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Wait are anti bronies an actual thing

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I always thought if you loved something you loved it and if you hated something you avoided it. So are there really keyboard warriors that go out of their way to basically E-bash bronies i would expect there to be anti movements for things like sexuality, religion, abortion etc but really we have anti movements for tv shows now.



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Well, some Bronies are like Jehova Witnesses. Therefore it's somewhat understandable that there are Anti-Brony Movements.

Afterall, not everyone likes their favourite Game -and Movie characters ponified.

Edited by Commissar Gefreiter
  • Brohoof 6

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Well, some Bronies are like Jehova Witnesses. Therefore it's somewhat understandable that there are Anti-Brony Movements.

Afterall, not everyone likes their favourite Game -and Movie characters ponified.


Nice comparison, I WAS married to a JW. I went to meetings with her, and you know? I was bucking shunned! I was looked down upon!


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Well, some Bronies are like Jehova Witnesses. Therefore it's somewhat understandable that there are Anti-Brony Movements.

Afterall, not everyone likes their favourite Game -and Movie characters ponified.

ddofle.png I posted this picture on a Facebook Disgaea group and all the prinnies got all up in arms upset at me about it. I then brought up the remark that "You guys understand that Disgaea makes fun of EVERYTHING right? The fact of the matter is they make fun of anime, video games, and even they've made fun of Power Ranges. You really get upset when someone does a cross over?"


People forget that so many of their favorite things poke fun and jab at things that other people like--that they forget that the fandoms can all cross over.

  • Brohoof 2

#1 Flutterfan has and plays:
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@@#1 Flutterfan,

wait.. why 6 spikes om the star on her cutie mark?


there aren't real anit-bronies, spending all their time trolling us or goind around with an anti brony shirt.. they are not "strong" as us XD it's just pointless... they just diss us when they can, they don't have an "anti brony community" like us XD


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Yeah, they do exist. Some may just hate bronies because they don't enjoy having their favorite anime/video game/movie, etc.. character being crossed over with a pony (yet they're perfectly okay with it if it's crossed over with something not a pony), or they're just sick of some bronies pushing the show onto others. The other anti-bronies are just bored and we make an easy target to "troll". It's all childish and stupid, really. 

  • Brohoof 5


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I can understand that there are bronies that try to shove the fandom down the throats of people that don't want to be a part of it, but it is asinine to say that it is understandable that they get upset over crossovers, if that is the only thing they have a problem with. A crossover of any kind does not override the original content, so for people to be up in arms about something so trivial, is really (in my opinion) sad.


Like any other piece of brony content, anyone who does not like the show does not need to watch a crossover sense most of them has pony in the title, so it is really difficult to say that they did not know when they were looking up a video. Also it won't kill them if they happen across a video about ponies. Instead of watching the full thing they could just...you know end the video after the first few seconds and go to something else. All and all, there are always going to be a group that hates another group, it is sadly inevitable; but if we lets said groups get the better of us then that is when they win and get what they want, so I deem it better to ignore them. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I never understood anti-groups. If I don't like a band, or song I don't go on the youtube video for it, and comment about how much it sucks. I just avoid the video. Why would somebody waste their time forming an anti-group? If you don't like bronies just avoid them.


I never even really got why people hate the fandom. Yes, it's annoying when bronies try to force it on others. But for the most part, from what I've seen we mostly just leave everyone else alone and stick to ourselves.


Also who cares if your favorite show is ponified? Do people not realize that their favorite show has already been made into boatloads of porn on Rule34? So porn of their show doesn't bother them, but a ponified version does? Interesting.

  • Brohoof 2


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I've never seen any anti-brony groups or organizations, but I'm sure they exist. I think most anti-bronies are probably more like lone wolves. They don't like bronies and will call them out if they see them (for things as minor as having a pony avatar on an unrelated site,) but they're not part of a group dedicated against bronies. Again, I'm sure they exist, but probably not in great numbers.


I agree that some bronies go overboard with the fandom, and I'm really not happy about that. If you like MLP, that's fine. It doesn't need to seep into every single aspect of your life, including your speech. However, by the same token, I see plenty of anti-bronies that, again, say things against people who simply have a pony for an avatar. I've seen people dismiss entire arguments or even dismiss the person altogether, regardless of what it is they're saying because they have some sign that they may be a brony. Admittedly, I think this is maybe a secondary thing. I think a lot of the time, the situation is that it's a video/topic about something controversial, A, who has a pony icon, has a good, clear, well thought out point about the topic. B irrationally disagrees with A's point of view but can't ascertain why he disagrees with him or come up with any good arguments, so he dismisses A's entire argument by saying he's a brony so his opinion doesn't matter (though generally much more crudely.) On top of possibly bringing in stereotypes about bronies that makes B thing they're lesser people. I think most of the cases I've seen are something to this effect. In this case, I'm not sure how much of actual brony hate this is. Some form of dislike for bronies, of course, does exist, otherwise they wouldn't use it as an excuse to bash their views, but if person A were on B's side, I feel like that likeliness that B will say something negative about A being a brony is probably significantly lessened.


Read more. It's a bit long...


As for the people who spout MLP all over everywhere like there's no tomorrow, I really don't like this. It gives us a bad image. I've noticed lately that a group's image is primarily shaped by the loudest people, for better or worse. That's why so many people have a negative view of Christianity, nowadays. Because the Christians who say/do abhorrent things also happen to be the loudest. This doesn't mean that they make up the majority of Christians, and in fact, groups that hold views that people take serious issue with tend to be in the minority. But simply because that's all we hear because they're so loud about their views, that's the image we get. Same with bronies. I'd be willing to bet that most bronies kinda keep it to themselves. And by that, I don't mean being closeted about it, but rather, even if you wear a pony shirt every day, it's not all you talk about, you don't go out of your way to talk about it and if you know the person you're talking to doesn't care for MLP, you just leave it alone. I think that's probably most bronies. However, which are the bronies that people hear the most from? The ones who go to commentaries not related to MLP in the least and talk about MLP. I don't have any indication on most of my media that I'm a brony. I like to engage in civil discourse. I try to be respectful. And I don't bring up MLP unless it's relevant. Y'know, a normal person. But because I don't go around telling everyone I'm a brony (not because I'm ashamed, but it's irrelevant to the conversation,) people don't know and they don't realize that bronies are this kind of person as well. For the most part, the only people who make it known that they're bronies, at least enough to get attention, are those mentioned above. So that's the image people have about bronies. It doesn't matter that that's not what most bronies are like. That's the loudest group, so they speak for the rest of us whether we like it or not.


However, is it warranted? Let's take MLP out of the equation. In the same kind of context, I don't know that someone who goes around saying "This pleases Optimus Prime" or "Ariel is best princess." would get the same kind of backlash. At the same time, Transformers and Disney Princesses doesn't seem to have the same type of internet following as MLP. That's not to say that there aren't as many fans, they just don't have the same type of online presence as bronies do. At the same time, those are only really isolated incidents. If we think on a grander scale, and every other comment you came across was "So-and-so is best princess," then I think people would start to get annoyed. However, I don't see every other post saying "So-and-so is best pony." So obviously, the frequency isn't as high as people think. Though this may just be that the media I watch doesn't attract as many bronies (at least the loud ones) or I'm desensitized to the avatars/comments because they don't bother me because I'm a brony. Still, I really don't think it's as big a problem as people make it out to be. I think this all maybe goes back to the fact that it's MLP. I have this whole rationale for while people in this society don't like MLP and like bronies even less. I'll just leave it at patriarchy, revoking male privilege, and the fact that previous gens of MLP (especially the more recent ones) had no plot and were sickeningly cute (and not in a good way.) While I think that all these reasons are rather unjustified, this is the way people see things and there's no changing some people. So, I think what I'm getting at is that this happens from a few angles. First, many fans make themselves stupid and obnoxious, making everyone else look that way. Second, that combined with a show that people don't like makes fans come off as something to be hated. Third, despite the fact that people don't like it and this it has no merit, the show has gained wild popularity. I think if it were only one of those things or even two of those things, people may not have such a strong backlash against, specifically, bronies. But because of all of those factors, it's bronies who are targeted.


Look at something like Twilight. Actually, don't because it's horrible. Most of the criticisms aimed at Twilight are aimed at the movie. Maybe occasionally people will mention the "brain dead 13-year-old fangirls," but for the most part, people hate Twilight for being Twilight. Which is understandable, cuz it sucks. For MLP, though, most of the criticism isn't toward the show. Except for bringing up "But it's for little girls!" or "Grown men shouldn't watch cartoons," which aren't even real criticisms of the show, people don't really criticize the show. Rather, it's the fanbase that gets the most criticism. And I think it's for those reasons above. Twilight may be wildly popular, yet strongly disliked by people not in the fanbase, but fans don't bring it up in unrelated places every two seconds, or at least not with the frequency bronies do. And I don't believe the online presence of their fanbase is as prevalent as that of bronies. Star Wars, even if it were talked about and referenced a lot (and it kinda is, thought not as much as MLP,) people actually generally like Star Wars, and even those who don't don't tend to dislike it. So comments like those are accepted. Really, I think it's a culmination of those 3 factors I mentioned above that make bronies prime targets for hatred. Partially it's some fans' fault, but a lot of it is society's fault, too.


So that was a long. Anyway, I guess that's my speculation on why haters gon' hate. Anti-bronies being a "thing?" Yes, they exist in some capacity as groups, but I do think that most of them are individuals. And I think that most of them probably don't even really care that much. Most probably don't care enough to join a whole group dedicated to brony hate. But when they see comments sections flooded with brony comments on something not MLP-related, I suppose I can see where one would foster some disdain for bronies. In short, yes, anti-bronies are a thing, but probably not very prevalent and certainly not threatening in any way.


Edited by Clover Heart

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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It is just wishful thinking to believe most people avoid things they hate. Yes there are anti-bronies and I personally was one and as well as the rest often went out of my way to be an asshole to members of the fandom. Some bronies are SUPER out there, forceful and obnoxious but still don't deserve the treatment I and many other gave them. Guess when can hope they mature up, get bored or hell even follow in suit and join the fandom and try and make it up to the fandom.

  • Brohoof 1


This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika

Hey so Johari

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Yes there are, there are plenty of people out there the just want to hate people because they are insecure about themselves and try to tear down others to make themselves feel better. People also often fear and judge what they don't understand instead of even trying to understand it so you have people that will automatically assume the worst simply because something challenges their pre conceived notions and they therefore feel threatened by it. 


Afterall, not everyone likes their favourite Game -and Movie characters ponified.

Yes there are few annoying bronies who do try to shove it down people throats by being a bit more aggressive with expanding "the herd" than they should be, but since when has making crossovers been forcing things down peoples throats? I really don't understand that argument especially because crossovers have been done a million times with other franchises especially Star Wars and yet I hear almost nobody complaining about having those things shoved down their throats so why should ponies be singled out? I know there is a lot of crossover pony art out there but is looking for something else and finding ponies really the worst thing ever? And this same argument is made for rule 34 and grimdark as well even by some bronies which honestly baffles me, there are some people who unfortunately run into that stuff by accident that don't want to see it but again why single out ponies when that stuff is in every fandom ever?

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@@#1 Flutterfan,

wait.. why 6 spikes om the star on her cutie mark?


there aren't real anit-bronies, spending all their time trolling us or goind around with an anti brony shirt.. they are not "strong" as us XD it's just pointless... they just diss us when they can, they don't have an "anti brony community" like us XD

Twilight_Sparkle.pngSorry if this picture is huge--but the "spikes" on her star seem to be the same as the one in the picture? I didn't notice anything off about Disgaeawilight.

#1 Flutterfan has and plays:
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PSN: Loydna, Live: Loydaminc
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Yeah they exist, however there is a difference between some who just hate when people bring up the show, or just would not watch it.


But there are people who outright want bronies to not exist, or atleast claim to, it seems like a waste of time, but some people i guess have nothing better to do.


But depending on your definition ,yes, there are Anti bronies that exist.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I can see where anti bronies come from, but I think most of them don't even know anything about the show. Literally, half of the anti bronies at my school don't even know the full name. They just hear the word Pony. Its MLP:FiM for your information. Yeah. sorry about the mini rant.

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I personally hope there is no actually permanent serious, hard-core people that are devoted to hating a group, a fan-base group that is. I do hope if there are such things, they find something better to do with their lives. 


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I looked up anti bronies on facebook and found over 200 pages. So I created my own page that was called the Brony Peace Project or something like that to confront them in a peaceful matter. Turned out only about half the pages were active, and one of them was run by a brony against rapid bronies and cloppers. So they weren't really an anti brony. But this one guy, his page was against bronies but it was just about how men used to really be men until my little pony came about. Apparently in this person's eyes they thought you had to be a nazi to be a man. They sure were entertaining to talk to but very biased. This guy was educated and everything but still a stuck up racist bastard. My page was short lived and only recieved 7 likes due to my account getting hacked and my mom putting on security that prohibited anyone from seeing anything I do which sucked. Can't even use that account anymore. But most of those pages just had the title and a couple likes in comparison to to brony pages with hundreds of likes they were nothing. Haters gonna hate, that's all there is to it

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I personally think you guys are overreacting.


You realize that by flipping out at people disliking the fanbase, that you're only reinforcing the stereotype that MLP fans are oversensitive and respond poorly to criticism, right? MLP fans are just people who like a cartoon; A good cartoon in my opinion, but just a cartoon nonetheless. We're not some persecuted minority, and we have no standing to get genuinely upset at people disliking the show or even for mocking the fanbase. It's way less of a big deal than you're making it.


Relax, lighten up, and practice some of that love and tolerance we're supposed to be known for. Just continue enjoying what you enjoy and stop caring what people think! The only one who can ruin the fandom for you is you.

  • Brohoof 2



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Yep, sure are. They're all over the place. Just look through the comments in pony videos on Youtube. You're sure to find a few bashers there.

As to why they do what they do? They have their own reasons. Some of them are probably going through some 'stuff' and feel the need to lash out. Other people might do it to make themselves feel better about themselves, actually that'd be about 80% of them. Ya know, approximately. xP

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Remember, on the internet you have power.

Ever been on an argument? You can drop the argument in a few words.

Trolls? Just leave the thread. But a click of a button.

And if you have hacker problems then you can easily go look up the TOR browser. (Using it is not Illegal, but doing Illegal stuff is!)


Oh and I seriously dislike haters, not because of them not liking the fandom but the serious dissing, false accusation and the extreme sadistic means that they express.


I think most of my friends is anti-brony,Probably why I am a closet, but I'm slowly trying to change their viewpoint.

  • Brohoof 1


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Yep. I have encountered a few of them in my time.

Just ignore them and continue on with your life.

Zeusking19 - Poniverse Developer and SysAdmin


"No DDR machines were harmed in the making of this post."

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