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Everything posted by Ianpiersonjdavis

  1. I'm a fan, but I never really liked calling myself a 'Brony'. Besides, there are female fans who call themselves 'Bronies' over 'Pegasisters' and guys who fit in the demographic to be considered 'Bronies' that just call themselves fans as well as women who might be considered one or the other, simply referring to themselves as fans. It's not really that big of a deal to most of us-and for me, it's a non-issue.
  2. Frequently. In addition to social anxiety in general (my autism may also contribute to it to some extent), I've had my trust abused enough from 'friends' who have lied to my face and stolen from me in the past so, I'm suspicious of everyone. I even used to have two MLP-related tumblr ask blogs for fun before deleting them about a year ago, once I realized what a cesspool of sociopathy most of the site's userbase was made up of-with all of the organized harassment campaigns for those expressing 'wrongthink' given the seemingly perpetually offended and oversensitive nature of the vast majority of the site's userbase (like freaking out over petty things like the color 'yellow' not being tagged with 'trigger warnings') and the complete apathy of the administrative staff-I also realized how screwed I'd be if they ever decided to go after me, so all of the stress really defeated the purpose of creating those blogs in the first place, deciding it would be safer to leave.
  3. The Chase by kudzuhaiku, largely fetish fuel with cliche's galore and a plot that's all over the place and can't seem to decide when or even if it wants to end.
  4. My concern is it being C&D'ed by Hasbro like Button Mash, Friendship is Witchcraft, and The Mentally Advanced Series were.
  5. I have to admit, I have mixed feelings about this. If they turn out great, then that's fantastic. It seems like they are try to do what they did with the Marvel Cinematic Universe where it was further built upon with each new film released-something that seems to have been extremely successful and profitable and it's been shown that Star Wars has been a cash cow franchise for years in regards to the merchandise and films. However, the more cynical part of me is concerned that this is just a cash-grab and an attempt by Disney to justify to themselves buying this Intellectual Property-for example, a Star Wars every year sounds great, but if that leads to them rushing the films to deliver on that statement, then I believe the quality will suffer and referring back to what I said about Marvel-I keep hearing people complain about how burnt out they are on superhero films and I fear that this is easily the same trap (reference not intended) that Star Wars could fall into.
  6. Yes, despite giving up after the first several episodes of Steven Universe bored me-I would have been willing to power through it to give it another shot were it not for the fanbase and their actions throughout last year-at first I was merely annoyed, but as the terrible actions got more extreme-the more angry and horrified I became before deciding that I want nothing to do with that show. If other people like it that's fine-there is just no way I can think about the show without remembering a lot of the terrible incidents that were inspired by it, which is why I personally hate it.
  7. -I like Celestia more than Luna (I still like Luna, though) but, I wish Celestia would just get at least one episode focusing on her after five seasons and over one-hundred episodes. -I really tried to like Pinkie Pie, but her personality traits; lack of boundaries regarding personal space, loud, obnoxious, and occasionally just being shockingly oblivious and insensitive when she should at times when she really have known otherwise just rub me the wrong way too often,since people like that really bug me in real life (with that said, I have nothing against those who do like her.) -Despite myself, I actually discovered that I liked Sunset Shimmer in all of her incarnations (yes, even the lazy copy/paste 'Mean Girls' Sunset in the original film). -I don't consider the IDW comics canon-I'm sorry, I just have too many problems with them. -Regarding the Season Five finale;
  8. In the show itself, it's always been a little inconsistent where goats and pets of the Mane Six can't talk, but other non-equine animals like the cows in Apple Buck Season could. I think that it has more to do with the fact that his species is also capable of speech in Equestria, which allowed him to do so in the human world-whereas Winona is a dog in both.
  9. As a villain I thought she was perfectly evil and manipulative in the premiere-being a hypocrite who not only kept her Cutie Mark, but claims to fight for equality, while being perfectly willing to bully and brainwash those who don't fall in line with her ideology by expressing individuality and those who seek to do so are forced into hiding. What made me lose all respect for her as both a villain and a believable character was that her excuse for starting a cult was very weak and shallow, and ultimately came off as pretty stupid considering in all of those years the thought never even occurred to her that she could write her friend a letter? If she was just some power hungry lunatic who figured out that she could insidiously use the guise of her town being a bastion of equality as a shield to commit evil acts in Equestria and control others. It just made her seem like she was either being dishonest to gain sympathy from Twilight at worst and an idiot at best in terms of her motivation for her extremism-in either case I any respect or empathy I may have had with her went out the window, I realized that with Twilight's ascension this was rushed, but it still dropped the ball in the same way for me in terms of the intended emotional impact. Personally, I feel like if she somehow knew about and cited the dangers of Cutie Marks because of similar incidents to Cutie Mark swap from Magical Mystery Cure making Twilight's friends miserable, because their shackled by whatever their Cutie Marks tell them or something like Troubleshoes being miserable because of his and forming her ideology and gradually leading into extremism-that would have made her more three-dimensional and sympathetic to me.
  10. Well, I don't think she really deserved forgiveness-at least, not immediate forgiveness regarding the catastrophic temporal damage when she only got lucky on the fact it wasn't permanent. And I don't think that the severity of her crimes should go without punishment. Since it would be too brutal to execute her and exile would be to her personal benefit with her manipulative nature (as we've seen with her town in her first appearance) and well the fact that she had the power to even cast the spell to begin with leads me to believe that the punishment she should have is her magic being either removed or inhibited until they are certain she is sincere-similar to how they had the Elements of Harmony to keep Discord in line when they still had them.
  11. Sunset-even if she didn't turn bad at first, it wouldn't have made a real difference in that she still wouldn't achieve her dream/goal since Twilight was predestined for her position regardless according to Cutie Mark lore and its correlation to destiny as well as hers being on the Tree of Harmony, it seems that even if she did continue her studies, listen to Celestia, and try to befriend others-things wouldn't work out for her anyway because the Princess of Friendship title and being the successor to Celestia was always meant for Twilight the futility of that and her being stuck in the human world make feel sorry for her. Lightning Dust also has my sympathy because she was praised for her reckless actions by her idol and promoted for it, so it made sense for her to continue down that path since it was rewarding behavior, up until a random group of ponies arbitrarily decided to float into the academy's airspace and as a result Rainbow Dash reported her but, failing to mention the part she played in helping create the tornado only to be stripped of her rank without so much of a warning not to mess up again beforehand, being kicked out of the academy and having her hopes and dreams shattered due to incompetent and inconsistent leadership on Spitfire's part with as well cruel twists of fate-there's a reason I like to believe the cut ending is canon. Trixie may have been fully responsible for the events of 'Magic Duel' with purposefully and irresponsibly getting a dark magical object without understanding how to control it purely for the sake of revenge-she was also dealt a bad hand in terms of audience and circumstance in her first appearance where yes, she exaggerated her ability-which is pretty common for any stage musician or actor-but, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash rather hypocritcally made a big deal out of it in a way that made them come off as jealous and if she conceded to them, word would spread and she would lose her audience, with the Ursa Minor she at least tried to stop it, instead of throwing down a smoke bomb and bailing.
  12. Usually, those dreams that I can remember are pretty weird-so, if I do have ones that are reoccurring, then I can't say that I remember them.
  13. Of course. It's been shown since then that she's genuinely made an effort to make amends, become accepted, and legitimately gets upset when those she considers her friends are in danger-it's definitely a real turn around from the Sunset Shimmer she used to be.
  14. I've actually went to see someone a few years ago and have been diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
  15. As much as I wish I could say Sunset, I actually have to cast my vote for Tirek. The reason why is because he managed to escape from Tartarus on his own, managed to manipulate Discord, outmaneuver Celestia,stole everyone's magic with intent to enslave all of Equestria or be content to let them perish through drought and starvation and frequently expressed his contempt for Equines as well as trying murder Twilight when he burned down the library. Not only did he have centuries to plan, but he was shown to be intelligent enough to adapt and play off other's emotions extremely quickly (in the cases of Discord and Twilight wanting to save her friends), he also disposed of Discord the second he believed he was no longer of any use to him. And as soon as he did gain all of the power he had been searching for, he immediately began destroying everything.
  16. Well, after this being the third time she's left a major project over creative differences, it's starting to look like she really is hard to work with-since this seems to be becoming a trend (Sony's track record isn't much better, but still it makes me think). It also doesn't give me much faith in 'Them's Fightin' Herds', since it occurs to me that drama could be started and kill the project for good this time if that is the case and there are more creative differences between her and the development team or they may compromise their own artistic vision to placate her and try to avoid any of said drama. I understand 'creative integrity', but as mentioned earlier in this thread-sometimes you have to learn to compromise if you want to keep yourself employed-as much as it may irritate you to do so. With all of that said, I think I want to see this movie again-since I'm very interested in Greek mythology, but I more or less forgot about this film with all of these other movies being hyped up.
  17. When other people regardless of age or gender cry it makes me uncomfortable because I neither know how to deal with it since it increases my social anxiety. With that said, unless people cry over really stupid, trivial things or it affects me directly-I don't really care about what emotions other people choose to display. Personally, I never cry in public and the only times I allow myself to cry at all is if someone close to me like a friend or family member is dead or dying. I've heard many people-both men and women (in person and online) say that if you cry, you are less than a man and undeserving of respect-which, I don't necessarily agree with, but I feel like not doing so in public is the safest root to take, personally.
  18. There are a few good reasons why I think other species would reasonably hesitate to go up against them; -Leaders are seemingly physical goddesses who have lived for over a thousand years, can control the sun and the moon, and manipulate the day-to-night cycle. -Pegasi can manipulate the weather at will-thunder storms, blizzards, tornadoes, and hurricanes. -They had the Elements of Harmony prior to Season 4 which allowed their rulers to overthrow a tyrannical god of chaos and even without them, they've gained two new Alicorn princesses with significant magical ability.
  19. -Until Dawn had really good paranoia fuel for me, so playing it in alone in the dark after midnight was pretty fun-especially since I desperately wanted to keep everyone-even the characters I hated alive. -Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 were both really good and creepy for me-unfortunately, I was never able to play the first or fourth ones and most of the games after that were pretty disappointing in the scare factor, so I was livid when I heard Silent Hills had been cancelled. -Resident Evil 2 (specifically the police station) terrified me as a kid.
  20. Yeah, I remember looking up the preview of the latest episode on Youtube and Fluttercord and SoarinDash shippers were already raging at what looked like the possibility of Dashcord becoming a thing in the show at the time. After the Filli Vanilli backlash for a similar reason, I don't blame them for not wanting to take the risk.
  21. Constructive criticism can useful in pointing out flaws and improving ones own work in the future, but nitpicking and criticism just for the sake of being vicious can be annoying at best or nightmarish at worst depending on how persistent and extreme it is. I do believe that it is in ones best interest to be open to constructive criticism as it can help improve as I've said before, shutting out all criticism or dismissing it out of hand more often than not will allow certain issue to persist if you are not aware of them. So, at the end of the day I guess I'm saying I believe it depends on the type of criticism.
  22. Wonderbolt Academy showed the dangers of reckless behavior and recognizing when one is going overboard with their actions through Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust.
  23. This is mostly speculation on my part-but, maybe they are building up to the season finale where Starlight dramatically unveils her evil master plan (as villains do) and there are flashbacks to her spying in the previous episodes.
  24. I can't believe I forgot the main driving point of the episode. And I think Twilight's crippling fear failing of her in any way didn't really help dispel those beliefs.
  25. Well, Nightmare Moon was created as a manifestation of her negative emotions-her pain of being rejected and her envy of the love and respect her sister gained-while all of her hard work went ignored-it seem like, just like Twilight and Sunset in the films it was still her-but, the darkest parts of her personality taking over-something that obviously terrified her after seeing all of the pain and (ironically) further animosity she caused as a result. Nightmare Moon was shown to not only attempt to take over Equestria, and bring about eternal night, but also tried to kill Celestia-her beloved older sister who she grew up with, ruled with, and fought with for centuries to overthrow similar maniacal tyrants like Discord and Sombra beforehand. One thousand years later, she tries again by hurting and attempting to manipulate others-though, fortunately there was no severe long-term damage in any of that. After she returns to her old self and has her sister forgive her-she discovers that her subjects had become so terrified of Nightmare Moon in her absence that they actively fear her and there is an entire national holiday demonizing her. That seems to me like it would be pretty easy for someone as empathetic as Luna has been shown to be to continue to view themselves as such a demon after all of this despite the forgiveness and kindness she has been shown by others.
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