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Everything posted by Esk

  1. I'm going to stay here until the fandom dies out, but at the rate the fandom's going, that'll be a while. Even if the show ends on Season 4, 5, or 6, the fandom just might grab enough inspiration to keep going. Maybe we can continue with fanmade incarnations, you never know.
  2. Ruby Gloom. It's this (surprisingly decent) Canadian cartoon that thrives on the "defanged horrors" tope and centers around this positive little girl who lives in a Burtonesque world in a Victorian mansion alongside her friends (different creatures, ranging from a skeleton to a banshee) who get themselves into wacky situations every episode. It's like FiM in that you have a quirky cast of characters and a really creative, out-of-the-box setup for a children's slice of life show. Might as well throw in a link to the first episode.
  3. Haha what am I looking at. Seriously, saying that becoming a brony was caused by genetics is like saying being homosexual or otherwise is caused by genetics. Besides, for bronies, it's just a matter of preference, and in comparison to other groups in society as a whole, we're not that provocative...sounds like something fanfiction would deal with...
  4. Have you seen the Season 4 animatics that were premiered at Comic-Con? If you don't mind spoilers, those give a peek as to what Season 4 will be like.
  5. I don't watch the series that she's in, but those types of things don't really appeal to me anyway. I did see PFUDOR, but that's only installment I've seen because it was everywhere within the brony fandom at one point in time. Nothing too special, but hey, people loved it. It's cutesy and harmless.
  6. In terms of having a sequel to Equestria Girls, no. If the ideas in the original had a better execution and were more interesting, I might be more open to the idea, but at this point in time, I don't want a sequel to it, and I don't think the film's fans really want one either. It was a one-time deal on Hasbro's part, and I think they've milked out all the promotions and merchandise they could with its release. Now, in terms of a legitimate pony movie (you know, with actual ponies) I'd completely support it if it had a creative plot behind it that has a lot of potential within the universe of Equestria, but I don't think we're going to get one from Hasbro or DHX, sadly. However, a brony animator named Eric Ridenour is currently making a fanmade full-length film called "Journey of the Spark" that takes place in the canon of Seasons 1 and 2 and is currently slated for a 2015 release. Hopefully it gets off the ground, because the trailer they released last BronyCon looks really good, and could turn into the grand fantasy adventure that most fans would want to see in a film based off of FiM. Just watch the first trailer they released. It doesn't have any animation yet, but the ideas that are thrown around could really turn into something great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYzhG_fXd7I
  7. It did a great job of hyping me up for the movie itself, and it reminded me of some fanmade remixes, especially those made by Alex S. The title sequence itself had a nice color scheme, and was really well animated at times, so yes, I loved it.
  8. Well, we're currently living in a world where gender stereotypes are trying to be bucked by children's media, which makes sense, considering that gay marriage is becoming accepted in more places and that either gender can take upon either role in a relationship or family. (You have no idea how many children's picture books portray Daddy with an apron and Mommy going out and making a six figure income.) It takes all kinds of people to create a society, and at the rate we're going, we're not supposed to be bogged down by gender stereotypes like we once were. Maybe the brony fandom had a part in this from the perspective of Toys R Us, but when you look at society as a whole, the idea of bronies really isn't that new or provocative...it's more of the idea that what the media considers to be inherently feminine or masculine can actually be enjoyed and cherished by either. Our world is changing, and these stereotypes are becoming less and less relevant. It's not a matter of "if," it's "when," and according to this, the when starts right now. So I say they should give themselves a pat on the back for encouraging children to find enjoyment in whatever they please.
  9. Okay. So there's this adorable friend of mine that that does a really good Fluttershy impression, and I felt like I should put it here and see what you guys think.

  10. My favorite color is purple....and I am nothing like it says. I'm most like brown on this list.
  11. I eventually figured it out, and asked my parents about the technical terms. Besides, sex ed would've taught me anyway. If my child were to ask me, (if I even had a kid) I'd tell them the truth. Besides, it's not gross, it's actually a miracle of life whenever the couple is consented and satisfied with their other. We just hear so many stories about so-and-so getting raped and how men aren't men if they're virgins, so they go out and get a girl pregnant. The sacredness of marriage (and, in turn, the sacredness of sex) are becoming more and more questionable as the years go by.
  12. I get distracted really easily. I get emotional over things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I have something of a superiority complex. I don't like being told I'm wrong, get defensive over stupid things, and believe I can outsmart people who have authority over me. I lie by omission.
  13. Didn't they already ask for my fanfiction? You know, the one where the mane six all become humans that attend high school in an alternate universe?
  14. People love Fluttershy since she's a misfit, essentially. And that she has multiple personalities for fanfiction writers to eat their hearts out with. You either love/hate her since she switches between that really nice teacher you had in kindergarten, the passive-aggressive roommate you had for two months, or that old friend you had that's been stuck in the closet since she was twelve. Seriously, I don't know about you, but to me, she's all the necessary ingredients for a childhood closet case. *coughcoughHurricaneFluttershylesyaywithRainbowDashcoughcough*
  15. No, but my seventh-grade math teacher might've been joked around as an early one...there was a rumor that he had an MLP toy collection. In reality, he was given a pony toy and poster for some teacher appreciation week long before G4 existed. (I think the 90's.) He placed the poster on his bulletin board and placed the pony on his desk, and some students joked around that he had a collection of My Little Ponies, just to tease. So, he tells this story years later to my class, and a pegasister friend of mine who sat in the back of the classroom chimed in, saying, "So, that makes you a brony?" and he says, "Brownie? What?" (Pretty much every adult responds that way. But it would've been funny if he said yes.)
  16. Oh, Rainbow. Your characterization in Season 2 was terrible. You were blessed with some of the best episodes in the series with Season 3, however, so you just scored a few more points in my book.
  17. We can work together helping Twilight win the crown.
  18. Hey, hey, everybody! We're here to shout~
  19. Same thing applies here. I'm the same age as you, and it's not very often when a girl my age walks by. However, when they do, I can't help but think they're silently judging me, You know, they glance at you for a split second and leave your gaze. This doesn't happen with guys, since they're usually preoccupied with whatever they've got, and it doesn't happen at school with both genders for similar reasons, but being around girls my age that I don't know in a less crowded, attention-grabbing setting is pretty awkward, especially when they look aloof and judgemental. It's funny because "shy" is probably the last word you'd use to describe me, and I'm completely fine with striking up a conversation with some friendly looking twenty-something while digging through the discounted DVDs bin, but I keep my distance with girls my age. Yet I'm a girl myself. Shouldn't I be relating to them?
  20. Wasn't there another thread just like this one that featured both male and female names? I remember some particularly pretty female names were on that thread. For some reason, I can only think of two names I really love, and both of them are intended for a girl. Prudence and Shawnessy. Those names have such a lovely ring to them.
  21. If I want to add a post, then no. If I find the topic interesting, and I want to read through some of them, then yes. It's especially irritating when I find one post I like and suddenly lose my place.
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