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Which My Little Pony song do you relate to most?

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This can be canon or fan made. 


For canon songs, I relate most to Winter Wrap Up, mainly Twilight's verse. I often don't know where I belong. I move around a lot, so I always have to learn where I fit in. I feel like I don't fit in anywhere, though. 


For fan made songs, I relate most to Great to be Different. I always felt different from others. I felt like I didn't belong, and I often wanted to leave. Then once I learned to embrace my differences, I learned to love myself. I made friends, and now I am living happily. 

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I relate most to "You Will Play Your Part."


I receive lots of good things like gifts, great grades, and some people that give me high priority and appreciate me greatly. Yet, while I am indeed very grateful for all these things, I still don't know what my purpose is. I am good at many things and am grateful for my talents. There's so many things though that I just don't know what I'm meant to be. Whether it's being an artist, a singer, a writer, a gamer, or even someone who dedicates their life to traveling the world and meeting plenty of people making friends and learning new things everyday. I just don't know.


I've been given so much and am thankful...but have no idea where it is all supposed to take me in life. What I'm meant to do when, where, why, and how.


(Repeated myself there but you get you what I was trying to say)


"(Crusader) Are We There Yet?" Is the fan song I relate to most. Same reason as above, really. I'm young, am capable of many things, am trying my hardest, but don't know what I'm meant to be and what I'm supposed to do. I can only keep wondering when I will.

  • Brohoof 3
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I think mine is the "Smile Song."


Having lived with an anxiety disorder since I was ten, I have been through my share of rough times. But going through those rough times makes you realize how precious those happy times are. All I want to do is to share the happiness I have now with those who are having their own cloudy days. 

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You'll Play Your Part is the song I relate to the most. I always wonder where my future will head me to, since I'm rather unhappy with what I'm getting at the moment. Even so, my family tells me that I will be successful, even if I feel like that I won't. c:

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Basically my childhood in a nutshell. I didn't really make friends in elementary school and read through recess every day, but I always had a great relationship with my sisters, and especially with my big sister.


And now she's heading off to college, so we'll see how that goes.

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You'll Play Your Part is my personal favorite because I can really relate to it.

I'm always wondering what will be my future, what is me purpose. And this song made me realise that I can't just wait and do nothing, because I am the only one who can make my dreams come true.

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Pinkie Pie's Smile song. It may not be my favourite, but something about it.. Hm.. I don't know. It just seems to "resonate" rather deeply to me. I can really connect with it, because making someone smile can make a bigger difference than you think. Heck, it can even save people's lives sometimes.


I could have gone on a massive rant about how much making people happy means to me, but I think I'll just leave it at that! 

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Apples to the Core 


To me it's very important to feel that I belong somewhere. Family, group of friends, class... It's nice to feel accepted and loved and share that feeling with other people. Besides, that song has very positive vibe that always makes me smile. 

Edited by Anilewe
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I would say that "You'll Play Your Part" is the one that fits me the best.


Really, like Twilight, I'm blazed with where I am, what I have, and what I have accomplished. I graduated from college with honors, I hold a fair & steady job, I am well respected by my co-workers & peers, and I even have made some great friendships over the years...


...but I think, in the end, I have never really figured what my purpose in life is. There are things that I like & enjoy, as well as things that I do fairly well in, but where does it lead?


It's not sad note; don't take it as such, but I can relate well to the song & Twilight's plight.

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You'll play your part. The opening lines really resonate with me. "But I wonder where I'm going now, what my role is meant to be. I don't know how to travel to a future that I can't see."

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At the Gala. I expect something great but it's meh.

Often me and my friends are like "ALRIGHT THIS WEEKEND WE ARE GUNNA DO THIS AND THAT AND THIS AND ITS GUNNA BE NUTS" and then we end up barely hanging out at all and when we do we just chill around at one of our houses and ask "So what are we going to do?"

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Basically my childhood in a nutshell. I didn't really make friends in elementary school and read through recess every day, but I always had a great relationship with my sisters, and especially with my big sister.


And now she's heading off to college, so we'll see how that goes.


Twilight's BBBFF song is also the one I most relate to. I had a bit of a problem when my brother got married. Thankfully I didn't have to save the world, and I do hope nobody noticed how upset I was that someone was stealing MY brother! Luckily I'm now very good friends with my sister-in-law. I'd take her to the Starswirl The Bearded traveling Museum any time!  

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Super Cider Squeezy 6000 mostly due to the fact that I know what it is like to smell BS so rank I almost fell like I am going to pass out from it yet everyone else just eats it all up like it is an ice cream sundae or something. Granny Smith seriously reminds of Ron Paul in that song.

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Believe it or not, despite the *bad* singing, I'd say Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme. I may all ready have a cutie mark, but I feel like if I was younger, I'd have been part of a very similar team (unless it's mares only...). Still, I am sure Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom will remember all the fun times they had, even after they've found their marks. It'll be childhood memories they cherish forever. In their hearts, they'll always be Cutie Mark Crusaders! And that's a sentiment I like. Makes me want a neckerchief/ascot designed just like a CMC cape.


And a close second would be Apples To The Core. I really feel it when AJ sings "We travel the road of generations, joined by a common bond..." Oh! Be still, spirit of my ancestors. I shall honor you as well, in due time. :yay:


EDIT: Just realized something. Both my favorite songs from the show end in something being destroyed, the stage and the wagon. I guess it just isn't a party until something breaks!

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The smile song. It's one of those songs that just reminds you that it's good to be alive, you know? That you shouldn't let anything get you down, and that you just need a little smile and happiness to get past the rough spots you're having.


..As an added bonus, Pinkie's there being so adorable i'm afraid to watch it again (i might get a cardiac arrest).

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Hmmm... that's a tough one, Becoming Popular and Hearts as Strong as Horses are both relatable I suppose. I AM the Belle of the Ball after all, and no matter how much anypony pushes me down, I get back up, because i have a heart as strong as a horse.

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