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If you HAD TO remove one emotion, what would it be?


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I edited that actually, I saw my own faults in that post.


But if no one cared they wouldn't be afraid to do so or embarrassed. You're embarrassed because of what others think of yourself, but if you see nothing wrong with it, and no one else does then there's no reason to be embarrassed.


Well, repeating yourself doesn't really make it true..


Think like: Walking in the nude doesn't make people think "what a weirdo" anymore.


But you're still nude, you're still walking in public, and people are still staring at you. Do people want to weigh this information against the nice feeling of being naked? Do you really think that the only reason we're covering our bodies is because there is this deep-rooted belief that you'll be an outcast if you didn't?


Social norms prevent people from doing things in public. It has never stopped them, nor has it made them feel embarrassed. I specifically stated it like this because people do care what others think, and telling them "it's a meaningless emotion #yolo" isn't going to get rid of it. You have to first understand an emotion in reference to yourself.

What is ultimately creating that shame depends on your values.


How should I put it? Think... yeah, think about spheres. Everyone has their own sphere centered around their core.

It can be made smaller, greater, and permissible, and impenetrable. The degree to which they are able to superimpose with other people's spheres can be tuned by the individual.


Shame is created when someone is scraping at or downright invading that part of your sphere which you have made inaccessible to others. It's a sense of loss. If your integrity allows for it, you might just feel guilty for being exposed, but nevertheless, still ashamed.


Now: telling people that their sphere should be on full-permeable mode at all times does not get rid of shame, because it creates a state in which all information may be lost to anyone's whims at any time. You literally lost your only means to contain something worth being ashamed for. It is the opposite of what you wanted to achieve: Instead of maybe being prejudged, you're now being judged with full conscience.


And if that isn't going to create a torrential flux of shame, then what is?

  • Brohoof 1
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Fear. It is a big obstacle that keeps us from being able to overcome our adversities. 

Take note that without fear, there would be no humanity, we would be extinct before reaching homo sapiens

I'm with Phoenix Questioner, excess of emotions causes problems, much more than people realize, but all of them have their place

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As much as I'd like to remove something like anxiety, it would cause more problems in the long run. Anxiety helps us actually do something about what we're anxious about.

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Anger, hands down.

Yeah, I know that instances where'd I'd normally feel angry would make me feel sad now, but I can deal with sorrow. I'm cool with it. In fact, sorrow really isn't all that bad.

I'm not just saying that because I'm trying to sound edgy and cool and all that nonsense. I genuinely mean it.

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pain...not physical pain, but internal pain. To carry the pain from ones past is the one thing that can stop anyone from taking one step forward into their future. It's hard to explain the pain in my chest when I think about my past and what I have gone through. Anyone with PTSD can relate to all the crippling emotions you feel when relive horrid events.


I would not say Hate, because Hate is a choice and not exactly an emotion, and what emotions are associated with hatred, can be and often are fleeting....

Anger too is more a choice than an emotion. We often associate our behaviour and actions with the negative emotions we face when we are angry. Anger itself as the emotion is not bad, in any way. It's what we do with our anger that makes us detest it.

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I wouldn't remove any emotions. All emotions serve their own purpose, to protect, to be free, to cherish, to express yourself, to feel the pain. All your life requires all of your emotions; it's never the emotions themselves that are bad. The things that you really want to remove aren't emotions, they're the bad sides of emotions. I would keep all emotions; without which, balance would be lost.

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Fear. It is a big obstacle that keeps us from being able to overcome our adversities. 


You remove fear and you kill the world.  There was a Batman episode where Scarecrow did just that.  Without fear, you open a wide range of bad options.


If I had to remove an emotion, it would be Envy.  People would no longer be jealous of what others had.

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  • 5 years later...

Romantic love. Combined with some spearmint to knock out any sex drive, I would no longer desire to be with anyone, which would be for the best.

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I think I'd like to get rid of self-doubt, it's very limiting since I have a hard time getting past worrying that I'll fail something instead of actually trying something.  Sometimes I can't help but wonder how much I've missed over the years because of self-doubt.

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None. Inside Out proved to me the importance of all emotions, even the negative ones. As long as you keep your emotions from going to extreme decisions, they actually help.

Anger helps keep things fair or lets you stand up to a bully. No physical violence is necessarily going to happen

Disgust helps keeps your personal standards

Fear helps keep you from doing something that could get you killed like jump off a building or swimming in shark-infested waters

And Sadness helps you empathize with others going through rough times.

Heck, the film even shows the downsides of being joyously happy 24/7. It doesn't always pick people up when they're feeling down. Plus having to smile all the time just makes one look creepy

So no. I wouldn't get rid of any of my emotions.

Even characters like Muad Pie are capable of feeling emotion and understanding it. They just don't express it on their face or in their voice as well as other people do and that's normal.

Edited by Will Guide
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All emotions are important, it's what makes us wiser.. but for the hell of it, if I have to choose one it would be the feeling of anguish. 


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Without thinking about it for long, to answer the question I would say envy. Envious people are responsible for a lot of held-back talent and bring down people who exceed them. However, removing envy also removes magnanimity. There would be no concept of it, but it also wouldn't be needed. I wonder if this applies globally. If you remove anger, forgiveness would go as well, but you would not need to forgive. Is the virtue worth keeping? It doesn't seem you would need it if the vice isn't there to necessitate the virtue. What if you removed the emotion sadness—the cost of doing so would be happiness. But you wouldn't need it.

Edited by Hat988
  • Brohoof 2
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I believe hate is the worst of all human emotions, and it kind of relates to all other negative emotions in some way. I think the world would be at its best if all hate was ended. I wouldn't want the idea or ability of hate taken away though. Without the ability to hate, there wouldn't be the ability to love either.

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