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Could there be more elements of harmony?


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I don't think there are any missing Elements of Harmony that we didn't miss. If we did, the writers would have to clarify and explain on the missing Elements that were included but never mentioned. We don't need any more Elements, really.


Yeah, but did you see an extra star added to Twilight's cutie-mark? 




Is there another element? Because it sure seems so! XD I pretty sure this is a hint for that to come. Plus, what would balance out the 'race' scenario, better? Another Unicorn of course! 2 Unicorns again, 2 Pegasi, 2 Earth ponies, and one Alicorn. It makes sense. Plus, they had a mane-7 in the 3rd generation, so this definitely makes sense.  ;)

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, but did you see an extra star added to Twilight's cutie-mark? 



Is there another element? Because it sure seems so! XD I pretty sure this is a hint for that to come. Plus, what would balance out the 'race' scenario, better? Another Unicorn of course! 2 Unicorns again, 2 Pegasi, 2 Earth ponies, and one Alicorn. It makes sense. Plus, they had a mane-7 in the 3rd generation, so this definitely makes sense.  ;)

Yeah I saw that. But, I don't really think that they might add another element without explaining more. Maybe, your right. For now, I'm not sure.

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I wouldn't like that to happen. Anyway I think they are pretty complete as group, and by the way. Which new element should be included? Of course without any trait already present in the original mane six team.

I have also heard some ideas about the "disharmony" elements. Which I think, would be something like that...

Selfishness-Laziness: Applejack's conterpart

Treachery: Rainbow Dash's conterpart

Dark magic - Pride: Twilight Sparkle's conterpart

Sadness: Pinkie Pie's conterpart.

Greediness: Rarity's conterpart.

Wrath : Fluttershy's conterpart.


Though I wouldn't like to see this neither. Not at all.

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I do not believe that the addition of a new element of harmony is necessary. The writers did an excellent job of keeping the elements general to a certain degree. They are not so general that they lose their meaning, but they are general enough so that the wide spectrum that is positive emotion can fit within all of them when viewed as a whole.


Here are some examples of different aspects of positivity that can all fit within the elements of harmony. Please note that this is not an all inclusive list.


Kindness: Love, empathy, compassion, friendship, helpfulness.


Loyalty: Bravery, strength, courage, dedication, perseverance.


Generosity: Charity, helpfulness, selflessness, love.


Laughter: Optimism, cheeriness, positivity, clarity, love.


Honesty: Integrity, trustworthiness, dependability.


Magic: Unity, spirit, destiny, hope, love, peace.

Edited by SCS
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More Elements of Harmony? I think that would be pretty pointless since, having a 7th Element wouldn't be needed since having six elements is enough to protect Equestria.

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As far as my headcanon's concerned, the six Elements of Harmony are based upon the virtues that Equestrian society has always valued the most, so I'd say there probably wouldn't be an additional one anytime soon. My own original nation has seven virtues that it holds dear, which I'm calling the Elements of Order:










Now if only I weren't too lazy to actually start writing stuff around this. :muffins:

Edited by Lowline Thrash
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Wow, that would be an awful plot twist

>Remember when we said there were only six elements? WE LIED! There's like 20, now go get em!


Ew, I couldn't imagine being led on like that.

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  • 1 year later...

I love the idea of more Elements. It really fills me with joy when a new member is added (Like the new Ninja in Ninjago.) A friend and I have made the theory of 3 missing Elements. In the chart  we see each point of the star points to an element, but three aren't. Possibly missing on the chart. maybe they'll be found in season 5. It'll add more awesome into the show.

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Perhaps an Element of Insight?  Sometimes, friends can see things about you that you can't see about yourself.  I've also seen comments about either Trixie or Sunset Shimmer becoming Luna's protégé.  Perhaps an Element of Forgiveness?  Although, they are more in need of Forgiveness than exhibiting it.


Now for something completely different.  I wasn't too surprised Discord turned against the ponies.  Only Fluttershy treated him like a true friend.  The others were cynical & suspicious, reminding me of myself.  Quick to suspect, with false accusations, & never an apology.  You never call, you never write, you never lend me money! (Line from an old movie, accusing someone of being a bad friend)

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I've seen people say that Trixie had the Element of "Humiliation", which I can agree that would make a suitable Element, but I don't really see any being added to the show. ^^"

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Watching Season 4 Princess Twilight, part 2  When they gave the elements back, the tree perked up & sort of hinted there might be (2?) more elements.  Then it gave them the castle box.


In the Rainbow Rocks movie, Sunset Shimmer definitely showed more insight than all the others put together, even Twilight.  If there was an Element of Insight, I would say she would be in line for it.  Spike as the other one? Maybe.  Oh, but where would they find the episodes to spare?

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  • 1 month later...

@@jaime_lion, I have merged your thread with an earlier thread which similarly discusses hypothetical additions to the Elements of Harmony. Please ensure that you check to see if a thread exists before posting a new one, doing so will limit your chances of posting duplicate content. Googling keywords and 'site:mlpforums.com' can also help if the site's search function is having problems. Many thanks and please continue. :)

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Here's my post, since the topics have been merged....


While I think 6 elements of Harmony is enough, I really like the idea of sin ponies! Each of them would be the contrary of one of the elements of Harmony (ex: laughter => sadness, generosity => greed...)

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I don't think it's going to happen, but I'll note that there are six smaller branches on the tree. If the elements grow on the tree of harmony like fruit, then one day those branches could bear elements as well.

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