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S04:E03 - Castle Mane-ia


S04:E03 - Castle Mane-ia  

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This episode was really funny and made me laugh much more than any other episode.  But there were so many sub plots, and the thing that bothered me about this episode was that it felt like a waste.  Twilight didn't make any progress on finding the key, and instead she just said, "Let's make a journal!"

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Is Princess Celestia watching Twilight's every move?  Immediately after Twilight explains that she wants to visit the library in Canterlot, Spike pukes up a letter saying "Don't come to Canterlot, what you want is in the old castle."


That or Twilight wrote a letter before the beginning of the episode and is just being exposition about what her letter contained.

  • Brohoof 1
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Is Princess Celestia watching Twilight's every move?  Immediately after Twilight explains that she wants to visit the library in Canterlot, Spike pukes up a letter saying "Don't come to Canterlot, what you want is in the old castle."


That or Twilight wrote a letter before the beginning of the episode and is just being exposition about what her letter contained.

I think Celestia is spying on Twilight with magic (Magical Mystery Cure has the evidence for it) and that she wrote that letter ahead of time, knowing that Twilight would go through every book in Ponyville, and waited until she said that line before sending it to Spike.


  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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Coming soon to the hub Celestia's caught on Camera.


I think the magical mystery cure was more of a memory lane thing than spy cams but than you can never really know can you.

Edited by Noodles
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Contrary to my initial statement that I'd wait until Saturday... I just watched it.




Early weekend and boredom, early weekend and boredom... Yeah.


*clears his throat*


But whatever. I don't regret it. Good episode. Maybe just one or two things I didn't like...


I liked that it was not centered around just one or two of the characters. Pacing and plot stable... Okay, Spike-abuse. *pukes* Stop it! Please...


Even though I like the idea of introducing the concept of a journal as replacement of the friendship-reports and the dialogue was fine as well, it felt a bit... pointless. Yes, pointless.


I have no better word for it. It feels like this episode is just an excuse to come up with that new concept. It isn't bad, but I think that "Lesson Zero" actually did a better - although it was at several points more exaggerated - job when it introduced the reports to be written by all of Twilight's friends then. But maybe that's just a consequence of there now being a story arc during the whole season...


But I still like it. Not the best episode, but definitely not the worst. Good debut for Haber as well.


Next point.


Dat "cliffhanger"...




Is this the big season four villain? The villain that will reappear in several episodes and will have their big moment in the finale? The villain I always wanted?


But maybe...




Maybe it's just...














Okay, seriously, I actually think it's Star Swirl... Because... You know, just because I can. ;)





(I removed spoilers after the episode actually aired)


Come to think of it the eyes are actually different...


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Come to think of it the eyes are actually different...


I just tried to make a joke...


The eyes might not exactly look the same, but that was just the first thing that came to my mind. I've read so many speculations yet, based on what's been said about the origin of the Pony of Shadows in the episode for example, that everything could be right or wrong in the end.

"If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences."

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As someone who loved Scooby-Doo growing up as a kid, I definitely could appreciate this episode's suspenseful mystery-like feel which was very reminiscent of Scooby.


The first sub plot, involving Twilight and Spike, wasn't the highlight of the episode, the two of them still provided plenty of great moments all in all, between Spike's fears and Twilight's nerdouts, I'm actually a little bit pleased that Twilight didn't take up too much screen time in this one after being the obvious star of the season premiere. I always enjoy episodes that involve a near equal distribution of spotlight amongst the Mane Six, and Castle Mania accomplishes this very well.


Next up, we have our two tomcolts, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, and their sub plot about who the most daring pony is. As always, these two were pure gold together. Seeing Pinkie Pie keep score of these two while they got absorbed in their bee competition reminded me of Fall Weather Friends. I've been wanting to see these two compete with one another once again for a while now, and so it was greatly appreciated to see this episode answer my call. And if that we're enough of a callback to older episodes, we got to see Applejack do the exact same ghostly gesture as she did in Look Before You Sleep. And there were countless hilarious expressions. I don't know which of the two of them proved more daring, but I wouldn't mind seeing them keep this friendly rivalry up, which the end of the episode seemed to hint at.


As much I as love AJ and would like to call her the highlight of the show, I think that title goes to both Rarity and Fluttershy. I knew these two more ladylike ponies made for an amazing duo, as Green Isn't Your Color had proved once before. Fluttershy's over-the-top cries for Angel had me laughing the entire time, and Rarity had so many hilarious and expertly delivered lines, including: "Of all the castles in Equestria, this is by far the most ungrateful!" As well as: "Aah! Aaaah! I was only trying to restore ancient art!" There was no shortage of funny scenes with them either.


And of course, we have Pinkie Pie. Admittedly, the outcome of the episode was pretty predictable, but at least you could tell the writers tried to write Pinkie off by having her scheduled to ring the bells. Of course with Pinkie, we always have to expect her to do what would normally be unexpected. And speaking of unexpected, the fact that Pinkie was able to surprise her friends in the end by being the creepy organ player definitely reminded me of Swarm of the Century when she proved herself an asset by playing a myriad of instruments to ward off the parasprites. The similarity? In both cases it was Pinkie's unorthodox and eccentric actions that led to the lesson and resolution. :P


And I don't think I'll get this scene out of my head anytime soon:






I was slightly disappointed that there wasn't a

but I'm not complaining too much because we did get one of those back in A Bird in the Hoof, which I still herald as being one of MLP's funniest moments ever. ;) I'm happy to see the show once again taking a new direction. The letters to Princess Celestia are a thing of the past now, but there is still just as much opportunity for our heroes to grow, as now they have their own journals to write in about their experiences in friendship. This is a great way to add progress to the show's storyline without it losing its emphasis on the morals and lessons. And lastly, I wonder about that mysterious figure at the end of the episode. Is there a pony of shadows? I'm wondering if that could have been our first glimpse of what is to come later on in MLP's first season to feature a major story arc. One thing's for sure, I had a lot of fun with this episode and I can't wait for more!
  • Brohoof 3
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Finally got around to watching the episode.

Gotta say another enjoyable episode. Was fun seeing the mane 6 all in the same area but not actually knowing they were all there. Since because of that there sure was a lot of funny interactions because of it.

Also the reveal at the end I have to give props to. I wasn't even thinking about it when they revealed who was on the Organ.


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I loved this episode (seriously, Rarity and Fluttershy "borrowing" the castle tapestry was hilarious, especially rarity and shy's reaction throughout the episode itself. But ya, I thought it had an awesome message and was a great addition. So honestly, from this season so far, it's standing up there with the first two seasons.





this image was taken from scenes in the short Epic Rage Time: The Incredible Derp by Alligator Tub Productions. I do not own the rights to any of these images.

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I enjoyed this episode very much, I loved seeing the mane 5 struggling to not get scared in the creepy old castle. I loved their facial expressions when they got scared, especially Rainbow Dash and Applejack's faces. I also love the Scooby Doo element in the episode, everytime something scary occurred I immediately thought Scooby Doo. The surprise at the end with Pinkie was hilarious, but I do wonder who the black figure seen at the very end with the yellow eyes is, I think it could either be Nightmare Moon's remains or a new character/villain. Good episode thought 10/10.


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I liked that we got to the see Rarity/Fluttershy and Rainbow/AJ friendships again. Kinda obvious who was the creepy person, but somehow I forgot about Pinkie until towards the end. Did anyone think of SpongeBob when they were going to go see who was playing the organ? A pretty good average episode.




Edited by CowBob RanchPants
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If I summarize stories of every episode in the series, the summary of this episode will probabily be the shortest one.

"The Mane Six separately decide to visit the Old Castle of Royal Sisters.

They spend a night there unintentionally scaring each other until princess Twilight Sparkle finds and stops them."

That's it.

It was executed well and funny - in my eyes. On the other hoof, I don't remember any particularely funny gag. Exept of bees going by a whistle. That was kinda awesome but had nothing to do with the main action. What's more important, despite being sure, that the similar plot was used in several other shows, I've never actually seen any one of them. So, I just have nothing to compare, ergo, IDK how actually good or bat it was executed

Also, the story setup looks kinda forced.

Of all ponies, Twilight was only one who had a ligitimate reason to be there in that time - thanks to the mysterious six-locked box.

Rarity's reason was very noble and I genuinely liked it (having passion for history myself). But why now?

The Castle of Royal Sisters staied abandoned for thousend years, Mane Six visited it in the pilot episode and haven't showed any further interest for it ever after. And suddenly this spark of interest for archeology.

Fluttershy came along with Rarity ("She is with me!" - that was adorable!), and stayed becouse Angelbunny ran away. Again.

I just ask myself, why did she take him along in the first place? She knew right from the start it could be dangerous. Starspider season, you know (whyever it might be a problem).

Pinkie Pie came for a usual Pinkie reason - because why not? Pinkie's behavior is always easiest to explain, huh?

AJ & RD - well, they just did the same thing as in "Fall Weather friends".

A propos. All characters behaved very expectedly. Wich means there were no mischaracterisations, but no character developement either. All stayed in already established roles and did it well. Wich means my sympaties went authomatically to Rarity & Fluttershy.

The seems to be one exeption, though. Twilight Sparkle looked very fearless - maybe too fearless. Like a true leader should be. Personally, I'm not sure if she wasn't that much fearless before. Anyway, in this episode they pointed at her fearlesness clearly and directly. And that may feed some fears of her becoming mary sue.


All in all it's a good solid episode, but no more than that (4th rank in my ranking system).

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Was I the only one who thought they saw a few Legen of Zelda references?  :huh:


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Another fantastic episode to add to season 4's strong start. This is probably one of the funniest episodes yet, and the character chemistry was absolutely perfect. The best two in the episode were Rarity and Fluttershy. Rarity's determination to steal borrow ancient tapestries and her reactions to the castle's "resistance" was just too funny.



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Just got to finish both episodes 3 and 4. This episode was a "meh" in all honesty. It moved way to fast... But who's to complain. It's hard to put a well thought out story in 22 mintues. Loved the concept though.

Edited by Fragilistic

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It moved way to fast... But who's to complain.


Am I the only one who thought this episode was slow and dragged out?  I could really only take so many haunted-house tropes before I started glancing at the clock and going "Okay, they're all going to discover each other in another few seconds..."  It felt forced and waaay too predictable - I saw the trap doors, the "everyone bumps into each other" moment, and Pinkie's reveal coming from a MILE away, so those things just weren't all that funny when they finally happened.


I thought the hole-in-the-wall gag was pretty funny, though. :)

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Seeing a huge trend here with the poll numbers, regaurdless of episode quality.


This episode was alright, nothing special.


Though my complaint is they are scared of an old castle, but not the the Everfree Forest which IS filled with dangerous creatures. I mean come on!

It was just a cheap episode with some Scooby Doo antics thrown in, nothing got accomplished, other than a cheap throw in at the end with Twilight saying. "Hai guiz!, Let's rite out storyz in dis her diary! Jus like Sunbutt and Moonbutt!" Just to have something to replace Letter's to Celestia.

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Remember this line ?


I think that's the most creepy/disturbing line they ever said in the show.

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