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What do people like about your personality?

Sugar Pea

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Well, my personality is a rather interesting one.


My most common personality is a 'funny/humorous' person that is generally fun to be around with, if you are actually a companion of mine.


If you do not know me, or vice versa, I will be a very quiet person, that will not talk very much.


If I dislike you, or vice versa, I will despise you internally, but if you ask me for help of something, I will do it, unless you have insulted me directly with no point of doing so.


If you are very close companion of mine, I am a humorous, depressive, and dark person, as I am naturally.

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Well I think I am a pretty easy going person and am pretty easy to get along with. But I'd I am kinda quiet and I don't think I have found too many people I can relate to. I mean I would like to sure but it always seems I can't connect with others or it could be just me

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People like how loyal I am, and how eagerly I help others. Other people have mentioned that I have a romantic outlook on life. I'm not quite sure what that means, but I'll assume that it's a compliment.

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People really seem to like my personality they say its really bubbly and fun and also i am very sweet and thoughtful of other people I can also be very hyper and annoying which people dont like but put up with i guess xD

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  • 3 weeks later...

Implying there is anything to like about my personality...


*sigh* I guess that I don't criticize anyone for what they like or anything. Not like that's anything to care about. sleep.png

Edited by SmartyPants
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People usually say I'm really kind and caring, and I've been told once that I have some 'unique kind of shy' going on, where I'm sweet and soft at first, but become 'crunchy' and funny once you get to know me. Kinda like a Crunchie Bar. >.>


Apparently being a choc-honeycomb bar is taken as a compliment. xP

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It depends on which person. People, at least the people who are vocal, either like the fact that I'm like apparently really intelligent which lol I think is dumb and then you have the people who like how weird I am which lol that's cool!

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Well, as many have said here, it depends on the person what is liked. And people don't always know why they're liked - I doubt that many of you go and ask "WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT MEEEEEH?!"


But anyways, to my answer. People like me because I'm weird and I'm okay with it (usually they express this by saying I'm "funny" and "self confident", but that might be one thing too). I can be very immature when it comes to "having fun", but that can be a debatable thing ("Good thing!" "bad thing!"). I know how to see the bright side of stuff. And I'm told that I can give good advice when someone has problems. Oh, and I'm trustworthy.

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  • 6 years later...
  • 3 years later...

Something I've been told a lot is that I'm so real. Like I swear my best friend in Ohio texts me that at least once a day. It always surprises me because it paints a picture to me that most people aren't authentic. Just going by the way others have said it to me. I don't think being fake, lying or hiding how I feel does any good for anyone. 

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I think the most common adjectives people call me are "Funny" "Kind" "Caring" and "Thoughtful". So uhh, those things I guess. You'd get a better answer asking my friends since I'm kinda of biased against myself like most people :P.

Edited by Iforgotmybrain
  • Brohoof 2
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interesting thread!

hmm... it's actually been a while since I got an adjective :P I'm a teacher so I was pleased to be called "helpful" and "clear" over the last weeks (one was behind my back too, so they weren't just being nice) - almost makes up for all the mean things I overhear... :pip-err:

but I sometimes get "enjoyable company" and "funny" because I enjoy being silly and talking about stuff and "imaginative" because occasionally I write pony fics :3

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I’m absurd, which can be fun in proper doses (consult your doctor about recommended dosage first), I’m outgoing, (I think that means people would like me to ‘go out’ of their lives), and I’m loyal, which means I’m like a stray dog you can’t get rid of once you pet it and give it a doggy treat. (P.S. I like premium dog treats, so see to it, ‘kay?)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get most people such as workers and colleagues like how grounded I am and tends to enjoy having me around with them. Sure, I’m pretty chill down to earth kind of a guy  but….just don’t push my button mmkay?:toldya:

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