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Why do so many people dislike Rarity so much and like Rainbow Dash so much?

Sazama Ichida

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Some people are just turned off by strong independent business female characters that are living their dream with the aim to rise to the top.


Rarity would likely be more accepted if she was an Earth Pony. Then all her success would be more highly valued.

Edited by Singe
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Personally, I base my likes and dislikes on the ponies on how similar they are to myself. No, I don't choose my favourite because they're like me, quite the opposite, actually.


I'll start off by saying that Rainbow Dash is my favourite. Yes, she is obnoxious, yes, she is arrogant. Selfish, no, as that would contradict her holding the element of Loyalty. She also has many good qualities. She's loyal (of course), confident, strong willed, passionate, courageous, and not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. I also find her to be the character to have grown the most in character throughout the show. Although, the main reason that I chose her as my favourite is because she's the person that I wish I was. I envy her strong, confident personality and her high self esteem. Those are things I've always wanted but never achieved. I look up to her as a role model of sorts, because she has the traits I've always wanted.


Rarity, I actually don't hate. I don't adore her, but I certainly don't hate her. She, like Rainbow, is strong willed and passionate about what she does. I think one of the reasons that myself and many others don't particularly like her as much as other ponies is because of what she's passionate about. Since Rarity and several of us Bronies and Pegasisters don't have the same interest as Rarity, we find her interests irritating because their different. It doesn't make us bad people, instead it's quite natural for us to feel this way. We simply gravitate toward the characters who like what we like, it only makes sense. If you read through the other replies to this thread, you'll see other replies stating who they like, and one of their reasons is often about their favourite(s) sharing their passions or interests.


Signature by Pink Mist!

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Rarity seems like the most selfish, because she's the most ambitious out of the Mane 6. 

Actually I think it is a bit of a toss up between Rarity and Rainbow Dash as to who is the most ambitious of the mane 6, they are both ambitious in different ways. With Rarity she wants to be seen as a trend setter, she wants to be one of those famous names in fashion that nearly everypony knows and to live the "good life". While with Rainbow Dash she wants to be a Wonderbolt whom have a legendary status among pegasi as the best flyers in Equestria, if that is not ambitious I don't know what is. I think reason why Rarity's ambition rubs some people the wrong way is because it is seen as shallow and vain but I think it is a bit more complicated than that.


Yes Rarity has been shown to be shallow in vain on some occasions but has also been shown to sacrifice her own reputation as a fashionista for the sake of her friends and her sister even if she has occasionally forgotten what is really important and has screwed up. In Sweet And Elite she did lie to her friends which was wrong, but when asked by the "important ponies" if they were her friends she could have easily have thrown them under the bus and lied to save face but did not. The problem though as I have said earlier is that while they do a great job of balancing her positives and negatives in the episodes starring her it seems like they play up the negatives for laughs in her supporting roles which is a bit annoying to a lot of people.



While Rainbow Dash's ambition can rub some people the wrong way as well it is seen as endearing to some people in large part because Rainbow is seen as a more relatable character than Rarity due to her brash tomboyish attitude. Most bronies could care less about fashion and I am one of them but one thing I do like about Rarity even though I have almost nothing in common with her is her strong creative side which I as a musician and writer can relate to as well as respect. So I don't think it so much that Rarity is ambitious that gets people to dislike her but the form this ambition takes because your average brony may understand wanting to be the fastest or strongest even if they may not want that themselves but may see wanting to be the best fashionista to be a petty and trivial. To be fair most of the people who have this ambition that are shown do tend to be shallow and vain, but Rarity has shown that someone can be interested in these things while still actually having a conscience.

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It's time to break out the big guns. I get so tired of seeing all of this Rarity hate everyday. I get tired of seeing it in my PM box, I just get tired of it. So, all your complaints are going to be dealt with by me.


Rarity is Generous:


 S01E01: Friendship is Magic
Gives Twilight a free makeover after Rainbow Dash messed up her mane.
S01E02: Friendship Is Magic
Cuts off her tail to give a monster or something the missing half of his mustache.
S01E11: Winter Wrap Up
After Twilight did a horrible job making a nest, she spent all of her time trying to fix her friend's mistake, putting her horribly behind quota.
S01E14: Suited For Success
Made all of her friends dresses for the gala free of charge, and they kept complaining about how they looked and how they wanted them to look, which made her dresses look horrible in front of some huge name in the fashion business.
S01E16: Sonic Rainboom
When Twilight wanted to try out a new spell that she had never done before and warned it could have possible side effects if botched, Rarity readily subjects herself to the spell, so she can go cheer on Rainbow Dash at her flying competition.
S01E20: Green isn't Your Color
Keeps quiet about her jealousy of Fluttershy's newfound fame in the fashion business, something she had been trying to accomplish before the show even started. After Fluttershy stumbles and trips on the runway and the crowd turns against her, Rarity begins cheering to save her friend, despite feeling it should've been her making it big instead of Fluttershy.
S01E25: A Party of One
Purposely ruins her mane, which she's extremely proud of, in order to keep Pinkie's surprise party a secret.
S02E05: Sisterhooves Social
After making a mistake in the way she took care of her sister, she hid IN MUD in order to complete a race with her sister for forgiveness, when all and all, it was just siblings fighting over trivial matters, like EVERY siblings do.
S02E08: Mysterious Mare Do Well
Makes 4 costumes for her friends to wear in their mission of bringing a borderlining on narcissism Rainbow Dash back down to earth.
S02E09: Sweet & Elite
When it came down to it, she chose her unsophisticated Ponyville friends over the Canterlot Ponies, who she had dreamt of fitting in with.
S02E10: Secret of My Excess
Spares the feelings of a horny baby dragon who stole half of the city and kidnapped her, even going as far to kiss him on the cheek.
S02E14: The Last Roundup
Rides a damn whatever you call that thing all the way back to Ponyville with an extremely repetitive Pinkie Pie due to Rainbow Dash's negligence.
S02E19: Putting Your Hoof Down
Tries helping Fluttershy learn how to stand up for herself, and welcomes Fluttershy back after she attacks her dreams.
S02E21: Dragon Quest
Attempts to stand up for Spike when the other 5 laugh at his apron. Creates a huge costume so RD, Twilight and herself could follow him to make sure he was alright. Stands directly behind Rainbow Dash's flank the entire time they're hiding, without complaining. Prepares to fight dragons in yet another attempt to stand up for Spike.
S02E25: A Canterlot Wedding
Makes a ton a fricken' dresses for the wedding, free of charge.
S03E01: The Crystal Empire
In order to buy time for Twilight, makes a bunch of hats and shit out of hay and straws. Does a very good job at it, I might add.
S03E12: Games Ponies Play
Takes the extremely difficult job of preparing Cadence's mane in the intricate detail it had to be done in, with only 15 minutes of time left. Also does a good job.
(Note: Rarity got screwed in Season 3. I assure you Season 4 will be different.)
Equestria Girls:
Makes dressed for them to all wear to the dance free of charge. Helps clean up the gym so Twilight could when the crown that night, despite hating messes. After Sunset Playdough-Hair ruins Twilight's reputation, tries helping Twilight go incognito until it can be fixed. Share her idea and Wondercolt's costume with the rest to change Twilight's horrid reputation.
From Vocabulary.com:
Generosity is a quality that's a lot like unselfishness — someone showing generosity is happy to give to or share time, money, food, or whatever with others.


Generosity is a quality — like honesty and patience — that we all probably wish we had more of. When you show generosity, you might give away things or money or put others before yourself. But generosity is about more than cash and stuff. When you're forgiving and gentle to people, you show generosity of spirit. If you give others help or credit, that shows generosity. The world would certainly be a better place if more people showed generosity to others.
That's a lot of good deeds. If you expect the ponies to represent their elements every episode, and if you dislike them for not doing so, you should really only be a Twilight and a Pinkie fan, in my opinion.

Rarity can be vain and shallow.


Rainbow Dash can also be shallow (Yeahh, you can be my pet, but only if you fly!), and instead of vain, arrogant.


Twilight Sparkle can be too obsessive.


Applejack can be stubborn and far too competitive.


Pinkie lacks seriousness and is socially imbalanced.


Fluttershy is also socially imbalanced and her shyness makes her a pushover.


So...they all have flaws. Big whoop. It's what makes them good characters. If you dislike a pony for her flaws, fine, but be careful with the way you word it; it can offend people. (I wrote a whole blog about this, I think.)




Interest in Fashion.


Honestly, I get it if you don't share that interest, but that is no reason to hate her, and, yes, I've seen that be a reason.


I'm not into books. Do I hate Twilight? No.


I'm not all that into sports. Do I hate Rainbow Dash? No.


Hell, I'm not even all that into fashion, but Rarity is still my favorite pony, because it makes me happy to have her be my favorite pony, just like it makes you happy to have a different favorite pony, and, even though I may disagree, I don't hold it against people if they dislike Rarity. I only hold it against them when they're just plain mean about it.






Please stop Trolling the Rarity fans. We've got the 5th smallest fanbase out of the mane 6, it's just cowardly to pick on the little guy. We already all get enough trolling as is, just for being Bronies. Don't stoop down to their level. We're better than that.




Trying to Look Intelligent


I understand if you don't like Rarity, but if you're going to give her character a negative review, you may be trying to look intelligent.


Which is fine.


Just know it's not considered intelligent to regurgitate what everyone else has already said. Intelligence is seen in leaders, not followers. Are followers dumb? No. But people would assume you to be more intelligent if you're:

A. Not cussing and being rude


B. Saying things that haven't been said all too much.


Which, the only reasons I've EVER seen, as a dedicated Rarity fan, are the ones I've listed.


Yeahh, I spent the past half our typing this. It's getting posted, regardless :D


Thank you for your time :D

  • Brohoof 6


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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rarity is helping out her friends.


No offense but didn't rainbow dash help twilight to fly

because well,


it's her thing?  It's a much about rainbow, as it is about helping twilight.


And I could say the same about rarity.

LIke rarity's fashion,

rainbow dash expresses herself through her flight.


.....damn for some odd reason I think Rarity as a pegisis would have some deeply complicated flying manuevers?  It just occured to me if rarity and rainbow were on the same page you could really create something interesting.


SG do you feel persecuted in this thread?  Really?


as  the song suggests

"there was never anything there in the first place."

Edited by FNGRpony


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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rarity is helping out her friends.


No offense but didn't rainbow dash help twilight to fly

because well,


it's her thing?  It's a much about rainbow, as it is about helping twilight.


And I could say the same about rarity.

LIke rarity's fashion,

rainbow dash expresses herself through her flight.


.....damn for some odd reason I think Rarity as a pegisis would have some deeply complicated flying manuevers?  It just occured to me if rarity and rainbow were on the same page you could really create something interesting.


SG do you feel persecuted in this thread?  Really?


as  the song suggests

"there was never anything there in the first place."


I feel persecuted by hate mail, harassment, and people bashing the pony I cherish and hold close to my heart, yes.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Rainbow Dash is all bark and no bite. Trust me.


Rarity's cool. She's kind of a drama queen, but at least she's driven. Plus she's funny.

Edited by RED20
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I actually dont like the RD episodes, everythin is the same RD being selfish but at the end she makes something "cool" and resolves it... she dont learn anything she is so concentrated on herself than her friends sometimes (element of loyalty) 


My Top 6 




Pinkie Pie


Rainbow Dash

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I'm 20 times more vile than thee,

i get 0 hate mail.


How exactly?

I delete it all as soon as I get it, with generally just a skim over to see if it's hate mail or not, without getting to deep into reading it.  


but I think this picture sums up "How exactly?" quite well:


full.pngMy incessant fanboying and lack of fear to defend a pony who receives extreme hatred by certain, smaller portions of the fandom combined with an overall lack of power to do much about it. It's died down greatly as of late, however, so I'm not awfully worried about it anymore. Unfortunately, it peaked during the time I was "F*** THE SYSTEM THE MODS ARE CORRUPT THEY WONT DO ANYTHING" during the time I received most of it, so I deleted it without reporting it.


Now, though, due to regaining my faith in the moderation staff, I plan on reporting anything I get in my inbox like that.


I do not wish to discuss this topic any further with you, as it is off topic to the OP's reason of making this thread.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Rarity and Rainbow dash are like my 2 favorite. Rainbow dash cause we are the same person. I share a lot of the same character traits with her. I told that to my friend and every time he sees me he says "hi rainbow dash!". But I love rarity cause she's such a bitch! she's so sassy it's fantastic! My least favorite is apple jack.

Apples, apples, apples! I sure do love runni'n the show!


why rarity is great:


Edited by lightning-flickr
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Rarity is really unappreciated. Fashion isn't big with fans since most of the ponies are clopping around with their bare flanks exposed most of the time. Characters like Stella in WINX is able to do better since clothes are mandatory. Rarity could walk around wearing some form of clothing at least.

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Isn't picking a best pony against everything the show teaches? like, seriously? the only reason I 'pick' RD is because of sonic rainboom and rainbow design, if it wasnt for that, I would love everypony equally.



20% Cooler



Best Pony: Rainbow Dash



Best Secondary Pony: Princess Luna



Best Background Pony: Octavia


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Isn't picking a best pony against everything the show teaches? like, seriously? the only reason I 'pick' RD is because of sonic rainboom and rainbow design, if it wasnt for that, I would love everypony equally.



That response...


Anyway, "best pony" usually means "favorite pony," and it hardly ever means that they honestly believe that the pony in question is literally, absolutely better than everyone. 


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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I delete it all as soon as I get it, with generally just a skim over to see if it's hate mail or not, without getting to deep into reading it.  


but I think this picture sums up "How exactly?" quite well:


img-2118832-1-full.pngMy incessant fanboying and lack of fear to defend a pony who receives extreme hatred by certain, smaller portions of the fandom combined with an overall lack of power to do much about it. It's died down greatly as of late, however, so I'm not awfully worried about it anymore. Unfortunately, it peaked during the time I was "F*** THE SYSTEM THE MODS ARE CORRUPT THEY WONT DO ANYTHING" during the time I received most of it, so I deleted it without reporting it.


Now, though, due to regaining my faith in the moderation staff, I plan on reporting anything I get in my inbox like that.


I do not wish to discuss this topic any further with you, as it is off topic to the OP's reason of making this thread.


well if i had to interpret that picture.....

i'm guessing it's based on season 4,  it's the only way i could see flutter shy at 4.  Hell equistra dailey had her clock in at 1, but again that was pre season 4.


and oh my God pinkie is so God damn adorable in that pic.

as for the moderating staff i only use the staff when i know the other uses has weaponized the moderates against me.



their pretty easy going.


You want a bull shit modding staff?  The escapist.  Their good as long as your sqeeky clean.  it becomes the spiral stare case of doom aftert that.

I would know after i snook back in the last couple of strikes are the same sorta things that don't get you your first warn.

Edited by FNGRpony


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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In my opinion, Rarity is selfish, snobby, self-serving, and puts her "fashion" before her friends WAY too often. RD isn't perfect, but she is loyal to her friends at all times. Her attitude is just how she is. She's cool, wild, and fun-loving. Yes, she is a bit conceited, but never in an unlikable way like Rarity.


Now don't get me wrong. While Rarity is my least favorite of the Mane 6, I still do like her. I just like her the least. My order of best to worst with the Mane 6 is...Fluttershy, Dash, Pinkie, AJ, Twilight, Rarity.

She wasn't very loyal to ditch her friends when flying after Daring Do. Nor was she very loyal to Daring Do herself, she wanted to go home and leave her in the clutches of Ahuizotle just because she felt depressed. Rainbow Dash, like all the Mane 6, sometimes acts against her Element.

  • Brohoof 2

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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As someone else said, a lot of guys like Rainbow Dash's tomboy personality, and may not relate to a fashion-lover gal like Rarity. Even though RD is plastered on a lot of merch, I feel like she isn't as liked as some people ought her to be. I know plenty, if not a lot of people who don't like RD.

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Rarity is just to complex for some folks.


its hard to identify with from the male point of view.

she is a living contradiction greedy and Generous, selfish and selfless pretty much at the same tine.

but every time the hoof meets the road she sides with Generosity and Selflessness.

It is very heard to get past the contradictions that is rarity. Personally I like the pony.


she is a Good character, no hate on rarity she simply cant hold a candle to Fluttershy my favorite pony.

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Ever one Loves Miss Dash for....

Sarcastic, Humor, dark humor, Egotistic... every thing that most people can relate to...

Edited by MadDoggyca

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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It's about personal preference, but someone here had explained about it.


Rainbow Dash is tomboy, cool and stuffs. Rarity is a (typical) fashion girl.



In my country a fashion girl usually becomes the antagonists in TV shows and dramas. (makes a bad impression) (at least to me)



First impression.


First impression


Rainbow Dash firstly came as somepony cool, aiming for cool, has a cool design, stuffs etc, although arrogant (the arrogant is only a little minus because of cool and stuffs).

Rarity firstly came as a... typical fashion girl, in a girl's show.

Males like somepony cool (plus arrogant, and tomboy) more than some fashion pony who is girly-ish (errm.. at least to me, it's like that). Uh, even at first I thought Rainbow Dash was a male pony.

Some people hate dislike Rainbow Dash too, for her arrogant personality and other factors.


I think this is related more to the topic "Why people like Rainbow Dash more than Rarity".

Finally, no offense, folks.

Thanks to @Digiral for the sketch of my avatar.

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It's about personal preference, but someone here had explained about it.


Rainbow Dash is tomboy, cool and stuffs. Rarity is a (typical) fashion girl.



In my country a fashion girl usually becomes the antagonists in TV shows and dramas. (makes a bad impression) (at least to me)



First impression.


First impression


Rainbow Dash firstly came as somepony cool, aiming for cool, has a cool design, stuffs etc, although arrogant (the arrogant is only a little minus because of cool and stuffs).

Rarity firstly came as a... typical fashion girl, in a girl's show.

Males like somepony cool (plus arrogant, and tomboy) more than some fashion pony who is girly-ish (errm.. at least to me, it's like that). Uh, even at first I thought Rainbow Dash was a male pony.

Some people hate dislike Rainbow Dash too, for her arrogant personality and other factors.


I think this is related more to the topic "Why people like Rainbow Dash more than Rarity".

Finally, no offense, folks.

No, emasculated males tend towards masculine female characters.

Slightly kidding, slightly


Rarity has proven herself to have a deeper characterization than that anyway. Dash really hasn't imo, she's grown as a character but she still has the same moves as before. Just slightly different.

Edited by Whatevs
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They could expand Rarity's creative side into another field like art or something. She creates her own doll lineup based on the Mane 6.


They could also do what the comic did and have her business knowledge come into play. Rarity coming in to help save Applejack's farm for example.


Rarity is also a connoisseur so that part could be expanded on to cover several fields. She is knowlegable about the locales and best spots of an area by reasearching them when the Mane 6 go to a new city/town.

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They could expand Rarity's creative side into another field like art or something. She creates her own doll lineup based on the Mane 6.


They could also do what the comic did and have her business knowledge come into play. Rarity coming in to help save Applejack's farm for example.


Rarity is also a connoisseur so that part could be expanded on to cover several fields. She is knowlegable about the locales and best spots of an area by reasearching them when the Mane 6 go to a new city/town.

I don't think it matters. If people don't see Rarity's character for what it is now, they won't later.

I would still like it, but it would be for the benefit of Rarifans and few others.

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S01E16: Sonic Rainboom


When Twilight wanted to try out a new spell that she had never done before and warned it could have possible side effects if botched, Rarity readily subjects herself to the spell, so she can go cheer on Rainbow Dash at her flying competition.



A thousand brohoofs, good sir!


I should also add that it was RARITY'S IDEA to have twilight find a way to get everyone else up there so they could cheer her on. And she was the first- no, the *only* one to pick up on Dash's nerves, and then decided to do something about it.


You also forgot the new outfits she gave everyone in Secret of My Excess, after being touched and inspired by Spikes generosity.

  • Brohoof 2


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Check out my Rarity fansite!

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