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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

Astral looked at the spices, she looked up at blackbeak. "We just came here because we were following Chow on a tour." She explained, gesturing to Chow. "But I could use some extra pepper." She looked back to them, reaching to grab her bag of bits. "How much would a small bag of pepper be?"

"Make it red pepper, that's spicy." Misty said excited. "I like spicy things." She hopped on over to the stand.

Astral lowered her head a bit, she didn't like spicy things as much, but raised it. "Make it a seperate bag."


In the meantime, Francis changed his mind, and decided he could do something about it, and flew over to where Nectar was, as she still looked for Celestia, sensing her subject closing in, she turned her head around, and growled as he landed. "Listen those two aren't your friends. they used magic!"

"Well yes, but neither of us know if they plan to do bad with it!"

She raised her hoof about to make a counter point, but lowered it, she was speechless. "Good point, for a first." She said with a snicker. "But, I can at least get Celestia to keep an eye on them." She said looking away, going to wander the rest of the canterlot Castle. "Disguise yourself, even after Thorax, ordinary changelings appear threatening."

He nodded himself, creating his pegasus form. "I'll be sure to keep this." He said following Nectar.

Nectar kept walking hoping to encounter Celestia here, either that or she was helping with the mess that was Ponyville, which she wouldn't dare look, seeing some guards, she called out to them. "Excuse me? Do you know where Celestia is?" She asked, hoping her form wouldn't induce to much fear.

Edited by Lloyd
  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom



Stardust giggled at Widdeshin's antics "I dunno I think it would be a rather unique family life" he quipped Certainly it was be something Chaotically unexpected"  He then glanced to the tent then back at Widdershins "Also I may or may not have played a smallprank on the place that will become apparent upon entering the tents, but they are now bigger on the inside" he giggled cheerfully

  • Brohoof 1

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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@Blitz Boom

*Cacora smiles and says,* "Young ones, please be nice. This is Jelly's first time here. The one with her is her friend and pet, Gary. He may not be normal for such, but I myself find him quite interesting."

*Cacora looks to Jelly.* "These are the Orphans I told you about. It seems they got themselves locked in a safe room. Also, a new odd friend is making some sweets. Don't mind Anomaly, if she says anything out of the norm. She is a unique being similar to Discord in a way. When your ready, these ones got to be put to bed for the night. Then I will take ya home. It safer to travel in groups right now. Plus, I will feel better, knowing you got back safely."

*Cacora goes over to her desk and lets them interact for a bit. She looks to be working on another cocoon based project again.*

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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As it turned out, the sun that seemed to shine down on Ponyville were just a magic spell somepony had cast to gain a little light that had gone overboard, and fizzled out soon after, leaving them again in the early hours of night time.

Over at the inn, Bubble Tea the innkeeper had noticed the spell too, and quite enjoyed the light, even briefly, as it had made it easier for her to spot the last few bottles she hadn't seen before. Considering the amount she had paid for all of the varied bottles of alcohol, she didn't want to miss any of them. It had been a fair price, no doubt about that, but still, the discount started to mean less the more she missed, and those two had been out of her sight as it had started to get darker.

It wasn't the only thing she noticed though, as a stallion seemed to walking towards her in with determined steppes, though the blue-gray mare with the blue mane and tail couldn't get a good look at him before he got a bit closer. Wasn't somepony she recognized, but she met him with a smile regardless, and spoke her greetings, even if they were outside and it was usually behind the counter she did this.

"Good evening sir and welcome to my inn. Can I help you with something?"



@Twilight-Shimmer @Widdershins

The pony that had directed them away didn't say anything when he were slapped int he face and basically insulted, but you could see that it wasn't something that made him think fondly of Widdershins. Likely this was just more of a confirmation to him that his kind were, and always would be, trouble on legs.

Amazon didn't mention anything about it and just kept on walking until a particular question popped up between Stardust and Widdershins, which made her grimace a little.

"I'm doing what I can to not think about that."

A draconequus and a pony. What had the world come to if that started to happen? They were pretty far apart as far as races and looks went she'd say, and looking over things historically, it didn't put the relation between ponies and draconequui in a good light to begin with. Frankly it were more of a look between dictators and servants who had to deal with it, before finally they started to rise up against their oppressors. She hadn't yet heard of a story involving a draconequui that wasn't more of a controlling demi-being that eventually got chased off or trapped at least, and Widdershins didn't count here. He wasn't part of any story she knew, he were just... Well, there, and she doubted he'd be coupling up with ponies either in any case.

Or okay, there was one story she had heard off that didn't involve a draconeuui getting chased off or trapped, but that one had ended with the one in question getting killed. The name was lost to history according to the book she had seen in the library, but it had apparently been a particularly nasty example of their race, that went around spreading hatred and violence before it finally stumbled down on her instead.

...Perhaps she shouldn't be thinking about that story when Widdershins could potentially still read her mind actually.

"A-Anyway, I can see the tent were supposed to get to now. To get Stardust to sleep, not anything else."

Keeping her focus on the tents and Widdershins, she hadn't seen that Stardust had cast a spell that could likely meddle things up quite a bit for ones who entered their tents and would have to suddenly get confused about the expansion, or how it might be in those tents that already were occupied and saw things go on in real time. It was likely going to come up sooner or later as yelps and such would be heard, and she'd think it was the draconequus, but for now, things were okay, and she wasn't falsely accusing anypony of anything regarding the tents yet.

That is, until he actively said what it was that he had done a few seconds later, at which point she turned her head towards him with a concerned glance.

"It's just a prank, right? Nopony can get hurt from it?



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"Not me, I don't wanna be fish food. Perhaps we could plunge Fah'lina in and see what'd happen?"

The hiss coming from nearby told her that the little one had heard her little joke, and apparently didn't appreciate it, though that hadn't been the purpose either. It was just meant to be a joke, and what she could tell so far, the mimic wasn't handling those things all too well currently. Which she already knew, as the little rascal didn't like being the subject of pranks as much as the instigator of them, but that didn't mean Ziggy regretted poking to her a little. Long as it didn't go too far, as she'd go bitey then.

"Anyway, if you wanna test it or learn about things from a dragon, you could try to ask the little one that wanders around with the princess I heard about. I think his name was Spike? I haven't seen him myself yet, but he should be able to tell things. Or let you test it perhaps? Not sure what you can convince him off, but he's gotta be workable when he's around a princess, right?"



@Foxy Socks

"It is a rather strange situation to explain in its entirety, but essentially, I met a mare with some rather... Interesting powers a few days ago, who said she could help me get sight in exchange for a favor she'd cash in one of these days. After the attack yesterday she *implanted* a pair, wrapped this around my head and told me to wait until the moon stood at its highest.

She is a being of some power, and not from a base that is part of anything good, but I saw her hep others as well, and thought that perhaps her offer could help me get that which i have traveled several countries to find. That being a potential way to see."

Briar winced a little and drew his hoof to his head, poking a little above where the deep purple bandages wrapped tightly around his head.

"I am not entirely sure that I would have agreed to it if I had known how she were going to give them to me, but at least the worst part is over, and now there is only waiting left, and trying not to get these things off. Frankly though, I doubt I would be able to remove these even if I tried, as she tied them quite securely on, but it's hard to tell. Right Brittle?


That Brittle were silent were something he were used to, but not this silent, and certainly not frozen in place with barely a breath escaping her, facing the other way.



@Foxy Socks @Twilight-Shimmer @Widdershins

Amazon barely noticed the ragtag group she had seen before were also at the tents before the trio got there and were face to face with a pony that looked somewhat like a fox, a horrified... Changeling? Strange costume if it were one, but it was her best bet currently, as well as a purple and green stallion that turned around to look at them as they approached. Or wait, he wasn't seeing anything, as his eyes were completely covered with what looked like purple bandages. Strange color choice, but she felt more sorry for him than anything.

"No need to be alarmed. I know Widdershins here seems... Out of place, but he have proven harmless thus far, and we're just here to make sure our small companion here gets to his tent to rest."

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but perhaps I could be filled in on what mighty make this Widdershins you mention out of place? I can sense he's not a pony, but beyond that I have really little other idea."

"Oh right, I'm sorry. I should have explained. Widdershins is a Draconequus, and-"

Her words got interrupted as the blinded pony suddenly went into a big smile, showing off a row of razor-sharp teeth that wasn't befitting of a pony, and turned towards Widdershins.

"A draconequus you say? I have only heard of those before. Fascinating to meet you Widdershins, as well as your companions. My name is Briar Trapjaw, and these are my friends, Brittle Buzz, and Foxy Socks."

Brittle still looked at the draconequus like she expected him to suddenly lounge out and attack her, and bowed her head even deeper towards the ground than she usually did, giving off a very clear submissive *please don't hurt me* vibe, strengthened by her big, fearful eyes. She didn't even take notice of Stardust, whom she might usually speak with as foals seemed less threatening to her than adults generally, and she might have had an easier time trying to communicate with him.

As for Amazon, she just looked at the muttled group around her and facehoofed, before she let her hoof down with a big sigh and reached it towards the only one she saw that might be at least somewhat normal: The fox-like pony that Briar had identified as Foxy.

"Amazon Lily, from the Western Coast Guard. I'm sorry for... Whatever is going on right now. Things have not been normal for the past hour or so."

Stardust shouldn't be concerned that nopony noticed him enough to speak to him though, Though the others were mainly more focused on the draconequus, a small phoenix with silvery eyes flew down on the foals head and started to peck him curiously in the temple. Apparently he intrigued it more than the demi-being next to him.




Even if she was in front of them, Omen made sure to keep tabs on her friends as she walked inside this place and started to look around the path, which seemed lifeless and boring to her. She kept feeling a weak tingling of magic somewhere, but she couldn't really place it right now as it seemed to fizzle away or move around all the time, and it didn't seem like there were any place for it to hide if it was a being of some kind.

It didn't seem like this place were as lifeless and boring to her friends as it were to her. At first she thought that them walking slower were just because they could see something in here she didn't, or had a memory of some sort play along in their heads, but when their words started to draw out the way they did, sounded like they didn't know what were going on either and eventually, fell down in a heap, it started to dawn on her that something was wrong. Perhaps a ward had been there, but it didn't touch her. Longma specific trap? Good idea actually, but perhaps not the time to stand and consider how smart somepony - likely Salosan - had been here.

The approaching mist didn't make her think that things were going to end well, which basically made it that much easier to decide what to do with her friends: Plunge them into a gate she opened beneath them, and send them to her home where it was safer.

It had really proven useful to use her gates like this after she had been shown the pit earlier actually. Perhaps she should thank the longma that had shown the first of them to her when it was for giving her the idea. Later though, for now she popped her head down and through the gate to look at her collapsed friends, ans her unformed siblings that were curiously gathering around them and looking at the siblings.

"Keep sister and stepbrother safe. If they do something weird, call Mother."

She considered joining them there, but her friends were in the safest spot she knew right now, and if there was a magical ailment with them, she couldn't help them there anyway. What she could do though, were to keep on exploring ahead in the cave and try to find some of the answers her friends were looking for. The initial ward hadn't affected her, so perhaps other things in here wouldn't either. She'd find out anyway, as she closed the gate and started to walk steadily towards the right path. Seemed to be as good a place as any to start.



@~Phoenix~ @Widdershins

Smokey chuckled a little when he saw Phoenix perk up when he had started going on about her namesakes.

"Seems like I found a subject which you have some vested interest in. Of course, your name alludes to that, but it is always good to know for certain.

I am afraid that there's not much more I can tell of the dying essence though. Most of what I know I have seen on tablets when I last saw my friend, and theories based on what storied I have been able to gather there as well. Much as I enjoy the company of phoenixes, they're not great talkers quite frankly, so visuals often have to do. They are rather effective at showing visual when they want to though, and even inscribe... Wait, perhaps there is something I would need to tell, just to be certain.

Phoenixes are a long living race that only haves eggs a few times throughout their early years of life, that much is common knowledge, but what everyone doesn't understand is that the ones they see in the wild are not the ones I refer to. The ones out there are... Simplistic, and little more than simply birds with enhanced powers. Yet as they age, rebirth and age all over again several times, eventually they will begin to learn and become smarter. It varies what they do then, but from what I can tell, a great deal eventually decides to either act as guardians to minor flocks of the younger ones, or goes to some of their settlements were the elders reside.

Those long living ones are the ones I am speaking of when I say that they have a great deal to teach to those they like, and also those I meant when I were about to say that they have inscribed stories into stone with living flames where the strongest and oldest resign. I have not seen any of the grand plates myself, as I didn't push my luck enough to try and gain access to some of their more sacred areas, but I have seen a few lesser stories, and seen the flames flicker over the slabs in crude figures, showing the experiences or imagination of one. I was never certain to be honest.

I do miss that place quite frankly. It was beautiful and simple place to visit, but I'm adventurous spirit, so staying was sadly not an option, and without him transporting me there, I couldn't even say where it is. Perhaps when the day comes where my feathery companion returns to visit me, I can be allowed to return for a time again, and perhaps learn a bit more."

He spaced out for a little, and remembered back on the last time he had said goodbye to Pheros after waking up on that isle where they had sent him. A tearful moment for them both, though they knew it had to happen. Pheros had been looking at the things there with an eager mind sprouting up, wanting to learn and experience the history around his own kind there, and there just wasn't room for a pony like Smokey there in the long run. Not physically, but more in a sense that he didn't fit in, and couldn't stay shackled at the same place for too long without missing the road, and the adventures that waited to be had.

"I think you'd find one of those places fascinating too if you saw it Phoenix. For those who can appreciate it, there's scarcely anything else like it."



@Summer Breeze @Frosty Frost

Lyriel got a big smile on her face as she saw how much Summer seemed to enjoy the flower she were presented with, and already started to make plans about how she would cover her living place with a variety of colored plants.

"Ease yourself friend. When the time comes, We will go there, and you can direct how you wish for it to look like, okay?"

That were, unless there were locals where they were going that might not enjoy her presence as much as she'd hope.

It was perhaps a silly fear, but she were so different from these little ones, and she didn't know if everyone where they came from were as open as these. What if-

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of flapping wings, which made her look up and see Nerzhei, which had gotten back quite a bit faster than she would have expected. Though not fruitless it seemed, as she were taking the last bite of a fish a little before landing and tossing the remains of her toasted into the air and torching it to cinder. She wouldn't risk letting food be around and attract predators that easily.

"I was getting the impression that perhaps you would all have started to rest when I got back. What gives?"

"We are simply speaking about flowers. There seem to be an appreciation for them amongst our new friends."

The dragoness raised her eyebrow a little, whilst Lotus on her shoulder seemed to perk up a bit at the sound of flowers, then seemed to loose interest when she saw the rose growing out of Lyriel's hand. Too thorny to eat for her.

"Well, regardless, you all need to get some sleep. We're getting up early so we can get out of here before it gets too late. I'll stay guard out here, in case something comes wandering around."



@Widdershins @Shineling

"Y'know, you might wanna think on getting a wagon for that sort another time mate. Can't be good for your back to drag 'em around like that."

Quite frankly he thought this other one was a bit of a crazy one for going at it like he did, but whatever floated his boat, eh? Thankfully for him, the food parlor were pretty close, so within a few minutes his back would be able to get a bit of a rest as a place where he could toss it down on the outskirts got apparent, which were further cemented when Happy placed his own wagon next to the spot. Better that they could keep an eye on both their things from the same angle and all that jazz.

"And would you have a looksie, seems like there ain't too great a line right now. Let's split and get fed faster then. And heck, you go ahead and pick. You wanna go for the overly happy looking pink one, or the dark one who seems to be talking with somepony on the side over there? Up to you."




So... Confusing...

Molotov looked around in half disbelief, still not getting exactly what was going on here, beyond that they were clearly not in the forest anymore.

He had so many questions pushing on, but Blitz pulling on him a bit helped him to focus on her first before anything  else of that, which would likely start with him asking Storm like, a hundred questions about worm holes and the like.

"Everything okay?"

"Yes, I mean no, I mean... I have no idea anymore. I mean, how did we even get here? We jumped into a pile of parts and suddenly ended up out here."

He noticed Stormy was moving along and ran over to him, with Blitz right after listening in on what he were going on about, as his muzzle didn't stop for long enough for her to get a word in anyway.

"What was it that happened back there? Was it a wormhole? It was a wormhole right? I knew those things were real! Professor Tanzanite back home always said it was just a theory, but I saw his data and it looked so promising, so complete. So full of possibility! Just imagine a big portal with adequate power that could harness this power, then putting several extra waygates around the country and make an intricate travel network that could revolutionize transport. Not the mention building in general, as we could get materials meant to go with boat through this instead and gotten easily to dry lands. There could be so many advancements places where it didn't even seem possible!

How did you find it though? Or did you make it? Ooooh, the odds of that is low, but dang it that would be something spectacular."

Molotov didn't even notice the other pony that had spoken with them, but Blitz did at least, as she rose up and waved at him with both hooves and a big grin on her face before falling clumsily backwards. Her balance seemed to be a little off after this travel, but she'd get it all set and done again soon enough. Long as she didn't try to think on how this happened too much that were, nothing came out of that. Much easier to just think of it as awesome.

(changed color so it's easier to read)




"Ground pepper, whole peppers or corns? And regular red pepper, volcanic, or dragonfire?"

"Dragonfire peppers? You actually sell those things? They'd burn a hole in a wall."

"Variety gives costumers."

Blackbeak started to take small bags of different herbs out of the compartment behind her desk and place them in front of Astral and Misty so they could see and pick which ones they had the want for.. The price tags were on the table and were fairly reasonable, though a bit over regular Ponyville prices. They did look fresh and well preserved though, so that one extra were frankly well worth it without overpricing things she'd say (imagine a fair price).

The dragonfire peppers were a bit pricey though, but those were hard to come by imports too, so she had to get covered right with those things to make a fair living here. Usually she didn't have these sort of things here, but the last few months, chili contests had started to get popular here and there in Canterlot, and they were always looking for the spiciest out there. And there were nothing spicier than this thing, which were also shown in the fact that it was sealed up triply, so she couldn't accidentally poke a hole in the bag and touch it. That alone could be painful if you didn't know what you were doing.

(Finally gave Chow his own color. Le gasp)




Before the guards had any chance to answer, a stallion came wandering behind them with soft steps in his sandals, which made them not hear him before he stood right at them and cleared his throat.


"I'm afraid that Princess Celestia is currently on a trip to the town of Ponyville, where a disaster have required her and Princess Luna's presence in the wake. I am certain they will be back soon, but for the time being, perhaps I can be of some assistance?"

The guards moved to the sides and saluted the unknown pony with the smooth voice, whom gently dismissed them as he approached the changeling a little more, though no closer than within a meter. personal space was an important thing to remember after all.

"May I introduce myself first. I am Ambassador Golden Night, formerly of Saddle Arabia, and current adviser to the royal princesses of Equestria. In their absence, Princess Celestia have asked me to keep things running smoothly, so any inquiry with some haste can be safely given to me, as much as you would to her.

I should also inform that I were told that one fitting your description might come along if there was an emergency madam, so you need not worry about me having suspicions towards you, or disbelieving your words. I hope that me sending the guards away will serve both as a signal that I mean that, as well as showing my respect for your privacy. I do not wish to make things uncomfortable for a valued guest such as yourself after all."

Golden made a bow towards the queen in typical Saddle Arabia fashion after he were done speaking. He believed that thinking yourself better than others lead only to ruin, and small things such as the tone of which he spoke and the simple act of respectfully greeting guests were some of the ways he showed that. Something which he hoped that Nectar would understand, as he didn't want her to feel like she were in the presence of a snobbish, judgemental, unfit noble. Acquaintances of Princess Celestia should be met with more understanding than a being fitting those three descriptions could likely provide.

"If you wish, I can discreetly transport us to a secure room where we can talk, if you do not think this room secure enough for your message."



@Trixie .

"Oh cool, a shooting star."

A voice were heard just above Keeneye, where a mare soon after got into view, flying around on the outskirts of town and seemingly enjoying herself greatly in the crisp evening air.


Sorrow had spend a lot of time in the spa, talking with Senvious until he left, and then some time after that. So long in fact, that she hadn't even noticed it had become evening, though she didn't really mind. It had been one of her most relaxing days in years, and worth every bit she paid for it afterwards as far as she were concerned. Totally a place she'd go again another time.

She had tried to figure out if she should stay for a few days or move on when she had seen Keeneye fly towards Ponyville. At first she thought that it was an actual shooting star of some kind, which were the reason for her outburst, but when he got closer and she could get a better look at him, she got a little less excited. Still some, but not as much since she had seen ponies before - not this burned looking though - but never seen a star up close.

"Hehe, silly me, just a pony. Hello there mister. How're you doing?"




There were scattered apologies from the foals, though Jelly didn't seem to really have minded one way or another as she sent them a fanged grin.

"It's okay. Gary is kind of special and not something everypony is used to seeing. He's totally harmless though, unless you're a teensie tiny fly."

She let go with her tail and flapped down on the floor where she started to talk a bit around with the foals where most of them seemed to be younger than her. There were some strange questions like if she were related to fruit bats, if she had just woken up since the sun had gone down etc. but those were regular stuff from those who weren't used to bat ponies, and she didn't mind teaching a few things. It was the sort of ignorant ones who just shouted hateful, generally untrue things at her she didn't like, not those who just didn't know and were curious.

She were surprised and quite entertained when a few started to egg a few off them on to touch the spider as a silly dare, which led to increasing odds between the group and Gary, who seemed confused at the sudden influx of ponies who were suddenly touching him, but not doing something about it currently. Not that he could, since his fangs couldn't pierce pony skin, but still. He couldv'e sprayed them with webbing for example.

It basically culminated when one of them - a timid looking filly with big glasses - trumphed them all by carefully having the spider placed on her head and wandering around with Gary clacking around, wondering why he had been placed here and changing positions constantly so he could keep looking at Jelly. The filly seemed to not mind this too much really, and even looked like she might get an idea about getting a pet spider herself one day considering how much she seemed to lighten up from this, but that were something Jelly would have to talk with her about another time. Taking care of a spider was a bigger job than she might think, and picking one with big fangs could get all sorts of troublesome, which meant she had to teach her which ones were okay etc. Something for another time, as they were now starting to yawn and one by one leave and go towards their rooms again after saying goodbye to Jelly. And delivering Gary back of course, whom seemed eager to return to his spot in Jelly's mane again.

Soon the room were silent again and Jelly could turn around and go over to see what Cacora were doing, which seemed to be making something cocoony again. Neat.

"What're you making?"

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


Phoenix didn't know why, but she figured she could easily stay around this stallion for a while. she could certainly learn alot from him, that she didn't get to learn in her younger years. she shook her head at these thoughts, as if trying to snap herself out of some sort of daze. what is she thinking? she certainly likes knowledge, but she knows hanging around other ponies can be dangerous. you never know what sort of information they might leak. the last thing she needed was for him to give someone information on her whereabouts oblivious of that ponies intentions to harm her. she sighed, as she wondered what to do. he definitely seamed clever, and probably wasn't one to do something like that so foolishly.


 "i'm sure i would" she answered half-mindedly, looking at the ground as these thoughts plagued her. it was obvious something was bothering her. 

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@Blitz Boom (I didn't see your first post, ooops! D:)

"No, I don't think you're rambling. You're one of the few living things that can stand listening to me for as long as you have."

At this point, he was surprised that Void hadn't made up and excuse to end the conversation, and it felt nice knowing that somepony was listening to what you had to say.

"I'll bet the ponies here will like you and Null just fine!"

He hoped this was true.

"So, um, you know, it's relaxing at first, knowing that your life is classified at 'normal', but then whenever you meet somepony that had things happen in their life and actually built off of them instead of running from them or trying to cover them up, like I did, it makes you wish you had another chance to make your life extraordinary..."

He paused for a moment.

"...that actually was one of the, um, r-reasons I actually came to this town, uh, Ponyville. Uhm, to kind of get a-another chance at an interesting life..."

It was becoming rather obvious Lance was slowly melting emotionally. His sentences were trailing off more often than not and he was using more filler words, and he was starting to stutter, which he did when he got nervous or something of the like. He was still very curious about some of the things Void had said but refused to bring himself to asking them. Maybe when their friendship was better, he could try then.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

"Just ground pepper." Astral explained taking a bag of red pepper, and one of pepper, placing it aside. "I'm pretty sure Misty doesn't want something that spicy, right?" she asked turning to Misty, who nodded. She turned around and looked down at the prices, then back up to Black Beak "How much will that be?"


She smiled a bit, turning to Francis. "Just take your normal form Francis." She said, Francis groaned. "Please?" His body was surrounded in an orange colored fire, as he changed to a reformed changeling. "I hope you don't mind him joining in, I can have him sit outside if you do." She explained gesturing to Francis.  "And yes I would desire to give my message in a secure room, I don't wish to cause too much panic with it."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

"Thank you Vivid. That means a lot." she smiled at the mare. Upon hearing Vivid'd question, Satin shrugged. "I don't know if I'd be compatible with a pony, but I'm not worried about it right now. Adoption is always something I could do if my mate and I desire a child but are incompatible, and if they happen to be female, then that'll end up being our only option anyways. That's all in the future anyways. I don't even have anyone I'm with anyways." She leaned back in her seat and took a disappointed sigh. After a moment she looked around the room. "Hmmm, I wonder where Ms. Tea is. I'd love to lay down on a bed right about now"

Edited by Lil' Lovebug

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Blitz Boom


Storm chuckled, "Well those swirly things were wormholes, yeah; gotta watch out for those." He began, "But what we went through was just the edge of the Fourth Wall, which borders on the Void, Reality, and about a million other realms." Storm shook his head, "I don't completely understand it, but the fourth wall is a.. Multi-dimensional plane that's view-able and accessible by certain ponies, creatures, and other entities. It's part of how Pinkie and I can do what we do and know what we know. I mostly use it to get around quickly and it doesn't always look like that. It changes almost constantly, but when you travel through the edge it usually reflects the medium you used to get there. Pinkie says the weirdest one is when you use a mirror; which I haven't done personally." The blue pegasus attempted to explain as they walked, offering the rest of the group a platter of muffins to pick from. "Muffins?"


Tinker nodded slightly at Blitz in acknowledgement, giving a small smile before continuing on through the junkyard.

Edited by Shineling

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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On 04/04/2017 at 11:37 PM, Blitz Boom said:


Nerzhei clenched her stone-covered fist, but eventually relaxed her muscles, as well as her magic, which meant that her *glove* crumbled down unto the ground.

Much as she hated to admit it, the little disease-fountain had a point. Equestria was a fairly big country with plenty of isles, and searching them all was going to take time. Longer than she could practically use on dragging Blood around safely, and that was only if it was within Equestrian borders. There were plenty of countries out there, and most of them included a series of isles spread around.

That being said, she still had one thing that she could pull from. Someone called Lord Grit had slipped Blood's tongue, so if she started to search and send some feelers out she might be able to find out where she needed to go... In a few months at best. She didn't even have a communications network yet, and would likely have issues as she knew the tensions that sometimes were between dragons and ponies. So a few months might be to put it gently, and she wasn't going to drag Blood around for that long.

"Fine. I'll return to the forge then."

Her voice was none too happy when she turned around on her heel and went back towards the forge, where she would get back to work on the necklace that could perhaps at least contain this one. She couldn't just bury Blood anymore unfortunately, since if she found the isle and needed a portion of the mare's blood, she'd likely be long gone at that point then, which were going to be detrimental in the long run. Same reason she couldn't report the disease-ball on legs either. It'd be impossible to reach her and get the sample if any sort of guard got hold of her.

So much as she didn't like it, she would bite down into the sour apple and take the path of least evil. Not a pleasant thought, but it was a sacrifice that needed to be made.

Blood blinked at the dragon, it wasn't like she didn't want to return, but she couldn't, she had been exiled after all. She followed the dragon and blinked at her sitting in the corner of the forge, watching her work on the metal necklace thingy. she smiled at her, forgetting there argument, she normally forgot most trivial things such as arguments, though other things stayed in her memories for much longer and raised red flags that she didn't often cross. 

"How long till that necklace thingy is ready, and do I have to wear it permanently?" she added blinking. She frowned, she didn't like doing things permanently, that normally didn't end well. 






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@Blitz Boom

Starburst blinked once in confusion, and pointed to himself with a questioning gaze. 

No one so far in his entire life had ever greeted him so calmly and without prejudice towards him, that it felt weird when somepony actually did it. 

Usually he got a slap on the back, or a ...shove to the ground.

"Good morning - I mean, good evening to you too, ma'am," Starburst greeted the blue-grey mare, and thankfully, in a respectful tone. "I was just here to deliver a box of pastries to someone in this inn."

Edited by CentipedeGhoul
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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich

"I would only ask Fah'lina if I knew I would have to deal with a bitey, cranky mimic." Serenade smiles, knowing full well that dealing with Fah'lina could be a hooffull. "Make you a deal, if I can convince Princess Luna and Spike to try, will you give it a try." 

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@Blitz Boom , @Widdershins

Ancalagon arrived at the town he was huge. His wings blotted out the sun as he looked down. He growled slightly as he looked around. "Where is this Senvilous?" he asked his voice was rumbling like a boulder rolling down the mountain. His crimson eyes scanned slowly for the pony and for his dear son Draco O'Malley who sent the letter. He roared loudly as he let his black flames through his nostrils into the air to get the ponies attention.


Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Blitz Boom @Twilight-Shimmer @Widdershins

There were hooves walking in the distance, toward the tents. No, not the tents, toward them. Foxy looked toward them, hearing them before seeing an even stranger group of ponies. She stayed completely still while they introduced  themselves, showing her timid and shy side. When she saw the Draconequus, she nearly gasped, but it was not know if it was out of fear or surprise.

After the pony called Amazon Lily introduced themselves, foxy stopped being so tense. Overall they didn't seem like such bad ponies, but sometimes her timidness takes the best of her. Foxy shyly smiled, though not a fake smile, before answering with "Oh, uh hello... It's all right, I am just getting used to this," while shaking her hoof.

"Um, what brings you here to us? I don't think any of us ever met  before... I'm Foxy Socks." Foxy hoped that she didn't upset the new ponies with her shyness, but she was nowhere near as scared as Brittle. 

"I hope our appearance doesn't scare you. Then again, you seem to know a Draconequus, so I guess you wouldn't be too surprised." It did relieve Foxy to be considered "normal," even if being compared to a Draconequus, or an Evergrown. She had spent most of her life with strange looks, but she never let it bother her. She was different, and other ponies seemed to be curious, so she never stopped them. Most ponies were nice to her anyway, so it wasn't like she was being harassed too much for her different looks. Of course, she was teased and even frightened some ponies, but again she was understanding. Times like this do make her wonder why she was born like this though.

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@Blitz Boom


@Foxy Socks


Stardust looked up at Amazon Lilly and shook his head "It is 100% unharmful, while it is my idea of a small prank, is also a helpful one as it makes more room for ponies should the need for more space crop up this more ponies can share a tent at once" he answered. He then took notice of another pony trot over to them (Foxy), and suddenly feeling slightly shy for some reason ducked behind Amazon Lily, and cautiously watched the new comer a bit of his pink mane falling over his green eye leaving only his blue eye viable

Edited by Twilight-Shimmer
  • Brohoof 1

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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@Blitz Boom

Something stirred in the shadowy corners of the cave as Omen was left alone in it. The presence shifted and jumped from one dark corner to another, making sure Omen would be able to pick up something from the corner of her eye. At the same time, it let out a sinister chuckle, the voice sounding like many laughing and making noise. Then growing quiet, it slinked on the ground in front of Omen as if to guide her and whispered: This way... follow the path here... 

Meanwhile, the siblings were out of Omen's sight but both opened their blank eyes and they were filled with the green glow. The two stood up, stared blankly into the empty space and looked around. Their limbs jerked up and down; their motions were unnatural as if something or someone was struggling to make them more fluid. With only the unformed siblings in their midst, "Lin" opened a gate back to the cave and "Sen" stepped through. The former closed the gate and approached the gathered audience and examined them for a currently unknown purpose. 

"We demand an audience," "Lin" monotonously spoke in her voice. "We wish to communicate with the dominant presence in this domain." 

Back at the cave, "Sen" followed a shadowy trail only he could see, leading to the path Omen was on. The mist cleared further in the cave until "Sen" would pick up the trail without needing the marked path. He remained just out of Omen's sight and waited for the opportunity to make his move. It is clear that the twins are not in a position to make demands nor would act like they did. The trap has been sprung though whoever set it there was somewhat disappointed. It caught Omen's appearance and was greatly intrigued by it. A shame it could not take hold of all three visitors but there were other ways to go about it. There are other ways to learn and succeed. For now, the siblings were enough, but it would have all three just like it wanted. Besides, with "Lin" in another realm, the presence that took hold of both brother and sister could achieve more than what it initially wanted. It will only need to adapt when things don't go as planned. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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     As Ancalagon rears himself upwards to a height big enough to make him visible from most anywheres in the small village, his wings, however slight their movement whip up a steady, noticeable gust. While most's eyes would be reasonably expected to focus more on what is the clearer & larger threat a smaller figure can be seen haltingly strutting its way into town under the dragon's shadow. A small, dark purple batpony of a tattered white lab coat by the name of Kozaky ambles his way towards the middle of the street in what he imagines to not only be in the middle of everypony within earshot, but somewhat directly in front of his master. He stands unsteadily up on his back hooves, his wings twitching at angles opposite of each other, smirks a grin he assumes is more intimidating then worrisome for several other reasons including his typical oily hygiene and begins to rant while his thick, opaque glasses rattle off in his fervor.

    Behold! You ignorant masses! The coming of the End! I am the herald of the Guttering Flame! The Beginning of the End! The Light From the Darkness! Twilight falls, and with it your pitiful mortal existence! All shall be crushed & devoured before the might of- Acca... Annacannalongus...An-cal- right, that's it! Ancalagon! The Darkener of the Light! You will cower before his majesty & might like gnats before the spitting gale or be consumed like... THINGS THAT ARE CONSUMED!!! All shall burn! Back to the Cold Dark with you all! Eat Junk, Punks! Suffer my wra- HIS wrath! There is no heron in the moon!! There's only a shrew! With six legs & a voice like whispering thunder!! THERE IS NO LYRA, THERE IS ONLY Z-

    Kozaky continues on, getting progressively more hysterical & twitchy with the more random ideas he comes up with things to make it sound as if he was responsible for the bringing of this dragon. His mad ravings would be more of a concern were his erratic movements not throwing him off balance too much and most of it lost to the louder rumbling of the dragon's dull, short roar of a command & the usual noise that precedes a beast of his size.


@Blitz Boom

   As him and Happy Hour were pulling up towards the building, at the latter stallion's remark Ambie halts still to jerk upright and stare ahead as a thought finally occurs to him.

     "Th- The wagon?!... It hadn't struck me that... I thought I only needed the wagon to bring the tarp to the lumber! Ah, shoot... I've done it again..."

   Sullen at his mistake, head down and blushing green in the face from finally becoming aware of his mistake, Ambie follows the other stallion inside. Looking up as Happy draws attention to the choice he mentions, Ambie's head swivels a bit as he tries to make a decision, his mouth beginning to water as he starts getting excited at the prospect of a meal.

  "W-well... the pink mare does look like she's giving out more sweets..."

   With that, the green-maned stallion trots up to Pinkie Pie's line, practically bouncing on his way there. After a few moments of staring at the options, Ambie gets up on his hind legs with his front propped up on the counter to gaze longingly at the food.

 "Oh! Some of those... and some of those! Ooh, and maybe..."

(OOC: I'm assuming here the two you mentioned were the servers? A sort of buffet style?)


    @Twilight-Shimmer  & @Foxy Socks

       As Amazon Lilly began with her introductions, Widdershins slowly flips over to right-side up again, sending a small cascade of accumulated dirt off his back. As he rises, his eyes stay deadlocked straight on Brittle while he coils & rears back with a playful, but predatory smile slowly spreading across his long face looking for all the world like a snake staring down a hypnotized bunny. He waits patiently for a lull in the conversation all the while his face directly locked onto Brittle, head bobbing to follow her as she moves. While the introductions continue, his head bends back to Stardust to not-so-quietly whisper.

   Oh, and by the by, Zoey, muh boy. Think you need to pay attention to that silver phoenix that's peckin' your eyeballs. Might be plot-important! Heh-hee~...

With that, his head bends back up front, still locked onto Brittle while the introductions end. Addressing the others without breaking eye contact, he starts up after a slight pause for emphasis and a seemingly cluck of a tongue.

   Hoh, howdy there. Nice to see another Tulpa around, but I'll get to you inna bit, Fluffy Foxy. As it stands now...

      Soooo heeey there, Mr. Sharptooth. I see that your escorting a few lovely mares around this lovely night! Hoo, hoo, hoo. So what's a young tentaclehorse plan on doing with a few innocent lasses tonight? Hoo,hoo. If I recall correctly from the part you said before I got here to hear it, you mentioned something about this little mare..

With this, he nods the end of the long snout at the half changeling.

   receiving some LoOoOove from thou. Must say, that cowering is truly endearingly irresistible. Speaking of which...

  Widdershins's head lolls over towards Foxy.

...Nyooh, nyooh, Darling. Why would appearances ever be disconcerting? That only serves to make you more unique, more you. A very Original Character, indeed, the lot of us. It's very humbling & endearing your... humbility. Quite adorable in your own right, yes. That sort of shy, dismissive, self-depreciating manner built from a past of albeit disheartening experiences... kind of reminds me a bit of a certain... human I know.

Stop that. In fact, I'd prefer you stopped all of that.

   ...Widdershins chuckles to himself.

 Hee~... seems I'm beginning to get to him.

    Say! Since we do have ourselves a tentacle-full of cute mares here, why don't we play ourselves a little game?

I am truly sorry for all of you for what's about to happen.

  Yes! I'm going to lunge forward now & which ever mare happens to flinch the most gets tackled & wrapped for some good ol' fashioned hugs!

 Like Nat always says! ...well, after the head trauma anyway. Nothin' says lovin' like a bonk on da noggin'!

   With that, Widdershins surges forward in a slow-motion overhead arch towards the newly-met group of three, his head leading, and fully intent on glomping the first body he meets entirely in his coils. Unfortunately... at the speed he's launched at, anything substantial that stops him will only get glomped instead.

...Sigh. Once again. I am truly sorry.


  • Brohoof 2

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Stardust blinked a few time from his hiding spot behind Amazon Lily "A phoenix?" he asked glancing around a bit and actually stepping out from behind Lily "Where is it?  I Don't see it." He began to turn in circles looking for the mentioned bird only to suddenly trip and land on his belly with a light thud "oww.. stupid short legs and child sized body" he pouted looking super cute in the process. He suddenly blinked again as something else registered in his mind "Did you call me Zoey?" he asked looking up at his Dracoequis friend

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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@Widdershins @Blitz Boom


Before the Draconequus spoke, Foxy noticed a red shape fly over to what seems like an obscured pony, not noticing Widdershins was staring at Brittle. They were hiding behind Amazon, but she could make out a short pony. A younger pony perhaps? However, Foxy barely had time to think of it before Widdershins filled her entire view.

"Wait huh? What is going on? How did you know about tu-" Foxy barely had time to think what they were going to do, despite Widdershins explaining it prior. Either way, the only thing she could do was to try to protect Brittle. 

In half a second her wings flared out and she jumped to the right to try to push her out of the way. She knew there was no way she was going to be successful in stopping the Draconequus. She pushed Brittle away, and immediately tried was caught by the wing. 

It seemed she pushed Brittle out of the way in time, but Foxy was the one caught. She at least was glad she saved the timid mare. Despite only knowing her for a short time, she somehow had the urge to protect her, but maybe that was what she would have done with anypony. Either way, Brittle was safe, and now Foxy had to figure out how to get out of a Draconequus's grasp.


((OOC: I apologize if I had powerplayed moving Brittle. I just tried to do what Foxy would have done. Also @Widdershins nice tulpa refeerence.))



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@Blitz Boom


"It seems there is more than just pain here," Charlie said as the light over the door brightened slightly.  It was as if the light was reaching out for help, but there was also the slightest hint of hope carried with it.  Hope that this nightmare would soon be over.


@Blitz Boom


"Magic Chocolates are my shop's specialty, so I can't afford to allow myself to sell out entirely.  I'll always have magic chocolates in stock, though the variety may change from time to time.  What I've already sold you is all the assorted packages I have, but I still have every chocolate available as single pieces.  If you wish to buy more than that, I'd definitely be willing to make chocolates to order, though it may take some time depending on the variety you're looking for.  Also, with some funding upfront, I could look into new recipes to fit your needs if you have an idea of what Magic you would like the chocolates to have."


@Blitz Boom


"In our travels, one of our eggs was stolen while we slept.  As we were grieving our loss, having not found any means to track the thief, an Earth pony by the name of Gaea had rescued the egg, but it hatched before she could reach us.  We could not separate the little one from the one she thought was her mother, so Gaea gave her the name of Jade and she agreed to raise her as her own.  I still have no idea how the thief could hide their scent so well..." Zhu's father explained.  It was clear the decision was not easy.  They had to give up their own child due to something as simple as the instinctual imprinting of a hatchling with the first living creature it sees.  That decision was for the best, however, as taking her would have left her emotionally scarred.

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On 4/8/2017 at 6:13 PM, Blitz Boom said:


*Cacora nods, as she holds up what looks to be a woven chrysalis with a small heart shaped ruby and a tiny heart shaped Ruby.*


"I have one for every friend I have made. I don't remember why I do so or how I know how to make them. However, I do know that my collection is about several hundred of these in size now. With the children having gone to bed now, we can leave at our leisure. I myself will probably find a quiet tree to sleep in."

*Cacora was using her wings, while she was putting the final touches on it.* 

"This one represents my new friendship with you and your tiny friend, Gary."

*Cacora opens her bedside cabinet to reveal said several hundered of the Gary size chrysali each with a slight pulse coming off of them. Some are dim. However, most are bright. The one she just added in is a bright one.*


"Let's get you home. After that I may ask for an audience with the sisters. I would like to meet thorax and his hive. I hear they are quite the unique group."

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@Summer Breeze @Blitz Boom

Blue awkwardly smiled back at Summer. This sounded bad. These ponies actually wanted to visit her house. She didn't have one.

"Well, eh... I rent the place, so it's probably already rented to somepony else! The, eh, landlord has always been really strict with his rules, eheh..."

Frosty nodded with a yawn when Nerzhei told everyone to go sleep. Sleep was important. He usually slept really late every day, because using magic when you're tired is not a good idea, and he liked doing things late into the night. (That, or he just liked sleeping in.)

"Yes, we should probably sleep. Sleep sounds nice now..."


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@Trixie .

Keeneye likely didn't find much enjoyment in the fact that his outburst was met with a small giggle behind a hoof from the tall pegasi.

"Hehe, silly pony, how'd I know where there would be power? I'm not an alicorn."

A couple of pale, floating orbs flared up in the eye sockets of the skull around her neck which seemed to focus on the burned pony in front of them.

"Oh hush you. I'm sure he's not that bad. I mean yeah, he looks like a bit cranky, but the poor guy's hurt too. You'd be too if you could still feel things like that.

Sorry about mister. They're getting all mouthy sometimes and think you're trouble. I mean yeah, I can understand it since you sound a biiiiiit like a power-hungry sort of guy, but I don't wanna think anypony's bad on sight. I'm sure that... Woooooah."

Sorrow's focus shifted from the stallion towards the huge dragon that had suddenly popped up on the edge of town and blotted out the moon in an area of a few meters around him, and a couple more in front of him because of the angle.

"Now that one I'd think were trouble. Small dragons can already be mean, but that one's huge enough to crush a half dozen houses if he stumbles, or steps on one of the smaller ones I guess.

Oh right, and to what you said before. Why're you looking for power? Some kind of magic strong enough to help you with your burns perhaps? Doesn't look too good at least, poor guy."

Concern was likely not the response he had expected either after the giggling, but Sorrow just wasn't intimidated by him. That usually took a good deal from any being, and right now she felt more pity towards this pony than anything because of how hurt he looked, though she were curious about the sort of horn in his forehead. Wasn't a real one, but... What was it then? She'd ask more later on that perhaps.



@BloodDrops @Missklang

"You'll need to wear it until there's found a cure for whatever's wrong with you. Tempted to bolt it on, just to make sure that you'll not loose it once I got it calibrated."

Nerzhei were rummaging through the fire with a slab of metal ready to the side that were roughly a size she could use. She had to take some of it off, but she'd rather have too big a piece to work with than too small and having to redo it all over again when she were done.

She were still not happy though, regardless of how much Lotus were cutely jumping bored on her head and shoulders. The whole situation where she had lost to this pony had her infuriated, as she considered herself of a greater intellect than Blood, and therefore didn't enjoy loosing a battle of wits against her. It wasn't just that though, as it also brought in that she literally had to help a murderer because it was the lesser of two evils, but the first part were the sting that mostly went on in her mind as she grabbed for the metal, then froze in place as she felt the ground rumble and looked up to see an all too familiar being landing near town and take the last few steps in there.

"No... Nonononono, he can't be here. Not Ancalagon."

A look of genuine fear actually passed ofer Nerzhei's face as she heard the voice of the essential king of dragons. Not a title that he had accepted, but when you broke down the dragon lord as easily as he had done - which he had even done in a diminished size just to make it more evenly than him staying at his full size and stomp the dragon lord to mush - there wasn't any question to the general dragon population who the highest power amongst them were.

Most she knew admired him and a few even worshipped him in a way you would a god, but her personally, had never seen him as anything short of horrifying. The eldest and most powerful of them all, able to break down the dragon lord and potentially have a chance against the combined forces of Equestria all by himself, and he were somewhere unknown, acting as a leader for this *Courier's Guild* he had made.

It would be easy enough to keep track of him isf he couldn't change size, but as he could, you never knew if perhaps he would wander in the size of a dog, and in the next would rise above and eat an entire town in one gulp. That much power in a potentially deceiving form were frightening to her, but she had never thought she'd ever actually see him. There wasn't any doubt though. Not from the tales she had heard and images she had seen, which frankly didn't do him justice now that she aw him.

"I need to go to him. Perhaps a dragon presence can calm him down, or... No, I need to try, or we can all end up dead. You should hide Blood, and pray to whatever higher power you might believe in that this can pass."

She didn't say more to Blood before she rose to the sky and flew over the tree tops towards the dragon lord, hoping that whatever brought him here wouldn't end up causing something akin to judgement day.

Near Blood, a voice suddenly popped out of nowhere before a pair of eyes opened on a tree, gazing towards to direction of the large dragon.

"Great mother Gaea, protect us in this dark hour."

It seems like they had been spied on, though considering the massive dragon, Blood might have a larger interest than a talking tree right now.



@dragon4111 @Widdershins

She wasn't the only one who thought that the dragon might need to be calmed, as Stargazer let out a deep, almost crying sigh over his half-empty bowl of soup.

Fifteen minutes were all he had gotten. The only break he had caught today, and then this happened... He almost just wanted to ignore this and roll into a ball in a corner until it were fixed.

But he couldn't do that. The Solar Guards were likely busy protecting the castle right now, and if he didn't do something, a lot of ponies in town could end upg etting killed by an irritated dragon lord. Including his daughter, Jelly Drop, and he couldn't risk her. His own life was something else, but she shouldn't be put in danger no matter what.

So amidst the understandably panicked and hiding ponies scrambling around, he rose up and flew up, getting to head height of the dragon and his quite frankly annoying side kick that were so far not stopping shouting glory in this dragons name. Fanatic cult behavior that was best fixed with a quick punch to the back of the skull he'd say, but it wouldn't start things off well if the dragon saw him assaulting his jester like that.

"Sir, could you please calm yourself a little? You're scaring the ponies in town. I will do all I can to help you find the alicorn you're searching for, but please, the townsponies are already scared enough as it is."

He saluted to the dragon for good measure as the large bat pony flew steadily in front of the dragon lord, keeping eye contact with him thus far. The dragon would likely be able to see the combined tiredness and slight fear that were there, but Stargazer was talking with him at least. That had to be a start.

"And could you perhaps calm your companion sir? It might be hindering to speak if he keeps shouting."

A presence got felt near him, which made him turn around to see a overall violet mare with a big smile on her muzzle and a skull in a rope around her neck. Not a pony one, but still unnerving.

"Oh, oh! I know where Senvious is. He left like... A hour, hour and a half ago? He said something about wanting to go home and then went *poof* into a flashing light and were gone. Confused a few ponies at the spa."

Having said what she knew, Sorrow flew down to Keeneye again. Or in case he had mobved, she more or less chased him because... Well, she felt like it.

The only thing Stargazer felt as he stood back up in the air however, were a feeling of dread flowing over him from the information that had just been shared with basically everypony nearby. Including the dragon lord she had said it to.

Celestia save them all, this was gonna end poorly...

As for Draco, Ancalagon would be able to see him near the fountain where he had been thus far, unless he had recently moved towards his boss. Next to him, or where he had just stood, Long Stare looked unconsious on the ground, as the sight of the giant dragon had made her pass out.

As for Clockwise, he were trying to hide in the piece of the clock he were at, not really concerned about whatever he might hit his head in here anymore, considering what else might happen thanks to the giant reptile.




"Well, let's go see if we can't find your target in here then. Perhaps if you give me a name I can help tell you where the particular guest are right now. I make sure to keep track on which room whom resides in."

Walking in calmly, she managed to get inside before the earth tarted to rumble and the dragon began yapping off. Something which made her give a scared look towards that way and wrap her hoof around Starburst, dragging him in before shutting the door behind them and facing the confused and concerned looking patrons in her bar.

"It's okay everypony, just remain calm, and stay in here. You're safe in here."

It didn't sound the most convincing, but it was the best she had to offer right now as she wasn't used to dealing with this. bad situations in general? Sure, this were Ponyville after all. A giant dragon though? This was new, and not too welcome. And no, she didn't count the time with Spike. He had been a nuisance, but not threatening like this one, and a good deal smaller to boot.



@Lil' Lovebug

"Ah yes, of course. I should have thought on those possibilities as well, and not just compatibility gene-wise. Still, adoption isn't a bad idea either. I've seen orphanages here and there, and it would be good for those kids to have somepony too."

It was heartbreaking for her to see the orphaned foals around, but not as much as it were when she saw the same sight, just spectral, and carrying whatever wounds caused them to die. Foals stuck to this place after their demise felt like knives through her heart, and were the hardest part of her work with souls. Still, it was also hard to see those who didn't have anypony, but it wasn't something she could help with. She had foals before and... The world back then had not been kind to her family life. Perhaps things had changed, but the fear that another foal might get hurt because of her kept her away from trying to do something.

The smacking and locking of a door distracted her from this, as well as more comments about Satin's potential future with kids. Or okay, the rumbling of the ground and groweling voice originally did, but she didn't turn her head in time to see anything before the innkeeper had dragged somepony in and closed the door behind her. Locked it too for good measures it seemed.

"Great, another danger to this town. I'm getting the feeling that this place might be cursed in one way or another."

She felt the urge to go out there and do something about whatever invader where there. SHe could do some rather brutal things when she had enough of her magic with her, but that was the very thing holding her back: She didn't have much of her magic with her. Getting ressurected yesterday and then using what little energy she had to *fix* Briar had drained her to the core, and even after a long night of sleep i the void, she wasn't anywhere near at full power.

Perhaps she had enough to protect a few if it came to that, but offense? No, that wasn't going to happen, so it was better to stay here and do what could be done if worst came to worst, though it didn't sound like anything were destroyed out there yet, so that was a good thing at least.

"Sounds like there's trouble outside. The guards and such will have a good deal to do with that likely, but it's out of our hooves right now. You should go speak with Bubble Tea about your room, then we can find out how best to keep things controlled in here. Panic can end up causing more injuries than anything else."

She sounded unnervingly calm about the situation, but it was as she said: It was out of their hooves. They were locked in now along with others, and quite frankly, Vivid didn't think that Satin would be worth much against whatever was out there right now. She didn't seem like a violent type of any kind, and if there was an evil force out there, it had to be met with a firm, forceful strike, which seemed like ti would be out of character for the changeling.

She could be wrong though. She hadn't known her for that long after all.



@~Phoenix~ @Widdershins

Smokey looked at the mare with an increasing grin spreading on his face.

"Lovely to hear your input Phoenix. Talking to myself can be dreadfully boring at times."

He wasn't joking around or being sarcastic. He were genuinely happy to hear her speak as well so it wasn't just him yapping on to somepony who might be deaf to his word. Thinking that she were interested in things were one thing after all, but before she had said anything he wasn't sure if perhaps she was just too polite to outright ask him to shut it. Now though, he got the sense that she were interested, but just reserved and aloof if you could think of it like that, and that made him quite a bit more happy as it was some degree of confirmation, even if he did wish that she were a bit more open to things.

Then again, he did so love a challenge.

The last thought brought his smile down to a slight, mischievous smirk that vanished briefly as the ground started shaking and the massive dragon landed near the edge of town, bellowing out about looking for somepony called Senvious.

"Oh come on! What the actual fu- Mmmph?"

A grey aura of magic had laid itself over Last's muzzle as she were starting on what he assumed were a long line of profanities and insults. He knew well that she didn't take the presence of the dragon well, considering how she had met his presence with a glare of ice-cold hatred - the same she were now directing towards him - which also made him thinkt hat she would have started to hurl insults at him. Which were not a wise choice.

"My apologies, but I cannot trust your words young lady, and you don't want to anger Ancalagon."

Calmly, he turned towards Phoenix as he elaborated things a little more, rather calmly.

"Ancalagon is the oldest dragon still alive, and the leader of the Courier Guild. He's not a threat to others mostly as long as you don't attack or insult him, or get on the bad side of the guild. My best bet is that this Senvious he mentions is somepony that have irked him. And quite a bit I might say. Usually I don't hear him coming out to handle things personally."

He scratched his chin, then quickly stepped to the side, grabbing the hoof that were headed towards his neck from Last, swung her around, and dragged her into a mocking tango grip.

"You might be better than me at your top deary, but you're holding back too much. Your insides hurting I would assume? Not wanting to spill yourself all over the place, hm?"

He spun her away, and made a taunting bow in her general direction.

"Observation tells me all I need to know. Now let me tell you what you need to know: You have a being in town that handily defeated the former dragon lord, but didn't want the throne. A being that can conceivably defeat all of the princesses at once, and you hurling insults at him will just make him more likely to reduce this town and the surrounding area to rubble. So sit back, think, and keep your muzzle shut."

The last four words were said with quite a forceful tone behind it, and a glare that made Last take a surprised step back for a second before Smokey went back to his cheerful self again.

"Anyway, what is your thoughts on things Phoenix? One with such a focused mind as yourself must be able to rationally see that if he wished to destroy the town, he could conceivably have done that already, yes?"



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

Ziggy scratched her chin and looked deep in thought for a moment, which were usually a look she only had when having to decide between a muffin and a cupcake.

"Okay. If you can get the princess and spike to try, I'll give it a chance. I mean, if it would be safe for them, it'd be safe for most, right?"

Taking away the fact that one had scales to protect him and the other were an alicorn that were, which made them more robust if you would, but she didn't think on that right now. She were instead having a visual of her sitting in a tank whilst fishes nibbled at her and either cleansed her coat, or went like Fah'lind and attempted to stick on, teeth first.

Mentioned rodent Wasn't anywhere to see right now though. Had she sensed that something was happening soon,or was it something with the whole *feed her to the fishies* comment from before? Might be she were hiding and preparing to tackle her again.

The answer seemed to be the first as the floor started to rumble a little, and a loud, though somewhat muffled voice (because of the door) started yapping up about wanting to find somepony called Senvious? Or was it a thing? Huh... No, she hadn't heard of something called that before, but then again, neither had she heard of a pony called that, so that didn't really help things.

"Hey, what's with all the noise? Usually I only hear loud things when Vinyl Scratch is playing."




"Six bits."

A fair pricing, and especially considering this was Canterlot and the big stores likely took more and for wares that didn't look as fresh.

"Good to see you ain't committing highway robbery yet."

"Far as you know anyway."

The comment were given with a suspicious smile from the griffin, though Chow wasn't poking at this anymore. He had done enough already to almost make him deserving of a proper beating instead of a friendly one, and pushing the envelope yet wasn't a good idea to him.

When eventually the deal were done with the griffin, Chow waved at her before making his way onward along with the other two. She didn't respond, but he hadn't expected it either. As she said, they weren't friends, and he just acted like it because he wanted to think that he could have a griffin one here in town, even if it was pretense and mostly based on her not wanting to slight Scarcity.

*sigh* Some days he really thought that there wasn't anywhere he could go where her watchful eyes didn't gaze over him, and right now that just seemed to prove even more truthful. Quite a hoofful of a mare that one, that was for sure.

"So side adventure aside, we should be at the gardens soon enough. Market here is roughly halfway there from where we started, so shouldn't be all that long now. Still ain't sure what's so interesting there for ya though. Discord's statue ain't even there anymore, and even if it were, who'd disturb a resting demi god?"




Seeing her companion change as well, Golden made a courteous bow towards the changeling as well.

"It is a pleasure to meet a reformed changeling mister Francis. And if you trust him, then he is more than welcome to sit in on our meeting. Allow me to transport us there with haste."

His horn flickered with a bright, blinding light, and the next thing they knew they were all standing in a room that were meant for comfort, as well as privacy. There was only one door in the room, and it were currently locked from what one could tell. There was closed windows in the room that could work as somewhere to fly away from if needed later on, but for now would only make it less private if they were open, as as for lights, that came from orbs of light circling around the round ceiling like lazy balloons. The ceiling told enough about this room though: They were in one of the spires of the castle - the pointy ends were really just for show - and one of the smaller ones, though there were still plenty of room for them all.

"Please, have a seat."

Large pillows were in the room, making for a relaxing seating for those who liked that kind, as well as some comfy chairs in pony size, a soft carpet lining the floor if they preferred to sit there, and a table in the middle with some cups on. Golden took a seat at the table, on one of the large pillows that he floated over,a nd urged his guests with a sway of his hoof to take place somewhere as well.

"Would you like some tea? I know your message must be urgent since you seek the princess, but it would be rude to not see to it that you both are taken care of if you are famished or thirsty."




"Yey, muffins!"

Molotov was going to say something about her having to stay off sugar as she tended to get pretty hyper when she got that, but he were far too fascinated to take note of what Storm was saying to really think much on it, nor that Carmen jumped off his head and unto the platter, where she started to take tiny bites out of one of the muffins, curious as to what they tasted like.

"You're talking about the multiverse,m aren't you? Oh man, if only grandad had been alive to hear this, he'd absolutely love you. He always kept researching into this and made some small successes, like pulling light bulbs out of thin air, but he never found somepoiny who could truly master grasping something between planes, much less travel it. And yt here you are, talking about pretty much what he did, just less scientifically.

This is ever better than just wormholes. The multiverse is a vast, incomprehensible thing for scientists, and that's just those that actually believes in it. If you had the chance to work with somepony who could truly study what goes on and examine what happens when traveling properly, it could prove... I can't even understand how important that might be. We could end up being able to open portals to other worlds! Damn it that Scope Glance was taken. She would've been perfect for this..."

Scope Glance were more or less his arch-nemesis back in the camp, with the two of them scoffing at eachother and thinking the other a useless snob, or filthy mechanic, but even he would admit that she would have been the best he knew for this. It were right in her area of expertise, and as high-maintenance as she were, she had an incredibly sharp mind and an even greater focus- She would have been able to glance much from this, but her location were still unknown. If he ever found her though, and she were alive... He'd personally drag her back here if he had to. He didn't care.

What he did care about were the sudden appearance of a giant dragon on the other side of town. Even from here he were easy to see, and even hear, which made him stop dead in his tracks for the time being, wondering if perhaps they should go back to the forest.

"Giant dragon! I wanna go hug it, hehe!"

Molotov didn't have a chance to stp her before Blitz sped up towards town, and more specifically, the avatar of certain doom on the horizon.

"Damn it Blitz, get back here! Dead or alive, mum's going to kill me if you get hurt."

With that, he ran after her in what would likely end up being a fruitless attempt. She were an agile little one when she wanted to be. Must have something to do with how she wasn't weighed down by common sense...



@Shineling @Widdershins @genessee

Over at the food stand, Void nodded to what Lance was saying.

"I-I can understand that. Normal must be b-boring after a while for most, but... I just think it w-would be nice to try that first. Just w-wandering around amongst others, talking to somepony like it was n-nothing or even have friends... I-ve never t-tried any of that. Beyond my sister and parents, I haven't s-spoken this long to anypony outside of this town. You and Storm have both b-been so nice and..."

Void wiped a tear away that were making it's way down her face.

"I'm s-sorry. It's just still so strange to think about, b-but I didn't mean to direct things like this.

As I said, I can u-understand that you'd want an interesting life again, but just one you m-make something out of, instead of being pushed around or it being m-marked by mistakes. From what I've seen, Ponyville haves a l-lot of different types of beings that does all kinds of things. I guess if you w-want exciting, this place would do. And since they all look s-so happy, it could be a good place too. I hope that it i-is for you at least Lance."

Whilst the two of them were talking, a bit away from them, Happy nodded to Ambie as he picked to go for the pink pony. Quite frankly he was happy about this, as the overly cheerful one got on his nerves at times, whilst the timid ones tended to just do what was asked, and then get on with things. So hey, win for them both in each their way.

"Eat well then chief. I'll get cracking with the other one, and met you at a table then, eh?"

He wasn't sure if Ambie even heard him before he had taken off, but he couldn't just skip this anyway. He had to keep the jolly salespony attitude up and going, and sometimes that meant doing stupid things like speaking to thin air, as if he were oblivious to everything.

Sigh* sometimes he wish that he had taken a persona as a more tough guy, but that just never worked with inflitrating towns. They never trusted the gruff ones.

Wandering over towards where Lance and Void were talking, he looked up at the stars above, briefly thinking on how much he did not miss the smog-infested sky in his homeworld where such a sight was impossible, before ending up over at this way point, if you could think on it like that, in this open part of town.

"Hey, I hope I ain't disturbing too much, but mind if I ask for a bowl of soup? Ain't too picky which one, long as there ain't tomato in it. Allergies y'know?"

Void had been talking with Lance more on this town when the presence of the salespony had suddenly gotten noticed by her and she - with an awkward look over having missed him - poured a bowl up to him.

"S-Sorry, I should've paid m-"

And that was when Ancalagon decided to drop by and scare the bejeebus out of her, to a point where she stood nearly catatonic for a half second before instinctively jumping forwards, like she did when there were trouble usually and Null were there. The bowl managed to hit the table with little spill thankfully as she got over to Lance and tried feebly to hide behind him - which wasn't too effective considering she was a larger earth mare - and in the process unfortunately hit Happy, whom had looked up at the dragon and thinking about fifty profanities up as well as excuses to leave town pronto.

Normally a hit wouldn't do much to him, but unfortunately, Void's anti-magic aura did, as his disguise fizzled out and left him exposed. Not as a regular changeling, because that would still have required there to be some magic, but as the converted human that he were, in tattered pants, black exoskeleton, pale eyes, long, pale-blue hair and a tail about the same length. His fingers and toes ended in claws, his fangs stuck slightly out of his mouth, and as any changeling, he had holes in his arms and legs, as well as a larger than average bend horn for one of the bugponies. (rough picture in his bios)

The shock took a few seconds to settle in, as Void behind him started to look between both him and the dragon in confusion and terror. Something which he didn't see until after he had looked at his hands, and with clenched fists turned around and looked at Void with anger in his eyes.

"What have you done!?"

He wished to harm her. To punch, tear and cut until she knew how bad it was to have him exposed like this, but he didn't. Instead he spread his wings, and as quickly as he could rose up and flew towards the forest, as he didn't have any other ideas right now. Unless somepony stopped him that were, which were possible considering it took him some time to get to the sky, so lance might tackle him, Ambie or Pinkie could do the same. Or Pinkie could use her party canon perhaps to shoot ropes. That is, if any of the guards in town, or the giant dragon didn't think it an idea to stop him either, or one of several other beings in town.

The odds weren't good for him getting out of town at least, but considering the alternative, he had to try. The alternative being to be imprisoned or attacked, at best because he was a freak, and at worst because they knew of the changeling tribe with the alleged human changeling, and knew how rotten to the core that hive were.



@Foxy Socks @Widdershins @Twilight-Shimmer

"Wuite an interesting way of putting it sir, but I can assure you that I have nothing of the sort in mind. Brittle is my friend to protect, and Foxy is another friend, and one whom I don't know need protection yet, but would gladly do if it comes to that. I do enjoy your... Unique outlook on things though. Rather amusing."

Then the draconequus began talking about making choices, and before he could protest things, he had thrown himself towards his friends. in particular, Brittle, who had taken  step back and let out a pathetic-sounding *meep* in horror.

Briar's response to the potential tackling had been quick, yet not enough to save Foxy. Still, the vine on his back had sprung out like a shot and barred the way to Brittle, as well as point towards the Draconequuis' rough stand at that point with open *maws*, ready to clamp down on him if he got too close.

Unfortunately, Foxy had pushed Brittle slightly out of the way, which meant that the angle were wrong and the draconequus would be able to get hold of the vixen pony regardless of his vine. However, that didn't mean that he were looking any more happy as he sneered at the draconequus for a short moment with barred teeth and a stance ready for battle, before gathering himself again before doing anything rash.

"Don't... Touch her. She does not deal well with surprises like that, and I will not let anypony attack her. So please, let Foxy go, and refrain from trying to mess with Brittle again. I do not wish to fight, but I will protect her however I have to."

He were struggling between his instinctual, over-protective side and his mannerisms for a while there, but began to get more in control of himself there near the end, hoping that the instinctual action he had taken, as well as his somewhat angry at first, yet pleading words, would connect with Widdershins and tell him that perhaps it would be nicer to direct anything towards the Evergrown instead of the changeling.

"If you have a need for tackling any being, go for me instead. I will not resist."

Amazon lily looked like she were halfway towards having a heart attack for a moment there, as the vine had shot out from the *pony's* back, showing her once again that there were a lot of weird things out there, and this one were part of it, whatever he were. A pony he certainly wasn't, that was abundantly clear, but what else? She considered asking, but instead reluctantly turned towards Stardust whom she had seen had a feathery visitor before, and hoped that Widdershins and the others would be able to get along.

It was strange for her to see a phoenix, as they weren't exactly common near her home to say the least, but it appeared as if the half-grown little thing didn't care much for her curious look, nor the fact that Stardust had swirled around himself.

As he had ignored it at first, it had taken a few hops and ended up down near the base of his mane before having a seat for now, and clung on with its talons as he swirled around himself, trying to get a look at the bird. It seemed to bore it a little where it sat though, so more or less right after it flapped up on Stardust's head again, clung to his mane with one talon and swung down to the side of his face to peck him a little on the cheek, like he were a shiny object.

Perhaps it was the magic that attracted it, or it was just genuinely curious, as it looked like a bird that hadn't left its nest too long ago, considering the size, but regardless of which one it were, it barely even seemed to focus on any others here, only giving a short glance around now and again before going back to its examination of the pony.

It didn't even react when the dragon showed up in town and started to bellow out a question about somepony named Senvious, though it did make Amazon Lily Facehoof slightly.

"Oh great, Ancalagon is here. Just when this day couldn't get weirder."

She knew well some stories about the leader of the Courier's Guild, of which they had a branch office in her town, so she didn't freak out as much right now, but she still didn't think this a good sign. Though it wasn't as bad as Brittle.

After she had nearly been tackled and then being pushed aside, she started to panic and had flashed of green fire roam over her like waves, changing everything a little at a time from making her look like a toaster bunny, to a half donkey, half dragon hybrid with violet spots, to replacing her front legs with spatulas for a moment and so on. It were all random, uncontrolled, and all fueled by her panic. Which didn't decrease as she saw the giant dragon and it just became more rapidly before she just finally snapped and passed out on the ground, currently looking like a lollipop dragon with wolf legs, no wings, two mouths and a third eye popping up at the end of her scaled tail.

Briar were confused about what went through the ground right now, as what he felt had to be an impossibly big creature of which he had no idea what were, beyond the name, but as Brittle collapsed he didn't think on that and just turned to her and quickly went over and tried to check her vitals, praying to the earth mother that she was okay.




"Ooooh, that's so cool."

Jelly looked with big eyes at the *friendship crystals* as she thought about them, and looked as one apparently representing Gary and her were added to the pile of friends. Some of them were oddly dim in it for some reason though, which seemed strange to her, but perhaps it was just an age thing. Like those were old friends of hers for example, and it just lost the glare over time. Or perhaps they just needed to be polished? She had never seen something like that, so she had no idea.

"Why are some of them pale Cacora? Are they old or dirty or something like that?"

Cacora would have about a minute to answer before the floor rumbled and the sound of foals screeching emanated through the halls. Along with two others, which were Honey Dew Desperately calling for any and all caretakers - including Cacora - to come and help with the scared foals, and a pearly, half-mad cackling from what one could only assume were Anomaly.

"Ehehehe, who's doing this? It's fun!"

"Are you absolutely crazy? This is horrible. We just had one attack, we shouldn't be hit again this soon. Everypony, gather up! Please..."

Honey Dew were starting to go desperate after somepony that could help get things calmed down again, and/or tell them what in the world was going on. If there was a window in her room, Cacora and Jelly would have an easy time saying what caused the rumblings outside, as well as the booming voice, but otherwise they'd have to find another place to gaze out from. Regardless, there was a need for them somewhere deeper inside to help with the foals that feared that there was another attack. Best that they made their way further in before it got chaotic, or before Honey Dew snapped even more at Anomaly, who were apparently having a great time with whatever was going on right now.




The unformed siblings just starred at Lin, not doing anything about her command to see whoever ran this place. They didn't understand what it was that she were saying, which made the mostly knowledge-free beings even more confused about what she were going on about, but after a time at least, something seemed to go through them when one started to whisper, then another, then another and so forth as eyes started to turn and what sounded like the same word went through the halls.

Athahu, their word for Mother.

A sudden silence filled the halls then, before the siblings started to spread to the sides, which left a clear path for whatever was possessing Lin to walk. It seemed as if Mother had granted her an audience, though she had to get to one of the pillars first to get access.

Meanwhile, in the regular world, Omen followed the voice that any sane being would have turned away from on the spot. Only a fool would go after an unknown voice in the middle of unknown grounds, and especially after a trap had sprung for her companions, but she didn't think on that, and instead focused on this meaning she might find what they were looking for by following the voice. If this was a horror movie, she would be the one who got killed first for sure.

It was a strange voice and presence though. It were like whenever she thought she saw something and turned her head, it was away again, like a shadow. Perhaps it was a shadow even? Her kind were pretty much that until they got forms, so it could happen, though she didn't think this was a sibling. Not unless it somehow lived without a master, or it's master had done something strange.

Then again, it might just be it was fast. She didn't really know, and unless it started tossing things at her or something, she wouldn't need to worry too much about it right now either. Especially since if it were really fast, she couldn't catch it anyway, so what did it matter to worry about it? Better to worry about something you could do something about.

The thought went on for a bit more until she suddenly paused, and sniffed the air. A familiar *scent* had come back that shouldn't have, but...

She turned her head and looked directly towards where Sen were, then tilted her head confused before turning around and going towards the voice again. She wasn't sure why Sen was hiding from her, and wasn't saying something, but she knew that he was there. The smell of his life essence was unmistakable, though she'd let him stay doing whatever for now. She figured that he perhaps just needed some time for himself again to think, so as long as she didn't suddenly loose his scent, she didn't think too much on it. Unless he stayed quiet for a long time, at which point she'd likely get somewhat worried and go over to him.

There was something else that confused her though. If Sen were here alone... What happened to Lin? And how did he even get here to begin with? Might be she'd have to stop soon and ask him actually, but for now, she'd walk and think.



@Seamore Sandwich

"If there is anything else... Please, get us away from this."

Vivid sounded like she didn't have any hope or joy left in her, which were essentially true, as the emotions that had crashed over her played on some of the worst things in her life, and brought memories that were already tormenting her normally, but in here became nearly unbearable. It reminded her of one of the lesser areas of Hell she had seen. usually the part where the souls meant for reincarnation had to go through to face the last remnants of their sins, just with less screaming and more weeping.

She raised her head weakly and looked at the light, but she didn't feel like it was reaching out or anything like that. It just seemed like a simple light to her, and didn't make her think that there was anything past the door but another pain. Likely guilt, just to kick her whilst she were down.



@Seamore Sandwich

Scarcity chuckled slightly to herself at the suggestion that Penny brought forth at the end of her little speech, and gave the mare an amused look to go along with it.

"Is that so? Well then, how about I make a little deal with you then? You see, I have a usage for two specific effects which were not shown on your packaging..

The first one would be one that have a transformative effect. I have a friend who is a large fan of griffins, and wishes to be able to blend in better with them. If it is possible to gain him that form on a timed basis like the wings that are amongst the ones you have sold me already, I would be willing to add a good amount of research funds.

I would be quite a bit more generous in my donations though, for also potentially getting one that were able to decrease anxiety and fear substantially. An associate of mine haves some severe issues with that, and is horrified of medication. If there was something which could suppress that and enhance her focus, I would be more than willing to invest a good chunk into this project of yours, as long as two conditions are met: That I am told if you are successful as one of the first, and that there will be no trace between donations or produce directly to me, beyond what I come and pick up myself. I do not wish to have my associate connected in any sort of way to me, for personal reasons."

Her sister was dear to her heart, but she were also a weak spot in her life that would be taken advantage of if certain beings knew where she was, and how easy she were to break, as she were brittle already. It would be easier to manage if she were able to not irrationally fear others and keep focus on something long enough to use that brilliant mind that Scarcity knew were under the surface, but as medications wasn't an option there was little she could do. But this vendor had proven promising thus far, so perhaps there was an option here for a better solution. One that would involve easing the constant fear that plagued her sisters mind.



@Seamore Sandwich

Zhu listened to the story, though he didn't shed a tear or look distressed, nothing like that. He were rather indifferent about it in fact.

"Interesting, but it's likely too late now anyway. I'm almost a millennia old now. What are the chances she's still alive? I was never around our kind enough to know what life expectancy is for us normally. I know that wandering the way of the mystic waters have changed how long I last, and how time affects me, but what of one without? Can we be for long, or will nature reclaim us before eternity comes within reach?

Fate is strange, and lives hard to define, but perhaps you can clear things up? Tell me, is there a chance that after a thousand years, she may still be alive?"

He had his doubts, and he didn't carry any hopes, but he would tentatively await an answer with an open mind. His life were based on having to think on things without believing anything was impossible, and being able to live with having flexible morals most of the times to justify what he had to do. The last part were not that important to the current situation, but it were a large part of his life, and something worth thinking about. Especially when it came to hard, personal things, like seeing his parents die and having to accept that even if he had the chance to change it, he couldn't do it. Not when the future might well depend on the whole situation of them dying and he getting damaged, as the Creator had alluded to earlier. Or later if you thought of it in time streams, as he had technically mentioned it in the future.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom



Feeling a sudden weight on his head and a sudden peck on his cheek Stardust blinked a few times and raised a hoof to feel the top of his head, and located for Phoenix that had been apparently using his head as a perch. "Well hello there" he greeted  the bird cheerfully, as he then began to watch the going on. he then glanced to Amazon Lily and asked "Um should we be worried about the plant pony thing?" he wasnt sure how t refer to them as in all his six hundred and five years this was the first time he'd seen such a thing

Discord: "My name is Discord Draconequis, you killed my Fluttershy. Prepare to Die!"

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@Blitz Boom

Storm was about to respond to Molotov when Blitz ran ahead, his eyes widened and he spread his wings as Molotov began to run after Blitz. With a *BOOM*ing sound, he quickly broke the sound barrier, stopping (And probably seeming to appear in a blur, or something of the like) a short distance in front of Blitz. (Overkill? Maybe; but I don't know if it's a good idea for Blitzy to do that. Better safe than sorry!) Not sure if he could verbally dissuade Blitz from trying to hug the potentially dangerous dragon; he decided to try to distract her instead. Reaching into the fabric of the fourth wall, he withdrew the trump card that he had been saving for just such an occasion... "Hey Blitzy, wouldn't you rather hug this instead?" Storm asked cheerfully, presenting a large plushie (Nearly, but not quite, as large as Blitz herself) in the likeness of her Cutie Mark. "It's super duper fluffy! And it makes your favorite 'Kablewy!' sounds too!"

And it's probably much safer.. He thought to himself, glancing at the giant dragon. While he would probably try to hug the dragon without a second thought himself.. Well, as tough a filly as she is; Blitzy probably wasn't quite as durable as he was.


((quick little OOC: It's been so long since he's done it, that I'd almost forgotten that one of Storm's skills was near-instant zero to sound speed. XD))


"Wait~~!" Pinkie called out, getting a somewhat serious glint in her eyes (Shaped like a balloon!) as she pulled out a party cannon. "I can't just let you leave without a 'Welcome to Ponyville party!" Normally she wouldn't take such drastic measures, but time was of the essence and if she let him off she might never get a chance to throw his welcome to ponyville party! (Everypony needs a welcome to ponyville party!)

With such thoughts in mind Pinkie, now wearing a camo-style military helmet with streamers hanging off the back, carefully aimed her party cannon at the retreating hybrid. "Fire!" She called to herself, firing nets made of streamers. "Nopony escapes a Pinkie Party!" She declared dramatically, only half serious. "I'll have you Cake Marshmallowed!" (It's 'Court Marshalled' Pinkie.) (Not if the punishment is making him eat marshmallow cake! :) )

Edited by Shineling
adding an extra piece to respond to a part I didn't see until just now

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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