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Twilight Sparkle's Immortality


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I'll stick with Twilight learns the Age Spell and lets her friends to choose an option.

Then gradually as friends pass away, the new holder of an element is found, and it goes on and on even after Twilight's death.

Hm... The Great Order of Friendship.

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Even if it is a bit meta I would like to hear the fourth interpretation. If it is actually one I missed I could add it to the list when I ever give the above to others.

Sorry, my previous post wasn't very clear. That was my fourth interpretation. The statement Ms. McCarthy made (I think it was her) could be interpreted to mean that the issue of Twilight being immortal or not is irrelevant since the show will end before enough time in the story has passed for it to be addressed.

Edited by Full Spectrum
  • Brohoof 1

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for purely logical reasons i can see all the mane six becoming alicorns that way none of them can die so they dont have to replace the elements of harmony ( and the fact that it is a  show for little kids ( and bigger kids such as us )  and i don't think Hasbro whats to add the element of death into kid's heads)   



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I belive that because Twilight recived her alicorn-ness, she will not have immortality. However, I don't know what to say about Cadence. If Cadence is immortal, how would she feel about eventully losing Shining Armour? Why would you marry an immortal being in the first place? Poetic justice or something? :P I just hope that they will explain all this in the near future. Also, they better not make the rest of the mane6 alicorns, becuase I don't see that fitting with AppleJack much. If she does it would mean giving up her apple farm, because I do not see how AppleJack could do her job with wings and a horn. :/ 

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I belive that because Twilight recived her alicorn-ness, she will not have immortality. However, I don't know what to say about Cadence. If Cadence is immortal, how would she feel about eventully losing Shining Armour? Why would you marry an immortal being in the first place? Poetic justice or something? tongue.png I just hope that they will explain all this in the near future. 

In the book Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell you will find Cadance was a made alicorn as well, being born a pegasus. Thus if Twilight is not immortal Cadance is not as well.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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I have two theories:  


1. All alicorns are immortal.  They grow to a certain point, after which they stop.  Otherwise, how would they have been born in the first place?  After Nightmare Moon was defeated, Luna was much smaller than Celestia, proving Celestia had grown over the past thousand years.  After an alicorn reaches the point where they stop growing, the flowing mane may appear, however this may happen when the alicorn gains sufficient power.  Or maybe the Princesses use magic to make their manes look that way to keep up appearances.  When Nightmare Moon was defeated, Luna's mane was not flowing, it looked normal.  Either her power was drained by the elements or she had not altered her mane.


2. Only the direct line of descent carries immortality or some form of slow-aging.  There are several sources that place Cadence as the adopted niece of Celestia.  This means that she was either changed into an alicorn or she was born an alicorn, either way she is not directly descended.  Cadence is shown growing up at the same pace as a normal pony, this indicates that she has no resistance to the flow of time.  Twilight is not a direct descendant of either Princess, this means that she will live a normal lifespan and eventually die.

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Ok so in a Q&A session with Meghan McCarthy on twitter, fans had an opportunity to ask the writer about season 4. Below in the spoiler is the full Q&A. But the thing I really want to point out is the piece I have highlighted, made bold, made red etc... You'll see it. I think from a writer, this is a pretty good source of information.....



@Meghan McCarthy: Hey #bronies you can ask me questions about #MLPFIM via twitter Do my best to answer but know there are some things I can’t talk about yet.

Q: “Anything cool planned for the CMC in S4?” Yes!

Q: “A lot of bronies are upset about alicorn Twilight. Without giving anything away, do you think S4 will keep everyone happy?” Yes!

Q: “Are you tired of working on and talking about ponies?” Never!

Q: Will we ever see Rarity as the central character again? She stole every scene/episode she was in this season….” Yes!

Q: Any chance Spike will get as much awesome moments/love in season 4 as he did (if not, more than) in season 3?” Yep.

Answer to a couple questions I’ve just gotten— I try not to set something up if I don’t plan to pay it off

Q:"will Fluttershy be a main focus in more episodes? #MLPFIM” yep

Q: Any big musical numbers planned for the next season? ‘This Day Aria’ was amazing!” Yes. So excited about S4 music.

Q: Will we be introduced to new characters?” Yep. Some really good ones.

Q: "Are there going to be any Slice-of-Life episodes in S4?” Lots

Q: How has it been working on S4 so far compared to S3 & 2? Was it ever overwhelming previously?” Less overwhelming than S3

Q: "any new writers for the series?” Yes

Q: "Coming to EFNW?” If they invite me :-)

Q: "Will we see more of Rarity’s generosity in S4?” Yes

Q: "Will Larson still be allowed to the Christmas party later this year?” No way

Q: "What about BronyCon? Will you be there?” I’d like to be. Hint, hint

Q: "Is Andrea Libman still going to be awesome in S4?” soooooo awesome

Q: "if you were to describe season 4 in 1 word what would that word be?” Ambitious

Q: "Will we get to see any more members of the mane 6’s families?” Yes

Q: "How would you describe the overall tone of S4? Will the focus be greater on drama, humor, or adventure?” Packed w/ all 3

Q: "What’s your personal favourite episode you’ve written? And by extension what’s your fav #MLPFiM ep?” Hasn’t aired yet

Q: "Will Daniel Ingram still be doing lots and lots of awesome songs for us to remix in season 4?” Lots and lots and lots and lots

Q: "How many more Alicorns should we be expecting?” 53

Q: "Better question. Despite Twilight’s new status she’ll still have flaws and a lot of room for personal growth in S4 yes?” Yes

Q: "Do you find it hard writing a show for one demographic when there's such a big fanbase from another?” Nope.

Q: "Is that true, Will Twilight never see her friends anymore because of her new royal duties?” Not true

Q: "Will there be more RainbowDash focused episodes in S4” yes

Q: "any chance we'll see Applejack display some definition of Honesty that isn't "Dependable"?” Yep

Q: "Have you ever thought of writing about the history of the royal family?” Yes

Q: "Is something gonna happen in the S4 opener that you think might really take us by surprise?” If it isn’t leaked first, YES!!!!

Q: Will there be any emotionally heartwarming/tear-jerker moments in season 4 ?” Major d’awww moments in store

Q: As an alicorn, will Twilight be immortal and forced to outlive all of her friends?” Twilight will not outlive her friends

Q: Have to ask. Will the Se4 premire of #MLP be a new story or #EqG in Episode format?” New story

Q: In #EquestriaGirls, why did Twilight enter the mirror alone, when she could've brought her friends?” Watch 2 find out :-)

Q: Meghan do you know if season 4 is equestria girls #MLPseason4 is all pony. 5/31/13

Q: do you know when season 4 starts I don’t, but I do know it will be worth the wait 6/2/13

Q: Maybe it'll stop getting asked after the movie is out, after realizing that wouldn't be so bad after all? A girl can dream :-) 6/2/13 


So just to reiterate "Twilight will not outlive her friends".



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That doesn't mean squat, in my opinion.


That means that we will not see her friends die on the show with Twilight living on. But when the show eventually runs it's course, all of the mane 6 will still be alive, and although it may not say that explicitly, I'm thinking it might be the case.


I don't know if I'd like it to be the case, though. It would be pretty sad.


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That doesn't mean squat, in my opinion.


That means that we will not see her friends die on the show with Twilight living on. But when the show eventually runs it's course, all of the mane 6 will still be alive, and although it may not say that explicitly, I'm thinking it might be the case.


I don't know if I'd like it to be the case, though. It would be pretty sad.


I would have to disagree there, your saying that just because she doesn't "see" her friends die, means that she doesn't outlive them? I'm sorry but if her friends die before her, no matter when or where.... she will have outlived them...


There are two possibilities because of this:


1) Twilight, although an alicorn, is mortal.

2) Twilight IS immortal, and her friends are somehow immortalised as well, just as Twilight was...

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I would have to disagree there, your saying that just because she doesn't "see" her friends die, means that she doesn't outlive them? I'm sorry but if her friends die before her, no matter when or where.... she will have outlived them...


There are two possibilities because of this:


1) Twilight, although an alicorn, is mortal.

2) Twilight IS immortal, and her friends are somehow immortalised as well, just as Twilight was...


What I'm saying is, all that Q&A means is that Twilight will not outlive her friends on the show. It doesn't say what might happen after the show ends. I'm afraid the show is going to ignore the whole subject of lifespan entirely, to be honest.


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As an alicorn, will Twilight be immortal and forced to outlive all of her friends?” Twilight will not outlive her friends


To me this means that for the duration that twilight is an alicorn (which is most likely her life) she will not outlive her friends.

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I just want fans to put an end to the Morbidly depressing fan fics and pictures. I always thought it was Celestia or Luna were the only ones who were immortal. Did they ever confirm if Cadance was immortal?

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I just want fans to put an end to the Morbidly depressing fan fics and pictures. I always thought it was Celestia or Luna were the only ones who were immortal. Did they ever confirm if Cadance was immortal?


Technically it has not been explicitly said that any of the alicorns are immortal. It is implied that Celestia is 'effectively immortal' simply because she's been alive for over a thousand years, but that's the only thing we've got to go on. We don't even know how much she's changed over those thousand years because the only images we've seen of her from the past so far are from Granny Smith's memories that are likely less than a hundred years ago, the abstract representations from the premier's opening sequence and the really brief glimpse in the Crystal Empire episodes of her and Luna taking down Sombra.


Luna may not even be that way, because she was in the Moon in the form of Nightmare Moon for all of that time. For all we know, those years may not have 'counted' for her. With the brief glimpse from the fall of Sombra, combined with her appearances immediately after being de-nightmared, and then in later episodes, her physical appearance seems to be connected to something other than age.


Cadance appears to have aged at a normal rate from when she was Twilight's foalsitter.


This is all the info we have. Everything past that is speculation and assumption.

  • Brohoof 1


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What if in the first episode if the first season, something happens that causes twilight to give up her wings? That sounds like a reasonable possibility, and it would please everybody. Thoughts?

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Idk, I always figured all of them will have regular life-spans. The thought that they would all enjoy greater longevity or perhaps even immortality never crossed my mind. Plus, I don't think any of the mane 6 would much enjoy the idea of immortality even if they would all remain together. Thing is, the mane 6 aren't the only ones around, and they also have other friends outside of their circle and watching them all go while they continue to live would be immensely painful.


Well, going by the rules of other mythologies: Spike is going to live the longest. He's a freaking Dragon and Dragons can be ancient. While I personally believe in the "Alicorns = gods" thing, I don't think Twilight or Cadence for that matter, is on the same level as Celestia and Luna. Hell, even their hair tells us that. Twilight and Cadence have regular pony hair, meanwhile the Solar sisters have glowing waves. That right there says to me that they're a few rungs above the others.



I really don't know what it is, but something about the stories in the Book and the comics make me uneasy. I suppose it has something to do with me preferring to have important stuff in the show rather than something I don't care enough to really look into.


Well, Celestia and Luna both had pretty normal manes before a certain period. Luna's first contemporary appearance also had her with a normal mane. It wasn't until her second appearance that she had a "living" mane so to speak. But that being said, I tend to think that the immortality is limited to the sisters since they represent the sun and moon which are eternal conceptually speaking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to flatten this directly atop the line, so that bronies can come back to this and not worry. Celestia and Luna have to be immortal for the purpose of maintaining the cycle of day and night. Therefore they cannot die, for if they did nopony else could replace them immediately, and they obviously have to have great power, which is denoted by their flowing manes. Cadance and Twilight govern the elements of love and friendship, elements which they require no immortality for. As spoken by Therodar, Cadance and Twilight are not of Celestia's line, and therefore can remain as alicorns while ageing as normal ponies. Because love and friendship do not require the same amount of power needed to move the sun and moon, Cadance and Twilight do not possess the same amount of power as Luna and Celly, although because she is the bearer of the Elements of Harmony, and the Princess of Magic, Twi may be a bit more powerful than Cadance.


The point is, because Twilight does not take the same responsibility taken by Celestia and Luna, she is not immortal and will grow up with her friends. And although this won't happen in the show (thank Celestia), I hope this has allayed the fears of many, many people.


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I personally think that no Alicorns are immortal, but they do have magical properties that keep them at a stable age, or slow down their aging process. Twilight will become a ruler one day, therefore she may need to have some kind of spell on her for what I mentioned, but I do not think she will become immortal.

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I don't think we have to worry about our favorite characters dying.  Ms. McCarthy's comments were most likely meant to assuage our fears of Twilight's new Alicorn status.  It's likely the series will end with all mane six still alive and anything beyond that will be fan speculation.

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I think some people are reading into the response we were given a little bit too much..


What is simply being said is that regardless of the fact that Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn, she is not immortal. She will die after living a 'normal' lifespan. Obviously not on screen, but she isn't going to outlive her friends in the sense of 'she's never going to die/she'll live for thousands of years.' I believe there's a difference between the lifespans of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna (they seem to be ethereal as compared to Princess Cadence and Twilight) and the other two mentioned princesses.

I just want fans to put an end to the Morbidly depressing fan fics and pictures. I always thought it was Celestia or Luna were the only ones who were immortal. Did they ever confirm if Cadance was immortal?


I would personally say Cadence isn't immortal. I know I'm not any sort of authority to be answering your question as you were wishing, but there are stark differences between the manes of the original Princesses and Cadence and Twilight. Celestia and Luna were basically birthed by magic, or so would be my headcanon on the matter, as they control two celestial bodies. That sort of a big deal. However Cadence is really just a princess of love, and Twilight is a princess of magic, and I believe they were only granted their wings/horn (depending on Cadence's origin story) while the original Princesses were simply alicorns from the start.


Just my thoughts!


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My guess;

Since the six together are incredibly powerful, as each represents one element of harmony, that they will all eventually become princesses. This might not have happened is Lauren was still there, but all bets are off now. I do believe that Twilight has been granted immortality, that is if the current creators of the show choose to keep Lauren's original vision, that is, that Twilight will become the eventual successor of Celestia.

Of course, this brings up the question, is anypony immortal? 

The princesses' parents aren't around, at least it doesn't seem that way.

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I don't think she will. If she does, wouldn't it end the series? I'm pretty sure they would end the series WAY before the Mane 6 dies. I mean sure, it could be a fanmade video, but the series won't allow that. In all cartoons, every character won't age.


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 I think Elements of Harmony don't die-instead, they have to go some place between Death and Life. It's not exactly utopia, but it's better than usual.


I think the elements don't die but they find new people who represent them, (they passed form celestia and luna to the mane 6).


I think that eventually the mane 6 will die and the elements will pass onto the next group of people.


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