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What do people like about your personality?

Sugar Pea

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I'm a little stumped on this for myself, but I have gotten different perspectives on my personality. Some say i'm quiet, others say i'm loud and hyper.

But two things people say about my personality that I hold close to me is that they say I'm caring and really kind....that means a lot to me. :3


  • Brohoof 4

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I don't really know anymore. I guess people have said I am caring, or kind or whatever. I don't know about any of it anymore. Honestly I hate my own personality but others seem okay with it. I actually have not received many worthwhile compliments about my personality as a whole. Doesn't exactly surprise me. Or maybe I have and I just don't remember them. Either way, they are probably not really accurate anyways.

  • Brohoof 1


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Some like my honesty, but some hate it because, "You're too rude by saying it that straight." Well, my tongue is harsh indeed, but not that bad. It's much better than lying, isn't it?


My close friends said that I'm wise because I always let things go, but some call me heartless because I don't mourn.

  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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I like nothing about my personality. Most people find me annoying, dim witted, boring, and hypocritical. Oh, and I'm emo as hell, so that's also a deterrent for most people. Point is, aside from family, the trait most people comment about me is either "annoying" or "overly emotional"

  • Brohoof 1


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People say I'm really dependable. I'm really quiet and shy but I'm very nice and polite to others I don't know. I'm playful and funny with friends that I know well, and I'm super fast on my feet which is probably why I'm picked first for running events XD But for the most part I'm shy and quiet in the corner of the crowd waiting for whatever is going on to end  :(

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I have heard multiple things people like about my personality, some say:


  • I'm hilarious (only with a certain friend)
  • I'm extremely calm
  • Kind and forgiving
  • I'm intelligent and can usually learn things quickly
  • I'm not lazy and I can stay up for long periods of time and go without eating for long periods of time.
  • I worry about others more than myself, both physically and mentally.
  • I'm a clean person.
  • I'm patient.
  • It's hard to make me angry.

Those are off the top of my head.

Edited by WheatleyCore
  • Brohoof 1


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I'm a bit diverse of what I'm about to say but here it goes...


My friends and anyone usually describe me in two ways.


  1. Half of them say I'm a cool, serious, depressed looking, and awesome dude. I usually don't have to say anything as they say that all the time, even when I don't see it. Heck, even some state it's boring without me, yet, I rarely don't say or do anything, as I'm that type that's silent for the good reason, while not being shy.
  2. The other half says despite my looks and lack of emotion, I'm very caring, nice, sweet, gentlemanly, and kind to most of my friends and anyone in general. It actually makes me feel happy when they state that, as most girls in the past tell me that all the time, and I'll admit, I blush at times. XD

Other than that, now you know me a bit more.  ;)

  • Brohoof 1
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Well my mom is always complaining about how I don't have any friends, about how I'm lazy and about how I don't play sports. People at school usually tell me "oh you're so quite", I've also been told "You look like the person who would start a school shooting", and of course things like "You're pessimistic", "You're depressing", "You have the eyes of a baby killer", etc. And people wonder why I like to be alone.

Edited by Maki Natsuo
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The bottom line is people are complicated and depending on how they know you and in what moments they see you will play a massive influence on how they see you. I behave very differently at work than I do at school or at home, I am a lot more pessimistic short tempered and use a lot more profanity at work. I am sure some of my co workers see me as extremely cynical but alot of them actually have a great deal of respect for me. I tend to be viewed despite my pessimism as fairly hard working and knowledgeable about my department, I have been getting hounded mercilessly by the manager and department head for things that aren't entirely my fault lately and nearly everyone seems to actually sympathize with me.


I went back to school for the first time in 3 years so most of my fellow students are strangers to me but views about me were mixed, you either loved me or hated me. I was extremely socially awkward in my early childhood all the way through high school and had issues with depression and anger so I was misunderstood and even feared by some people. But people that took the time to know me saw me as fairly intelligent, in some ways a bit more mature than most people my age yet having a slightly immature side with a penchant for dirty jokes and innuendo. I guess I have had opinions ranging from positive to negative about me, but even with the misconceptions some people have had about me I take comfort in knowing that I mat not be perfect but I am a decent person.

  • Brohoof 3
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Well, on these forums I've been told I'm helpful and kind. I'm very appreciative of that. In real life, well I never TALK to a single other soul so it's kind of hard to get others opinions. But my puppy dog likes to stare at me and lay next to me in my bed for hours and lick my face. I personally hate myself, because I hate what kind of uncontrollable emotions go through my heart. To myself, I feel like such a contradictory selfish hypocrite that I don't think I deserve a word of thanks. Yet, I guess I'm doing something right. When I see how happy my puppy is, he reminds me that I must be doing something right... :)

  • Brohoof 1
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    What people seem to like the most about me is my sense of humor, and with that; my ability to make a dull situation like school into something exciting and quite humorous. I guess my reputation is one of a comedian around people. That is why I find that I can relate to Pinkie Pie more than any other pony in the show. I laugh a lot, and even though being a bit out of shape I still tend to have a lot of energy that my silly personality thrives in.  I try to make as many people as possible laugh because it makes me feel better as a whole. Also, the fact that I don't care at all what people think of me helps people's opinions of me, and surprisingly made me liked by people better as a whole, and make much more friends that I'd ever imagine I'd have.




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IRL, I tend to get labeled as "sweet" a lot. I'm known for being kind, modest, and smart. That's pretty much the extent of the positives. I could go on and on about the negatives...


Online, I get all sorts of different compliments. I've been called silly, sweet, outspoken, frank, kind, respectful, and well-spoken. I'm sure there's more, but my brain has a way of filtering out all of the good stuff that I want to remember. People online are much more flattering than the kind of people I see in my everyday life. xP


I used to think that my personality was kinda bland, but I can't be that bland if so many people think I'm sweet. I suppose that's why I'm Sugar Cube, because "sweet" is the most common trait that people like about me. :)

Edited by Sugar Cube
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"You look like the person who would start a school shooting", and of course things like "You're pessimistic", "You're depressing",

Dude, you're like mini-me. I was basically all of that to the 11th degree in high school, and people actually said that first comment a lot.


I've been told I'm witty and funny before. I'm also very clean, and it used to be a running joke amongst my friends that I smell really nice.

Edited by Ryuuguu Rena
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Well, people generally say that I'm always dedicated to help others and overall I'm very kind to everyone. I'm not the one to judge this, but I suppose it's true since everyone thinks so :P

  • Brohoof 1


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Who knows. Many people at work have mentioned how nice and professional I am, and seem to really enjoy my voice (I have several; the one I use at work is deeper and I take more care to enunciate than in casual conversation elsewhere). Besides those things, one of which is actually a physical trait, I don't have anything going for me to my knowledge. While I try to be polite, I don't know how to interact with people and I have virtually no sense of humor. By no sense of humor I don't mean that I can't appreciate humor, I only mean I can't express it. I'm not at all funny and my inability to joke with people or make anyone laugh pretty much eliminates any possibility of me forming lasting relationships. The best I can hope for is an amicable greeting and parting so long as things are kept brief. Outside of work, there doesn't appear to be anything about my personality that people like.


If I'm difficult to talk to here, it's not rudeness or a desire to be left alone, it's ineptitude. Just wanted to clear that up.

  • Brohoof 1


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Unfortunately, I have no idea. I've never really been complimented about my personality at all. In fact, most of the time, people joke about how eccentric I can be at times, but never complimented sadly. The closest I got was that my crush told me that I was really nice, but even so, I opted not to take it too seriously anymore.

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people like my brutal honesty last time i checked. i am brutally honest and tell it like it is. i have very few friends but the ones i have all love my honesty.

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I must say that I'm a bit stumped. Nobody has ever complimented my personality before. I don't know to be honest. People have complained about my personality before, claiming I'm too reserved and quiet.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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People love me for my modesty. I am the most humble person in the world, nobody else even comes close to being my match. ;)

On a more serious note, you never really know. The true measure of character is what people say when you're not around.If I had to pick something, it would be the fact that drama irritates the bad words out of me. I prefer to be practical and keep life simple.

Keep flyin'


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I've been told that I can be a pretty funny guy, so I guess there's that. I've also been told that I'm nice, which always made me feel pretty good :) I guess those two things are what people like about my personality.

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For being nice, kind, caring, smart, understanding, modest and for being stubborn. Usually I don't get complimented for my personality, but it's usually something like I mentioned. Very few people ever get to know me, I'm very quiet and I don't want people to get to know me because they will only use it against me. Except on here of course, I don't know, people usually just dislike me and often hate me. I guess my personality must have something to do with it. Then again, very few ever get to know me, so that's probably it. I try being nice to everyone but people just take advantage of it, yet I continue being that way. That's just how I am, I just want to be myself.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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