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Does Rarity's characterization influence your opinion negatively?

Tenor Clef

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  1. 1. what do you think of Rarity

    • Awesome pony! love her!
    • She is a great character
    • Yeah she is a good pony
    • Do not care...
    • not a fan
    • Ugh, not that pony
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She can be a straight out bitch at times. I like rarity but she isn't my favorite pony. She could be very stuck up at times but she is also very generous which kind of evens it out. 

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I personally hate people who are stuck up at any point in their life, they think they are better than people and it just bugs me because they are no better than anyone else. Besides that its a point of view so who really cares :)


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During the first half of season 1, Rarity was my least favorite character. She just seemed to be the "Hey everyone, little girls like fashion right? Let's have a prissy fashion pony" pony. Then she developed past just her flaws, with being a savvy business pony and an entrepreneur. The British accent helps too, of course. Once she started having very likable/relatable traits, her flaws were a lot more entertaining because there was real character behind them. It could be easy for someone who isn't interested in her good points (independent business owner, British, etc) to just be annoyed by her fairly constant whiny prissiness.


Generous, British,

What's not to love about her?

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They might actually not be but I've never met anyone who's heard of them.

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  • 1 month later...

I wasn't sure on Rarity at first, but now shes like my fav mane six pony joint first with Fluttershy :yay: , I think its because she was that type of charater who in most cartoons is the nasty one who is selfish and only cares about fashion, but watching MLP more I found out that Rarity is nothing like most cartoon fashionistas, Shes not nasty, selfish, or like any other fashionista charater she is the fashionista character done right if more fashionistas were like Rarity I'm sure they'd be my favs as well a few examples of fashionistas not done right :D , three of my Brony friends said Rarity is there fav pony, one hates her, the other two like Rarity but Rainbow is there fav pony B)

Muffy from Arthur shes like the only Arthur character I don't like :mellow:

Mandy from Totally spies

Sharpay from high school musical

Angela from Mona the vampire

this list could go on but I'd only be boring you :lol:

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I shouldn't really say anything, because I don't like Rarity either, but I think it's because people always associate Rarity's personality with being a brat and spoiled. Therefore, people don't like Rarity.

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I know what you mean. A lot of people around these forums seem to have a good appreciation for Rarity, but everywhere else people just want to take a dump on her. The reason they do so is because they don't understand her. They judge her based on her sparkly, fabulous cover and immediately dislike what they see. Even after they see and know her character, they don't grow past that initial dislike of her. I can understand if they do give her a chance and just don't care for her personality (as is the case for me with Rainbow Dash) but most haters don't EVEN give her a chance.Therefore, they never find out what a gem of a character she is.

Anyway, Rarity is my favorite pony.

Edited by crazitaco


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  • 2 months later...

It seems that Rarity gets a lot of hate in this fandom. so I came up with a theory of why she gets a lot of hate. And I ended up with the conclusion as because most bronies are male therefor can not relate to her. There are a lot of males that are bookworms like Twilight, sporty like Dashie, Fun loving like Pinkie, shy like fluttershy, hardworking like AJ. But you don't see a lot of males that are into fashion like Rarity, well except for Ryan Seacrest.......


Well that is my theory, what are your thoughts?

  • Brohoof 3

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I noticed that some don't like her for several reasons:


  • They cannot relate for the most part.
  • She seems like the stereotypical popular high school girl. 
  • Some might find her annoying.

and some other random reasons here and there.


Rarity is still my favorite pony though. : P

  • Brohoof 4


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...this topic always really bothers me.


I know it was said, but males can't relate to her.


And because of that, I think they tend to exaggerate her negative aspects.


There's plenty of episodes where Rainbow Dash is a much bigger jerk than Rarity ever was in her episodes, but they don't get exploited as such, because a lot of guys can relate to her sporty-ness.


That's my best reason.


Again, a pit always forms in my stomach when it comes to this topic...blush.png

  • Brohoof 9


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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Well, many girls watch the show (not only the boys, even though all this brony controversy made it seem that way), but even they don't seem to get into her as much as they do to the rest of the mane girls.


I can understand, since she's also my least favorite of the six. And why...


Mainly, yeah, cause I can't relate to her. She's too whiny, but still kind of more mature than the rest, being able to act as the parental figure, and having her own business. This is great, but these two in combination... give a rather strange person (or, in this case, pony).


The other reason for disliking her is probably the lack of connection to her element. She just appears to be too greedy for somepony who represents generosity (remember how she just grabbed the flowers in front of the other ponies in Canterlot Wedding, for example?)


She also sometimes, only sometimes, doesn't seem to fit in the group. She's too ladylike for them.


Of course, I don't say she's bad. I don't think any of the fans really hate her, as you said, I just get why she's disliked. Don't hate me for it, I'm actually quite fond of her. Just not as much as the rest of the ponies ^^ .




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Well, I can see that as one reason why Rarity gets some hate, but I wouldn't say I hate Rarity. However, she's my least favorite.


It has to do with her being the element of generosity. There are plenty of times in the series where she doesn't act like it. Now, don't get me wrong. I would rather see them act outside of their elements from time to time because if Rainbow Dash were loyal all the time or Applejack was honest 100 percent of the time, it would just make them shallow. Acting like their elements all the time just means they're all perfect characters in a perfect world, and that leaves little (if any) room for character growth. But there are times where Rarity just doesn't act generous at all, and she does it even more so than the others. On top of that, sometimes she's pretty rude, especially to Applejack. Just because she and Applejack are polar opposites, it gives her no reason to be sour. 


On top of that, Rarity has been greedy at times too. Like, it seems her ultimate goal is to achieve fame and fortune and be affiliated with royalty. It just sort of rubs me the wrong way. 

  • Brohoof 1

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I can see where she can be dislikable. She's got to stop the show to get attention. She's all about makeup and fashion and pretty things.


But she's also hardworking, and willing to go to any lengths to get what she wants. She's uncomprimising, and the one time she does comprimise, she's clearly uncomfortable with it. I think she's honestly a great role model for little kids. Women in todays society often give up things they want for their families.


I loved her "relationship" with Prince Blueblood. He was royalty, but a douche. She saw that, and while it took her a while, she figured out he wasn't actually what she wanted, no matter his title.


Yay Rarity!

  • Brohoof 4


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I try to find a way to relate to her but I just cant


Pinkie Pie: I'm hyper like her


Fluttershy: Both have a pet rabbit


Applejack: Work hard and glad to help out


Twilight: Bookworms


Rarity: I got nothing


Rainbow Dash: Competitiveness 

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I don't have all that many problems with Rarity to be honest but I do agree that she doesn't represent the element of generosity all that well (and vice versa) I didn't like her all that much until I saw "A Dog and Pony Show". They played with stereotypes so well in that episode ,in my opinion, that since than I don't dislike her at all. And even after that she had some good episodes and moments here and there. I find her to be a really entertaining character.

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I really want to like Rarity more, but yes, there are multiple reasons why she's dislikable. Some just don't relate to her, she acts the exact opposite of the element she represents, or some people just find her plain annoying. I would say my biggest gripe would be how annoying her overreaction can get.


Despite her being my least favourite Mane 6 pony, I really want to like her more, but I just don't think I can at this point.

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I would never have expected Rarity to be disliked as much as she is in the fandom. She's absolutely hilarious and adorable. Definitely one of my favourite characters in the show, and I love Rarity focused episodes!

I really do think a lot of people can't relate to her, and that's where the dislike comes from. But then again, I can't relate to her, yet I love her as a character.
I guess its just one of those things. 

Edited by Apocalyptic_Unicorn
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I don't really like Rarity. I can respect her character, she is very well-written, but I I don't relate to her at all. I think that's what most bronies feel like, respect but no relation.

  • Brohoof 1


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Funny story: the old rainbow dash was like Rarity, in fact where is that comic...




Ofc... if Rarity did this I will not be responisble for what would follow...


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I probably relate to her the least, yet she is my most favorite out of the Mane 6. I can understand why people hate her, but I like focusing on the positives of her character.


She's a business pony: She has to be pretty darn responsible to run her own shop.


She holds herself high: It's a sign of self-respect that she tries to make herself look good.


She fights with her own personality: Instead of being the Mary Sue a lot of people thought she was going to be, Rarity constantly fights against her desire to be popular and famous and het desire to stay close to her friends, and to be generous.


Thes are just a few reasons I love her. She has CONFLICT. She's not perfect! Is this why people don't like her?


Bear this in mind when you say she's your least favorite.

  • Brohoof 5


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Most likely because she shares a lot of common traits the kind of characters that are looked down upon in shows aimed for girls.


The way I see it, I think the writers and cast were probably aware of this, so they added depth and gave her some funny quirks like her over-dramatic nature so people would see her in a better light imo

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Well count me in this apparently small pool of males that have Rarity as #1 pony.

Sure, she may act outside her element sometimes, but that makes her very dynamic and real. Also, I do relate to her very well, being one of (i suppose) very few male bronies that share her sense of class and style to the point of even going to fashion design school.


But I would agree that the larger portion of males in general just can't relate to her or characters even like her. The others have much more common themes and behavior that plenty of males could see in themselves or at least enjoy (partying, competition, nerdyness, etc) while Rarity and her entire manner of character is just "the other"


But maybe if her behavior could be looked at deeper they'll see something to relate to. Like while the others have a lot of drive for a goal (like Dash) I feel Rarity is the one with the most deep-seated and honest passion for what she does. And maybe it's that passion that she has so much of that it seeps out into the more apparent generosity with others.

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But maybe if her behavior could be looked at deeper they'll see something to relate to. Like while the others have a lot of drive for a goal (like Dash) I feel Rarity is the one with the most deep-seated and honest passion for what she does. And maybe it's that passion that she has so much of that it seeps out into the more apparent generosity with others.


This is exactly why I like Rarity. She possesses that fiery burning passion that the other ponies just seem to lack. She loves what she does, and that's what I love about her. While she can be greedy, and is the hardest to relate to, it's kinda hard not to love how passionate she is about her job, and about her friends. While she's not my favorite, she definitely has my utmost respects, and this is the main reason why. If we all just look a little deeper, I'm sure we can all find some way to relate to her. smile.png



Thank Naminé.

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Pretty much the one and only reason I have ever hated Rarity for any reason is the way she treated Sweetie Belle in the "Sleepless in Ponyville" episode. Also, I don't like how she uses her looks to manipulate people.



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