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Everything posted by StarSwirlTheBearded

  1. Just take it in good humor and don't let it get to you. I'm not familiar with the show, but this episode appears to be a mockery of the bronies.
  2. Why does pop music have to suck so much?

  3. There was a scheduling conflict with Littlest Pet Shop (why do all doll-cartoons have "little" in them?)
  4. Welcome to the forums! You'll have a good time here. In fact, by your description, you sound a lot like me (except for the video game part).
  5. Welcome to the herd! Unless your school is very small, you aren't alone. Many closet bronies probably exist, and there may even be some open bronies that you just haven't noticed. However, I'd suggest you remain a closet brony unless you meet a brony friend. As for the people singing the MLP song, it could have been girls relieving their childhoods or guys mocking it (did you hear if they were old lyrics?).
  6. Welcome! I guess I can relate to your story, although I watched it on my own free will. I was a hater too, but as soon as I watched it, I grew very confused. A few months(!) later, I became a brony.
  7. Someone needs to make a Maudicorn (as in an alicorn). Best. Princess. Ever.
  8. Twilight Rainbow Flutters AJ Pinkie Rarity In order of how much I relate to them, it changes a little bit: Twilight Flutters AJ Rainbow Rarity Pinkie
  9. I'm not familiar with G1, but I doubt they were written in the same universe.
  10. My ideas: I hope that Hasbro doesn't do things too quickly. For example, the Mane 6 shouldn't accomplish their life goals and the CMC shouldn't get their cutie marks next season. Otherwise, we'd have an episode idea drought. No Mane 6 alicorns. I doubt they'll do it anyways. I'm fine with it if it's the last episode, though. More adventure When FIM ends, make the next generation in Equestria No alicorn princess overload Don't let the show become more toy-focused Less Spike Twilight gets students? Don't let Twilight become a ruler of anything until the very end (if at all) More Maud Pie, or episodes with the rest of the Pie family (probably not much different than Maud) Don't add or remove any characters in the Mane 6 I might post more when ideas come to me. I know I have more, it's just that I can't think of them now.
  11. Most importantly, Spike isn't focused on since he isn't a main character. There isn't much he can do, thus, he doesn't do much. He's essentially Twilight's pet. Plus, Spike is pretty annoying, so many people don't want to see more of him.
  12. Dragon Quest was certainly, absolutely the worst episode of MLP. On top of Spike being my least favorite character, the dragons were just stupid and acted childish. It's clear that this episode was made to cater to the kids and not the bronies.
  13. The problem is that in the southeastern US (the ultra-traditional "Bible Belt"), people are intolerant. North Carolina (except for the coast?) is part of this region, and unfortunately, that's where most MLP hate activities have occurred. Although I disagree with his politics, it isn't Obama's fault.
  14. We should make a Debate Pit for MLP-related topics. This is one of the most heated threads I've seen in a while.
  15. You sound like one of the luckiest people in the world. If that were me and I wrote down that I was a brony, my face would be redder than Soviet Russia during the guessing game, which may give me away (or I may run out of the room as you said). I'd be incredibly confused when I got a positive response for being a brony, and I would think that they were all lying and mocking me in a sarcastic way (especially the jocks). Of course, although my school is known for being a good school, the students still wouldn't be that tolerant, and closet bronies certainly don't abound. Regardless, it would teach me a valuable lesson not to divulge things like that again, unless I knew it would be in safe hands. Analysis aside, I congratulate you on your success.
  16. I can always (or at least I think) minimize my MLP window in time. I always have another window in the background with something more normal on it, although sometimes I'm too lazy and just set it on the new tab page. This nearly happened to me just now. Loud music in my headphones, MLP Forums, the whole thing. Thankfully, anyone who comes into the room I'm in knocks on the door fairly loud, which gives me about two seconds' response time.
  17. It's probably some sort of Japanese thing (like samurai)
  18. I hate LA and like NYC somewhat. LA is just the celebrity capital of the world, which makes it undesirable. However, I voted for the Dodgers over the Yankees.
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