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Night Sky

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Everything posted by Night Sky

  1. As I continue my Mark Your Mark journey, I must say, Opaline in growing on me as a villain and a character. The actress who voices her plays up villainess charisma in a very old school way. I am reminded of Disney's Ursula the Sea Witch or Sonic SatAM's Doctor Robotnik. She is completely unapologetic, she is very ancient and powerful, and she can clearly be violent with her magic. But she is intelligent, subtle and prefers to rely on corrupting others and exploiting their weaknesses. Finesse and nuance are the key features of her highly refined and mature style. She is credibly a thousand years old or more. Sometimes in MLP, villains turn out to be inherently good or at least redeemable ponies who hit a really bad day in their lives. Opaline, clearly, is entirely evil and she looks great as she goes about it. She's obviously going to be a formidable challenge and threat to the Mane 5. This episode continues to indicate that, even though they can draw great strength and support from each other, individually the Mane 5 do not have their own houses in order. Sunny struggles with being a part time Alicorn, Pipp is entirely in the grip of an almost crippling obsession with social media. Zipp continues to be haunted by the spectre of her royal destiny and seems to always be looking for other things to be investigated, by way of displacement. Hitch is finding that he does not have a pet dragon, in reality he is now a father to an infant child. I speak from experience, parenthood is never easy, it always adds stress along with the joy. Hitch kinda blithely blundered into his new role without considering it. Meanwhile, he's still the chief uniform law enforcement officer of a sizable town. Izzy is Izzy, but oddly enough she benefits from not psychoanalyzing herself too much and she kind of looks after everyone else. She also occupies herself with fostering amity and building community in Maretime Bay. Something it desperately needs. It seems that for every step forward that the Mane 5 are able to coax the recalcitrant Earth Ponies of Maretime to take, they then take two or three steps backwards. They're kind of obtuse and boarish, until things go wrong and then they panic. Given that during the film Maretime Bay was an isolationist technocracy, I suppose this is to be expected. This, all of this, makes everyone very vulnerable to Opaline. She is calculating and normally quite patient. She's very compelling and keeps me engaged. I cannot wait to see where she'll do in the next episodes.
  2. Princess Celestia is a very ancient and powerful, but more importantly, a very wise Alicorn. Wisdom is the quality which makes her a truly strong ruler. She knows its best if all ponies can learn and grow at their own pace and in their own ways. Friendship is how everyone can do that as individuals and as a group at the same time. So, whether it's using the Elements of Harmony to ensure that not too much magic gets concentrated in only 4 hooves too often, or giving somepony like Discord a second or third chance, or treating Princess Luna like only one bad day (not a thousand years of very lonely days) had just past, Princess C is always trying to build up everyone around her. Yes, the ponies see to it that Princess C looks beautiful and is treated like a Princess and she lets them do that because it makes them all very happy to do so. But that's not what Princess C cares about. Some rulers love to listen to the sound of gold coins going into their coffers. A ruler like Princess C prefers the sound of cheering and singing ponies each and every time. So the Mane 6 were just 6 ponies who were ready, with Twilight Sparkle's leadership, to play several very important roles. They serve as a good example for all ponies in Equestria, but they also have what it takes to defend Equestria against very real dangers, or to solve tricky unexpected difficulties. Princess C wants all of her ponies to be able to solve their own problems and grow together, and the Mane 6 are her greatest effort to foster and to guide that.
  3. Just rewatched Filli Vanilli (S4E14), one of my favorite Fluttershy / Rarity episodes, also featuring one of my favorite Fluttershy songs, at the beginning. 

    It's just kind of an odd configuration, the best part of the episode is the opening scene. I also like AJ and Big Mac's brief conversation about what all was really going on.  

    Good viewing for Fluttershy February!

    Screenshot 2025-02-12 000014.png

    1. Mothra


      Great episode! And I always wished they used Flutterguy more after this one, the voice cracks me up

    2. Astralshy


      This episode drew me into the fandom

  4. Great Fluttershy and Rarity episode. The opening musical number is the best though, no offense to the Pony Tones. Fluttershy's voice is the most beautiful, imho. Rewatching this, I am wondering why Pinkie Pie didn't throw me off so much the first run through, it's like where was I? How did I fail to notice? It isn't as though I dislike Pinkie, or like her any less than the rest of the Mane 6, it's not like that. But, kids show aside, and overthinking the headcanon aside...WHAT IS PINKIE'S MAJOR MALFUNCTION? Where does it come from, what causes it? Yes, it's hilarious, but there's this other side to it, a side we never quite see. Notice how at this point in the series the rest of the Mane 6 try to walk a line between keeping Pinkie from getting completely out of hand, while still treading lightly in how they deal with her somehow. As an example, consider how Twilight Sparkle didn't push the point when Pinkie was clearly upset about Cheese Sandwich's arrival in Ponyville, and that episode was only one or two before this one. They just look at her most of the time, there's mild disapproval, or annoyance, but also nervousness. It's kind of unnerving. What happened to you, Pinkamena Diane Pie? And AJ's debriefing of Big Mac was funny. Once again AJ demonstrates she's the most sensible pony in Ponyville. I like the episode, but the Sound of Music send up opening number was the best part.
  5. Eating dinner with my folks made me happy today. This coffee next to the keyboard makes me happy. My room makes me happy. My dreams this morning made me happy. This question made me happy. I make me happy. You make me happy. Every day is just perfect, as long as it is followed by another one, it kind of what I think. THIS day, that I actually have, (as opposed to not having? which isn't even a thing really) is always worthy of feeling happy about.
  6. A typical day for me begins at dusk. Upon waking up, I either eat in - or I go out and try to connect with other ponies, been doing this more lately. There is a post here in Cloudsdale where the other local Sky Scouts and I check in and find out where our areas of responsibility will be, and any relevant news that's been passed on. Then it's time to take flight. Pegasi have to do everything with the weather during the night that they do during the day. There's always something to do with the weather. We monitor the skies of Equestria and look for emergencies or problems down on the ground. We keep an eye on the border. If trouble arises we either intervene or get help depending. I head back at the first hint of dawn. That's a typical day in Clohdsdale. If I'm in Canterlot, there's never anything typical about a day there. My favorite food is a mix of barley, oats, bran and Captain Crunch.
  7. Welcome from a fellow newbie. I too am in the midst of a total rewatch of FIM and I'm almost through season 4. This is a great place to be, you'll be glad you joined.
  8. Thank you! And I'm glad you asked this, indeed they do, though I myself only remembered them a couple days ago. Being in the human world has resulted in some memory loss of the Pony world, but to address your question: Top to bottom: My mother, the Widow Albeda My father, Aurorus My older Sister, Penumbra My father was the great stallion Aurorus. He led our family kindly and with strength of character. A more loyal servant Princess Celestia never had. He did more to keep the night skies of Equestria safe than any pony, and this is why Princess Celestia appointed him as one of her seniormost Stewards. I follow on in his footsteps under Princess Luna, but I am not my father and that's okay. Few ponies can be his equal. I wish I'd known him better and I miss him. My mother is the Widow Albeda. She served alongside my father in Princess Celestia's service for a number of years, but children were her dearest wish, and my father never once denied her anything that I'm aware of. He left her well provided for too, so now mom serves in a variety of capacities to see to it that every pony in Equestria is given what they need to live a good life. She has the dignity of a Princess, but she feels only compassion and goodwill towards every pony and makes that her focus. Of course, she misses father terribly and in that regard she is a very sad and lonely old Mare. She is intensely private and sometimes I feel like I don't know her terribly well either. But I do not kid myself, I know very well of her love for me and my sister, her pride. Her consolation that perhaps some part of what she and father shared lives on in my sister and I. My big sister is Penumbra. Like my parents and I (still do), she too served Princess Celestia as a Sky Scout for a good number of years. Almost everyone in our clan does, at some point in their lives. When Princess Luna returned, Penumbra declined to directly renew her oath of fealty, and retired from being a Sky Scout. She has returned to Cloudsdale and is known locally as something of a recluse. My big sister practically raised me and even now the bond we share is unbreakable. Still, I can't understand why she has chosen the path that she has. She won't open up. It is a perplexity for me and something of a sticking point. I want to know why. I am also not happy about how matters stand between my mother and my sister. They don't talk much. I suspect my mother expected that Penumbra would be the one to give her grand ponies. Have not I also neglected to do so as well? Our own challenges and losses not withstanding, my family has had an amazing journey, and there is no place I would ever prefer to call my home.
  9. My dreams are sometimes perfectly serene, sometimes terrifying or disgusting, sometimes tragic and sometimes transcendent. Most often though they are bonkers and just quite a trip. They can be short or long, cinematic or fragmented. I am attentive to my dreams and I have been since college. I just began the fifth volume of my dream journal a month ago. I have about 370 dreams I've recorded. So perhaps I've logged the events of an extra year of life. It's not every day you'll meet someone who has a dream that Sybok, the deranged mystic from the awful Star Trek 5 film is invading California but is then stopped by Wolfgang Amedeus Mozart. Analyze that.
  10. Trying to live a spiritual life at least part time. Yoga, several types of meditation, reading books that build me up, getting out into nature, chanting. None of this is nearly so impressive as it sounds, but it keeps me going.
  11. The hardest lesson I've ever had to learn was that my marriage was doomed to begin with. It has taken me 7 years to come to grips with it. That's the short version, there's a lot to unpack there, obviously. And obviously, we're not going to go into any of it. This has also involved some more specific hard lessons I've had to learn about myself. Some of them have been bitter pills to swallow indeed, but clearly they would be. It's more a matter of it being very hard to sort this all out and my probability of doing so was never high. And of course, I am still very much a work in progress.
  12. I've written a couple songs, none of which are extant anymore, unfortunately. I've written more poetry, and only a couple of those are still around. They're morose bummers. I wouldn't care to share them. But I've tried my hand at it. Generally, I am a visual artist. I've done a lot more better work there. Several writers have told me that I have talent, but I lack skills. I agree. I do have a fan novel I am VERY SLOWLY writing and I wonder if I will ever finish it.
  13. I put 8 am cause that's when I usually go to bed at this time in my life. When I get to sleep is just a matter of when I get off of work, how long it takes me to get home from work, and how much time I end up needing to unwind. It's totally dictated by work and totally unhealthy.
  14. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends and it is hard to predict and hard for me to explain why that is.
  15. The last hotel I was at was a mixed experience. The room was perfectly fine, so was the hotel's location. The Price was not quite right and the staff were tricky to communicate with. I like hotels, especially if I'm not traveling alone, but especially if I'm traveling with friends. We can have fun in hotel rooms. I never travel with my folks anymore. Evar.
  16. I get to say three cause I dod my Yoga, drank my tea, sat in meditation, did my self care and chanted my chants. Soon I'm gonna read my books. That's the only reason I get to award myself a 3 today. If I hadn't done ALL of the above my number would have been much higher.
  17. Right now, the only thing I can say that I like about my job is that I get to work alone most of the time, I don't have to give it my entire attention constantly for 8 to 12 to 16 hours as the case may be, and it's a quiet place. The hours, pay and benefits are decent, but we all deserve that from any job. But it's boring, and a dead end. There's nowhere to go. So in three months I am requesting a transfer. I have to feel like I'm doing something, to not hsve a bad conscience.
  18. Vaping. And I have good reason to feel that way beyond what most people might be aware of. Let's leave it at that.
  19. I struggled to learn but my parents stayed on me at a young age, so yes. If they are there I use them. If not, sometimes I ask, but it depends. I don't like to make a big show of asking for them.
  20. Rarity and Fluttershy is more interesting to me personally than the more well known Fluttershy and RD. I also think Twi and Fluttershy would be totally Desert Hearts. Cheese Sandwich with Mr. Cake or Shinning armor would be delightful, though would require drama for for some of them to be available. Cheese Sandwich with either Flim or Flam would be a grand olde tyme! Nurse Redheart and Sweetie Drops would be pretty Electric!
  21. My avatars are always very important to me. Maybe too important. I get picky and perfectionistic. It has to be just right. Once established, I seldom change them, though it can happen. Generally, I try to craft them myself as opposed to using ones someone else made. I imagine that when my first commissions are done I will create a new avatar based on what Night Sky properly looks like. The AI kitsch I have now is just a stop gap measure.
  22. All my walls are decorated with paintings I made specifically for my room. It's kind of a mural in panels.
  23. SNAPS. If you aren't a kid of the 80s and 90s, you won't remember those. They tasted like black licorice with the texture of thin wall brown cardboard. So absolutely delicious. Menards has a big bag of colored licorice bites that taste somewhat like snaps did, but not quite.
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