's long past dead

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I loved Celestia's song. It was about time we got one, now if we could get a good Luna and Celestia ballad....Life will be complete....


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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Honestly, I'm not surprised about the whole princess/alicorn thing. I always kinda thought there'd be some separation between Twilight and the others. I just think that making her a princess -and- an alicorn was a bit of overkill.


As far as the episode goes, I really think this one deserved to be a two-parter. In the previous season, we were left with an epic two-part episode. Why not one this season? But it's not even a matter of consistency with other seasons or wanting more eps or anything. It's that the episode was so crammed together that it didn't really leave anything to develop. With the plight of the cast having their cutie marks mixed up, I feel like that could have made for an interesting dilemma. Instead, it was just like, "What? The spell I cast yesterday mixed up everyone's cutie marks? That's terri-oh, wait, I know that to do. *fixes everything*" I feel like the stakes could have been higher if they developed the story more, and didn't make the solution so... instantaneous. However, everything happened so quickly, there wasn't even any time to establish stakes. This whole episode to me was just like, musical number, musical number, musical number, done. And by the time it's over you're, like "Wh-whaaa? What just happened? It's over?" I mean, it's not that I didn't like it, but I'm rather disappointed. They had a pretty good idea for a plotline, and it was just kinda wasted, I felt.
  • Brohoof 1

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As far as the episode goes, I really think this one deserved to be a two-parter. In the previous season, we were left with an epic two-part episode. Why not one this season? But it's not even a matter of consistency with other seasons or wanting more eps or anything. It's that the episode was so crammed together that it didn't really leave anything to develop


Pretty much this sums it up for me.

It was WAY to short and had a LOT of room for more, but instead they filled it with some of the worst (sry but its true) songs they've had in the series :( Truly felt Celestia's was the worst written/sung... Don't want to feel that way, but i do sadly.. it felt and sounded so badly forced, as if the VA didn't even want to be doing it...


I don't mind the singing, and tbh find most of the songs fun and often silly or meaningful (hell i've had the winter wrap up one stuck in my head all night at work...), but this episode felt right out rushed with little substance to it, and then it ended...


TBH though given the whole season, out of it only 2 or 3 episodes felt complete, the rest seemed to be also rushed and thrown out there without any thought to them.

What happened to the writing staff over there?

  • Brohoof 1
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I wouldn't have minded Twilacorn at all if the episode didn't feel so rushed, and I don't think Twilight did anything deserving of becoming a princess. She made a simple mistake with a very easy solution, and there wasn't even an antagonist for the episode. You very much got the feel that the whole plot was forced.


On a side note, am I the only one who wondered what Starswirl the Bearded was actually trying to do with that spell?

  • Brohoof 1

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I still don't see how this is going to work out... the season 3 finale was rushed (in my opinion anyway). I'm not worried that the show will fail or anything however I am worried that Twilight's character is changing way too fast.

  • Brohoof 1
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On a side note, am I the only one who wondered what Starswirl the Bearded was actually trying to do with that spell?


Judging by what happened when Twilight fixed it, probably turn himself into an alicorn and raise himself above the other ponies.

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Judging by what happened when Twilight fixed it, probably turn himself into an alicorn and raise himself above the other ponies.


Well it wasn't fixed when he was around. Perhaps it turned him into something....else...


Or maybe it didn't do anything. That's always a possibility.

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Well it wasn't fixed when he was around. Perhaps it turned him into something....else...


Or maybe it didn't do anything. That's always a possibility.


I meant what he was trying to do. I dunno what actually happened when he attempted it, or, since it was unfinished, maybe he never actually tried it out and was still in the process of writing it?

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I meant what he was trying to do. I dunno what actually happened when he attempted it, or, since it was unfinished, maybe he never actually tried it out and was still in the process of writing it?


Who knows. Maybe we'll find out in Season 4. Meghan keeps claiming that Season 4 is "epic" and "amazing", hopefully it will live up to her claims.

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Wow..when i saw this i was confused. I got the idea but why is twlight a ailcorn now? I was thinking they where going to do this at the end of the show not the end of the season! But i like the episode anyway. ^.^

  • Brohoof 1
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Well we did get a confirmation of a Movie. Who knows when that will be out though. My hope is it will be sometime this spring or summer.

If i can remember there was a date confirmed...I think it was December 13 or 14. It was a while back but I think those are dates for the movie.

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I truly liked the episode. I think that Twilight as an alicorn we may have higher chances to see Cloudsdale more often and get to know more about other pegsi. Though the episode was rushed to make Twilight an alicorn, maybe we will see some amazing new episodes. I truly hope so. 


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