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I still don't understand why people love to dunk their sandwich cookies into milk. Personally I would prefer smothering them with jelly or chocolate condensed milk. A bit messy, but jolly heavens they'are delicious.


Also, original Oreo is best Oreo


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I don't eat them that often because I suffer from Oreo Absence. (I don't have them)

But when I do have them, I follow these steps:


  1. Get something to drink.
  2. Grab Oreo.
  3. Eat Oreo.
  4. Drink some milk/water/whatever I got.
  5. Repeat until all Oreos are eaten. (Or until I think I've had enough.)


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I eat mine very strangely, I carefully set the cookie into the milk and let it float, once it starts to sink I will grab it and eat it. Letting it sit until it sinks gives it enough time to taste delicious.

I am not creative so... Battlefield


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'm eating Oreos again right now. However, we have no milk in the house. So I'm just eating them without anything else and... it sucks. :( I mean it's just not the same. I miss eating that soggy, milk-drenched half and then eating the dry, crunchy other half. It was my yin-yang. I miss drinking the white, creamy milk and letting it wash down my throat like a waterfall. I even tried splitting the cookie in half and licking off the sweet, delicous cream but it just doesn't fill the void. Oh milk, how I miss you so.

Edited by LatinoChurro
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1. i open package.

2. i reach hand into package.

3. i take a single oreo.

4. I open my mouth.

5. I put the oreo in my mouth.

6. I eat the oreo.

7. unless there aren't anymore, repeat.


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Usually I just dunk them in milk.  I used to twist them open, but I rarely do that anymore; sandwich cookies are going to stay sandwich cookies for me.  If I find the opportunity, I like to spread some Nutella on my Oreos.

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Normally as a meal with nothing else and no special way of breaking them apart or anything...  When I eat things I will either eat everything on my plate and finish things individually before moving on to the next.  If I have a box of candy I use it for a meal.  I don't really snack or break things up which is probably not the healthiest thing but I actively work out (an hour a day cardio min.) so I keep any weight off regardless...

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I don't take the Oreo apart. I simply bite into it the way it is. When you're dealing with delicious chocolate and cream cookies, you don't have time to pull them apart! If I feel like treating myself, I'll scarf a few with some milk, because the Oreo is milk's favorite cookie after all. :P

Edited by Sugar Cube
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All you rookies, this is the proper way to eat Oreo's. What you do is you take a glass of milk, you put the Oreo in the milk, then you put a spoon from the Oreo to the glass on top of it, it gets the hole Oreo soft. Plus you can eat the Oreo with the spoon.


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I know most of the time people like to scrape off the icing and lick it off and such, or scrape it with the top front row of their teeth, but I like to eat oreos the way people are supposed to eat them owo


either that, or just dunk them in milk

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how to eat oreos:

go to store

buy a package of oreos

go home (or sit in car, wherever you'd like basically)

open box

grab a oreo with thumb and index finger

open mouth

stick the oreo (including your fingers) in your mouth, but not to far in (you'll choke)

release the oreo from you thumb and index finger

pull out hand

close mouth

push the oreo beetwen your teeth with your tounge

close your jaw and open it again

repeat last two steps until your oreo has become a mush

swallow it

Edited by mineralwater
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I remove one row of oreos from the tray, and then fill up that part of the tray with milk.  It's the perfect height and diameter to hold an oreo, so that I don't have to get my fingers wet or in the way of fully dunking my oreo.  I dunk it two or three times to get it kinda soggy while still intact, and then I eat the whole thing in a bite or two.  I occasionally twist 'n' lick, but the satisfaction of pure cream isn't worth having to eat the two cookies without it after.

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I always seperate the two halves, and lick/nibble off the cream, then eat the cookies by themselves. If I have milk, I'll eat the cream by itself, and then dip the cookies in the milk.


You should see my sister though, she take out the cream from all of them, roll it into a big ball, then eats that by itself. And then I am left to eat teh cookies (Which, FYI, I don't mind :))

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Unlike most, I don't twist them in half. I'd like to know how that came into practice, because it seems kind of weird to me that so many people do it. I prefer to dip the whole thing in milk or coffee and eat it in one bite. 


Kyoshi made this ^^



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  • 2 months later...

Truth be told the way I love to eat them... I cant post on here.... soooo. I asked my Boss he said "I put it in my mouth and chew it up" So there you have it!


Ah one other way I liked to eat them is, dipping it in milk letting it soak up some of the milk and then eat it


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I've actually never had mine with milk before, should I try it?


How SkyStorm eats her Oreos:

1: pull it in half (yes, I don't twist, I just pull because it splits the icing on both sides usually)

2: eat the side with the most icing

3: eat the side with less icing.



1: eat it.


/) free hugs included (\

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I like my Oreos really soggy. I dip the cookie as much as possible that my fingers barely don't touch the milk, and I do that for about 10-15 seconds. Then I quickly put the entire cookie in my mouth so as not to spill milk/cookie matter all over the place.

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Very easily my friend. I would just eat it. Sometimes I would take it apart then lick the cream till the cookie is all thats left. Or Take the whole cookie put it in milk for a sec then eat it.



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Steps, so many steps:


1: obtain Oreos. (This may be done through capitalism, generosity, whatever. I find they taste better when acquired through trickery!)

2: debate how to eat Oreo.

3: remember to get milk, because an Oreo without milk is, well... dry.

4: forget all about plans and try any of the following on a whim:

-4a1: twist the Oreo apart.

-4a2a1: eat the side with more sugar-cream-filling-stuff (scfs)

-4a2a2: eat the side with less scfs.

-4a2a3: drink milk.

-4a2b1: eat the side with less scfs

-4a2b2: drink milk immediately because that was way too dry, and continuing with drymouth is just unthinkable!

-4a2b3: try to shove superior side of Oreo in your mouth and eat it as quickly as possible!

-4a2b4: remember to enjoy life, and try to slow down before you inhale- too late...

-4a2b5: lament the premature consumption of milk while you choke on cheap chocolate-sugar-pulp!

-4a2c1: realize that there is the same amount of scfs on both sides.

-4a2c2: don't panic...

-4a2c3: PANIC!

-4a2c4: frantically press the two halves together in hopes of redoing step 4a1!

-4a2c5: repeat steps 4a1 and 4a2c5 until you have lost faith in your deity.

-4a2c6: draw a magic summoning circle and place the now mangled Oreo in the center.

-4a2c7: speak forgotten prayers in ancient, jibbering tongues to the elder gods and/or satan to restore the oreo, including offering of your own blood...

-4a2c8: erase the evidence when it doesn't work, otherwise the witchcraft police will get you!

-4a2c9: drink the milk, but only if you feel like it. No big. It's just been sitting there, forgotten, this whole time. Don't feel bad for it.

-4b1: pull the Oreo apart. DO NOT TWIST!!!

-4b2: toss anything not graces by scfs in the garbage! CLEANSE THE FILTH!

-4b3: devour the pieces in order of most scfs while cackling madly!

-4b4: taunt the milk thoroughly!

-4b5: pretend the milk has eyes, and look into its terrified face as you slowly drink only half of it.

-4b6: the moment the milk thinks it can rest easy, happily knowing it has been consumed to satisfy you, POUR THE OTHER HALF IN THE SINK!


-4c1: Use the Oreos to create an architectural wonder the likes of which the world has never seen!

-4c2: realize that the knowledge contained within your Oreo world wonder is TOO GREAT! The world is not ready!

-4c3: To avert World War # I mean 3, SMASH IT TO BITS!

-4c4: That wasn't enough! They could still reconstruct it with SCIENCE! Douse the remains with Milk! MELT IT!

-4c5: ZE MILK, IT DOES NOTINK! The evidence must be destroyed, for world peace! (Also, they'll probably turn you in to the Robot Police)


-4c7: explain that you don't know how your apartment caught fire, and you certainly have no insurance claims.

-4c8: Find a new place to live, and never speak of this again.

-4d1: dunk it in milk.

-4d2: Get fingers wet. Start over because OCD.

-4d3: dip it in milk CAREFULLY. Must... not... get... fingers... wet...

-4d3: gape in horror as the moist part falls into the milk! o_O

-4d4: Try to keep it together, and replace milk because OCD.

-4d5: dip carefully but swiftly, and ignore the obvious contradiction.

-4d5: splash milk, utterly failing in your task yet again.

-4d6: perhaps you're just not good enough. Wallow in self disdain.

-4d7: gather up last shreds of confidence, and attempt to gently pour milk onto Oreos in specially-designated Oreo soaking bowl, then pouring milk out back into glass, thus leaving doused Oreos and satisfied disfunctions.


-4d8: fetal position.

-4d9: seek help for your Oreo-related issues.

-4e1: Just eat it...

5a: Go to step 1.

5b1: preheat oven to 350 degrees (175 Celsius)

5b2: Mix 3/4 cup of butter, 1+3/4 cup of flour, 1 cup of sugar, and 1/4 cup of confectioner's (unsweetened) cocoa powder, until more or less smoothe.

5b3: add 1 egg and 1/2 tsp of vanilla (eh, just use a little spoon and guess), continue to mix.

5b4: put down some flour and roll out the dough. Cut out whatever shapes you want, because circles are boring. I like cthulus!

5b5: place cookies-to-be about 2 inches apart on a baking sheet. Grease is for chumps.

5b6: Put that **** in the oven and set the timer for 8 minutes, holmes.

5b7: While that happens, take some powdered sugar (2 cups), half a stick of butter, 2 more teaspoons of vanilla, and some (1/4 cup) shortening (that's baking fat: lard, margerine, hydrogynated vegetable oil, crisco, whatever), and slowly mix the sugar and vanilla into the butter and shortening.

5b8: when it looks like cream filling, it is!

5b9: take your Cthulureos out of the oven, and let them cool until they don't burn you. Jeez, I gotta tell you everything?

5b10: ration filling onto 1/2 the cookies.

5b11: place other half of cookies on cream filling.

5b12: take a picture, because you're so proud of yourself. (it doesn't take much, does it?)

Go to step 1.


BAM! Take that NestleNabisco!! Booyah!

Edited by DenialZombie

I could have just said:scootaloo_forum_signature_by_doktorhorde

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I can't eat Oreos without milk. I don't take them apart or anything like that. But if I do, I try to get some of the creme filling from one and start stacking it on another and make a super Oreo lol But mostly I just take them and soak them in the milk for a long time until they're completely soggy and just eat it whole lol I pig out when it comes to Oreos

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