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Am I the only brony on here who thinks Chrysalis should not be redeemed?


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The thing that bothers me about the fandom and Chrysallis is that the fans try to play her off as more tragic and deep than she actually is.


She feeds off of love and attempted to overthrow an entire monarchy that thrives around peace and love in order to do so. As well, unlike Discord, she is E-VIL. Discord's technically more of a neutral character at heart, only initially being evil in order to cause the chaos and mischief that he so loves to make. Chrysallis is just plain evil. If she could only live off of love that'd be one thing, but she savored making the citizens of Canterlot suffer. Not at one point did she ever express the slightest bit of remorse or hesitant.


She's evil, and should not be reformed. Simple as that.

  • Brohoof 5

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The thing that bothers me about the fandom and Chrysallis is that the fans try to play her off as more tragic and deep than she actually is.

That's one perspective it could be seen. Not all share the same fangirl-ism. 

She feeds off of love and attempted to overthrow an entire monarchy that thrives around peace and love in order to do so. As well, unlike Discord, she is E-VIL.

She's more Sombra level evil than Discord level.

That's subjective and that's all i have to say for this part. 

Not at one point did she ever express the slightest bit of remorse or hesitant.

*Hesitation. Well yes... if you hesitate... you're dead. Hesitation is weakness. Why should she? I mean she's made the decision went to all this trouble and now she will hesitate? That's absurd. Neither did Luna when she fought her sister and nor did Discord when he made the whole Equestria a living hell for it's inhabitants.


She feeds off of love and attempted to overthrow an entire monarchy that thrives around peace and love in order to do so.

So...? Doesn't every conqueror that invades another country essentialy disrupt peace and prosperity of said country for the sake of conquest? 

As well, unlike Discord, she is E-VIL. Discord's technically more of a neutral character at heart, only initially being evil in order to cause the chaos and mischief that he so loves to make.

Same thing with Joker from Batman? He loves to create chaos for the sole purpose of creating chaos and having fun at everyone's expense. Having fun with turning heroes into corrupted versions of themselves-same with Discord, making a living hell out of a city with the craziest kind of violence ((The only reason you didn't witness "violence" per say from Discord is because this is a kids show)). Discord enjoyed evil for the sake of enjoying evil... unlike Queen Chrysalis who had a purpose, although a selfish one at that, he didn't... he just wanted to make a living hell out of Equestria and destroy everything related to friendship in his path seeking to just watch sadisctically as the chaos unfolded. He is the most evil of the villains and the only villain that doesn't have something else in mind for doing the evil they do. 


On that note i want you to ponder how Princess Luna chose, i repeat "CHOSE", to ally herself with the Nightmare forces in order to obtain the adoration that her sister had. Wow... talk about throwing a tantrum... SOOO mature of your Princess of the Night with the thousand fanboys you have...

Chrysallis is just plain evil. If she could only live off of love that'd be one thing, but she savored making the citizens of Canterlot suffer.

Isn't it enjoyable when you watch yourself victorious over the "Oh so mighty" good? When their friggin "Get out of Jail Free" card aka "Elements of Harmony" doesn't work? When their allmight and allpraised Princess of the Sun allegedly a goddess FAILS? When their hopes are crushed? That's what i call "Pride of Victory". A surefire way to your downfall but still... something i would feel should i have conquered an allmighty nation like America. 

2. Chrysalis is an irredeemable hag whose entire existence is to steal love from ponies.

Wow dude you really hate her. Jeez dude you don't have to call her a hag. Discord is a d and a douche, he is sadistic, cruel, manipulative, insane, he is the definition of an a-hole. I would not accept him as my friend even if he and Fluttershy BEGGED me. 



Why not? Because: 

1. It's become trite and cliche. How many antagonists are the Mane6 really going to reform? 

If you think this is cliche try the "Prophecy" cliche, the "destiny" cliche, the "defying destiny" cliche, the "good always wins" cliche, i could go on really but i want to really know why you accept those other cliches and not this one. Also... just because you think it is cliche doesn't mean that said "cliche" can't be enjoyable, constructive, and awesome alltogether.


Just because you believe that not everyone can be reformed doesn't mean one shouldn't even try. In fact Discord's "redemption" was initially on a failing course. It is only because he appreciated what he had lost that Discord came to "try" being better.


You guys should read this... http://www.fimfiction.net/story/178014/1/what-makes-a-villain/no-regrets It is a good short fic about a self-conscious Chrysalis. It could be a good start about awesome non-cliche fanfics about redemption or at least a try for that. 


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... Yes. You've made good points.


... Please tell me what point you're making.


I mean, in the end, Chrysallis is still an evil villain with no need to reform. She rules an entire kingdom through means of malevolence and mayhem. An ENTIRE KINGDOM. She doesn't need to change.


Discord himself was iffy in reforming but in doing so they've made the most chaotic and anti-hero-ish character the show has had to offer, as well as giving him an actual sense of decent "humanity", so in the end, it worked out well enough that the fanbase has decided to give it a pass. Reforming Chrysalis would serve absolutely no purpose, story-wise or otherwise. She's evil, and doesn't need to change as such.

  • Brohoof 1

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She doesn't need to change.
True she doesn't "need" to. She can't be forced.


... Yes. You've made good points. ... ... Please tell me what point you're making.
Point 1:All conquerors are to be considered evil since they are you know... conquerors. It's war... the one starting it always is evil to the other side.

Point 2:As much you are accusing Chrysalis fanboys of making a tragedy out of nowhere you're being kind of the same when you are absolving Discord of the destruction he caused and utter hell far more than that Chrysalis caused.

Also may i point out one thing? Chrysalis is the only villain that didn't "return". Sombra returned, Discord returned, Nightmare Moon returned... all to do evil. This isn't to prove something but just food for thought. 

Point 3:While it doesn't need to happen it can, and it can be done right. Your preference should not interfere with that.

Point 4:You should not allow your preference of her being evil to interfere with a potentially nice story to be made out of this. I for one think it could be glorious if done right. I for one would like for once a redemption story done right. For example i would like to see prisons in Equestria be used like reform institutes pointing out how they should also work in reality. Currently we haven't seen any such thing applied and i for one would think it would be truly interesting to see Chrysalis spent so much time in isolation learning bit by bit. 

New point 5:I would like to see a redemption that doesn't take a few minutes or one episode to realize itself. It would be good to see the inner struggles of someone judging the benefits of good and evil. We only saw a fragment of that in Discord.

New point 6:I am not requesting a clean slate for Chrysalis... i am requesting for none to close their doors and deny anyone the chance to become something better than he/she already is.



She rules an entire kingdom through means of malevolence and mayhem. An ENTIRE KINGDOM.
How do you know how she rules? For all we know she isn't tyrannical over her subjects. I for one find it cool that the villain doesn't adress his followers as Minions and rather as subjects.


Discord himself was iffy in reforming but in doing so they've made the most chaotic and anti-hero-ish character the show has had to offer, as well as giving him an actual sense of decent "humanity", so in the end, it worked out well enough that the fanbase has decided to give it a pass. Reforming Chrysalis would serve absolutely no purpose, story-wise or otherwise. She's evil, and doesn't need to change as such.
If we asked the fanbase every time we wanted to do something controversial we wouldn't get anywhere. We had enough whinners when Discord became good and even De Lancie didn't want him good. EVEN HIS OWN VOICE ACTOR!!! "The fandom has decided to give it a pass" why can't they do it to Chrysalis too? I am not saying they have to... i am saying that if it happens why shouldn't they give it a chance? What would be so bad? I mean... it could be made to work... and Chrysalis could aid the mane 6 in various ways... 

Random idea that came to my mind right now... what if during such a possible redemption Chrysalis gave her kingdom to Twilight? This could be AWESOME! We could see her panicking over her initial fear of getting a kingdom as a Princess come true, we could see lots of stuff like that! That'd be great! 

Don't be close minded... i accept your preference and opinion while reserving my own... but that doesn't mean you shouldn't allow it should it happen. I doubt the creators would do so out of the blue.

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That's subjective and that's all i have to say for this part. 



Same thing with Joker from Batman? He loves to create chaos for the sole purpose of creating chaos and having fun at everyone's expense. Having fun with turning heroes into corrupted versions of themselves-same with Discord, making a living hell out of a city with the craziest kind of violence ((The only reason you didn't witness "violence" per say from Discord is because this is a kids show)). Discord enjoyed evil for the sake of enjoying evil... unlike Queen Chrysalis who had a purpose, although a selfish one at that, he didn't... he just wanted to make a living hell out of Equestria and destroy everything related to friendship in his path seeking to just watch sadisctically as the chaos unfolded. He is the most evil of the villains and the only villain that doesn't have something else in mind for doing the evil they do. 


On that note i want you to ponder how Princess Luna chose, i repeat "CHOSE", to ally herself with the Nightmare forces in order to obtain the adoration that her sister had. Wow... talk about throwing a tantrum... SOOO mature of your Princess of the Night with the thousand fanboys you have...


Wow dude you really hate her. Jeez dude you don't have to call her a hag. Discord is a d and a douche, he is sadistic, cruel, manipulative, insane, he is the definition of an a-hole. I would not accept him as my friend even if he and Fluttershy BEGGED me. 


If you think this is cliche try the "Prophecy" cliche, the "destiny" cliche, the "defying destiny" cliche, the "good always wins" cliche, i could go on really but i want to really know why you accept those other cliches and not this one. Also... just because you think it is cliche doesn't mean that said "cliche" can't be enjoyable, constructive, and awesome alltogether.

Subjective? nioniosbbbb, Queen Chrysalis is evil! She attacked a peaceful country, impersonated one of their nobility, and attempted to take control of Equestria with the intent to harvest it's love.


Joker, I wouldn't exactly call "evil", nor would I Discord. Chaotic forces that both are in need of a padded cell and a psychiatrist, yes, but not evil. They're the kind of antagonist you call a "force". They use an intangible subject (in this case, Chaos) to spread malevolence through the storyline. They themselves are not evil because they do not have evil intent. They just want a bit if fun in the most twisted ways imaginable. They are insane characters. Michael Myers is another one of these "force" antagonists in that he's driven by a desire beyond his control. He is driven by an evil force, a desire, to kill. It's very chaotic in nature, and very evil in purpose, but that does not make the subject if the desire evil in of itself.


And Nightmare Moon was evil. Why? Because she had a choice. She had a choice and she chose the evil force. The Nightmare Moon entity is an evil force that corrupts its willing bearer. In a way, it's very much analogous to the Anakin Skywalker storyline. Anakin, by the time of his choice to betray the Jedi Order in Palpatine's office, was already a deeply corrupted character; to the point where it's a bit difficult to find where the good man in him died and the Dark Side took it's hold. Did Anakin become Darth Vader in Palpatine's office? Or did the Dark Side already have it's hold over Anakin when he slaughtered an entire village of Sand People three years earlier?


As subjective as it is, I do find Chrysalis ugly. Not really a fan of insectoid carapice, sea-weed manes, and Swiss cheese limbs.


Finally, yes those are cliches too. Never said they weren't. I don't always accept them. For example, Empire Strikes Back is one of my favorite movies because the baddies win that time around. It teaches the viewer that good doesn't always win, but you should always persevere.


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Subjective? nioniosbbbb, Queen Chrysalis is evil! She attacked a peaceful country, impersonated one of their nobility, and attempted to take control of Equestria with the intent to harvest it's love.
So? She tried to conquer a country... what does it matter? That should make any conqueror evil. 

Also... stop shoving it down my throat. I don't take harassment kindly. I said it is subjective and your perspective and i'm sticking to it.


Joker, I wouldn't exactly call "evil", nor would I Discord. Chaotic forces that both are in need of a padded cell and a psychiatrist, yes, but not evil. They're the kind of antagonist you call a "force". They use an intangible subject (in this case, Chaos) to spread malevolence through the storyline. They themselves are not evil because they do not have evil intent. They just want a bit if fun in the most twisted ways imaginable. They are insane characters. Michael Myers is another one of these "force" antagonists in that he's driven by a desire beyond his control. He is driven by an evil force, a desire, to kill. It's very chaotic in nature, and very evil in purpose, but that does not make the subject if the desire evil in of itself.
Chaotic Evil[edit]

A Chaotic Evil character tends to have no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel. They set a high value on personal freedom, but do not have any regard for the lives or freedom of other people. They do not work well in groups, as they resent being given orders, and usually behave themselves only out of fear of punishment.

It is not compulsory for a Chaotic Evil character to be constantly performing sadistic acts just for the sake of being evil, or constantly disobeying orders just for the sake of causing chaos. They do however enjoy the suffering of others, and view honor and self-discipline as weaknesses. Serial killers and monsters of limited intelligence are typically Chaotic Evil.

Discord is exactly like the joker. Joker might be insane but what is insanity truly? Discord is very much sane... he knows he is doing evil and does it for the hell of it. He likes doing evil and he ENJOYS it. He is a force? What a joke... also that is not confirmed quite yet. He might have appointed himself as Lord of chaos but judging from the fact that he is a species and not a singular entity that chose to embody itself in the form of a draco-whatever he is an individual. An individual that is unpredictable and likes the challenge of evil and good because he wants to sadistically toy with them.

Not only is he evil... he is the least deserving of redemption out of any of the villains i have seen right now. The only reason he was "redeemed" is because there was somewhere the writers could put him. They really couldn't care less about your judgement of redemption as long as they could say a good storyline. Discord is very much sane he is simply... unpredictable. You mistake chaos with sanity. Chaos is not insanity... Chaos is unpredictability. 

Know the Chaos Theory? If you drop a bottle of water down is it sure that the same course is going to be followed? That's chaos... However Discord used to my view is not Chaos. Discord is... anarchy... he simply likes screwing everything over out of a compulsive desire. That in itself doesn't make him evil HOWEVER. His desire to do so without any concern about the well-being of someone else is what makes him evil. He shattered the well-being of a whole world not only once but TWICE. He is simply a person that i view as a lost soul-cause. 

However i cannot deny him the chance to change. He seems fine so far and i'm going to accept it but... i didn't want it in the first place. I still don't want it and doubt he will be of actual help. He is just there for fan-service.


As subjective as it is, I do find Chrysalis ugly. Not really a fan of insectoid carapice, sea-weed manes, and Swiss cheese limbs.

 And you like the flying serpent a mish-mash of every creature imagineable that looks like A VERY BAD OC? I for one like Nightmare Moon's design over every villain. Discord is just a malformed creature that screams "Kill me.". Also... Swiss cheese limbs? Really? Isn't that joke old? Also *carapace, and Sea-Weed Mane? What? How? 


And Nightmare Moon was evil. Why? Because she had a choice. She had a choice and she chose the evil force. The Nightmare Moon entity is an evil force that corrupts its willing bearer. In a way, it's very much analogous to the Anakin Skywalker storyline. Anakin, by the time of his choice to betray the Jedi Order in Palpatine's office, was already a deeply corrupted character; to the point where it's a bit difficult to find where the good man in him died and the Dark Side took it's hold. Did Anakin become Darth Vader in Palpatine's office? Or did the Dark Side already have it's hold over Anakin when he slaughtered an entire village of Sand People three years earlier?
You forget something though... the Emperor was right. The Emperor told Anakin that the Jedi manipulated him and they did... they used him as a weapon and an asset ignoring his pleas to put Palpatine on a legit trial and exercise REAL justice. Anakin was angry for that and his perspective said that this was the right choice. Palpatine might have been doing it to save his ass and get power but he was still in the right here and the Jedi were in the wrong. Oh how the mighty have fallen... what bitter irony. 

The force is a whole load of mumbo-jumbo excuse of "Space Magic". "The force interfered with his decision" what a joke... he was angry and wanted revenge! CMON! You can't absolve Anakin of every of his sins because he was "manipulated". His beliefs were right... the only reason he saved Anakin and turned back at the last moment was because his love for his son overcame his desire to follow the Emperor. He still died evil, with the same beliefs, with the same convictions that made him follow the Emperor. He didn't realise anything and didn't repent, remorse, or that stuff... he just... got tired. 

Nightmare Moon on the other hand... i don't realise why the Elements couldn't have turned her back to normal initially. Why? Why couldn't they? IF she was corrupted then they should have done so in the first place. She threw a tantrum over the jealousy she had for her sister and took down the evil path for the lowest of low reasons. You have no idea how ridiculous that sounds. But what am i saying? I forget this is a kids show... 


Finally, yes those are cliches too. Never said they weren't. I don't always accept them. For example, Empire Strikes Back is one of my favorite movies because the baddies win that time around. It teaches the viewer that good doesn't always win, but you should always persevere.
That however becomes a problem when it is used upon Thrillers. It is ridiculous that i can't seem to find a thriller where good wins. It's ridiculous how many last-minute plot-twists there are making evil win. Cliche and BORING as hell... they made me hate thrillers. In thrillers i like the part where the monster-killer gets beaten up. I am like "TAKE THAT YOU %@#$!!!" *flips off screen*

Here's something you might not have known. I read somewhere from a credible source that the holes the changelings have are symbols of them being "Incomplete". I am wondering... what could change if they were... "completed"? Interesting... don't you think?

Oh and something i forgot to mention... other than the wings and carapce i see no other resemlance with any insect. They aren't much of insects if you ask me...
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So? She tried to conquer a country... what does it matter? That should make any conqueror evil. 


Also... stop shoving it down my throat. I don't take harassment kindly. I said it is subjective and your perspective and i'm sticking to it.


Chaotic Evil[edit]

A Chaotic Evil character tends to have no respect for rules, other people's lives, or anything but their own desires, which are typically selfish and cruel. They set a high value on personal freedom, but do not have any regard for the lives or freedom of other people. They do not work well in groups, as they resent being given orders, and usually behave themselves only out of fear of punishment.

It is not compulsory for a Chaotic Evil character to be constantly performing sadistic acts just for the sake of being evil, or constantly disobeying orders just for the sake of causing chaos. They do however enjoy the suffering of others, and view honor and self-discipline as weaknesses. Serial killers and monsters of limited intelligence are typically Chaotic Evil.



Discord is exactly like the joker. Joker might be insane but what is insanity truly? Discord is very much sane... he knows he is doing evil and does it for the hell of it. He likes doing evil and he ENJOYS it. He is a force? What a joke... also that is not confirmed quite yet. He might have appointed himself as Lord of chaos but judging from the fact that he is a species and not a singular entity that chose to embody itself in the form of a draco-whatever he is an individual. An individual that is unpredictable and likes the challenge of evil and good because he wants to sadistically toy with them.


Not only is he evil... he is the least deserving of redemption out of any of the villains i have seen right now. The only reason he was "redeemed" is because there was somewhere the writers could put him. They really couldn't care less about your judgement of redemption as long as they could say a good storyline. Discord is very much sane he is simply... unpredictable. You mistake chaos with sanity. Chaos is not insanity... Chaos is unpredictability. 


Know the Chaos Theory? If you drop a bottle of water down is it sure that the same course is going to be followed? That's chaos... However Discord used to my view is not Chaos. Discord is... anarchy... he simply likes screwing everything over out of a compulsive desire. That in itself doesn't make him evil HOWEVER. His desire to do so without any concern about the well-being of someone else is what makes him evil. He shattered the well-being of a whole world not only once but TWICE. He is simply a person that i view as a lost soul-cause. 


However i cannot deny him the chance to change. He seems fine so far and i'm going to accept it but... i didn't want it in the first place. I still don't want it and doubt he will be of actual help. He is just there for fan-service.


 And you like the flying serpent a mish-mash of every creature imagineable that looks like A VERY BAD OC? I for one like Nightmare Moon's design over every villain. Discord is just a malformed creature that screams "Kill me.". Also... Swiss cheese limbs? Really? Isn't that joke old? Also *carapace, and Sea-Weed Mane? What? How? 


You forget something though... the Emperor was right. The Emperor told Anakin that the Jedi manipulated him and they did... they used him as a weapon and an asset ignoring his pleas to put Palpatine on a legit trial and exercise REAL justice. Anakin was angry for that and his perspective said that this was the right choice. Palpatine might have been doing it to save his ass and get power but he was still in the right here and the Jedi were in the wrong. Oh how the mighty have fallen... what bitter irony. 


The force is a whole load of mumbo-jumbo excuse of "Space Magic". "The force interfered with his decision" what a joke... he was angry and wanted revenge! CMON! You can't absolve Anakin of every of his sins because he was "manipulated". His beliefs were right... the only reason he saved Anakin and turned back at the last moment was because his love for his son overcame his desire to follow the Emperor. He still died evil, with the same beliefs, with the same convictions that made him follow the Emperor. He didn't realise anything and didn't repent, remorse, or that stuff... he just... got tired. 


Nightmare Moon on the other hand... i don't realise why the Elements couldn't have turned her back to normal initially. Why? Why couldn't they? IF she was corrupted then they should have done so in the first place. She threw a tantrum over the jealousy she had for her sister and took down the evil path for the lowest of low reasons. You have no idea how ridiculous that sounds. But what am i saying? I forget this is a kids show... 



That however becomes a problem when it is used upon Thrillers. It is ridiculous that i can't seem to find a thriller where good wins. It's ridiculous how many last-minute plot-twists there are making evil win. Cliche and BORING as hell... they made me hate thrillers. In thrillers i like the part where the monster-killer gets beaten up. I am like "TAKE THAT YOU %@#$!!!" *flips off screen*


Here's something you might not have known. I read somewhere from a credible source that the holes the changelings have are symbols of them being "Incomplete". I am wondering... what could change if they were... "completed"? Interesting... don't you think?


Oh and something i forgot to mention... other than the wings and carapce i see no other resemlance with any insect. They aren't much of insects if you ask me...


"Because I said it is so" is not an answer, but rather a means of avoiding the question.  ;)


Are they Chaotic Evil, or merely chaotic? Discord nor the Joker are serial killers. They're anarchists. They enjoy and thrive in environments without rules. Likewise, both are proven to be extremely intelligent, creating elaborate schemes and traps. 


You know, I could pass off many of your points as "what a joke", but I don't. 


Chaos Theory (Complexity Theory) actually says the opposite. When the drop of water falls, it doesn't follow the same path because minuscule details that are different between each events cause the second chain of events to spiral out of control and provide different results than the original. 


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"Because I said it is so" is not an answer, but rather a means of avoiding the question. 

You are misinterpreting my answer. It is your opinion... it is not mine...  Neither of us know enough of said character to judge them. Therefore it is subjective.



Are they Chaotic Evil, or merely chaotic? Discord nor the Joker are serial killers. They're anarchists. They enjoy and thrive in environments without rules. Likewise, both are proven to be extremely intelligent, creating elaborate schemes and traps. 

So i imagined the thousands that suffered due to both's actions. And actually living in hell is worse than not living at all... i would choose death than to live in Discord land.



You know, I could pass off many of your points as "what a joke", but I don't. 

I am sorry but when you say...


Subjective? nioniosbbbb, Queen Chrysalis is evil!

I imagine you spasming your hands up and down at me trying to prove your point. Why don't you just give it up? It's my perspective... you CAN'T change it. I am not saying that i don't consider your claims about what she did invalid...


I am saying that for whatever reason Queen Chrysalis became evil she could be turned back. You are simply denying her this because she is "evil"! Well damn me but you can't exactly "redeem" or "reform" someone who isn't evil now can you right? 


Where there's a will... there's a way.


I am not saying they should make her an angel... but she could be made up to a point where she no longer is a danger for Equestria. The amount of cliche-like eternal prisons helps none... Discord escaped from his, Nightmare Moon also, Sombra as well... Doing a job of "half-reforming" her per say would be really fine. It would be a really nice lesson that "You can't force someone to change. You can instill the message but it's up to the receiver if they choose to accept it.". THAT would be nice. 

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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As much as i like Queen Chrysalis, i don't think she should be reformed. It just doesn't fit such an evil villain. Not in canon, at least.

If she is to have a conclusive defeat, she should either perish or be imprisoned (hopefully the latter).


P.S. The debate above me is hilarious! XD

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ~ Optimus Prime

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As much as i like Queen Chrysalis, i don't think she should be reformed. It just doesn't fit such an evil villain. Not in canon, at least.

If she is to have a conclusive defeat, she should either perish or be imprisoned (hopefully the latter).


P.S. The debate above me is hilarious! XD

Imprisonment however grants a chance for change. I just hope it won't be the eternal prison kind Discord NMM and Sombra had.


It looks funny to you doesn't it? May i ask why? ((Slightly ticked off))

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Personally, no, I don't think she's the type of character that needs a change of heart. But on the other hand, any reformation for her that Hasbro could possibly shart out would be better than that crock of dumbfuckery known as Flufflepuff Tales. That shit is 0/10 NOT great, yo.

Edited by Rockymoo


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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But on the other hand, any reformation for her that Hasbro could possibly shart out would be better than that crock of dumbfuckery known as Flufflepuff Tales. That shit is 0/10 NOT great, yo.
... i kinda liked that but yea... wouldn't want it to happen this way. Keep your insults for yourself though... some like Fluffle Puff. I guess it's simply our preferences right? 
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... i kinda liked that but yea... wouldn't want it to happen this way. Keep your insults for yourself though... some like Fluffle Puff. I guess it's simply our preferences right? 

You have the right to say you like it, I have the right to say I don't like it. Simple as that.


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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You have the right to say you like it, I have the right to say I don't like it. Simple as that.
Actually just so you know this is a private forum. There is no "Right of Free Speech" here. While you are here Feld0 is your god :D Careful though not to go to extremes. I paid for that. 
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Actually just so you know this is a private forum. There is no "Right of Free Speech" here. While you are here Feld0 is your god :D Careful though not to go to extremes. I paid for that. 

Unfortunately, Feld0 isn't a factor anymore. The fella completely bailed and left his status as top dog behind. Probably due to college, losing a fuck to give, or a combination of the two.


Anyway, my point is: opinions are a two-way street. I don't mind that you like it, but you're just as entitled to say that you do as I am to say that I don't. You feelin' it, Mr. Krabs?


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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I don't get the pun. Whatever. Just don't over-do it.

I am simply requesting a bit more kindness.


Spongebob reference.

Anyway, kindness really has nothing to do with the situation. The series is not a human being; it does not have feelings. I can rag on it all day and the only ones that'll get offended are those that can't handle someone disliking something they're into. It's not my responsibility to please those people by only giving positive feedback about a video series, nor do I want to.


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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Imprisonment however grants a chance for change. I just hope it won't be the eternal prison kind Discord NMM and Sombra had.

It looks funny to you doesn't it? May i ask why? ((Slightly ticked off))

I simply find looking at Internet fights amusing. Why does it irritate you, by the way?

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ~ Optimus Prime

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I simply find looking at Internet fights amusing. Why does it irritate you, by the way?

I find it irritating that someone watches me and laughs. I kinda feel like being mocked. I know i am not but i can't stop it.
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I find it irritating that someone watches me and laughs. I kinda feel like being mocked. I know i am not but i can't stop it.

No need to view it as mockery. It's the debate in itself that amuses me.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ~ Optimus Prime

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Spongebob reference.

Anyway, kindness really has nothing to do with the situation. The series is not a human being; it does not have feelings. I can rag on it all day and the only ones that'll get offended are those that can't handle someone disliking something they're into. It's not my responsibility to please those people by only giving positive feedback about a video series, nor do I want to.

Yea i figured that it was from Spongebob but i still didn't get the joke. 


Maybe it's just me and my approach upon things that is usually non-aggresive. 


I am not asking you to "lick" them... but you could say that the only ones who could be offended if you offended said characters are those that contributed to making it. Then again so long as you're not offending the creation of them it's just fine. I just wanted to say that it's not needed to aggresively acess or judge a character but that is simply your approach.




No need to view it as mockery. It's the debate in itself that amuses me.

I don't... it just what my subconscious reads when i encounter emotionally indistinguishable text upon the internet. You know what i mean?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't want to see her redeemed as I don't think that would work, but I wouldn't want her to be destroyed either as she's tied with Discord for my favorite villain.


Princess Celestia may be willing to give her that chance (as she had with Discord despite his numerous crimes while he enslaved Equestria with his tyrannical forms of chaos), but Chrysalis doesn't strike me as the type of character that would be willing to take that chance.


Even if her Changeling army needed love for sustenance instead of a power boost, she could have simply asked Celestia for help instead of going about her plans in such a roundabout way.


Which leads my to believe that her pride is what would ultimately prevent her from even considering being reformed, especially given her arrogance towards the end of 'A Canterlot Wedding' which showed us just how big of a flaw that was-plus, she went horn to horn with Celestia fully expecting to be obliterated before becoming genuinely shocked when she actually won-once again showing her stubborn refusal to swallow her pride by putting her life at stake and potentially dooming her entire species.

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I understand speculation that not all Changelings are evil, but Chrysalis takes vindictive glee in causing pain and suffering.

Thing is there is something not everyone seems to understand. Reformation targets villains... If they are not villains you can't exactly reform them.

I wouldn't want to see her redeemed as I don't think that would work, but I wouldn't want her to be destroyed either as she's tied with Discord for my favorite villain.


Princess Celestia may be willing to give her that chance (as she had with Discord despite his numerous crimes while he enslaved Equestria with his tyrannical forms of chaos), but Chrysalis doesn't strike me as the type of character that would be willing to take that chance.


Even if her Changeling army needed love for sustenance instead of a power boost, she could have simply asked Celestia for help instead of going about her plans in such a roundabout way.


Which leads my to believe that her pride is what would ultimately prevent her from even considering being reformed, especially given her arrogance towards the end of 'A Canterlot Wedding' which showed us just how big of a flaw that was-plus, she went horn to horn with Celestia fully expecting to be obliterated before becoming genuinely shocked when she actually won-once again showing her stubborn refusal to swallow her pride by putting her life at stake and potentially dooming her entire species.

Pride is a weak emotion... The antidote is great loss. I am glad i understood that at least when writting my fic.
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