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Am I the only brony on here who thinks Chrysalis should not be redeemed?


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I would be tottaly in for that... somewhere out there i think there is a saying from the show's creators that their holes are sings of them being "Incomplete". Notice how the name Chrysalis is the second stage of a transformation to a butterfly? What if that, like the songs she sung using the musical term "deceptive cadence", had also a secret meaning? What if she could "evolve" and surpass this? It would be an interesting inded and i have thought of that and am trying to apply it on my fic. In my fic they're actually supposed to be guardians of the world together with the ponies... makes for an interesting plot to see how the mightiest and noblest can fall and become so evil... like Darth Vader did.


Yea me too... i simply wish there was more depth into her character. Deeper characters that have reasons for being evil other than the fact that they enjoy it makes you like them more. Not sympathize... like them. A character with reasons for being evil makes a far more interesting character than someone who is evil because he/she wants to be evil. That's really shallow... and if an interesting evil character is redeemable because of the reasons that character is evil for then... i don't care. Oh and btw i don't count the comics.

Yeah, kinda like Laharl. He doesn't hide the fact that he's evil (or at least is trying to be). Although in the end, Laharl actually has a heart and a conscience which makes him do the right thing in the end. Etna is kinda the same way, she'll make remarks like she doesn't care what happens to others, but she'll still end up doing the right thing. Mao is another example. In the beginning it seems he only wants to be evil, he's even the dean of an evil academy, and even though the player doesn't find out til later that he's actually capable of being good, players can't help but like him or at least be interested in him. And I believe Desco  is considered evil, at least in a way. She says inappropriate things to others like "hope you die", but in the end, she's just a curious child who is learning about the world. She wants to be the final boss in a game, but I think she's busy enjoying the ride, and doing good in the process. Valvatorez used to be a great evil, and nobody even knows what would happen if he got his powers back, but he's extremely noble, and always keeps his promises.


Sorry for all the Disgaea fanboyism xD

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Okay fine, you could blab on about so call character..when the show showed little to none about her.  But really Show wise, it won't happen.  She not coming back she not blasting off again.  

Okay fine replace HItler with say Egg head from sonic HAPPY

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Okay fine, you could blab on about so call character..when the show showed little to none about her.  But really Show wise, it won't happen.  She not coming back she not blasting off again.  


Okay fine replace HItler with say Egg head from sonic HAPPY

The difference is that Egghead was a robot who had no emotion or morals. Chrysalis at least showed some fear and emotion, when she thought that Celestia was gonna defeat her. Yes, she's unrepentently wicked, but she isn't genocidal like Egghead is. In one of the Sonic games, Egghead actually kills Tails in the bad ending. He also had numerous innocent animals imprisoned in his machines of war, just to spite Sonic. Chrysalis is greedy, but she has a reason for everything she does. She doesn't kill unnecessarily, just imprison those who try to get in her way. And there is no confirmation of whether she's doing it because she and her people need it or not.


Honestly, I don't think there's much of a reason to redeem her, but I have faith in the writers if they decide to go that route.

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Her plan was to become princess, not anything else. The demon form corrupted her. Besides, if I was in her position, I'd be kissing ass too

Its not actually clear that she wanted the crown to become a princess. More likely she wanted it to gain POWER. Thats what she wanted... To... As she said "I don't want this stupid world/highschool." "I lied about breaking the portal." "I want Equestria." She is sly cunning and devious. She is simply Chrysalis in a smaller scale. Also about your last part... Well thats just a part of being cunning... Or just being fake/lying to yourself.


Thing is Sunset Shimmer should be frustrated not at the others but at herself. "How could i make such a mistake? Why didn't i see this coming? I should have won!" Those words wpuld make for a far more realistic sadness later.


Also she wasn't corrupted. She was overwhelmed by her desire for power. Corruption would suggest her form degraded. If anything it could be considered a wicked form of ascension to a form that was more powerful than her old one.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Chrissi is that classic "Fuck you all, I'll do anything that I want" villain. She doesn't care for anypony's well being but her own. She's the epitome of evil in the show.


This is also why I love her as my fave villain. She's just a badass character.  So, I think they should bring her back,but keep her her evil destructive self. Perhaps as a repeat villain every so often.

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She was crying while she transformed and dark magic was flying everywhere, something went wrong when that happened. No, I mean I'd be crying to kiss ass so Twilight doesn't lock me away 

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Okay fine, you could blab on about so call character..when the show showed little to none about her. But really Show wise, it won't happen. She not coming back she not blasting off again.


Okay fine replace HItler with say Egg head from sonic HAPPY

I dont know egg head but as stated above yet another improper comparison.


All the more reason to bring her and the changelings back. Imagine learning what makes them tick! That would be interesting.


And btw if we know nothing about her why do you even make the comparisons?


She was crying while she transformed and dark magic was flying everywhere, something went wrong when that happened. No, I mean I'd be crying to kiss ass so Twilight doesn't lock me away

"Do you know what happens when an element of harmony gets into another world? Oh you don't?" she knew full well what would happen and she had time to study about it. Don't try to purify her as i don't try to do the same with Chrysalis. That her transformation hurt was just it being unexpected. Also i would like for her to be locked for some time before being let out as i would promote the same for QC. I would also promote making ammends for both.
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"Do you know what happens when an element of harmony gets into another world? Oh you don't?" she knew full well what would happen and she had time to study about it. Don't try to purify her as i don't try to do the same with Chrysalis. That her transformation hurt was just it being unexpected. Also i would like for her to be locked for some time before being let out as i would promote the same for QC. I would also promote making ammends for both.

I don't purify Sunset, I'm pointing out her very minor good traits. Chrysalis has good traits too, sneakiness, a willingness to do what she wants, and ambition. SS's are mild honor and not being as evil as other villains. 


The difference is that after Chrysalis was defeated, she was still ripping the heads off of cats and what not. Sunset was bawling her eyes out. Now, it's very likely Sunset is just trying to save herself from being locked away, but you get the point. Sunset is probably not redeemed, I just saw it was a Dr. Wily sort of thing

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Chrissi is that classic "Fuck you all, I'll do anything that I want" villain. She doesn't care for anypony's well being but her own. She's the epitome of evil in the show.


This is also why I love her as my fave villain. She's just a badass character. So, I think they should bring her back,but keep her her evil destructive self. Perhaps as a repeat villain every so often.

The "but her own" part is the only thing i consider questionable. Frankly we all do the same thing at a point. Its like the "Blood is thicker than water" phrase.


Yes but would that serve any purpose? They don't have to do so right? It isn't nesseccary.

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Not all of us get power hungry and go shoot up on steroids so we can conquer foreign nations 

What the hell does that have to do with anything? But yea if you noticed same thing pretty much happened with SS. 


The difference is that after Chrysalis was defeated, she was still ripping the heads off of cats and what not. Sunset was bawling her eyes out. Now, it's very likely Sunset is just trying to save herself from being locked away, but you get the point. Sunset is probably not redeemed, I just saw it was a Dr. Wily sort of thing
I don't know who the hell Dr Willy is but let me just say something. Sunset Shimmer had the good influence of Celestia in her so she had the potential of at least being good. What did Chrysalis have? That's what i want to know...


Plus i really like that Chrysalis was at least genuine to herself and pursued revenge. Sunset Shimmer pretty much did the same thing on Celestia by targeting Twilight. In the end no moral was learned in EQG. Imagine how good of a moral it would be if either of them was forced to see how futile the circle of revenge is... if for example Chrysalis was forced to see how her own actions and decisions hurt her own changelings. If she was stripped of her power because of that... she has the potential.


Also... she didn't kill all of them she imprisoned most in Cocoons and only killed one to get her point across at the extremely annoying CMC. She did it to be perceived seriously... and frankly i deem the cats existence plot convenience. Not because they were there in the right time to feed them. But because... they were cats.


They were deliberately there to show her "evil side". We all know how much we all love cats... and toxoplasmosis enhances our liking of them. I have seen people acting like justice warriors on people killing stray cats. I mean... okay that's "mean" but i hardly think of it as evil. Certainly not evil enough to go posting links on facebook asking the fans to give the proper sentence to the person who did it. You're scratching the surface of that by accusing Chrysalis of being evil for killing that one cat none give a damn about.


Oh plus fans have agreed on the fact that this was an over-reaction by Hasbro to show the fans how "evil" she was without this proving actually anything but the fact that the world has sympathy on cats. The end.

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So if I rip a cat's head off, just for a demo, I'm mean but I'm not evil? Cool, let me go rip an animal's head off because I was annoyed >_> . When you start killing off random things next to you for being annoying, you're evil. 


Crying "plot convenience" is a terrible argument because like it or not, it happened. Too bad, so sad that it interferes with your vision. If you didn't like the story, more power to you. However, don't dismiss the story in a debate because you dislike it.


The problem with Chrysalis is that her arrogance renders her unable to stop. Even after getting sent flying and being defeated so harshly that her army was reduced to a small squad, she still keeps trying to take over.


BTW, Dr. Wily is a Megaman villain who begs for his life at the end of every game so he can live to fight another day

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@,You fail to understand my point. What i wish to understand is the reason for why a villain that kills a cat is considered evil-er than a villain that renders the whole Ponyville into Chaos-ville. 

Why does someone go into justice-warrior mode when a cat is killed but seriously doesn't give a damn about what Luna... or NMM did by turning Equestria into eternal night. Despite her being controlled by "evil forces" those evil forces were willingly called upon by her own jealousy and selfishness. But i digress...

The thing is that every villain who fails once doesn't have to become good just because he/she failed. In fact what she did shows determination and a willingness to achieve her goal no matter what the cost. I think that's what could make her see her own fault. What if that cost was something she cared about? We will never know since we know next to nothing about her. 

Regardless what i want to say it is possible... and it can be made right. She doesn't have to feel regret to be sorry. 

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Oh, I thought Discord's reformation was stupid as it is still motivated by selfishness. He's only "good" because he likes Fluttershy, that's the only thing keeping him on a loose leash.


You make a great point 

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You make a great point 
About which one of them all really? Anyways... i guess some bronies experience saturation with the story of redemption. Personally i would prefer if her redemption was done over the course of a long time. Like for example she could experience progress in a two parter and finalize it in another episode. 
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I was referring to the fact that in the show, it is possible, hell, maybe even likely she'll get redeemed. I don't want this happening but considering that they reformed Discord, it's not that far out there 

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I was referring to the fact that in the show, it is possible, hell, maybe even likely she'll get redeemed. I don't want this happening but considering that they reformed Discord, it's not that far out there

Thats the problem the OP has and that's the main reason i am opposing it. If it is done nicely and in an interesting, wholehearted way... if it was successful then whats the reason to hate it or not want it? Edited by nioniosbbbb
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I think Chrysalis is iredeemable, HOWEVER, I know that given the show's track record, if she does return, she'll get the "good guy" tag slapped on her in seconds. This is why I'd like the show to come up with new villains, so they don't get neutered after each awesome moment 

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I think Chrysalis is iredeemable, HOWEVER, I know that given the show's track record, if she does return, she'll get the "good guy" tag slapped on her in seconds. This is why I'd like the show to come up with new villains, so they don't get neutered after each awesome moment

If you see my posts above you will understand i consider it a mistake to be done this way.


My problem is that the preferences of some bronies for villains to stay villains are being turned into arguements simply because they find it cliche from their experiences. They are being un-subjective.


Plus we dont know enough to determine her irredeemable. Once again i will say this... There is none saying that the comics are indeed canon. For one they are truly a different style in concept both in story and style. The comics aren't about learning any morals like the show... And truth be told an adventure like the comics of QC would be unlikely to be aired on TV.


Tbh... I would trade Sunset Shimmer's and Discord's redemption over Chrysalis anyday but thats just me.


The point is so much drama has been created over redeemed villains that some bronies even in this thread are acting like immature babies. Like the guy who said she's lile Hitler. That's darn right ridiculous... And since the op agrees on such a ridiculous claim i fail to see any legitimate claim for us to just shut the door for her.

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I agree with you. I'd rather see Sunset Shimmer return, trying to gain power legitimately this time, but keep her antagonisitc nature. It'd be nice to give Twilight a rival. Trixie doesn't count because she's weak as Hell and needs to cheat to keep up with Twilight.


Queen Chrysalis's a weird situation. I don't think she will get redeemed and for her to get redeemed, it will probably come off as contrived like with Discord  

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I agree with you. I'd rather see Sunset Shimmer return, trying to gain power legitimately this time, but keep her antagonisitc nature. It'd be nice to give Twilight a rival. Trixie doesn't count because she's weak as Hell and needs to cheat to keep up with Twilight.


Queen Chrysalis's a weird situation. I don't think she will get redeemed and for her to get redeemed, it will probably come off as contrived like with Discord

Depends as i said above on how much effort you put in it.
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The show will not put in effort and you know it

Thats sad actually. But it remains to be seen. They have been known for creating high quality episodes. Edited by nioniosbbbb
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If you see my posts above you will understand i consider it a mistake to be done this way.


My problem is that the preferences of some bronies for villains to stay villains are being turned into arguements simply because they find it cliche from their experiences. They are being un-subjective.


Plus we dont know enough to determine her irredeemable. Once again i will say this... There is none saying that the comics are indeed canon. For one they are truly a different style in concept both in story and style. The comics aren't about learning any morals like the show... And truth be told an adventure like the comics of QC would be unlikely to be aired on TV.


Tbh... I would trade Sunset Shimmer's and Discord's redemption over Chrysalis anyday but thats just me.


The point is so much drama has been created over redeemed villains that some bronies even in this thread are acting like immature babies. Like the guy who said she's lile Hitler. That's darn right ridiculous... And since the op agrees on such a ridiculous claim i fail to see any legitimate claim for us to just shut the door for her.

Ok, lets get something straight here. Firstly, if Chrysalis's redemption was done right, then I'd be OK with it. It's just my opinion that Chrysalis should stay bad. Secondly, I never agreed that Chrysalis was like Hitler. There is no comparison between the two at all. Hitler murdered millions of lives, Chrysalis murdered nopony. The point I'm making here is that Chrysalis and her Changelings exist only to harvest love and wreak havoc. In hindsight, perhaps I have been ignoring the whole point of the show by asking for her demise, but from what I've seen personality-wise, this is one villain who has gone well beyond the reach of help. And to be frank, her actions in the show and comics don't exactly save face either.


Chrysalis can be redeemed if that is her fate, I just don't think it should happen. She was the kind of evil I like: sadistic, cruel, deceptive and ruthless. That is something I'd hate to see taken away from her.

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