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Is it natural for boys to use hair dye?

Sugar Pea

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Males can go ahead and use it if they want to. I don't really see why males can't customize their hair like females do; it's fun.

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I personally don't dye my hair. I like my hair how it is. But my Friend dyes his hair. He's a blonde but occasionally he might bleach it to keep it a light blonde cuz it will turn darker if he doesn't. (does bleach count? I'm gonna say it does) I guess he doesn't like dirty blonde.

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I'm not a personal advocate of hair dyes as a cosplayer because I'm aware of the damage it can do to your hair, especially if you have dark hair and you have to bleach to put lighter colors on. But yo, do what you want.

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Not completely, but yeah, it's pretty cool!


That, and I do plan on dying my hair in the future with some dark purple by a stripe of my hair. :)


Ironically, some say that I have dyed my hair red because in the light, there's some red in the upoer right of my hair. XD

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Is it natural for girls to use hair die? Not in the slightest, but I think you know how that works out.


Way I see it, if you want to have different colored hair, no matter your sex, go for it. I wouldn't mind giving gray or pink hair a go myself if I had the guts to do so and were allowed.

Edited by SomariFeyWright
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Natural? Are we natural at all? 

We eat mostly processed food, wear not-really-natural things.. etc

But that's not the point though.. 


Sure, dye your hair, if you think that'll make you feel better/other reasons.

I'd dye mine but.. they are pretty weak and I'm not really known for lots of hair care  :squee:

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It's not natural for male GENDER to use hair dye, because most emasculate people don't care about how they look. But it's natural for NEITHER sex, though. But either way it's perfectly fine. I have no problem with it. (I never cared about my hair color too much.)

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper
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I really hate my natural hair tone.... It's really really dark brown, and looks nasty if I don't wash it twice a day...... I usually go for a nice blonde, or Bright auburn..... I even sometimes do blue with sea green highlights.

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If you really have to for some special purpose then I guess its fine. For instance, If you used to have black hair but it turned brown due to the sun and all other things... then I don't see what the problem is dying it back to black. 


But I do find it weird when guys decide to dye it blonde or some other color. 


Even worse is when a guy dyes it all colorful and artsy fartsy. I don't like it buy hey... I wont judge.


Its just a bit fruity (Feminine, just to me more technical and sophisticated.)

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Its really not normal for a dude to have hair dye, on a normal day.. for a party its ok..


but my oldest brother has electric blue hair and pink hair once.. then again, he wasn't normal back then xD

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