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general What is your favorite body part/ organ


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What is your favorite body part / organ and why


My favorite organ is my Brain because it is the only part that is truly me and is the main center of ideas and actions


  • Brohoof 5
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Favorite body part/organ, eh? Mine would probably have to be the old time classic: the penis. Why? Because while other body parts alone are either weird or gross, there is something about the penis that is so god damned funny to me and others that it deserves more recognition.

  • Brohoof 19

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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My d*** lol, just kidding.. My favorite organ would be the intestines or the lungs.. I have always been facinated by how our body works and the lungs are very complex. It's also because I have asthma and allergies so I have always tried learning stuff about lungs. Still the intestines are also very facinating, since you know.. It's creepy, I can only imagine suddenly accidentally cutting yourself there and they would just come out.. I was once going to become a doctor, but lost interest I was obsessed with the human body.. Obsessed I tells ya, like my car obsession. I always got the highest grades in science in my school, like 100 %, 10s or an A or whatever.


I like organs, they are interesting.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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Well, I'm quite fond of my brain sometimes, but other sometimes, my brain can be a cruel, cruel bastard. Making me forget important information, and remembering silly little things. Making me think of things I want to forget...


I also like my heart for pumping blood throughout my body.


Also... my reproductive organs...

  • Brohoof 4


Rabbit-Kin                                                                 ~Paris' Waifu

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An interesting question... I suppose the heart is pretty useful, I mean SOMETHING has to pump my blood around! Its a pretty diligent worker as well, never taking a break or any sort of vacation.


Although the brain is pretty handy too, that's pretty much who I am after all. Its either the brain or heart that is my favourite.

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The only body part I truly like is my youknowwhat.

Edited by Lily Belle
  • Brohoof 1


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Mine would probably be the hands..
Can't do much without hands!


You can pick up things, touch things, make a cake, type on your keyboard, weigh things, hold a cup so you can drink from it, etc.

Edited by Broseph

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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Three organs come to mind. The first is my skin. It keeps out bacteria from enering my body and without it, life would be very painful. Second would be my brain for obvious reasons. And third...my penis. You people know why!

  • Brohoof 3
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Uhm... I don't really know how to say this but mine would have to (I don't really know what to classify this as) be the fact that I wasn't born without a Navel / Bellybutton. I know I'm weird and also its the main reason why I haven't joined that Pony Navel Community or what ever its called I would feel left out... But that's besides the point if your interested the birth defect is called Gastroschisis (Link at the bottom) this defect has tried to kill me several times in my life but I'm oddly still kicking I guess I have some sorta purpose in this world that I haven't found yet... I don't know but that's my story!!


I will post a pic for proof if I have to cuz I ain't lying!!



Edited by G1 Derpy FTW
  • Brohoof 1
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The brain. It controls most every action of the body, and the core of the nervous system.

But also, the stomach. It contains hydrochloric acid, able to melt through titanium. Only contained through sphincters. If without those, we would be eaten alive by our own digestive fluids.

And... finally, the lungs. They allow us to exchange gasses, through complicated methods.


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And plus, without a brain, you're dead.

But you're also dead without a heart! ...Or lungs... Or other stuff. I dunno.


My favorite? Well... I never thought about this. Probably the brain. You know, where creativity and such flows. I need to think.

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I think the muscle should win this. Why? Well what's the largest muscle in the whole body? Mhm...

The skin's also great. I mean, imagine those touches when you're you know... having fun...


OK I'm sorry. I'll be more serious. I don't really have a favourite body part because every one of them is special in their own way.

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As an internal organs, I would have to say the heart. As Scootalove said, the heart's continued beating represents the integrity of the person and their willpower to continue down whichever path they decide to follow. It symbolizes a person's strength and their feelings.


As far as external body parts are concerned, I'm gonna say the hips/glute muscles are my favorite. One really interesting thing I learned when I delved into powerlifting (something I'm not doing anymore but I still work out with bodyweight training, kettlebells and freestyle work), A LOT of power comes from the hips. If there is ever something heavy to pick up from the ground, lifting it becomes a lot easier when the glute muscles are applied properly. I also found not long after I started doing bodyweight work that my running improved considerably as well.

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My favorite part is my eyes. Without them, I wouldn't be able to see any of the beauty in this world, and living a life of darkness sounds miserable. Touching, smelling, hearing, and tasting are all good and dandy, but I just don't see a point in living if I can't experience the world with my eyes.

  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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I don't know why you guys are saying your brain. My brain's a douchebag >_>

My favourite is probably my heart. That gentle beat assures you that, yes, you are still living. :P

  • Brohoof 7
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I don't think I can answer this topic without getting dirty looks and questionable gazes. I may have to refrain from answering so you'll have to settle with the fact that I do have an answer but won't say it. laugh.png

  • Brohoof 3
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People make fun of you if you're too short. So it's good to be tall. You can do a bunch of stuff that's you can't when you're short. But being short probably has it's advantages too.


My favorite body part can be both C:


Everyone says how awesome the brain is. But the brain gives you pain when you've performed too much work with it.


My favorite body part gives me pleasure when I've performed work with it C:


My brain says to me that I shouldn't tell every single girl I see that they look hot if they wear shorts or a short skirt or something..


But my favorite body part is not shy, he tells them directly C:
















Seriously though...





...My hands.





...Because they can please my second favorite body part













I don't think I can answer this topic without getting dirty looks and questionable gazes. I may have to refrain from answering so you'll have to settle with the fact that I do have an answer but won't say it.


ur a img-1623550-3-GPtv9Wl.png C:




BOOBS But I don't have any and I thought this was like a thread about my own body parts :v

Edited by Jokuc
  • Brohoof 5


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People make fun of you if you're too short. So it's good to be tall. You can do a bunch of stuff that's you can't when you're short. But being short probably has it's advantages too.


My favorite body part can be both C:


Everyone says how awesome the brain is. But the brain gives you pain when you've performed too much work with it.


My favorite body part gives me pleasure when I've performed work with it C:


My brain says to me that I shouldn't tell every single girl I see that they look hot if they wear shorts or a short skirt or something..


But my favorite body part is not shy, he tells them directly C:
















Seriously though...





...My hands.





...Because they can please my second favorite body part














ur a img-1623550-3-GPtv9Wl.png C:

img-1623586-4-tongue.png Naw, just know I'll get some flak from someone, anyone here for saying it but I guess jumping through hoops makes no difference. I like booooobies. I obsess over them. They are the single most beautiful thing on the human body.



Edited by Discordian
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