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Am I the only one that takes hater's insults to heart?


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I was looking on Youtube at random Brony videos and fan creations when I saw a video in which someone ranted about Bronies (I don't think providing a link or name would be a good idea). In it, they were so harsh and cruel. After the video, I was sitting there, wondering if I should leave the fandom. I mean, it's nice to be here with you all, but I don't like knowing that somewhere out there, hundreds of people want me dead. It's horrible! All of these insults make me feel really bad.


And yes, I know 'Haters gonna hate' but that doesn't change the fact that these insults really get to me. Does anyone else feel the same way?

  • Brohoof 14



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Yeah, they can get to me from time to time as well. But, usually I just remember the fact that I actually spend my time better than sitting there hating on a group of people for enjoying some tv show. I find it hypocritical how haters hate the show and think that bronies are so weird for liking something out of the target demographic...but love Pokemon, Adventure Time, Transformers, Sonic, Mario, and stuff like that. it's best to just ignore their existence. That's what I usually do. 

  • Brohoof 8


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I don't take those kind of insults directly. It's just like with everything else. I only take insults really to the heart when they're specifically directed at me. 


That doesn't mean I ignore that kind of "generalized" hate, or that the people spreading it don't bother me, but when that happens I just sit there and think "Damn, that's just sad. Hope in humanity damaged again."

Edited by StatesTheOblivious
  • Brohoof 8

"If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences."

- W. I. Thomas & D. S. Thomas



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I only really care about insults when I can see the ass so I can punch him in the face. Which is pretty often.


Okay, I don't actually punch people unless it's personal. I haven't been arrested yet and I don't want to. But I don't let douche bags on the internet get to me because I know I could punch them if they were in front of me.

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No, I try not to let them get to me. I just laugh at the ignorant shitsponges that we call "haters". You have to be pretty pathetic person to go online and do nothing but comment aggressive, mean stuff on videos all day long. I mean, I have never once in my life got on the internet and started hate-mongering about a band, or fandom I don't like. I just never got the appeal of it, never. Why would you do it? Literally, what would I gain from it? Nothing, absolutely nothing. So why do other people do it then? Why do they go on youtube videos and post hateful crap all day long? It makes no sense. It's like Chewbacca, a Wookie living on the Forest moon of Endor, which is the home for the Ewoks. It just don't make no damn sense!  :angry:


So remember everypony, just do what Pinkie would do, "and tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... HAHAHAHA...heh...

LAAAUGH"  :lol: 

Edited by ReverseFaller
  • Brohoof 4


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I can get easily offended when people pass insults of things I like, perhaps I’m a little over sensitive.


But I just theoretically take a deep breath, and have a moment and get over it when I do find videos and so on of people insulting my interests. Because opinions are often divided on things, but it doesn’t mean everybody feels the same way.


I know there will be people who dislike stuff I like, but I also know there are lots of people who do like what I like. 


Take ponies/bronys etc: some people go out and are cruel about us. And 'haters' often have nothing better to do, don't really care, and are up against 1000s of people on this forum for example who do like ponies/being bronys.



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Insults hardly ever get to me these days unless they're really personal. Most of the time a laugh at the ones making insults while telling them how pathetic they look being so upset. 


And don't worry about death threats, they're worthless. There're already thousands of people who're gonna say they want you to die over other reasons as well, so don't worry. They're just empty threats made by a weak, lame minority. What's one rant some random stranger made worth against all the users here on this forum alone? That's right, nothing at all.

  • Brohoof 1
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Don't pay those people any attention. They want you to feel bad about yourself so they can add you to army of low self-esteem. People like that aren't even happy with themselves so they want every one else to be unhappy with them.  Misery loves company, as they say.

  • Brohoof 1

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Of course you're not the only one. On the contrary, haters' insults are taken far too seriously by too many bronies. If there's one real complaint I have about our fandom, it's that we're too insecure. We've got to toughen up and stop worrying about what others think of us. We've been around for almost three years now, the show is going strong and we're not going anywhere. You're perfectly right to enjoy whatever it is you enjoy without hurting anyone else and that includes MLP. Focus on the friends you have here and the rest of it won't seem so bad. That's my advice to you.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 2

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Most of the time no not really.  Sometimes when Its someone I know really well, and they either laugh or sorta insult me about it does hurt a bit.  People are always gonna hate you.  You kinda get used to it after a while.



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Sometimes, they still get to me, but in the other forum I go on, they're usually either trolling or whoring for attention. So I just brush it off.

(Though, there is a group of people who like to hound on me for some reason.)

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I don't take those kind of insults directly. It's just like with everything else. I only take insults really to the heart when they're specifically directed at me. 


That doesn't mean I ignore that kind of "generalized" hate, or that the people spreading it don't bother me, but when that happens I just sit there and think "Damn, that's just sad. Hope in humanity damaged again."

Ditto this, but even if somebody tries to make it personal I can kinda block out the brunt of the attack, I just remember strangers are the least qualified to judge anyway, so it lessens to being only minorly sucky, but thats more because im more diaspointed that they have to act like buttholes in the first place rather than what they actually said.





(if this is illegible I'm soooo sorry I'm trying to ytpe with a migrane.)

  • Brohoof 1

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Scrumpy is cider made in the West Country of England,[1] particularly a band through Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire, though it may also be found in Kent, Sussex and East Anglia. The term is especially used to distinguish those made locally in smaller quantities and using traditional methods from mass-produced branded ciders.

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You are far from being the only one, if people didn't take haters insults so personally than we wouldn't have so many "closet bronies". I understand why some people particularly younger people wish to hide their interest in ponies because I have heard countless stories about parents freaking out when they find out their kid is a brony but I really don't see the point of letting the ignorant rantings of strangers upset you. If they want to waste their time going out of their way to project their own insecurities by hating people for no good reason than that is their problem and you shouldn't let it become your problem by letting it get to you. 

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I think everyone takes them to heart occasionally. It really depends on what is being said and what kind of mood you're in at the moment. However, you can't control what other people to do, but you can control yourself. Try avoiding places where haters dwell. Do more stuff that relaxes you in general. Trust me, it helps. The clearer your mind, the better you'll understand that ultimately other people's opinions, especially people who like to criticize others for what they like and don't like, don't matter one bit. Blowhards stick out like a sour thumb, and most people on the planet won't care that ya like the ponahs. Sure, they may make fun of you, but if they're not serious, it's no biggie. They do this knowing full well you could bust on them for their quirks and they won't care either.


Seriously: everyone has their 'weird' habits and quirks. 




Those who say they don't are lying. In fact, it's more normal to be 'weird' these days then it is to be the definition of 'normal'. It's kind of hard not to be in the world we live in. So in conclusion, yeah, it's a cliche, but unless they're busting you in a joking way it usually means they're the type of people who like to put others down when they're down to bolster their own egos, or in a neurotic state of being and think that people liking ponies is the end of the world or some shit (similar to fundamentalist Christians thinking that t3h gayz are going to ruin America... with their butt-fucking... cus... IT'S GAY! AND GOD HATES GAYS! Utter stupidity.)


AKA, they're assholes who nobody likes save for other assholes, and friendships based on mutual hate break apart like no tomorrow. (Soviet Union and America for instance.)

Edited by Silent_Bob
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Honestly, I just avoid haters altogether.  Not that I'm afraid of them or even bothered by them when I run across any, it's just, I see no reason to deal with them to begin with.  If they wanna go on not liking MLP, that's fine by me; doesn't affect me any, no matter how stupid or nonsensical they may get at times.  So to anybody who still gets bothered by haters at all, I'd recommend just avoiding them altogether if they really bother you that much.  No point in getting yourself worked up over a handful of unpleasant individuals in my opinion.


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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You can't let some internet randoms bother you over something so small.  Have your fun and if it's not hurting anyone, fuck the rest. 


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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Perhaps you need to watch Putting Your Hoof Down again. The moral isn't to be a doormat, the moral is to not take assertiveness too far.


And there aren't hundreds of people out there who want you dead. If you stuff a gun in their hands, 9.7 in 10 people aren't going to pull the trigger and murder you in cold blood.


They're losers. Who cares about them?

  • Brohoof 3


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

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You aren't the only one but it's not unusual for entire groups of people to be "wanted dead" and MLP is no exception.


The insults I take to heart though aren't the stupid ones that can be easily passed off as trying to rile people up or from people who know nothing about bronies and just want to stir up trouble.


No, the ones that I actually pay attention to are the ones who are actually thinking of MLP's impact on society. Regardless of whether I agree with them or if I think they are taking things too seriously at least they have legit, well thought out reasons and it's less about the show or bronies in general but what kind of society is being built on this thought process, on these people.


While it's true that some bronies are well-adjusted members of society many are still teenagers and kids and very impressionable and they worry about how this fandom can change them and how it will teach them to interact with other members of society.

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Haters that are THAT passionate about it have issues of some kind. Nothing they say should be taken seriously.


Think about it. Someone thinks you should cease living because of a cartoon show that you like? That hardly sounds like the thought process of a fully-functional, sane person. THAT is why they should be ignored. Their hatred has no basis in logic. It's simply mindless hate. And anyone who mindlessly hates anything has issues they need to deal with. Not our problem.

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Yeah. There's a proverb which says "You can always tell a pioneer by the arrows in his back". For me, such a big amount of haters just indicates that the Brony fandom is something really great, because there's another proverb: "If nobody hates what you're doing, then you're not doing anything important" ;-J

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Its certainly hurtful of what people say about us. Saying we're things that we aren't but its something I don't let get the best of me. Reasons why is this


Most people say these hurtful things about us because they don't understand us. They see  us as a group of people who are challenging the norms of society, saying that we're freaks or we're queer because we enjoy a show involving ponies. Again, they don't understand the appeal that we understand and even if we try to explain, they'll only see us in the image that they have in their minds. 


They can be cruel with their words and spreading hate about us but I don't let that get the best of me. The best to do is try to make peace with them, the main goal here after all to friendly and accepting rather then wanting to label those around us...


Everyday, people are labeled. A fact of life, best to do is try to ignore the hate and befriend others. I know, I sounded rather cheesy like an after school special but its the truth

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