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Does Rarity's characterization influence your opinion negatively?

Tenor Clef

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  1. 1. what do you think of Rarity

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Honestly I'm not much for fashion myself, but rarity still tops the list... She was actually down at the bottom before I did that "who are you  of the mane six" quiz thingy, and I got rarity, I evne tried a bit later, somewhat different results, but Rarity still won... And I started thinking about her personality in general, not just the fashion part, and I guess, I fit right in, kind of.

Still, I kind of like to dress out as a girl... Well, it's fun. I don't do it every day and all, but well... I was dressed out as a girl during a theatre we had with school, it was fun. I also wore a halloween costume made for small girls (yes, it was kinda small... the hat especially, fell off ALL THE TIME, but it was cute, and I liked it. I also got a lot of compliments from lots of people. the actual cape-thing-whatever-it's-called was O.K, or well, it looked OK, I'm sure it was supposed to go down to the feet or something but, it worked out well.) last friday, that was fun.

If I was a girl I wouldn't dress up any differently really, I'm way too cheap to spend money on useless clothes anyway, I'd rather give my money to charity than spend them on clothes. i barely ever spend any money, mostly because I think like that. "Hmm, 5 bucks for a McDonalds meal, or 5 bucks to charity?" "Ah I'll do nothing..." 

I do give money to charity every once in a while though, I'm a bit worried right now, since I will need a piano eventually. I'm borrowing my grandparents digital piano, which is very old, and I could probably borrow it for a full year without any problems, but... My parents promised to give me about half the cost for a digital piano, when I buy one, but we've gotten some huge economical problems lately, and... my parents seem to be spending a lot still, and I'm just utterly confused as to when I should ask them to buy one with me. I do have money, I could probably buy two digital pianos myself without them giving me anything, and I'd still have a litle bit of money left, but it would cost a lot... I really don't like spending money.

ontopic: I dunno, she's a bit bitchy I guess. Aand yeah people probably get a bit off on her just because of the fashion stuff.

Edited by *Rarity
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I do give money to charity every once in a while though, I'm a bit worried right now, since I will need a piano eventually. I'm borrowing my grandparents digital piano, which is very old, and I could probably borrow it for a full year without any problems, but... My parents promised to give me about half the cost for a digital piano, when I buy one, but we've gotten some huge economical problems lately, and... my parents seem to be spending a lot still, and I'm just utterly confused as to when I should ask them to buy one with me. I do have money, I could probably buy two digital pianos myself without them giving me anything, and I'd still have a litle bit of money left, but it would cost a lot... I really don't like spending money.



There are piano rescues out there that is basically a rehoming of pianos that will sell you decent ones that have been repaired for a cheap price, you just have to find them. My parents donated my grandmothers piano to one, and it kind of broke my heart.


As far as the fashion bit, I can see that as distancing, but at the same time, it's not that, but her passion. I think most people can relate to that.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Can't relate? 

Nnnnn it could be her manipulative side, or the fact she's a drama queen.  I don't hate rarity.

In fact if rarity got replaced i have friends in the fan dumb who'd miss who so i'd feel bad.

And i'd miss her (says that part quitely).  SHUT UP!


yeah um,

she kind reminds me of the kind girl who gives you the business.


that business can be fun.

If you hate that sorta thing i can see why you hate rarity.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Yeah I have seen that too, a lot of hate for her which is very sad. My friend does not like her because she's so girly girl... its kind of like so is Fluttershy! and he loves her to death....


Anyway I for one love Rarity! She is my favorite out of the mane 6. She looks soo sexy! she has a lovely singing voice and top of all that she's just awesome.... as to why any pony would hate her...... is beyond me..


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Yeah I have seen that too, a lot of hate for her which is very sad. My friend does not like her because she's so girly girl... its kind of like so is Fluttershy! and he loves her to death....


Anyway I for one love Rarity! She is my favorite out of the mane 6. She looks soo sexy! she has a lovely singing voice and top of all that she's just awesome.... as to why any pony would hate her...... is beyond me..


I had forgotten about that. Flutter's rant at Rarity shows she has sewn quite a bit, with all her knowledge of stitches. Either that or she's doing surgery on all thems animals.



  • Brohoof 1


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Ok, since Rarity is my least favorite I shall explain my reasons why:


1. She's too damn prissy, so much to the point where if her mane is slightly messed up or she even gets a little dirty, she flips shit

2. Sure, at the end of the episodes she'll end up being nice to Sweetie Bell, but more often than not, she's a total bitch to her

3. I hate her constant "This is the worst possible thing and it's the end of the world" crap. I don't like drama queens

4. Rainbow Dash's episode, the Sonic Rainboom... where she gets wings and tries to get everyone's attention, you could tell before she likes attention but that was too over the top.


I guess overall, I don't like a character THAT girly and drama filled. I know she has moments when she's not like what I said but overall that's her image. And I do relate to her to an extent but that doesn't matter to me. That's my opinion, oh she also acts like 85% of the girls that went to my high school.

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I kinda relate to her. I hold very high standards when drawing and tends to go off the deep end if its not as amazing. I kinda do that constantly. I relate to her for many reasons, I learned. I can see why she's hated however.


Her element is weird, considering she's not very generous-acting. Yet, she's still quite generous.

Many can't relate and some find her annoying. Me? I laugh when she's on screen.


She's a manipulator at times too.

Pretty much the one and only reason I have ever hated Rarity for any reason is the way she treated Sweetie Belle in the "Sleepless in Ponyville" episode. Also, I don't like how she uses her looks to manipulate people.

ACTUALLY, Sweetie had that coming. She manipulated Rare and Rare was guilt tripped to coming.To be fair, she warned Sweetie Belle. Its not much more manipulating then when RD asked Scoots to get sticks and sort. Then again, I say RD's treatment to Scoots was more deplorable then Rarity's to Sweetie.




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I don't have to relate to her to like her. I'm not into fashion but I LOVE HER!!!! Here are some of the reasons why she's my favorite I like her attitude, her design, her voicing, some of her singing, and she got me into MLP. I have a friend and i'm close with her and she's into fashion as well I guess that can be a reason why I love Rarity too. Why would you hate this?


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Hate's such a strong word, can't we stop at dislike? I mean really, why hate somepony? It's just stupid.

Anyway, I shall continue, I take it it's because not many people can relate to her as much as any of the other ponies as such, and that she's too girly.


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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Oh come on, Rarity doesn't get any more or less hate than the other characters. I mean, at least she didn't get turned into an alicorn princess and make half the fandom explode... but I guess that's another thing entirely huh? :P

Anyway, the main argument I always see against her character is that she doesn't follow her element of Harmony, Generosity, quite as closely as the other characters do. That's a fair point admittedly, but the other characters go out of their Element much more than she does, with the worst offenders probably being Applejack and Fluttershy, who are far from honest and kind all the time. Besides, it would be kind of boring if a character was generous and just giving people stuff all the time, no? ;)

Anyway, I think Rarity's real problem personally, as a huge and diehard fan of hers, is a lack of signifigant development to her character- the best we got was in Suited for Success, Sisterhooves Social, and Sweet and Elite, and we haven't got much since. She has certainly shown she is stilll a great character on the side in episodes since of course imo, but she really, desperately needs more episodes to help flesh out her already complex character and hopefully gain her more fans, I pray that season 4 will bring these to us. Then again, maybe it's because some people don't understand Rarity's complex character is the reason some people rag on her with rather petty and nitpicky reasons in the first place, but that's their problem I guess. :huh:

Edited by ~Chaotic SBB~
  • Brohoof 3


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I kinda agree to an extent with you, it is a bit deeper but still.


I think besides her being a little less relatable to guys, I think it's also just because her personality can take some getting use to and at first may seem stuck up and snobby, but after you get use to her you learn she is much more complex then that.


It's just a matter of some people may not get there, or it's just personal preferences.


I personally love all the mane 6 for their own perks.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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The answer is surprisingly obvious actually. Rarity's very character is designed and developed around the fact that she's a respectable and decent person despite what she is or may appear to be.


First off, Rarity's very traditional in many senses, both mannerisms and her fantasy dream of marrying a prince. She's also overly feminine, more profoundly so than any of the other Mane 6 in the way she behaves and acts. Its almost as if when Lauren Faust made Rarity, she incorporated more notable elements of older generations into her. 


She also has a tendency for annoying habits that the show loves to play off. Rarity's a big time whiner, often times condescending if inadvertently, takes advantage of other males namely Spike, and can be rather shallow. To top that off her inclination towards fashion, high class life, and willingness to indulge in material wealth all make her seem to be anything BUT generous.


Of course when I first saw Rarity I found her to be rather, if not incredibly annoying as well. But I eventually looked past that and saw a very deep and well developed, who still has plenty of room for development, character, perhaps more developed than even Twilight herself. While they make for great laughs the Rarity viewers initially see is just that - a facade. Rarity, I believe is heavily well defined by her actions more than any other character we've seen. 


There's no protagonist status or alicorn wings, a rainbow and neat air tricks, shy exterior personality, or silly running gags or anything to find appealing initially. Really I think if a lot of people, particularly male fans like myself find her exterior traits to be at best amusing and at worst unlikable, shallow and hypocritical.I had to look at Rarity beyond those things via her actions to appreciate her, otherwise she would just be a shallow funny caricature for me. In a lot of senses Rarity is a lot like Applejack, her actions define her far more than her outer appearance and mannerisms suggest, except she's made to seem far less appealing initially.


Really you just have to look past Rarity's outer appearance and flaws. If you do I assure you, you will find a gem that is truly a rarity. 

  • Brohoof 6
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the reason is most likely because most of the people who dislike rarity watch too much TV or Movies made in the US where female characters that act like rarity are often the antagonist or female bully to the female protagonist that it became a cultural thing

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A dislike of Rarity? Honestly I have not noticed too much of that.. I always thought that she was one of the more popular characters. If anything, Applejack seems to be the pony who doesn't get much love from the fans, due to her only growth as a character  happening in 3 episodes (apple bucking season, look before you sleep and apple family reunion).

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I think Cwanky pretty much nails it. Rarity's first impression isn't as appealing as, say, Fluttershy's or Rainbow Dash's; Rarity may come out as a stuck-up or selfish at first. And when you don't analyze her character enough, that impression sticks.


But when you think about it, Rarity is arguably the most complex character in the entire series. She is one of the most passionate characters of the show, yet unfortunately she has to balance her passions (fashion and high-class society) with the other aspects of her life! We see this explored very well in episodes like Suited for Success, Sisterhooves Social and Sweet and Elite (heh, they all start with an S tongue.png). It's this struggle between passion and friendship that makes her character all the more interesting, in my eyes.


So, yeah, Rarity. A character which takes a little effort to get to know and love.

  • Brohoof 2

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Personally, when first coming into the show she rubbed me the wrong way because I believed that she was going to be like MOST popular girls in media where she would only be generous when it was convenient for her to maintain good looks in the eyes of the public.


Thankfully, I was proven wrong.


But, the writers can make her a bit manipulative at times (Putting Your Hoof Down) and ignoring her friends (Sweet and Elite), which tends to rub viewers the wrong way.


Episodes or moments like that tend to leave a bad taste in peoples mouths, combine that with their preconceived notions of the character and that dislike could easily turn to hate.

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Rarity used to be my least favorite pony but the more I watch the shows and grow to know the characters more she is now one of my top liked ponies. I hated that she doesn't really represents generosity. still do hate it but I love love love how much of a hard worker she is, how much she shows she cares for other ponies, her friends, her sister and I find her ridiculous melodrama very amusing =) "there are crystal ponies!!!!!!???"

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I don't know actually. Rarity is just as compassionate about what she does just as Twilight and Rainbow Dash are about thiers. It could just be the whole fashion thing that people can't relate to her, otherwise I don't see why she gets hated on a lot.


Her complaining perhaps?

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I don't know actually. Rarity is just as compassionate about what she does just as Twilight and Rainbow Dash are about thiers. It could just be the whole fashion thing that people can't relate to her, otherwise I don't see why she gets hated on a lot.


Her complaining perhaps?


I wouldn't say the other ponies aren't compassionate about their duties or fields, but in an earlier post I mentioned that I sense a deep seated and long lasting passion for her work. But that could either be my own ability to actually relate to her on the fashion level (having gone to fashion design school) or the fact she's the artist of the group.


To create real world equivalents, artist types often stay in their fields longer than other professions or just retire on 'paper' but still active in the field. Art is life.


Twilight would be Academics fields, Dash is Athletics and Sports Fields, Pinkie Pie is PR and other Social Events fields, Applejack would be in the Agriculture or even blue collar/labor Fields, and Fluttershy would be in the field of Zoology and possibly even Medical field to an extent.


Many of these other professions and life works usually have some expected retirement age while artists often do their thing until the day they die. Again, not saying that any of these professions with real people or with ponies have any less drive from their demographics (I know players love their sport, and people get personal fulfilment from healing people, etc) but in something like sports, farms, and medical there is only so much you can do before it's time to put down the ball, research paper, scalpel, or wrench. But when it comes to art, it's never finished. History if full of writers, painters, actors, directors, musicians, and other creatives that died with unfinished work.

Edited by Iudicium86
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Well I think it's about time I chimed into this topic. I personally think people don't like Rarity due to her being self centered at times and how few people relate to her. Honestly I blame the writers. Why don't they do a better job showing Rarity's generosity? I still ask myself this. I hate it when people say they hate on Rarity only because she's not as "generous" as she should be. Well, You don't see every other pony representing their cutie mark to the fullest do you? Pinkie pie isn't always laughing and giggling, rainbow dash isn't always loyal, fluttershy isn't always kind now is she? Fluttershy has had her badass moments. Same flaw isn't it?


I'm a dude, and I can relate to her. For 3 years I was involved in the Mens Formalware industry, I know how to sew (both by hand and machine), measure people for shirts, pants, suits, tuxes ect. I've been in business, i've done retail, I ran a branch of the tux shop I worked for at one point. Kind of a reason why I like Rarity cause I can actually relate. Some people can't so each their own.


That was my .02 cents. Hopefully Rarity's generosity will be redeemed in season 4. (My hopes at least)

  • Brohoof 2


Rarity: Generous, Classy, and Sophisticated...

My OC:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/torque-subject-to-change-r4587

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I happen to love Rarity and have often said that she's one of the most well rounded and multy facited characters of the show.


She one character you don't have to relate to in my opinion. She does take a bit of understanding and you can't look at her from a single stand point because she hides her true self underneath all that whiney, drama BS.


Its what inside that makes her fabulous...


You know...


... (The gooey marshmallow fluff)...


Sorry couldn't resist :)

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I like how every dissenter in this thread basically just uses a binary Generous-or-Not rubric to describe her character. Which pretty much confirms that people don't get it. In addition to saying things that are absolutely fallacious. 

This isn't to say that the character is expressed perfectly and that she doesn't bring it on herself but god damn.


She doesn't show her element! Except she actually shows her element more significantly than most of the mane 6.


She's greedy because she wants to achieve some level of fame? Even though when she had that fame during Becoming Popular she used to to help out the Elites' parties and events?


Or she's classist because of S&E? An episode where she makes poor decisions based on fear of ostracization from the Elites, until she realizes what her decisions may cost her and decides to risk the very dream she was trying to preserve?


Or my favorite, the obvious joke scenes in Sleepless.

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