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Dr. Nefarious

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Everything posted by Dr. Nefarious

  2. I'm just gonna quote Philip De Franco here. ''If there was a movie named ''Liam Neeson Beats Up a Bunch of Bad Guys 7'', I would watch it''
  3. So recently, I have been noticing that I am alot less interested about the show and the fandom in general. I was even going to re-watch both the seasons during the summer but I only got to season 1 episode 15 and couldn't be bothered to watch any more. Is the show really losing it's charm on me? Am I just one of those people who only likes to watch things once? Could it just be the off season that's making me lose interest?
  4. This motherfucker right here. Took me over 3 hours just to beat him the first time, because every time it sends out those stupid ass robots I waste all my ammo on them and have nothing left to fight it. Incase you don't know the game, it's Ratchet & Clank 2
  5. Rainbow Dash to give me a blowjob fly me to places and hang out and stuff. I mean, she would be an awesome friend, wouldn't it be awesome to just fly by everyone in the sky on the coolest and best pony?
  6. Pros: Literally none at all, I can't think of any, because this would be terrible. Cons: We would be nuked in an instant by the time haters find out about it.
  7. Since there are already many different kinds of beings in equestria I don't think they would react very severely if we came there.
  8. The Ratchet & Clank series :3 I just love them so much because of the gameplay, all the unlockables and challenges, weapons, and even the soundtrack. They are and always will be my favorite ps2 games if not my favorite games all time.
  9. Seriously? Are your parents that ignorant? Video games have become one of the most popular media on the planet such as television and movies. Yet they still think of the old stereotype of anyone who plays videogames being a fat loser.
  10. I love the evenenings/night time. The dark makes it feel wonderous and kind of scary, and since theres not that many people around, I think it's great time to relax and be alone. I love the early mornings too, mainly because it's refreshing to be outside so early because all the lazy people are still asleep.
  11. Not at all, the CGI animation is completely horrid and the voice acting is generic along with the writing. Hasbro clearly doesn't know anything about us bronies because they tries marketing this to us mostly. I think it's insulting that the people at hasbro would say ''Oh, they like that My Little Pony show so ofcourse they'll love this crap!''. Seriously hasbro, what we're you thinking?
  12. Dr. Nefarious

    movies/tv Youtubers

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJnYA5PdZb8&feature=plcp her is mi mos resen vedio, lyk n favorit if u laf plos. gibe mi vews plos. i ned vews so i can get yutub mone, i am gredy ashol and ned yutub mone
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ABjY2P8csc This is my favorite song from my favorite game, if you have ever seen some of the other things I have posted to topics similar to this you will know how much I love the Ratchet & Clank series. Just the PS2 ones though, the newer PS3 ones were good but lacked the same feeling that the PS2 ones had, except all 4 one, that game was just bad.
  14. To me, that's the whole point of the show. To laugh at how desperate people are to get some money. And for doing all that shit they only get about 50,000 dollars in the end.
  15. It sounds like a neat idea, but it would be completely covered in hateful graffiti (penises painted all over it) and be completely trashed from the outside in by people find out about it.
  16. This is from Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal Captain Qwark: ''I didn't know she was your sister, it was mating season!'' (captain qwark lived in the jungle for quite some time) Skrunch The Monkey: OOOOHHH EEEHHH EEEHHH AAHHHH *captain qwark sees ratchet & clank standing right there* Captain Qwark: ''Oh, how long have you two been standing there??'' Clank: Toooooo loooong.....
  17. And my main pet peeve of all time is people who think Justin Bieber/Chuck Norris jokes are funny. Seriously, on youtube comments people will say ''da dislaik bar is de saiz of jostin beibers benis XD''. I don't like Justin Bieber, but the retarded 7 year olds who think they are clever for that are the worst. Same thing with the Chuck Norris jokes, people still think Chuck Norris jokes are fucking funny... That's really depressing that someone can think that...
  18. 4chan isn't the asshole of the internet and neither is facebook. Facebook is the internet cult of retarded teens. 4chan is the place where Hitler/Holocaust jokes are considered acceptable and funny.
  19. Well, it depends. There are 3 kinds of haters in my opinion. 1. A hater that has proper reasons for disliking the fanbase (sometimes just the fanbase and not the show itself) 2. Someone who just doesn't like the show and nothing else (not really a hater) 3. Stupid, ignorant, and butthurt haters, the ones who have to go to pony forums to troll and scream at how much they hate us.
  20. I absolutely hate people who think they are better than you just because they listen to a certain type of music. For example, someone likes a band like Pink Floyd or Queen and if you don't like them they will flip out and call you out. I have met way too many of them (not in real life) but seen so many people that just think they are so much better than others because apparently their music is better than anything you listen to. Everywhere I go if I say I like a certain type of music or if I don't like a certain type of music that they like, they flip out and say ''Fuck you, you fag you don't know shit about real music''. These type of people are literally the worst.
  21. I would have a sleeping pill so I wont have to be as afraid when the execution is done. So I wont have to try to resist when it happens.
  22. SAAAXTOOOONNN HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALE!! In all seriousness, Chuck Norris jokes are old and unfunny. We need a new hero who we can imagine being the god of all things around us.
  23. Wait, the kid was only 9? I'm pretty sure kids that young are in the target audience for the show. Since the term ''brony'' is for fans that are NOT in the target audience of the show.
  24. That doesn't fully answer my question. I mean't, do they like ANYTHING anthro related regardless of the quality? So any cartoon that has anthro animals even if it is terrible? Again, still not trying to insult furries.
  25. I just saw this thread decided it would be a good place to properly ask. What are furries fans of? Usually fandoms are associated with one thing and one thing only. But furries will like anything related to anthro animals. Not trying to offend any furries with this. But I really want to know this. What things are furries into? I mean, is it ANYTHING anthro related regardless of the quality? Again, I am not trying to offend any furries, I just want to know since I have never really come in contact with or met any furries.
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