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Would Lyra freak you out?


Would you reject Lyra?  

35 users have voted

  1. 1. Would you reject Lyra?

    • I would reject her.
    • I would not reject her.
  2. 2. How would Lyra react to your rejection?

    • Cry and run away.
    • Go insane and demand you to date her.
    • Other? (state in post.)
  3. 3. Would Lyra be jealous if you found somepony else?

    • Indifferent.
    • She would be very jealous.
  4. 4. Would Lyra freak you out?

    • Yes.
    • No.

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Would Lyra Heartstrings freak you out? Say if you ended up in Equestria still as a Human and a minty green unicorn was following you everywhere, and could have sworn you saw her watching you sleep. I'm open to xenophilia, but this would still freak me out.


Would you reject her if you wanted to ask you out?


Would Lyra be jealous if you found somepony else?

Edited by Rush
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I wouldn't reject Lyra, frankly I would freak out too but she looks harmless. Lyra is pretty friendly so, I could say that she wouldn't be jealous since I'll date her anyway.

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i think it would be cool to hang out with lyra. i mean, as long as she doesn't start gnawing on my hands or something.

she's friendly, and right now i don't really have a crush on anypony, so she shouldn't be jealous.

as for the watching me sleep thing, i dunno. i mean, it's creepy, but she doesn't harm me or anything, right?

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I'd have to reject her, based on the fact that I have feelings for somepony else, though, I don't like to reject anyone, especially not beautiful, pastel-coloured, marshmallow ponies, and I'm sure I'd feel like the biggest douche in the universe afterwards.
I guess whether she'd be jealous or not, would depend on if she had actual romantic feelings towards me.
So yeah, in conclusion, my heart belongs in Derpy's Hooves (yay, horrible puns ^^) and nopony will ever take it away from her.

Edited by Bron-Yr-Aur
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AS long as she didn't try to "collect" my hands and keep them in a jar or try to make me her pet (like in that one fanfic) i'd be cool with her fascination with me. While I'm pretty sure she's in a relationship with a moody pony I'd entertain the idea being her special somepony if she offered. Better then hanging out alone as the only human in equestria and Lyra is a sweetie anyways.

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It would feel kind of weird to have Lyra just following me around studying on what I am doing but as long as she doesn't start trying to cut my hands or other things off I would be ok with her. As far as her watching me sleep Well it would feel odd for a couple of days but as long as she keeps her hooves off me well be fine

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Well that is the thing, human obsessed Lyra is wholly a fan creation as such I don't feel we can really use it. Canon Lyra Heartstrings is shown to be normal... as much as any pony is that it.


So kno I don't think Lyra would freak me out.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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I'd be cool with it. I mean sure, it would be a little freaky at first, but I'd get used to it. If she asked me out, I'd accept. I want to give her a chance, after all. If the date turns out fine, I'd stick with her.

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I wouldn't get freaked out. Curiosity at something you've never experienced is normal, and I'd be more than happy to help her out. It IS for Science, after all.  :lol:


"Reject" is a touchy phrase in this context. As a friend, I would never reject if they were being friendly to me. If it were to be "more" than that, I would automatically reject out of principle. So, that depends on the context being used. I assumed the latter.


As for jealousy... I think Imma run away for about a year.  :wacko:

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Well, I'd probably have to be on some hallucinogenic drug to believe I was in Equestria, so that'd definitely freak me out.


But Lyra? I don't know. She's a background pony. There's no information to be freaked out by.

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That would be strange, think about it, we are addicted to ponies, she's addicted to human, that would be stange...


Maybe after reaching her goal, she would become less addicted, so I don't freak out about it. By the way, I think that the ponies should freak out...


(She's my favourite pony BTW)

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I probably wouldn't even notice if she was following me around. I tend to get lost in my own head quite often. But I bet the conversation would be pretty awkward to start with. I have a hard time coming up with things to maintain a conversation, so I tend to bow out of them rather early. But yeah if she asked me out, I'd go with her. 

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I wouldn't be freaked out at all, in fact I'd be flattered to have somepony be so into me. I mean I would try my luck with Fluttershy first but if she turns me down then I would have no problem with taking Lyra as my special somepony.

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I would only reject lyra

if i knew she'd keep trying ^^.  And yes if lyra is worth her salt she would scare the hell out of me and i would adore her for it.  she's creepy stalker gf material lol.

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I'd reject her as I'd have somebody back home on Earth. :3


But I'd let her study and research me all I'd like, going by the fan interpretation of her being obsessed with humans. At least then, she could be happy in that way to find out what she has wanted for so long. Just... I'd make sure she'd keep her hooves to herself most of the time. I wouldn't really want to be poked and prodded too much.


Though I doubt she'd freak me out unless she acted extremely fanatical. In which case, I might be a bit frightened by a creature who has magical powers doing such. But assuming she doesn't and just acts kind of like the ponies on the show, I'd be pretty chill. Ponies aren't really all that scary, to be honest. They just look too pretty to be such.

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