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Fire Force is sort between 2 and 4, he's that playful daredevil type of guy, he's not really competitive and he's always down for some fun n' games c: His Colors are mainly just my favorite colors put together, I thought it looked kinda cool but everyone has their opinions xP papasam made a vector of him and it definitely looks 100 times better than General Zoi's pony creator xP



Edited by Rainbow Dash Loyalty
  • Brohoof 1


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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Maybe you're talking about ponysona here


sorry i wasn't aware of ponysonas :blink: for me the OCs was peoples um ponysona. my bad but this is what i think is cool about this fandome how we can all create our own ponys with there own stories to go with them. i would almost bet money that you couldent find 2 of the same OC/ponysona out there

Fire Force is sort between 2 and 4, he's that playful daredevil type of guy, he's not really competitive and he's always down for some fun n' games c: His Colors are mainly just my favorite colors put together, I thought it looked kinda cool but everyone has their opinions xP papasam made a vector of him and it definitely looks 100 times better than General Zoi's pony creator xP


lol i did that too. im a night owl as is so i tried to put that though with the dark mane. my favorite thing about the night is shooting stars and how you will miss them if your not looking for them. so i though that in there with his blend into the background attitude.   

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my OC are made so they can adapt to multiple role plays, tho i do make sure to keep it so the pony can fit into Equestria and the cannon (apart from what my oc i capable of but always back sure its reasonable)




Whirlwind is my main and i'd consider him my pony sona
and Swift is the one i adapt most so his character sheet always has little changes depending on what rp he's in



my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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My main OC has had 3 major variations. The current one is the one that's stayed for the longest. 


The cutie mark was quite difficult, I think I had 5 before I chose one.


The backstory was the easiest part, and personality was just mine basically. :P





@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Not completely done yet, but I'd say I made my OC based on #'s 2, 3, and 4.

Dusk/New Moon is simply a known, infamous thief and a former villain to Celestia.
His personality is the easiest to depict, whilst the backstory is the hardest.

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All 4, I guess. :P

All have something from me, something that I'd like to have, something added without a reason and both are cool, of course!

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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Mine is number 1/2 because my OC (sky high) portrays some aspects of me but also has elements of the person I want to be and hope to be...


My OC is the Pegasus on the right!

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I have made five OCs, all of which have something in common with me, but 4/5 are their own distinct characters meant to live in Equestria.

1. my ponysona (not yet named) is obviously just me ponified.

2. Moonbeam (my avatar) is for slice of life/ romance RPs, and she is based in my creative side.

3. Dusk Chant is used for RPs like the kind I use Moonbeam in, that also require some degree of toughness or charisma. He is the more outspoken part of my usually shy personality.

4. DeadEye was my first OC, and I use him for action/ adventure/ grimdark RPs. He comes from both my need for justice and the darker aspects of my personality.

5. My new, unnamed batpony OC was inspired by a song, and I don't use him much for anything. He reflects my isolation from others and my dark sense of humor. 

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I typically make all my characters based off of option three. I often just make up ponies to place them in stories. I typically just try to take a single ability and then make a character, allowing them to evolve and grow as the story progresses. I may have a small idea of what that character is like (grumpy, worrysome, a complete screwup) but they typically change as the story progresses.

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I guess my main OC (Styles) is a combination of 1 and 2. with a little bit of 3 thrown in. but most of my other OC's are strictly number 4, with maybe just a little bit of 2 to make them more interesting.

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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My OC is a brown earth pony, who has a curly tuft of mane on the top of his head, a very streamlined, small tail and stone grey eyes. He almost always wears a British school uniform (Ivy cap included), and a school bag. He is one of Equestrias most esteemed guitarist, able to play the fastest riffs at thunderstruck speeds. His hobbies include, well, playing guitar, and drinking.



Yep, my "OC" (not really original) is a ponified version of ACDC's guitarist Angus Young. Just take...








This guy, and ponify him.



Why, you ask? Well, first of all, the pony creator irks me, secondly, I just don't think drawing a character to represent me isn't all that worthwhile. Also, I dislike most OC's for the fact that most of them are unoriginal, use over the top bright fluorescent colors, and most importantly, seem to have wings/horns for no apparent reasons at all. Plus I don't roleplay so there's no point. Maybe some day I'll make an actual OC.

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In many ways the answer would be  5, all of the above and more. As creating my OC it became clear that he has some of my weakness and one of my traits. He also has skills that I would love to have and work to develop (music). The OC also have very similar believes and my personal dogmas imprinted in him but the situations that I picture him in the world of Equestria makes him prove those to be the real ones. As for the times that I use him to RP I really like to play as my own personality in his flesh, taking in count what does this means. I don’t suddenly have 100% confidence IRL and he does not either, we both have the same fears and flaws and trying to keep on with them in RP is fun. By all other means he was concieved to be part of an adventure FIC and having his issues worked on stressfull situations also helps me to develop a more "close to real" storylines for it.







To end I didnt want him to be a pony why? well in my life I always had a hard time finding a place to belong to and in a world where love tolerance and harmony are part of everyday life among the ponies I figure out that being from another species would work like ir for him, I realized it is very interesting to find storylines based on this “racial” stuff and the implications of being almost immortal in a place where all your loved ones will pass away in front of your eyes as you keep living on. That and I love my fingers too much XD

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For Rambler (picture in my avatar), it was mostly #2, which is to say that he represents the person I wish I was. But that's only if you took away my social anxiety disorder and if I was actually native to Ireland as opposed to being an American of mostly Irish descent who's obsessed with Irish culture and music.


My other OC, Big Thunder (I don't have any pictures of him), who I've only used once and might never use again, is a strange case because I don't really know how I came up with him. I guess he's just a random character I made up because I wanted a zebra OC and that's what I came up with.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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It would really be #3 for me, but with a little but of #1 in it. He's based off of my personality, but not my life.


His name is Gevarel, a unicorn from the Equestrian version of the Middle East (Samareia, as I call it.) He was kidnapped by bandits in infancy and grew up mostly on the streets. A couple of earth ponies eventually took him in and raised him until the same bandits burned his house down and tried to kill his family. After that, he ran away to Ponyville to protect his family and started a new life.


He doesn't have a cutie mark (yet), but he's extremely proficient in magic he taught himself in order to survive on the streets.


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Have you ever wanted to tell the story of how you got your cutiemark, well you come to the right place. If you ever saw The Cutie Mark Chronicles, you won't be confused. Someone will just say the story of how they got their cutiemark, I'll tell you how Art Dream got her cutiemark.


One day in Cloudsdale,Art was in her apartment pacing around her room so she could think of how to get her cutiemark. She then thought about drawing. At first she didn't think it was cool, but she tried. She decided to draw a new outfit for her friend, Rarity. (Yes, she was friends with Rarity.) She thought about a beautiful purple dress that had lace on it. She then got out paper and a pencil and drew the mannequin first. She realized it was perfect. She was happy. "I'm going to get my cutiemark in drawing!" she thought. She then drew the perfect dress and then colored it. "Rarity is going to love this! I hope I get my cutiemark!" She said. She then flew to Rarity's house down in Ponyville. She knocked on the door and Rarity came to open it. "Rarity,I drew this dress design for you and for a chance at a drawing cutiemark." Rarity was impressed."Perfect! I might make this for you, Art! Oh, and I think you got your cutiemark!" She glared at her flank and realized it wasn't blank ( That rhymes), She was flying all over the place. It was a paint brush tipped with pink. She then flew home and told her parents. And that's how Art Dream, well I, got my cutiemark!


That is how I would like you to tell your Cutie Mark Chronicle. Bye, everypony.

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Well this is the story all about how
Golden Plate's life got flipped turned upside down

So I'd like to take a minute just sit right there

I'll tell you all about how Golden got his mark...


nah, the rhythm doesn't fit very well. NEXT!


Golden Plate was always an inquisitive chap,

for finding out stories he had quite a knack,

but one day his questions resolved his lack

of a cutie mark.


Son of a tinsmith and silversmith, he was, 

and they moved out to Canterlot... why? Just because...


and now I can't find a good rhyme for 'because.' The long and short of it was that Golden Plate was always interested in history, but it took him asking questions deeply as opposed to broadly - meaning focusing on one topic at a time rather than trying to learn a little about everything - to finally realize that getting to the history behind things was his special talent.


Kind of like Twist's cutie mark, only with history instead of sweets.

  • Brohoof 1
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My story is about how Food (until I come up with another name) got her cutie mark.

it all started when Food got bored one day and decided to make some tacos, she ate those tacos and then she realized that her cutie mark had appeared! "YAY! LALALALALALALA I HAVE MY CUTIE MARK! YAY!" It was a taco!


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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

  • Brohoof 4

Signature to come soon. I think. Yeah. Once I think up a nice one. Or when someone makes one for me. Damn it. I need more time to draw and animate poni. >_<

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My OC is named Shred



She is a guitarist in an Equestrian hard rock/metal band. She also does backing vocals. Basically, she's the female Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal, but as a pony.


Her cutie mark is a black Fender Stratocaster.

  • Brohoof 2

"For those about to rock, we salute you!"- ACϟDC
Signature by Gone ϟ Airbourne (click the signature) My Tumblr

Member of the Equestrian Gaming Clan


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