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Describe your dark side.


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My Dark side:


Note: I am going to refer to my dark side as my dark self.


My dark self has a urge to cause pain to others and if I begin to get extremely angry, it seems to take control. I have almost attacked someone because they began to push my buttons. Multiple times I unleashed it on my brother, even to the point constantly pounding on his head with my fist. It also has an urge to cause destruction, When it takes over, something is going to break. I have broken so many pencils because it takes over (may not seem like much but I break multiple pencils at once.). I am usually a very happy and mostly pacifistic person but when my dark self takes over it is a whole other story, I will even sometimes take my anger out on my friends (I don't harm them but I begin to yell...).


Lately, I have been able to control my dark self, but sometimes I just can't hold it back any longer and it comes out. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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And here i assumed i was the only person here who has anger issues. Admittedly, i don't express this side often because i'm always ridden with a feeling of terrible remorse and guilt afterwards. But when i do, i just see red and go ballistic.

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My being is pretty much a culmination of negative traits.


Even though I don't mean to be, I can be pretty selfish. The kind of selfishness I refer to generally comes from being a very stressed-out and worrying individual. I like things to go my way, otherwise I become super stressed out and I'm not fun to be around. However, I have certainly been selfish in other ways... Like when I was a teenager. When I wanted to start playing the bassoon, I had to have one first, and I took it as a total life-or-death manner (if that's exaggerating, it's only slightly.... >.<). We started seeing them for cheaper, in a range that my parents could help me out with. I remember there was one from a website that was at an affordable range and we were going to get it, but then it didn't work out. Thinking I was going to get that one drove my imagined entitlement for one through the roof. I bring all of this up, because I remember clearly (and I even have a diary to remind me these exact thoughts >.<) shortly after that fell through my parents decided to buy a truck, and I flipped out because we had a car that currently worked, and so we didn't 'need' another one (although we kind of did lol), but I NEEDED that bassoon and I thought that for sure this would delay me getting one forever. Fortunately, I'm not sure how much of this childish (and very embarrassing to mention) mindset I showed to my parents, but it was awful either way.... >.<


Otherwise, I can have quite the temper - it runs through my family. Even still, I would never be able to let that anger get the point of harming somebody. Hurting others is wrong! So my anger mainly just comes to the point that others will not want to be around me. lol... Which is the extent to which it runs through the rest of my family, as well... Thank goodness.

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 2

Everything needs more woodwind!

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You mean does moments were you forget who you are and transforms into a diferent person because you are mad (Or something happens)? Or if I get split in 2 parts were one is the good one and the other one is evil?


If get a clone of myself and she is completly evil.... I think she will be mean with everyone, she would do what ever she wants without thinking in other people and  she will become a complete b!7ch.


I'm always kind and try to help everyone that I love....I try my best. And I'm 100% loyal to my BF.

  • Brohoof 1


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You mean does moments were you forget who you are and transforms into a diferent person because you are mad (Or something happens)? Or if I get split in 2 parts were one is the good one and the other one is evil?


If get a clone of myself and she is completly evil.... I think she will be mean with everyone, she would do what ever she wants without thinking in other people and  she will become a complete b!7ch.


I'm always kind and try to help everyone that I love....I try my best. And I'm 100% loyal to my BF.

If I were split into 2 people, one good and one evil... Yeah that'd bad. Like "enormously huge entire-[world]-in-total-chaos Princess-has-to-come-and-save-the-day" bad. Especially since we don't have a princess to come to our rescue 

  • Brohoof 1
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my dark side would be more laid back than I already am, More mean and not nice, more awesome XD, and probably take things slower. I could say more but I am tired and cant really think XD

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While my good side i am a very nice and generous person heck i would give out random things to friends i barely know and sometimes complete strangers when i was grade 1 to grade 4 my generosity was taken advantage of. Besides that i usually help people when can strangers or not.


My dark however is a complete opposite of my good site i am selfish stubborn and pretty lie to my parents about some things be it something serious or not i skipped school a lot i am very lazy and would rather just sit in the couch all day than help and i sometimes get very agressive when i'm mad and usually say a lot of hurtful things and would pretty much punch you in the face and break your nose if i am angry enough.


So yea.

  • Brohoof 1


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I love to laugh at others misery sometimes.Like one time when my friend almost fell off a cliff but landed in a pile of bear shit which broke his fall I couldn't stop laughing. I have also almost pissed myself several times when people get turned down by thier crushes. well that's my dark side

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I mentally kill people I hate, and still hate even though they forgotten about me, from my past. And a lot of modern people I visualize being horribly destroyed by gigantic spiders with rayguns, gas bombs, and so many brutal things. It's literally an every day occurrence that these thoughts happen

Old usernames: Meowstic

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My dark side? Ehh...


When I was a child, I could get so angry and nervous, so I damaged a classroom.


Now? When my dark side is on the ride, I'm thinking about killing some people. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, making victims suffering.


With my bad side I'm feeling like I am a Pinkamena or Gemini no Saga from Saint Seiya anime (pic of his good and evil sides attached).


Good Saga:



Evil side:


  • Brohoof 1
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i get jealous easily,even when it is about things that i would never want to have or goals i'd never want to reach.


i am also pretty bad at losing, but it has gotten better over the years.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have a very large number of negative traits, but I'll only mention the ones I'm ashamed of.


I get really jealous, both jealous of what other people have and jealous when my friends talk to other people instead of me. I'm really needy, I'm constantly trying to get the attention of my friends, and I never leave them alone even if they specifically ask me to. I have such low self-esteem that always need other people to make me feel validated, if I can't tell someone about an accomplishment it doesn't feel like an accomplishment at all. I'm extremely paranoid about what other people think of me, and I constantly question whether or not my friends actually want to know me.


When I get upset I become completely selfish, only thinking about how things affect me, and I say things I shouldn't. When I get really angry I deal with it by physically hurting myself, normally by punching my leg or biting my arm, in really bad cases I scratch or cut myself. I can be passive-aggressive with people when I don't get my way, fortunately my aggression is so passive that people don't normally notice it. Sometimes I say things to discreetly try and make people feel guilty.

  • Brohoof 2


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My dark side is a tough switch to flick but, if you somehow manage to piss me off enough or I'm just having a bad day I can go two ways:


1. Calm, collected and cruel, get in my way at this point and i'll pick you apart mentally and if needs be physically. My thoughts while i'm like this tend to be very dark, deep and usually about the destruction of something.


2. Just really, really angry, usually just if someone pisses me off but, I just get mindless and brutal, every action usually heavy-handed and clumsy. (I don't like getting like this and I have learnt to control myself but, it's sometimes inevitable.) 


Needless to say i'm a really nice, innocent person most of the time and you have nothing to fear from me as long as you don't anger me. ^^

  • Brohoof 1


The worst part about being strong is that no one ever asks if you're ok...

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My dark side? It's kind of like Pinkie Pie in Party of One. She over thinks her friends actions, and jumps to conclusions which in return makes her bitter, and upset. I'm like that as well. I can get jealous at times too, and my dark side is often depressing. I don't really get angry as I do depressed. I more or less develop a "f*** it" attitude.  

  • Brohoof 2


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I don't really have that much of a dark side...I used to when I was little, for when I became angry, I talked to myself about doing violent things to people...those days are over beyond over. 

  • Brohoof 1
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My dark side is that one guy who does not give a flying fudge about anything ever. This guy rarely comes out. Its when I don't think about anything I do and just do it in the worst way possible. It always ends up with me facing the consequences in the end for being that guy.


Things I always do when my darkside comes out:


[x] Un-ethical things

[x] Not doing anything (ends up with me having to catch up or regretting not doing something)

[x] For some reason my friends never let me live down the time(s) whenever this happens


Anyways this guy aint coming back anytime soon because of 2 words: SUMMER HOLIDAYS :D

Not to be confused with anyone else...

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Like all im terrified of my dark side as it could make me lose everything I am so I use whatever I can to supress it mainly epic orchestral music helps though. However if I could see my dark side id have to be covered in a blood red and orange glowing flame crushing everything as j approached. Also when I get to releasing my complete rage id like to imagine leaving nothing but debris. But in reality ill just keep screaming in my head :-)

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I have (or suffer from, depending on your point of view) borderline personality disorder.
I've had uncontrollable anger issues in the past, and generally speaking, the relationships I have with other people vary between episodes of extreme idealization and extreme devaluation. In other words, I have a love-hate relationship with every single person in my life.
Because of my impulsivity, I sometimes say and do things without properly thinking them through, which has cost me many great friends and one romantic relationship.



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I have an alter ego I named 'Freddie' because it sorta sounds like a violent redneck XD Freddie pops up whenever someone does something mean to me making me want to do something WORSE to him/her. Like...... throw his bag in a smelly trash can, or vandalize his belongings, or just some badass stuff. Totally not like me. XD

  • Brohoof 1


Please click on the egg to help hatch it otherwise it will die!

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I've come to the point in life where my dark side is a multitude of different personas, with around 6 current stages. Three of them currently are there own beings and identities, like tulpae. 


Note: Though some things written here are questionable, I have the common sense to not act on any of them. I enjoy my clean record and enjoy not having any beefs with anyone. I'm incredibly resilient and these sides rarely come out due to the amount of stuff I'm able to tolerate and stand up to. Something I'm quite proud of~


The first is a common side that many people have. Simple annoyances, either at work or home cause irritation and various levels of cussing beneath the breath. Nothing really much to say here beyond that, especially since I rarely stop at this stage.


Stage 2: Twyst







This side of me has been around for my entire life. When not annoyed he is my defense mechanism for a wide variety of things. But when things start falling downhill in ways that are just plain stupid, his mind becomes prevalent and starts conducting things the way things need to be. Overall description? Shut the buck up, sit the buck down, and listen. Most of the time things work themselves out and never progress above this stage. Which is a good thing :)


Stage 3: Isra







Okay now I'm just straight out irritated. Wide grins, higher pitched voice, and the urge to slash most people who give me the smallest grief. Isra doesn't take anything with a grain of salt. Don't piss her off, don't do anything that can be interpreted as a possible attack. Anger isn't all that apparent in this stage and is gearing more towards sadistic values. This stage typically occurs at work (I currently work at a customer service place, so this is incredible understandable if you've worked in a similar position ;3). Cools over time, though also comes with higher toned giggling and laughing that seems to have no reason.


Stage 4: Yamera




See the scythe Twyst is holding? That's Yamera.






I'm nearing a breaking point. Normally I'll stare at the screen and continue on without the faintest idea of what's going on beyond what has set me off. It's at this stage that a mask can be physically felt over my eye, even to the point of me feeling like I can't see out of it and my vision is only coming from my left eye. Not actively seeking activity or anything but don't try and get cool to me, I'll see through it all and cut you down to size for no reason other than I feel like it. Sadism is my main lust as well as masochism. I simply seek "fun". Voice fluctuations, between high and incredibly low occur depending on the flow of the mood. Desires to break things are there but mainly punches against firm things occur (this is why my middle knuckle on my right hand is permanently discoloured/bruised and the muscle comes off the bone when pulled.). 


Stage 5: Unbridled



No image for this *yet*. Sorry c: 




For the sake of safety, the contents of this part will be in the spoiler. Note that this has only been achieved once and the circumstances were incredibly high valued to my ability to stay stable.




If something happens that I reach this stage, I am, in complete honesty, a monster. I desire pain and pleasure. I want to break things and have them wriggle in my grasp. Anything I imagine when it comes to feelings/sense can be realistically felt (bones breaking/snapping, etc). I'm not looking for fun anymore. This is the point where I prove to people that you don't bucking mess with me. Death is an insidious lustful hunger and is difficult to override, luckily the obviousness of why doing it would be bad keeps me in line and holds me at simple gluttonous desires. I'm pissed. And I want everyone to know that. That scythe up there? That's now a rapier. A small black rapier with shadows that billow from the guard above the hilt. Heavy breathing, dark stares. Something one would giggle at if they knew me. The one time I came close to snapping, I had my dog sitting behind me, and the thought of snapping his neck was soo tempting it was hard to keep under raps. Again, common sense is stronger than any of my dark sides, so it was held contained. 




These are my dark sides c:

There's a lot more than what is written here but I can never write out how my self reacts to things properly. Usually, experience is the best way to learn, but as some of my friends would agree, you don't want to learn about these beings through experience. ;)

  • Brohoof 1


^~Signature by Me~^

~^Click on the Image above for already made signatures/graphics^~

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I always leave the toilet seat up, I never rewind VCR tapes, I purposely set the living room TV to a different input, and I always leave the water faucet set to filter!



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