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Your favourite/best Doctor  

143 users have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favourite/best Doctor?

    • The First Doctor
    • The Second Doctor
    • The Third Doctor
    • The Fourth Doctor
    • The Fifth Doctor
    • The Sixth Doctor
    • The Seventh Doctor
    • The Eighth Doctor
    • The Ninth Doctor
    • The Tenth Doctor
    • The Eleventh Doctor

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I got into the show last year and I love it. I love David Tennant, probably because he was in Harry Potter. I really didn't like Matt Smith at the beginning of his regeneration, but I liked him after his first season. I'm trying to watch from the very beginning watching around those the episodes that are lost, but I can't get past William Hartnell. I think the lack of color just bores me and puts me to sleep, but that could change once I get up to the 3rd or 4th doctor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess the poll needs to be updated, Since its 12th Doctor and such..Cos he's now officially my 2nd favourite Doctor of all the time (And yes, I've watched all of Doctor Who)

(4th Doctor 4ever)

  • Brohoof 1
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Though technically there are 14 doctors now.  The war doctor counts.  He's the real 9th now, due to retcon, and one of the doctors, forgot the actor's name, regenerated into himself so he was 2 doctors really, also due to a retcon.   Or what I consider to be retcons. 

  • Brohoof 1


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I think Fourth Doctor is best Doctor because he has Jelly Babies, a scarf and a DOG! Even other Doctors have mentioned Jelly Babies which means he is the best! My dream in life is to meet Tom Baker and get his autograph. For Halloween, my parents are letting me get the scarf for my outfit/cosplay!!! 

  • Brohoof 1



^^Click the pic for oc! Full-time Brony, Whovian, artist, Code Lyoko fan, video gamer, Soul Eater fan, Xiaolin Warrior, Alicorn!

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THANK YOU Clara. Thank you for telling "The Doctor" what I've been saying since the season started. This is not the doctor. His humanity is gone and to be honest I don't mind an old man playing the doctor, but at least don't make him into such an ***hole that he he makes Chistopher Eccelson look like the worlds nicest doctor by comparison. Also get someone who could act. All that was missing was a slap from Clara. Honestly next to Ian and Barbra and Amy and Rory she is my Fave companion. Maybe now the doctor would realize how stupid he is and he might change his attitude about things.


Edited by Vickram101


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Personally, my biggest problem with this series so far is that guy Clara is dating (I can never remember his name).Not to mention how his scenes feel like they're turning Doctor Who into some kind of school romance thing. I guess the episodes also haven't all been the best really (though that doesn't mean they're all bad). I guess it all depends now on how Moffat plans on moving ahead with Peter Capaldi's Doctor.

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Done with series 5. Favorite episode: The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang. Oh, I should also list my favs for series 2, 3,and 4.

Series 2: Doomsday

Series 3: Last of the Time Lords

Series 4: The End of Time 1&2

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I'm not the biggest fan of doctor who, I like the shows writing. I LOVE the shows writing. But, the doctor (at least David Tennat and Matt Smith.) Are really kind of annoying. I mean I really don't liek how most of the episodes end in the doctor saving the day at the last minute with this knowledge he seemed to have had since the beginning of the episode. I haven't watched all of Doctor Who Classic and I haven't watched all of the current series (on the very end of season 4) But out of the Doctors I've seen and the events that happen within their episodes the First Doctor is my favorite. The grandfather things was wierd yeah. The Doctor accidentally marrying the random woman was also wierd (but somehow felt very in-character for the doctor). But that episode had one of my favorite conclusions. In that three part (2 part?) series, they go back to the time of the Aztecs and the human companions end up trying to teach the Aztecs that rain will come without sacrifice. The doctor tells them sternly that they cannot change history and two of the companions disagree and set about trying to change it, The Doctor lets this happen instead of trying to strong arm them because he's trying to teach them a lesson. I love that, just that he's letting them do what they think is right to teach them that not everything they do will come to fruition, especially in changing the perspective of a tribe of people. It speaks to me on a personal level really, but I should stop talking before I end up ranting for much longer.


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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This is not the doctor. His humanity is gone and to be honest I don't mind an old man playing the doctor, but at least don't make him into such an ***hole that he he makes Chistopher Eccelson look like the worlds nicest doctor by comparison.


Honestly I'll go a few steps further and say that makes COLIN BAKER'S DOCTOR look like the nicest Doctor on comparison!




Yeah, I said it! The Sixth Doctor went as far as to strangle his companion and yet the Twelfth Doctor is that much of a jack*** that he makes Six look cuddly!

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My guess is they are doing what Colin Baker had planned, to make his doctor change over the course of the seasons so he'd end up being more likable over time.  He didn't get a chance to do that on tv.  Not sure if Big Finish is doing that or not.


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Honestly I'll go a few steps further and say that makes COLIN BAKER'S DOCTOR look like the nicest Doctor on comparison!



Yeah, I said it! The Sixth Doctor went as far as to strangle his companion and yet the Twelfth Doctor is that much of a jack*** that he makes Six look cuddly!



Yes Finally someone on my side. Down with Doctor Capaldi. XD Thoguh i myself don't like Capaldi's acting. He always seems out of breath or just doesn't want to be there. Also I'm pretty sure he was doing that cuz he felt threatened, what's Capaldi's excuse other that *Weh* *Weh* *Weh* I don't understand emotions *Weh* *Weh* *Weh*  Like I said in ather forum. This is just Sheldon Cooper Doctor with a hit of Dark Knight.


Also I wish smithpony had a  series:




Also here's my thoughts on The Orient Express ep. It has little to no spoilers so I'll not ST it :

this ep still reminded me of ToQger. I'll give everyone a much need break from my Capaldi ranting this week to focus on Clara. Calra, come here *Makes the index finger sign to indicate to come here* *Slaps Clara Across the face* Ok seriously Clara, don't scare me like that. Also you have morals why for the love of god would you have a sudden change of heart. Are, are you enjoying this? The Doctor was not pretending to be cruel. He is cruel! And even though yes I love you and glad that you're staying you're the only substance in this show now, no offense capaldi fans, did you literally said screw it to your principles. This isn't Matt Smith, run girl, run before he snaps!!!!


The sad thing though on the way of trying to get back the doctor's humanity, it will result in Clara loosing her life. Just like how Amy and Rory's death, Clara's will make this doctor question himself. I just hope he learns something when she dies.


Also I'm a person who thinks the Doctor's next companion should be of another planet. Enough with humans, right Suzan? Suzan? oh yeah that's right she died in the Time War.


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Yes Finally someone on my side. Down with Doctor Capaldi. XD Thoguh i myself don't like Capaldi's acting. He always seems out of breath or just doesn't want to be there. Also I'm pretty sure he was doing that cuz he felt threatened, what's Capaldi's excuse other that *Weh* *Weh* *Weh* I don't understand emotions *Weh* *Weh* *Weh*  Like I said in ather forum. This is just Sheldon Cooper Doctor with a hit of Dark Knight.


Also I wish smithpony had a  series:




Also here's my thoughts on The Orient Express ep. It has little to no spoilers so I'll not ST it :

this ep still reminded me of ToQger. I'll give everyone a much need break from my Capaldi ranting this week to focus on Clara. Calra, come here *Makes the index finger sign to indicate to come here* *Slaps Clara Across the face* Ok seriously Clara, don't scare me like that. Also you have morals why for the love of god would you have a sudden change of heart. Are, are you enjoying this? The Doctor was not pretending to be cruel. He is cruel! And even though yes I love you and glad that you're staying you're the only substance in this show now, no offense capaldi fans, did you literally said screw it to your principles. This isn't Matt Smith, run girl, run before he snaps!!!!


The sad thing though on the way of trying to get back the doctor's humanity, it will result in Clara loosing her life. Just like how Amy and Rory's death, Clara's will make this doctor question himself. I just hope he learns something when she dies.


Also I'm a person who thinks the Doctor's next companion should be of another planet. Enough with humans, right Suzan? Suzan? oh yeah that's right she died in the Time War.


I think what he really needs is a companion that will mellow him out much like Evelin Smythe from the Sixth Doctor Audios. A companion that'll go "Enough, I ain't taking any of your crap, settle down!". It worked out pretty well for the Sixth Doctor and made him one of my favorites, I think Twelve could really benefit from a companion like that. I can tell you Clara ain't helping him (or herself) in the slightest. I thought that moment in "Kill the Moon" would actually wake him up and realize "Oh crap, I drove away one of my companions. I really screwed up" but no! She didn't stick to her guns, forgave him for being a total ***hole, went back to him with open arms and to top it off made her boyfriend out to be a badguy!

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^Yeah I mean come one Clara. I am a Clara fan, but the whole justified tension from the last ep is quickly put away because the writers still have use for her and they wanted to create false drama to make people stick in. Honestly I don't know who writing these episodes, but come on man.


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I'd guess she may leave at the end of this season or sometime before the end of next season.  Most companions, including in the classic series, stay around 1-2 seasons.  Though there have been exceptions.  And the reason may not make any sense.  But that is also normal.  She was introduced in an interesting way, a mystery that had to be solved.  An interesting way.

  • Brohoof 1


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Now I only watched just over half of 12's first episode and I didn't like capaldi, but now I'm tempted to catch up because there's obviosly a good reason for me to hate the new doctor at this point.


I thought capaldi would be alright, though I had huge doubts as soon as I heard him speak. So I guess it's time for me to get to know our twelfth Doctor, and I hope he doesn't break my heart.

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So here's my review of EP9:


I have to say this is the First episode of the season that I genuinely liked. It could've do without the bickering from a The Doctor. All I was thinking the whole time the doctor was talking when it was not relevant to the situation was Shut the F*** Up. I Literally said that when he told Clara that she was annoying. At least I didn't have to suffer through Capaldi's Blandness for this ep.  Now even though I am not comfortable in the way they brought back Clara. Like It's been said before she should've stayed away from him for him to question himself. Though I love Clara and she is the only substance of this show I'm glad that we got a Doctor Clara episode. She makes a really kick a** Doctor and she has a companion too. Also that old maintenance guy, Yeah I wanted him to die. He so stupid and annoying, but not that annoying when compared to The Doctor. Also how could he not see anything on the Psychic paper? Was the monsters stop motion or were they computer generated. I love the Stop Motion aspect of them if they were. Reminds me of old time movies like the Nightmare before Christmas and Beetlejuice. Also another thing about Clara, she finds it easier to tell Rigsy about the Doctor and stuff but not her boyfriend? She should atleast tell him, hey I'm traveling with the Doctor again. I love Clara but this time it seems as though the writes don't know what to do with her. Rigsy, Rigsy Rigsy, SO DAMN CUTE!!! :3 Seriously he's even more cuter than Johnathan Baily. _D: How he sacrifices himself too. :3 I hope we see more of him. I have to say though with all my hate for Capaldi and this doctor the speech in the end was epic. Too back it was done by someone who can't speak epically. I love that they still use the Matt Smith Sonic Screwdriver.  Finally I love the Small Tardis, I want one. I already own a Mini Tardis. :3 All in all a Good fun episode with murderous 2D monsters within dark setting. A 4/5 in my book.


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Well we've had two really good episodes in a row (Mummy on the Orient Express and Flatline) so it looks like they've been saving the really good episodes for last though I would have preferred it if ALL episodes have been good but still at least we have a chance at half a season that's good. Seriously I can only name 4 out of 9 episodes that have been good so far.


I'll admit I haven't been too fond of this Season. These last two seasons have easily been the weakest out of all 34 seasons of Doctor Who. Nothing against Peter Capaldi or Jenna Coleman, they've been giving out great performances but unfortunately most of the stories in this season have been rather poor and it doesn't help that Capaldi's Doctor for most of the season has been written to be so abrasive that he's rather unlikable even more so than Colin Baker's Sixth Doctor and Clara Oswald since day one has been a very very bland character. She's better than she was last season but still I'm not too fond of her. It looks like they've been trying to fix that in these last two episodes though so my opinion might change. The Twelfth Doctor also seems to have been getting better the last two episodes as well, I've noticed that he's been more reserved than he has been for most of the season (I think Clara's verbal lashing may have helped him realize that he's been a complete jerk this past season) so he's also starting to grow on me.

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Saw episode 10 of the new season it was alright. But the plot twist was spoiled.



Why I say that you ask? Is cuz when the showed us the scene were the trees could not be burned down by the government, I put 2 and 2 together. From that point I knew the trees was a sheild to protect earth from the solar flare. The Doctor was especially annoying. And you know something is really off with this doctor when I child is smarter than him. For the love of RA just make him normal again. Also the part were Clara said for the Doctor to go and leave them behind was very understanding and not selfish. She was right the kids would rather spend their last moments with their parents than being survivors. Also I hope this gives Clara some respect in this god aweful Doctor's eyes. I'm really excited for next week's ep. It has to be some kind of bs that Clara never existed.



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  • 1 month later...

Love doctor who, the first Episode I ever saw was Blink and that episode forever made me a David Tennant fan.

The one episode that doesn't focus on the doctor is what made a Tennant fan... I'll buy it :D

That episode is definitely one of my favorites. Even if the doctor wasn't in it for very long.


Peter Capaldi is great as the doctor. I think my favorite episode is, "Into the Dalek". (or whatever it was called I don't remember right now.

Yes I realize my avatar looks like Vinyl.


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