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Things you do when nervous?


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I don't really have any physical ticks when I get nervous that people can see, but I do start to have a lot of trouble speaking and processing information. So this combined with my social anxiety makes me an unusually quiet person. 


I will also get really bad stomach aches periodically.

Edited by AyoMistadurrk
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I might start talking faster than normal - which is already a pretty breakneck pace - or start sweating. Farting is also a possibility... I don't understand the eating while nervous thing. I only get hungry when there's no food. 

Edited by ElectronDaydream
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When i get nervous. I then drop words and lose them. That's uselessly make it hard, for me talk in sticky and hasty situation's. This make me have great handicap in arguments when people get angry. I try talk to them. But all get is interrupted and then forget what was just abut to say. Try deal with it as best as can. But is really enjoying know when trying tall some one something important but none of words comes out.


Well that's what happens to me when am nervous, i'm sure am not alone with this problem. But never at lest it is an enjoins. dry.png

Edited by Sig Hoovestrong
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I do one out of five things, or all...

I either tap the nearest surface around, just in a rhythm.

Play with my hair a lot.

Bite my nails, that's something I do a lot.

I stutter with my words also.

Also, one last thing is, my eye seems to twitch.

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Three things:


Pace. This normally happens when I'm standing waiting for something to happen or wondering if I really should do one thing or another. On occasion, I do get up out of my seat to walk the hallway to sort of gather my thoughts, but if I'm already sitting down I usually just...


Shake my leg. Now, I have restless leg syndrome so I shake my leg pretty often anyways, but it shifts into overdrive when I'm either nervous or just really cold. It's kind of annoying, honestly.


Ramble. You know when you're at a loss for words, so you just keep saying anything that comes to mind and hope it works out. Yeah..."I don't know what to say, so I guess I'll just say anything and everything!" Thanks brain dry.png.  

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you'd call me twilight, or atleast dusk shine, because i start thinking of some things that doesn't even help but makes it worse



>shaking hands

>urge to pee


>speedy talk


heck, tere were one time tat...

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When I'm nervous there are a few main things I'll do


The two most common ones are either twirling my hair or tapping my feet, or both at the same time xD

But yeah, it's not hard to tell, Also, occasionally I will get all flushed in the face, which is embaressing :P

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When I get nervous I start stuttering when I talk, diverting my eyes everywhere to avoid eye contact with the person, sweat a bit, my face goes red, I move my hands around, and I start breathing heavily.

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Lol, when I am holding my trumpet and I'm nervous, I've found that I finger the scale up and down repeatedly. img-1925559-1-smile.png


Ah, I remember when we had this trumpet quartet that played the Star Spangled Banner. It was only one game, but I was in it, and I was slowly dying inside from the nervousness and consequent stomachache. img-1925559-2-laugh.png Everything went well thankfully. img-1925559-3-biggrin.png


When I don't have music to listen to, I just try to think about anything other than the task at hand. img-1925559-4-tongue.png

Oh haha, i do that same thing to.


And yeah, i get stomach aches when nervous sometimes to.


I explode into redness. My ears go supppper hot. You can fry eggs on those damn things.(ofc i hear comments abt them...) My brain thinks of every possible outcome depending on the situation. I talk wayy to fast,  skip words. And my left leg ONLY MY LEFT LEG starts bouncing and shaking. I try to get out of the situation ASAP.

Not sure why, but i pinch myself really hard

Oh yeah, i get red to alot when nervous, sometimes even when not nervous, my skin pigment changes quite easily ;p.


I can feel myself get hot to.


I don't talk fast all the time, just sometimes. Maybe just a little.


Sometimes i just screw up what i'm trying to say ;p.


My legs always shake also.


Depends on the situation, really.


In most cases, I tend to make my eyes huge, and stretch out my arms Carrie-esque, sometimes on purpose; the posture calms me in a way.


When it comes to my huge crush, though, my instincts take over and I just run.



Hm interesting ;p. I guess whatever works.


My crush i'm able to be around, but well, its complicated ;p.



A list of some things I do when nervous:

  • Lie... A lot.
  • Get easily irritated and insult someone that irritates me.
  • Breathe heavily.
  • Not want to talk to anyone.
  • Feel warmer than I usually am.


I don't typically do alot of lieing, but i do sometimes depending.


I suppose i get more easily irritated, never paid alot of attention to that.


My breathing is either heavy or shallow.


My want to talk to people normally stays the same.


And yeah i get warmer, and my skin gets reder.


When I feel nervous I usually ignore the outside world, start thinking a lot. Over thinking stuff and what usually gives it a way is that my eyes are wide open and I start scratching, I scratch my hair and skin. Constantly look at the watch, also I take my watch off and put it back on I repeat this a lot. I start doing stuff like cleaning my watch, then I begin scratching again. I often start cleaning my nails, it's a lot of stuff happening all at once I start walking around, like in a circle. While doing most of this at the same time, then as I snap out of it I'm less nervous.


I also sometimes start cleaning my glasses if I have them on. I do a lot of things, I guess it can look a little weird. I'm often nervous and when I am I usually do all of the things mentioned.

I over think normally when its quiet but yeah ;p.


I scratch stuff sometimes to actually. And I don't have a watch ;p. 


And yeah i walk around, normally just pacing.


And i don't wear glasses so yeah ;p.


I shake my leg, my heart rapidly beats, and I sweat. I sweat really easily, but it happens when I get REALLY nervous.


Occasionally eat my own fingernails.


I realize how disgusting it is.

I shake my leg all the time haha ;p. 


My heart does tend to speed up, but i don't typically sweat alot. 


I don't, i almost got into the habit of bitting them, but don't anymore.




When I get really nervous, I'll just unconsciously start popping gum pieces in my mouth, and soon enough...giant wad of gum. xD

xD, dang that sounds like it'd make a cool bubble, if it was like bubble gum ;p.


When nervous, I constantly find myself scratching my jaw, tapping my feet, and playing with my hair. ESPECIALLY playing with my hair.

I play with my hair alot to, tap my feet most of the time regardless. 


I normally scratch near my chin or something.


I don't really have any physical ticks when I get nervous that people can see, but I do start to have a lot of trouble speaking and processing information. So this combined with my social anxiety makes me an unusually quiet person. 


I will also get really bad stomach aches periodically.

I see, nothing internal besides stomach aches you get?


And yeah i get stomach aches, but not that terrible, still it isn't pleasant.


I usually try to avoid people. I actually fear crowds, and when I'm nervous, it just get worse. I can't stand anyone when I'm stressed.

And I'm never stressed unless there are too many people around me.

I use to be kinda bad with crowds, but i got better with it, now i'm ok for the most part, especially if i'm with people i'm comfortable around.


But its understandable.


I might start talking faster than normal - which is already a pretty breakneck pace - or start sweating. Farting is also a possibility... I don't understand the eating while nervous thing. I only get hungry when there's no food. 

I talk a bit faster then normal alot of times, but don't usually get much faster when nervous, ;p. 


I think alot of people have a chance of gas xD. 


And well everyone has things that they do or happen while nervous(Atleast to my knowledge) it may just be they get hungry for no reason, or it helps to take your mind elsewheres. 


Alot of it isn't controllable, I mean like I mentioned before, the fact I have to go pee like 3-4 times in a half hour time span isn't something I want to do ;p, it just happens when i'm nervous.


But i typically don't eat when nervous, if anything i eat less, because i don't wanna get stomach aches.


I also don't tend to drink alot, since that doesn't do any good for my peeing constantly while nervous thing ;p.


When i get nervous. I then drop words and lose them. That's uselessly make it hard, for me talk in sticky and hasty situation's. This make me have great handicap in arguments when people get angry. I try talk to them. But all get is interrupted and then forget what was just abut to say. Try deal with it as best as can. But is really enjoying know when trying tall some one something important but none of words comes out.


Well that's what happens to me when am nervous, i'm sure am not alone with this problem. But never at lest it is an enjoins. img-1922881-1-dry.png

Yeah, i sometimes can't think straight to talk when nervous, depends. 


If its like a speech i just try to avoid eye contact, otherwise i just hope ;p.


And i'm sure people have similar or the same habits to you when nervous, i've found a few people here already who share some of mine ;p. So don't feel left out!


I do one out of five things, or all...

I either tap the nearest surface around, just in a rhythm.

Play with my hair a lot.

Bite my nails, that's something I do a lot.

I stutter with my words also.

Also, one last thing is, my eye seems to twitch.

I tap on stuff when bored, nervous, or just anytime xD. 


I play with my hair alot to, sometimes when i'm not nervous aswell.


I don't bite my nails anymore luckily.


I stutter sometimes, but i'm more likely to say stuff like "Ummmm".


i don't really think i have any nervous twitches, but yeah.


A few things I am good at pretending I'm not nervous but these ALWAYS give how I really feel away.


-Chew my nails

-Rub my neck

-Impossible to sit still

-jigging my leg


All dead give aways

I try to not act nervous, by like joking around and laughing alot ;p.


I don't chew my nails, I do sometimes rub my neck, And i'm ok sitting down, but usually i'd rather pace ;p. 


And I also jiggle my leg all the time regardless ;p.


Whenever I get nervous I tend to look around nervous not responding to whoever is talking to you


And I tend to breathe heavile and twitch alot making me feel very stressed out

I use to do that, but i've got better to where i'll normally respond, at worst i'll just kinda agree or giggle or something. 


And yeah, my breathing is irregular, either to heavy, or really light.

Three things:


Pace. This normally happens when I'm standing waiting for something to happen or wondering if I really should do one thing or another. On occasion, I do get up out of my seat to walk the hallway to sort of gather my thoughts, but if I'm already sitting down I usually just...


Shake my leg. Now, I have restless leg syndrome so I shake my leg pretty often anyways, but it shifts into overdrive when I'm either nervous or just really cold. It's kind of annoying, honestly.


Ramble. You know when you're at a loss for words, so you just keep saying anything that comes to mind and hope it works out. Yeah..."I don't know what to say, so I guess I'll just say anything and everything!" Thanks brain img-1923463-1-dry.png.  

Oh pacing lol, i do that alot, sometimes just when i'm bored.


I don't think i have restless leg syndrome that i know of, but i shake my leg alot ;p. When nervous or not.


I ramble in general alot... which makes me a really boring lengthy person frankly.


Not to mention I do manage to say some stupid stuff.


you'd call me twilight, or atleast dusk shine, because i start thinking of some things that doesn't even help but makes it worse



>shaking hands

>urge to pee


>speedy talk


heck, tere were one time tat...

I see, yeah twilight freaks out alot pre S3 ;p. 


And even some in S3. 


My hands typically don't shake, but my legs sure do. of course they do that regularly ;p.


And omg yeah I always have to pee when i'm nervous, and not only that, but then after i got 3 minutes later I have to pee again.. And I just constantly have to go.


Sometimes I just feel like i have to go, and i actually don't pee or pee very little, but regardless I get the urge all the time when nervous. And theres no way with all the things i'm nervous about that i'm going to add being nervous about peeing myself to that list...


Atleast i'm not the only one whos a nervous pee-er ;p.


My talking speed i never really noticed any patterns in exactly, just random ;p.


When I'm nervous there are a few main things I'll do


The two most common ones are either twirling my hair or tapping my feet, or both at the same time xD

But yeah, it's not hard to tell, Also, occasionally I will get all flushed in the face, which is embaressing img-1925559-7-tongue.png

I twirl my hair with my fingers, mostly curl it ;p. Then un curl it.


I tap my foot all the time, especially listening to music.


My face just gets red, even when i'm not nervous sometimes, really just anytime i'm nervous, or just really worked up or hyped up. 


It happens alot during public speaking to. And its embarrassing, because I know my face is as red as a tomato :/.


When I get nervous I start stuttering when I talk, diverting my eyes everywhere to avoid eye contact with the person, sweat a bit, my face goes red, I move my hands around, and I start breathing heavily.

I don't stutter a bunch, i normally just can't think of what to say, and thus say Ummmm alot. Or else i'll correct myself a bunch.


I don't like eye contact when i'm nervous, but especially in public speaking.


I get red also, my hands just kinda move around alot in general, especially when i'm speaking ;p.


And yep irregular breathing, not always heavy, but something ;p.

Edited by Zygen
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I pace in a circle, following the same path over and over, sometimes I'll play with my hair, twitsting it around my finger over and over, and occasionally I'll crack my knuckles a ton.

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Hmm there are a few things I suppose. My hands kind of shake, and I just feel paranoid as heck. I also often think of the worst case scenario of what could happen, and that usually frightens me :( to overcome these nervous feelings, I usually take deep breaths and tell myself "let's get this over with." It kind of works I guess.

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Either pace around the room or become completely stationary. Weird how that works, isn't it? Opposite reactions to the same situations, with no pattern or reason to which I do.



I don't typically fidget with anything and I find it difficult to eat when nervous. For someone who can put away a ton of food, I'm sure good at not eating things while under stress.

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@@Zygen, You quoted my post, but wrote nothing under it. wink.png


Well, when I'm stressed, I also tend to start talking fast and really low. Really low, no one understands me lol.

Opps, sorry, when i'm quoting like 15 different people I guess it gets confusing xD.


And i don't talk fast really that i've noticed, but i do sometimes get quieter.


I pace in a circle, following the same path over and over, sometimes I'll play with my hair, twitsting it around my finger over and over, and occasionally I'll crack my knuckles a ton.

Yeah, i pace back and forths usually, but same thing. And i twist my hair to ;p.


I don't really crack my knunkles though.


Hmm there are a few things I suppose. My hands kind of shake, and I just feel paranoid as heck. I also often think of the worst case scenario of what could happen, and that usually frightens me sad.png to overcome these nervous feelings, I usually take deep breaths and tell myself "let's get this over with." It kind of works I guess.

I can't say i really get that much more paranoid, but i guess maybe. 


I do think of the worst, but i feel thats more pessimistic then anything ;p.


I sometimes just breath in and suck it up when doing something nerve wracking i don't wanna do.


Either pace around the room or become completely stationary. Weird how that works, isn't it? Opposite reactions to the same situations, with no pattern or reason to which I do.



I don't typically fidget with anything and I find it difficult to eat when nervous. For someone who can put away a ton of food, I'm sure good at not eating things while under stress.

Yeah, some things i do don't seem to follow much of a pattern.


And i don't eat when nervous, nor drink, because I know my nerves will lead to stomach aches and me going to the bathroom constantly if i do. So i try and avoid it.

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When I'm nervous, I usually hide behind my hair, keep my head down and go extremely quiet. As well as biting my lip, focusing heavily on my breathing and putting my fingers around my wrist (connecting my index and thumb) and squeezing until I make a mark. I also cry easily, so if the nervousness is very intense, I'll probably let a few tears go form beneath my hair while my legs shake. laugh.png


I'm a bit of a wreck.

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1. Finger tapping, although I do like to do this just because as well

2. Not so relevant anymore, but I used to hold my arm

3. Trichotillomania: I will start picking at my own hair, sometimes even pulling little bits out, this is a serious problem for me that I'm trying to kick

4. Try to blend into the background

5. Get the hell out of there

6. Panicky 

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Speak somewhat passive-aggressively and trail off my sentences. Apologize A LOT. Twirl my hair around my fingers and look down at the floor. Get quiet, when my normal speaking tone is confident and loud.

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 I see, yeah twilight freaks out alot pre S3 ;p.    And even some in S3.    My hands typically don't shake, but my legs sure do. of course they do that regularly ;p.   And omg yeah I always have to pee when i'm nervous, and not only that, but then after i got 3 minutes later I have to pee again.. And I just constantly have to go.   Sometimes I just feel like i have to go, and i actually don't pee or pee very little, but regardless I get the urge all the time when nervous. And theres no way with all the things i'm nervous about that i'm going to add being nervous about peeing myself to that list...   Atleast i'm not the only one whos a nervous pee-er ;p.   My talking speed i never really noticed any patterns in exactly, just random ;p. 


@zygen you really are an stressed brony i guess...

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Depending what caused me to become nervous. If it's social situations, I usually stare at the ground and scratch my arm, definitely anything to avoid eye contact. When something else makes me nervous, like being late or unable to find something, I start to pace around, bite my nails, scratch myself a lot, shift my eyes in every direction. So generally, I start to panic real bad. This can get really bad when I can't find something or someone moved my stuff.

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