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Are there any family members you hate with a burning passion?


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Maybe I'm just lucky, but there isn't really any family member I actually hate, like there are certain members we just write off as not worth bothering with, but it's not like a festering grudge or anything.

  • Brohoof 1

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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I got two individuals I despise and need at the same time. My parents. They did a lot of things. The reason why I still need them is, because I always wanted a normal family. That's why I cling to the tiniest bits of family-moments.




Are there any family members you hate with a burning passion?


I think nowadays the word "hate" is used way too lightly.

Hatred is the most extreme dislike. Its the strongest form of aversion and disdain we can possibly have against individuals or things. It describes not only intense negative emotions towards something, but the wish to harm and to destroy.

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I've never in my life believed I should have to love someone unconditionally because of their blood ties to me. What have they done in my life that deserves the label of "love"? Or even "like"? Especially if I don't interact with them more than once every few weeks or even months.


As for someone I hate: My little brother. He's three years younger than I am and he's a total asshole. He's constantly condescending towards me, always insulting me, always gets mad at me when I tell him to do things he knows he should be doing anyway and says "you're not my father" as if I was ever trying to be.


What I've done? I've blocked his access to my TV which means no internet, no games aside from his DS and no DVDs for the most part. I don't care if I'm the asshole here anymore, he's been like this too long and I'm sick of it. The sooner I can move out the better.


The problem now is since he has nothing to do he follows me around everywhere and watches over my shoulder constantly and that's getting annoying too and my mom's making the excuse for him "well he has nothing to do." He brought this upon himself, he doesn't GET to make the rules.


Other things I hate about him are the fact you literally cannot ask him to do anything, or I can't anyway. I can't say "can you grab me [object]" even if he's closer, it would be easier for him to grab or he could just generally be nice and do it but if I want it I have to give him something for it or I do it myself.


Even if it's something he is less than a foot from and I'm across the room, he makes me go pick it up myself.


<______________< I hate him and the worst part is that he's a lot like me in some ways cuz he copies everything I do. I find a new phrase, he takes it. I get into a show or song, he's into it too. I am not a role model but he copies me anyway but only when it's convenient for him cuz he won't even remotely get up to go find a job.


Yes, many of these things are minor annoyances but years of abuse and being annoyed by him has worn down on me. The sooner he's out of my life the better.

Edited by Discordian
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well the only family i have left is my dad and i cant even put into words how much i hate him some times he does not even show he cares about me anymore and for all he cares i could probably die and he would not even notice.

  • Brohoof 1


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  I don't hate any family members, but my relationship with one of my uncles is different now since he pretty much screwed me over, then criticized me for not planning ahead for events like that, which he caused and I would have never seen coming.  Then when my parents asked for help, he told them about the value of hard work and that sacrifices have to be made, which they of all people don't need to be told about.  Just thinking about it pisses me off  :angry: !!


  Like I said, I don't hate him, I just think its sad that someone I used to look up to would throw my family and I under the bus like that.  I guess that's life though  -_- . 

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My twin brother. He bullies me constantly, knows just which buttons to push to send me into an anxiety attack and breakdown and pushes them for fun. He's pretty much a huge twatwaffle and I despise him. I don't hate my step dad exactly, but he's really annoying. One time he grounded me because I didn't "infer" that the dishes needed to be done. I always do MY dishes, but he said the sink was filled that morning and I got grounded for not doing them. The only dishes in there were his breakfast dishes. I pointed that out and said they would have been done if he'd actually asked me to do them and he just told me I should've inferred what he wanted and grounded me. He never respects the things I like. He acts like video games are inventions of Satan and he said I have shitty taste in television and literally sat there belittling my favorite show ever (Firefly) while I was sitting there trying to watch it. He doesn't have to like the things I like, but can he not force his opinion down my throat and just let me enjoy them? He does stuff like that a lot and it tends to piss me off so while I don't hate him, he's annoying and I don't like him. 

  • Brohoof 2


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I hate my little cousin. Here are the reasons-

-He has all the ds, ds lite, ds xl, 3ds, 3ds xl, and he says he's doesen't have anything

-If you touch the tv, he screams at you

-“I want to kill ponies and replace them with kicking it", he's 6 years old

-he quotes movies randomly

-He screws with my n64

-thought my gameboy “was that new ds that came out"

-Farts and laughs

-Hates pokemon

-Thinks the new smash bros is a new series and that the original is fake

-Scares my cats by sucking on them

-if he gets something cheaper them a wii u, he screams

-Has a fart blaster that he fires all the time

-Destroyed my halo 4 by getting ketchup on it

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I only dislike a few cousins, but outside of that I don't have any family members that I outright hate. At worst the only thing I don't like is that they're way too religious and are always forcing it on me(befor you ask, I'm Christian))

Edited by Megas75
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I'd be lying if I said I hated any of my relatives, but I do find my sister truly annoying. She can get whatever she wants if she gets my father on her side, she never gets in trouble and she's just plain rude sometimes. I understand she's about 7 years younger than me, but there's a line and it's quite clear we've past it.


If anyone else, it would be some relatives on my mother's side, because they're lazy and can hardly take care of themselves (which is why my cousin left them and has been living with us for the past 2 years).

  • Brohoof 1

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I feel pretty grateful to have a loving family. I can't say that there is anyone I hate. Though my uncle and cousin came to visit recently, and I had to share my room with my cousin. She left her music on when she went to bed, so she was asleep and it was still playing when I came in. She also snored. =P I was a bit annoyed falling asleep that night. But I can't say I dislike her for that. :B

  • Brohoof 2


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My cousin in my father's side of the family. He really sucks. He's always copying everybody, he literally echos every word you say, and is a huge liar. He even says he hates MLP.. I punched his face in that day. :3

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't hate any member of my family. My dad annoys me the most, though, because he seems to believe that if he repeats something enough, it becomes true. But really, we get along swimmingly as long as we don't talk about certain things.

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Not "hate" per se, but my great aunt (is that the right term? She's my grandfather's sister) loves to talk, start arguments, and share her uninformed opinion about anything and everything. She doesn't bother going out of her way to learn new things because supposedly there's no point in learning anything new at her age. She's also very passive-aggressive.

Recently, she claimed that the reason why the ozone layer was depleting was because americans sent too many rockets in space, and that they made holes in the clouds on their way up. That's how freaking ridiculous her opinions are.

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No. None of my family members ever gave me cause to hate them.


I'm not a big fan of the uncle who physically bullied my younger brother once though. I'm sure he remembers it too.

  • Brohoof 1

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Being just the way they are..."

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My adopted brother.  One, he thinks everyone should go by his rules and like what he likes.  Two, he's argued with me over bananas.  He's very argumentative.  Three, I once stated that I was a peaceful person and that I didn't want to fight anyone, he called me stupid.

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I resent my father and disowned my brother so...Yeah, probably. Not terribly fond of my grandparents on my mother's side either. I don't care enough to hate the grandparents though and father gets a bit of lenience for being a decent provider if a shit parent...

Recently, she claimed that the reason why the ozone layer was depleting was because americans sent too many rockets in space, and that they made holes in the clouds on their way up.


Uh...Clouds and the ozone layer aren't exactly the same thing... :huh: Crazy old people, with their wrinkles and impending deaths, and their makeout parties...

Edited by Xanatos
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My dad. He's an alcoholic piece of shit who fucked up my childhood, stole thousands of dollars from my mother, and then skipped the country after there was nothing left for him to destroy.


Just thinking about that guy makes my blood boil.

  • Brohoof 1

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I can't say I hate anyone, not even dislike.

But I have a family member I mostly ignore for my own good. My dad and I doesn't have the best relationship. My parent are divorced and I live with my mom. When I'm visiting dad, well it's not like there is a warm welcome. He ignore me and just talks about himself.

Last time ended with me sitting alone at a playground over an hour in the middle of the night just crying.

But I can't say that I dislike him, he is my dad and he thinks he's a good parent but he knows nothing about me or my feelings.

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Wow... I didn't know so many could have such hatred in their families...

I love my whole family more than anything. My cousins, I only have two, and they're so special to me. We don't get to see them much because they leave 200 miles away... But when we do, I'm so happy and I feel complete.

To find that some people hate their parents (and their parents hate them) really shocks me. I would say, "you shouldn't speak about your mother/father that way, you shouldn't take them for granted etc.", but some of you genuinely hate your parents for their attitude towards you... It's sad.

I can understand that someone might say they hate their annoying, prissy sister or violent, picky brother, but hate is a very strong word, and you should all think about whether you do really "hate" them. Think about the happy times you might have had with them, and really, try to imagine what it would be like if they suddenly died, or went missing? Would you still hate them, and rejoice in their absence?

As for hatred towards your own parents... I can only feel sorrowful for you. It is sad that you this happens between what should be the most loveable, special bond in the world.

  • Brohoof 3

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I can't really 'hate' anyone, especially my blood...

I mean, my family annoys me to Jupiter, but I don't hate them.

My little brother is a very hateful soul, and likes to get negative reactions out for people for Luna knows why, but I still show him love, because he'd be lost in the dark without it.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, I don't hate anyone in my family. I love them all to bits. But my dad can be an arrogant SOB when he wants to be. "Educate people? Not my job. Look down on people? I earned the right to do so because I served my country for half my life." His words exactly. He has this really militaristic view of the world and anyone who hasn't held a gun and a uniform at anytime during his life is a useless meat bag whose opinions are worthless. Including his son.

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