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Who's your role model/hero?

Bucky McGillyCuddy

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Yeah, everyone knows Batman is the best superhero. And the fact that he doesn't kill criminals makes him a lot more heroic and impressive in my opinion. He has to show such restraint and control all the time to not break his one rule.


Gordon Ramsay is your hero for being so awesome all the time. I guess its as good a reason as any, right?


Lol Hank Hill as a hero? Huh, never thought him that way...

Well for the most part I was straining for the character limit, saw King of the Hill and just thought, "Eh I'll put Hank Hill down".

Objection! Hold it! Take that! Gotcha! Eureka!

I like video games and anime.

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My parents are my heros as well as alot of my friends, I could go down the list but I'll start with my parents first.


My father passed away in 2010, but he didnt leave me and my siblings behind without wisdom, pride and confidence to stay with us. He taught me to never give up on my education and goals, that it was always the easy way out and he was never for the easy roads. In just about everything I do it feels like its been on the most difficult path I could choose for each decision like for ex: becoming a 2D animator without the insurence of finding a job in my state, engaged to my German fiance and going through 2yrs of seperation and immigration process beyond stressful, picking and sticking with a job that was poorly run and my employer abused my good service skills and dedication. I could have taken the easy way out with these choices, I could have given up school all together, I could have given up on the immigration process and risk doing things the illegal way, I could have quit my job. They were all easy ways out, but my father taught me that in life things are gonna be difficult, if it was always easy then it wouldnt be worth doing...everything I do is worth doing, and hes my hero for reminding me of that.


My mother I still live with (along with my step father, good man), went downhill alot after the loss of my dad amongst several other deaths we've had that year. Drinking was a common way she dealt with life stresses but it got out of control. One week she over stepped that line, to the point we all thought we were gonna lose her. My step father gave her a reality check, and she took the step to get help for her drinking. Now shes gone back to school to get her degree, shes working again and baking, happy, and every day she sees a silver lining in everything. She was like that when I was a child and I see it again in her today... My mother is my hero because even when she got lost in the deepest part of the woods, she still managed to find her way out, and whenever she would get lost in the stresses of life again, she always saw the glimmer of light shining through the trees, that there was always hope, that there is always a way things would work out one form or another. She reminds me to stay positive and to have faith in life...


My parents are my heros.

  • Brohoof 2

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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This is my hero, the ex-Austrian throne-pretender, European politician, and enemy of Hitler. He was a real person, but he died two years ago.

  • Brohoof 1

So great was her reign, so brilliant her glory,

That long was the shadow she cast

Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved

And grew only darker as days and nights passed.

-Lullaby for a Princess, by Ponyphonic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPjVCIX5Fvs

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Commander Shepard is my hero.



This man fought and died to save the galaxy from the reapers. He assembled a team to destroy a collector base. He is a master in the arts of persuasion. The gods of the universe cower before Shepard's might. But his most heroic moment, the time where Shepard stepped on the pedestal of greatness and ascended beyond life itself and became the universe was when he obliterated Khalisah al-Jilani three times in a row with nothing but his bare fists and the strength of ten Geth Dreadnaughts. This ladies and gentlemen, is the true definition of a hero. You look up hero in the dictionary, it's just a picture of Shepard. He died for our sins.


Edited by SmartyPants
  • Brohoof 2



IF is best girl.

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My hero would be my father...

As easy as it sounds, it is my true opinion.

As long as I can remember he has always done his best to be there for me, keep our family together and be the stable rock when everything else seemed to fall apart. he believed in me when I was down, he taught me what makes me stronger, what makes me different from the many unfriendly and brutal jerks I have met, he basically kept me alive in earlier years.

I learned from him when to fight and when to back off. He taught me how to deal with my failures and how to deal with my victories, and most importantly to never give up, not on myslef and not on others, no matter what anyone tells me, or what life throws in my way.

But most important he told me to be myself. To stand up for what I like, for what I love and to not just lie to myself because my thoughts are not what the "common opinion" tells (you will probably know what I mean). He also respected most of my decisions, and was still honest to me when he needed to be, even if that meant to tell me something that could hurt me.

All in all he is just a symbol of mental and psychical strength  and (as cheesy as it sounds) is who I try to be and am still on my way to be later in my life.

Edited by Friendship_Cannon
  • Brohoof 2




Signature made by the amazing ~Harmonic Dreams~

I always pictured you as a cross between Demoman and Pinkie Pie for some reason.
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Totally Revo from the musical group Sound Horizon. He's just such an amazing actor, he writes amazing stories and songs, he plays guitar and piano.. I think the only thing he can't do is dancing (really.. it looks weird xD). But his songs saved my life when I needed it the most. So he will be my hero forever I think.

  • Brohoof 1
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I actually wrote a paper on why this fine gentleman right here is a hero of mine.



He has a lot of very admirable traits in my opinion. He obviously knows what is right from wrong, and he does his best to help everybody. Also he stands up for what he believes in, and he protects those he cares for. I could go on a big corny rant on why he is a hero, but I won't. I'll just say that I wish I could be a little more like Edward Elric myself.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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barrak Obama, for the change he's made in this society no not really :umad:

My hero is really Michael Phelps because I'm a swimmer and I've wanted to be like him sense I seem him swim at the Olympics.

Edited by PelateOvercast
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Well, for me, it's this website here: http://www.16-types.fr/types/INTP/intp.html

It's not a person or any living thing, but it is still a great guide of who I am, a complete description of my personality. Sadly it's in french so you can't read.


I've been unlucky enough to behave as someone else all my life, trying to stop these noobs from bullying me.

It worked really well, but I felt bad all my life, until this summer, when I finally discovered who I am.

So yea, now I am myslef. :3

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  • 3 years later...

  Well, for me at least, it has been easier to make a role model out of fictional characters. I never was much of one to get out of the house and find real people to observe & its rather easier to get a read on a character when you watch their life play out & deal with adventures & trouble in the scope of a television show. For me...it's...


It's Sailor Moon. Serena, Usagi, whichever you call her by.


I...I know I'm a guy an'...and she's a magical girl but...

Don't think I've ever watched all of her show, but always saw her as what she never shied away from calling herself. A ditz, maybe shallow & not the brightest bulb in the shed, and a big crybaby. With what she got roped into having to fight, its no wonder how most of her fights wound up with her collapsed to the ground and bellowing like a stuck calf. Animation back then was scary! She had to fight against soul-stealing skin-shifting aliens! She may have had to be snapped out of her crying jags constantly by being rescued by Tuxedo Mask, but she always got back up claiming that she had to do right & save her friends who are depending on her ,even while making it very clear she might very well wet herself in terror at any moment.


 She knew who she was, and would catch flak for it, maybe even pout about it to get attention, but she never dwelt on it. She was comfortable with who she was. She was weak, and maybe that wasn't always fair, but that was how she worked. She taught me that maybe weakness could be a strength too. That maybe being a bundle of nerves & a crybaby doesn't make you worse.


            ...Aww, heck. I've gone and drenched myself in tears just writing about this.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Franz Stigler Is a massive personal hero of mine, we was a German fighter pilot from ww2 and became part of one of the most amazing story's I have ever found out about, it truly is a remarkable display of the magic of friendship ^-^


the Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler incident in my own words: during a bombing raid on a German factory complex fierce anti aircraft artillery and fighter attacks lead to the downing of many b17 bombers, one of these bombers named "Ye old pub" piloted by Charlie Brown suffered horrendous damaged and fell behind the rest of the bomber formation, it fell prey to wave after wave of German fighter attacks suffering more and more damage and eventually was shot down.

Amazingly the plane was pulled out of its earthward dive and continued on flying (barley) the bomber was spotted by Franz who was having his plane re armed on a German airfield, he took off in pursuit of the crippled bomber, he had finally caught up and was about to make the kill that would see him receive the iron cross medal but Franz wanted a fair kill.

He wanted for the bombers crew to have a chance, but noting happened. As Franz got closer he saw the tail gun was pointing down at the ground, he waited for a response but there wasn't one, as he got even closer he could see blood dripping down the barrels and the rear gunner hunched over.

An unopposed kill that would sacure him a prestegius medal was his for the taking but it was at this moment Franz decided against opening fire, he remembered what an officer had once said "you are fighter pilots, first, last, always, if I hear of you shooting at a man in a parachute I'll shoot you myself" the bomber was so badly damaged to Franz it was like they where in a parachute.

he came around the side of the b17 and looked through a massive hole torn in the side, he saw crew tending to the wounded, those who saw the German fighter gazed in disbelief, the conclusion was drawn that the fighter must be out of ammunition but this was far from the truth.

Franz stayed with the bomber and tried to communicate with hand signals that there was a nearby neutral airfield that the bomber could try to land at but the american crew didn't understand, Franz stayed within close proximity of the bomber so German AA guns wouldn't fire at it.

They where clear of any German defences and It was apparent the bomber intended to fly over the sea back home and the crew was getting more and more uncomfortable with the fighters presence, when Franz saw an American crewman beginning to man one of the turrets he knew he had overstayed his welcome and gave a salute than pealed away back to the airfield and though "I hope you make it back home safely"

Amazingly the bomber made it back and both its crew and Franz kept fighting for their country's until the end of the war. Miraculously both survived and years after the wars end a newsletter article by Charlie describing the event found its way to Franz who replied, the two got together and became best friends until their deaths only a few months apart from each other in 2008.


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My role models can be either fictional or non-fictional. Even though I could never hope to rise to the level of most of them, the benchmark for me is set in place by Walt Disney, George Lucas, Nikola Tesla, Werner Von Braun and Harold Lloyd.

To elucidate, Walt and George have set the bar for creativity and pioneering new ways to convey it. Nikola and Werner are pioneers in science and invention; both seeking to further the boundaries of human knowledge and exploration and not limiting themselves to the conventions of accepted thinking. Harold Lloyd is a comic genius who proves you don't have to be a scientist or statesman to benefit the human race and set a standard for generations to aspire to. 

As far as fictional personalities, Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Belle and Rapunzel are fixtures of my life that are never far from my mind. I think I try to emulate them without even realizing it. 

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My non-fictional role model is PEPESPAIN Smashlab. He's the best PAC-MAN in Spain and I absolutely love his channel. He's discovered some PAC-MAN tech to use in Smash, and he's also a really good friend as I speak with him a lot of the time. My fictional role model I would say is PAC-MAN himself, because he is my main.

Pennutoh has a gun

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My biggest role model would have to be Skrillex! As a music producer I have huge respect for his sound design and the sheer skill he has. Also from what I've gathered we have very similar Personality and Ideology :P


I made a signature :3

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Andrew W.K. I love his music, which helps, but mainly just his view on life and how he loves people being able to experience his art. There was one album that was only avaliable in Japan I believe, and he had no control over were it was released, so he came out and said that it wont ever be officially released outside of Japan, but if you look it up online you can pirate it for free. Such an awesome guy, and found out after I thought he was awesome that he's also a brony, which to find that out was amazing


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Me, my role model is me. I want to be myself. I know that everyone has untapped potential in themselves, including myself.


My personal hero is fictional ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

He's from the book "The Name of the Wind"

His name is Trapis. He's a homeless guy that doesn't own anything except his tattered robe, but he still goes out of his way to help the forgotten sick and homeless children on the streets of Tarbean. Pretty righteous.



Love and tolerate!

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A while ago, I would've said my role model is Joe Mauer, but ever since my fiancée converted me into a brony, I'd have to say Rainbow Dash makes a pretty good role model.

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Mine is actually former USN Master Diver Carl Brashear who became the first African-American to attend and graduate from U.S. Navy Dive and Salvage School and first African-American to become a Navy Master Diver. I had a rough time in diving school due to alcoholism, minor depression, and conflicts with fellow classmates so I was on the verge of quitting. My school decided to show the movie "Men of Honor" during the Thanksgiving break so I attended (and got free pizza. W00T!) and his life story give me inspiration to continue on and graduate with my class. I probably wouldn't be where I am now if I didn't learn about the man and he still inspires me in my own diving career.


  • Brohoof 1

"I could have been happy above if I'd never donned the copper carapace and dipped my head beneath the waves to hear the muddled man-made sounds. Distorted and dreamlike droning. The whir and thrashing of a distant propeller, the tumultuous thundering thud of fogbound freighters. Mud underfoot, no sights, except the grasp of a diver's trained hand, dreaming of distant lands knowing all the while this is what I love, not the blue skies and wondering faces above. Canvas, rubber, brass, copper, and glass. Leather and lead, mud and sweat, heaving around in dark, damp depths seldom seen by most yet talked about by all. As if a sunny, happy place where mermaids and seahorses play and chests of gold are lain bare, untarnished by salt and time for all to grasp who are bold enough to go below..." -"Deep Sea Diver", Steven L. Waterman



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when i was growing up as a kid my favorite superhero/ role model was Sonic The Hedgehog sadly enough there was a TV show that only i was the only one who ever watched i mean, what kid wouldn't want a lighting fast turbo charge chili hot dog eating rodent as their childhood super hero i mean, why not?

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  • 3 weeks later...

My will be Eric Cantona (Soccer player), Sir Bobby Charlton (Soccer player), Ryan Giggs (Soccer Player), Cole McGrath (Video game character), Spyro the dragon (Video game character), Patrick Sweart (Actor), Captain Britain (Comic Book Character), Union Jack (Comic Book Character), Superman (Comic Book Character), Batman (Comic Book Character), The Flash (Comic Book Character), The Punisher (Comic Book Character), Nigel Farage (Politcian), Saitama (Anime character), Sir Winston Chruchill, Lord Nelson, Sherlock Homles, Dusty Rhoades (Famous Brony), Stephen Bainbridge (Actor), Rik Mayall (Comedian/Actor/Writer) and Rowan Atkinson (Actor).

Edited by Adam Burt

Proud British Brony

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