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Confession Time!


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I rarely brushed my teeth in my early childhood, My parents never enforced the idea to do so and as a Child I was never informed it was necessary till I was in mid-grade school...


Weirdly enough, I never got cavities during that time....if anything, the cavities started after I began brushing my teeth daily o_o 



@@Ziggy + Angel + Rain,


I flipped out the first time I saw your avie wink at me o_o 

Edited by Vulcan
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i was once shot and grazed in the knee (it looked like a deep cut) but at the time i kept quiet to keep the guy next to me calm since he was breaking down (to be fair he was only 18) and i patched it up myself and never told anyone i now i have a perminant knee injury that comes and goes and when ever i bring it up with work they just say "nah you did that yourself" yes i shot myself in the knee for compo...

any way lesson learnt ive been told "your kind heart will kill you one day son" but you know what? fuck that i don't like seeing others distressed i don't care if i go without food for the day or need to sleep in the rain as long as its ME and not some one else my whole reason for joining the Army was to protect others and help people 

i think i was complaining about this months ago oh well have the confession again 

Edited by idunnomaybe
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As much as I like watching or reading about paranormal stuff, I can't help but still get extremely jumpy over sudden noises, even small ones. I guess frightening things are tempting? 

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I never eat meat since I view the concept of eating meat is barbaric. 


I am wanting to get a Trixie body pillow so bad. 


I hate how the scientists say how we have 8 planets, which is absurd. Pluto and its friends are planets to me.


I hate the English alphabet, Use C for only CH, remove X, C sometimes is a K, and sometimes an S. Which is Idiotic! X is Eks, no need to make up a whole new letter. Silent letters are bullcrap and need to be removed, spell things the way they sound! 


I also hate the way the animal classification system is


(This is what I believe about the alphabet)




Edited by StarlightTrixie
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Personality wise I have been compared to furniture. It is very difficult to get any sort of reaction out of me for anything, and several people have told me that I am easily the most emotionless person they have ever seen.


Of course I am not, I am just not very good at expressing them, so don't bother trying much.

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   You know how they say that sexuality can be a bit of a sliding rule? Like, you've a higher percentage to lean one way then the other?

 Well, think when it comes to the world of Equestria's citizenry, I may be noticeably more gay! I mean, just LOOK at these stallions! Maybe its that the sturdy, well-muscled build of a horse lends itself better to masculinity, then there's that layer of cuteness over that and just...Mnh! Stallions!


  Special Bonus Confession!!!

   I see Rainbow Dash as the most androgynous of the main girls. Can see loooads of rom-com misunderstandings of her being mistaken for a stallion. And I kinda like androgyny....

    Remember once, while I was working in some grocery store, some guy went past that was clearly both genders (I don't fully understand all the grey area when it comes to genders. Your either open for cuddlin' or not in my book!)  and when I rubbernecked as they went past, don't think my feelings at the time was based from what would be the usual "What was that?!" feeling.


    But hey, don't pin me down on anything yet! Still don't have a good enough grasp on sex to have anything pinned down. Though I've had plenty of time.....

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I stole 75 cents from my roommate once to buy a soda. She had a shit load of change in a jar and I figured she'd never know.


I also once let her alarm go off for 4 hours straight because I was pissed off at her and she was ended up missing a couple classes lmao.

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  My Salazz evolved today.

    No, that wasn't the confession, but if you know what I mean, you'll know where I'm heading with this.


  It's something I've been thinking alot about & agonizing over for years. Since neither of my previous confession posts have come back to bite me, I suppose its okay. I'm not exactly comfortable talking about this sort of subject & I'd likely blush so hard I pass out should I ever do this face to face with some actual human. But there is likely slim to none chances I'll ever meet any of you or have to revisit this so....suppose its finally time to come out.



   Hi everyone. I'm a furry.



   And no, I still stand on my claim that them fursuits are creepy & unnatural as all get out! Anthropomorphic animals, sure, nifty, fine. People pretending to be species they clearly aren't...I'm getting a cartoonishly large mallet and screaming like a howler monkey!

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So, for quite a long time now, I've had this strange habit that I've never quite understood.  You see, whenever I'm watching a movie, and a character falls into the water and stays underwater for a fairly long time, I hold my breath from the moment when the character enters the water up until that character takes another breath.  To be honest, I probably fail to halt my breathing for so long about half of the time, but I keep trying anyways.

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