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2014 Brony Census

The Mane-iac

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Everypony should go do their part and fill this out. After all, this is how we mane-ly get accurate portrayal in media and such. Mane-iac001_zpsd9459d01.png ------- :wacko:



Oh, well it seems the survey has crashed from too many ponies trying. Make sure you keep checking in, probably best to do so in a few days. So bookmark away!


Woo! Was able to start and finish it finally!

Edited by The Mane-iac
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The crash shows just how popular it is. I wonder how much our numbers have gone up since the last one?


Should be interesting to see.


Like most censuses, the more we spread it around the more people will fill it out. I look at that 22k from last year and say to myself "Only 22k?!". I sure didn't know about this last year, so hopefully we can get a better representation this time around. Especially since there are more languages this year I guess.


Also, love the Nights avatar.

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I can actually participate in this one. When I became a brony at the beginning of 2013,I missed it because I didn't know about any of these brony/pony sites, so I will do my part and contribute.

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Yeah, now that you mention it, 22k seems a little on the light side. Actually knowing about the survey goes a long way. It probably flew under the radar last time.


Also, love the Nights avatar.


Thanks! I just started playing through the game again. It's a masterpiece.

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Tried it but I guess it's overloaded lol

Overused meme time?

What's the scouter say about the bronies' population?


Edited by ~Sadistic Luna~
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Tried it but I guess it's overloaded lol

Overused meme time?

What's the scouter say about the bronies' population?


it said that for me as well just scroll down and pick a language and it should work

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I just took the survey and wow, it was more than I bargained for! Just for shits and giggles, I tried taking the survey in Spanish. I handle a lot of Spanish correspondence at work so I thought I'd be up to the task. The first few pages were easy. But as the questions became more complicated and downright personal as it went along, I finally had to change it to English. :P


The last two pages seemed to be aimed at male respondents. I hope they were worded differently for women. Anyway, it was fun to take and I'm looking forward to the results. :)

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