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I love Rainbow Dash and Twilight, both of which seem to be getting stupidly hated lately

Edited by Santa Megas
  • Brohoof 4
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-Applejack is a pretty awful character and the worst of the mane 6, along side Rainbow Dash

-The Apple family is unbearably vain, and I believe that's a terrible influence on the younger audience

-Discord is laughably overrated

-DJ Pon3 is not that cool at all

-The last 2 Equestria Girls movies have been on par with some of the best episodes from Friendship is Magic

-Dr. Whooves is no big deal whatsoever

-The Lyra BonBon stuff has become extremely annoying rather than entertaining. I find myself rolling my eyes every time they're on screen.

-Big Mac is overrated as all hell

-Griffons aren't great

  • Brohoof 1
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Okay Season 5 edition!*


-Tanks for the Memories and Make New Friends But Keep Discord were the best episodes of the season

-The Cutie Map was about average overall

-Slice of Life sucked

-The Cutie Remark's Part 1 and the first two-thirds of 2 were average two-part affair (ie not terrible but below average for the show especially compared to the middle section of the season) 

-The last ten minutes of Cutie Remark were absolutely horrible. Seriously the worst scene in all of MLP FIM. 

-I loathe hate very VERY much dislike Starlight Glimmer, especially after those last ten minutes of Remark. 

-There needs to be a morally gray villain in the show. 


*Disclaimer: Personall Opinions

Edited by Sidral Mundet
  • Brohoof 4

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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People become way too emotional, when it comes to the show. At the end of the day it's just a show and Life is too short to get mad at it. The Drama surrounding the cutie remark is a good example.

  • Brohoof 2

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Hmm, well, let's see:

 - Out of the Mane 6, Rarity & Applejack are my favorite, while Rainbow Dash is my least favorite

 - Season 1 is my least favorite season

 - I don't like Trixie or her episodes

 - I also don't like Starlight Glimmer, and the S5 premiere/finale as much as the other seasons'

 - I like all Equestria Girls movies and most Spike episodes

 - I don't mind the constant redeeming

 - More about the fandom than the show: I don't like reading too much into the show, analyzing it or taking it so seriously. I view it as an awesome show, not a lifestyle

And...well, that's pretty much it. :P

Check out my art thread for some cute ponies, cookies and boops. img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-2-fluttershy.png



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-I think that Derpy while cute is incredibly overhyped by the fans.


-Magical Mystery Cure was incredibly rushed and kinda contrived. 


-While I'm glad they have their cutie marks now, I feel that the CMC's cutie marks themselves are kind of a cop out in order for them to get them at the same time. (And was the big glow around them necessary? Why doesn't that happen to everypony else who gets their cutie mark?)


-I don't dislike Starlight Glimmer but her motivations for what she did this season were really weak. All just because ONE friend got his cutie mark and went off to school she suddenly has to mess up other time shifts and nearly destroy Equestria. 


-While I'll admit he's not written that great, I still feel like Spike is the most underrated/underappreciated characters in the entire show. How he's written is probably why a lot of fans don't appreciate him and I can understand that. Though really, sometimes it's easy to overlook characters who do the little things that add up to a lot. 

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- I dislike the whole idea of Lyra & Bon Bon being a homosexual couple. (I see them as "just" close friends.)

- I dislike MoonDancer and Rara.

- Rarity is best Mane 6 pony. (I wish Sunset Shimmer was part of the Mane ponies. xD )

- There should be a episode based on "just" Male characters.

- I dislike the CMC.

- I prefer Diamond Tiara over Silver Spoon.

Edited by Dawning Demon


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Applejack and Rarity are overrated. So is their shipping.


Twilight, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash get too much undeserved hate.


Oooooo thems fighting words, especially since by any metric in the fandom at large, Rarity and Applejack receive a lot more shade than those other 3. (And Rarijack is just the best ship, OBJECTIVE FACT)




Anyway here I go

-I feel the writers have had very little idea what to do with Fluttershy since around late Season 3 or so, consequently since then she's ether been constantly subjected to gimmicks to prop her up, or just been borderline invisible and barely more relevant than freaking Apple Bloom. Her episodes are still on average at least decent to watch though I guess.



-Rainbow Dash's episodes are VERY inconsistent, I tend to ether really like them (Like Wonderbolts Academy) or just totally hate them (Like Rainbow Falls), she and Rarity tie for most developed character but I have to give the nod to Rarity simply because her episodes that have developed her have been consistently enjoyable. I don't really get just WHY she's as popular as she is though I do like her.



-Twilight was incredibly boring in the vast majority of Season 4, I have no idea how her fanbase hasn't gone into decline over the last few seasons.


-Apple Bloom is usually really quite boring, a lot of people feel the same way about Applejack but I don't know, I love AJ, she has something AB lacks.



-The Best Night Ever is the best Finale, no really.



-I freaking love shipping and have a whole armada of them, I would be estatic if we actually had an F/F ship happen in the show (coughRARIJACKcough)and think it would be a good lesson on acceptance, you know screw the soccer moms



-I don't give a damn about relating to my favorites, I care about how compelling they are, how entertaining they are and how admirable they are.



-The Show Stoppers is a great, hilarious episode. 



-Luna is pretty much a mess of a character, there's really not much connection between the Luna of Luna Eclipsed, the Luna of the CMC episodes and the ANGSTLORD CRRRRAAAAAAAWWWWWWLLLLLLIINNNNGGGG IINNNN MMYYY SKKKIINNNN HURT ME MORE DOG Luna of Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep. Hilariously overrated. 

Edited by M'gann M'orzz


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I hate alicorn/princess twilight because the episode was rushed, it took a whole season for the writers to actually do something with it and above all, she has a higher status than her other friends which is kinda bad-I can't really explain this.


Season 1 was my least favourite series.


I'm not a big fan of season 5.


The CMC are some of my favourite characters.


Spike is underrated.


In season 1, twilight was my least favourite character because she was a bit of a killjoy.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not sure if I mentioned these before but here I go:


- Putting your Hoof Down was not a bad episode to me. It has a good lesson, Iron Will was a fantastic character (Almost like if Hulk Hogan and The Rock were fused with a minotaur) and it was entertaining. Sure the first act irritated me a bit but I related to it somewhat. 


-Season 3 isn't the worst season. There were a couple of duds, but the good episodes outnumbered the bad. 


-Season 1 was my least favorite now, but only because the show was trying to find its voice, as is often the case with many TV shows. 


-Sombra, to me, was a bloody awesome villain. I find his ethereal appearance and mystery, as well as his backstory, made him, for the time, my favorite villain. He actually posed quite a threat. 

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- My favorite episode of the entire series is Magical Mystery Cure.

- I love Dave Polsky's and Merriwether Williams' episodes. All of them.

- I can't wait for the next Equestria Girls movie.

- I liked Countess Coluratura better with razzle-dazzle, glitz and glam. And Hot Ponies. And lasers. Lots and lots of lasers.

- Rainbow Dash IS Best Pony. And I remember when, back in the day, that wasn't a controversial thing to say.

  • Brohoof 5
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I honestly think Moonlight Raven is a little overrated. Like I don't hate her (I don't really hate any pony on the show), but it just feels like they're trying too hard to make her like a more mellow version of Raven from Teen Titans. Maybe that's the intention, but for some reason she doesn't draw me in the same way other popular ponies do. 

Edited by PGNatsu

"Why should the Bill of Rights be in the official time capsule, but this painting of my dog is in time capsule 7?"

-Parks and Recreation, Time Capsule

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  • Celestia is better than Luna.

Having a waifu is ridiculous.

Rainbow Dash is overrated.

Fluttershy, Marble Pie or ANY SHY CHARACTER in the show gets too much attention for no reason.

Equestria Girls is equally as good as FiM.

Mysterious Mare Do Well was a great episode.

MLP isn't really a girl's show in my opinion anymore.

Season 3 wasn't bad at all.

Earth Ponies are the master race. Screw Pegasi and Unicorns.

Discovery Family, the channel MLP is aired on, is horrible.

The CMC's cutie marks are good.

Rarity is best pony.

Applejack is NOT a background character.

  • Brohoof 4



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- Tanks For The Memories is a really bad episode.

- Dinky is not Derpy's daughter. Seriously.

- Sombra is a potentially great villain, but his potential was wasted.

- Adagio is the best Siren.

- The Sirens are not ponies. They have never been ponies. Why does everyone draw them as ponies?

- Lightning Dust deserves a second chance.

- Cadence is a boring character (so is Shining to be honest)

- Marble Pie is literally the exact same character as Fluttershy but with less depth.

- Most of the songs in the later seasons aren't as memorable as the earlier ones.

- Flim and Flam didn't really do anything wrong in their first appearance, other than being smug. Inventing a quicker and more efficient method of making cider makes them villains?

  • Brohoof 4

Friendship isn't always easy. But it's definitely worth fighting for.


Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony!

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I would like to see earth pony magic expanded on and "improved" by showing some earth pony's that are to their race what twilight and starlight are to  unicorns, and codifying them explicitly having super strength of some form that's touched on in comparison to other characters trying to do tasks.


I Would like to see dash give up on the wonderbolts and and do something else in life, and actually like seeing Spitfire and Fleetfoot act like douches.


I would like to see more steam punk like airships used in the show.





- Tanks For The Memories is a really bad episode.
- Dinky is not Derpy's daughter. Seriously.
- Sombra is a potentially great villain, but his potential was wasted.
- Adagio is the best Siren.
- The Sirens are not ponies. They have never been ponies. Why does everyone draw them as ponies?
- Lightning Dust deserves a second chance.
- Cadence is a boring character (so is Shining to be honest)
- Marble Pie is literally the exact same character as Fluttershy but with less depth.
- Most of the songs in the later seasons aren't as memorable as the earlier ones.
- Flim and Flam didn't really do anything wrong in their first appearance, other than being smug. Inventing a quicker and more efficient method of making cider makes them villains?


Heh. I actually like Comic sombra to be honest, but I hate show sombra. So I'm in a bit of a strange spot where i like one Sombra, but HATE the other.

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Heh. I actually like Comic sombra to be honest, but I hate show sombra. So I'm in a bit of a strange spot where i like one Sombra, but HATE the other.

Yeah, as much crap I give the comics, they tried to do something interesting with Sombra which I really liked(regardless of what happened with SotCE), whereas the show they just said "screw it" and completely killed him off

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  • Fluttershy is my least favorite mane character
  • Celestia > Luna
  • I don't want to see Trixie return again
  • Marble Pie is overrated
  • Season 1 is my least favorite season
  • I couldn't care less about villain redemption (most of the time, go away comic Sombra (Reflection's Sombra is cool though))

And the big one:


People need to calm down, it's just a show, not the end of the world. There's disliking something, and then there's spending every single time it is mentioned whining how the show is ruined. There's:

"I didn't like ____, and I'd prefer ____, but it's not earth-shattering." vs.

"Oh my god I hated  ____ why can't ____ the show is ruined forever! Let me go complain to ten other people!"


Insert whatever you would like, it applies to almost everything.

Edited by EmeraldSkies
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If you have the courage to jump, the parachute will open.

-Big Mac

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  • I couldn't care less about villain redemption (most of the time, go away comic Sombra (Reflection's Sombra is cool though))



Im just gonna say here if Sombra had ACTUALLY died at the end of Siege I would of been 100 times more okay with that ending, would of been a classic redemption equals death, first final choice type of deal, but they went and totally ruined that. The scene where he just fades away after telling Hope to do good in the world and comments that he finally got to see the Crystal Faire, that would of been a good ending but what they did afterward... bleh....

Edited by M'gann M'orzz
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  • Marble Pie is overrated


I actually agree with this.


You know how most bronies detest Flash Sentry for being a shallow love interest who doesn't do anything but blush at another character? Marble Pie's relationship with Big Mac is literally the same thing.

  • Brohoof 5


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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