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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom (( Got a new computer, totally forgot to check the forums due to hype-- my bad ))

"Y-yeah, ready as I'll ever be!"

Lance didn't dwell on the fact that Chop found the chain before he did. 

But what did he mean by 'I'll be there'?

Either way, he had deliveries to do.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Stargazer rose an eyebrow in surprise as Mirage said that she had adopted Amanita. From the looks of things, he had just assumed that she were either the larger Changeling's guard, or perhaps friend. Adoptive mother had not struck him as an option at all.

"As a foster foal myself, I'd like to commend you on taking on the responsibility. Sadly not too many that're willing to take a lost foal in."

He made a salute towards the mare, which Jelly copied, though she had a far larger grin on her face, and were still upside-down.

"I must admit, I hadn't thought you had adopted her. You seem nearly the same age, but I suppose Changelings grows up differently than Ponies too. I really do need to educate myself more on the subject one of these days."

"Hehe, perhaps you're  the one who needs to go to school."

Father and daughter exchanged a humored look for a moment over that one. Jelly could be a smartypants when she wanted to be, though where she had that from he had no idea. He was more mellow in it, and his ex couldn't recall anypony in her family (herself included) that really acted that way. Best they could figure, this might've come from his side, though in that case, they were out of luck. He had never known them, and after over forty years, he had doubts that he'd get to meet them out of nowhere.

"Hey, what sorta training did you mean Amanita? Is it like guard training? I usually go around exploring when daddy and mommy went to train there. Found a Dragon like that once. He gave me a cookie."

Stargazer had been overly worried the first time he had not been able to find Jelly at the training grounds, though his then-wife had been far worse until they had finally found her getting rides around from Benny. It had been the first time either of them had met the recently-hired Dragon, and it had ended... Well, not too good really. They had both been rather concerned at that point, and seeing him had made them utter some things they weren't too proud of. How he had just brushed it off and forgiven them after both that and the strikes on him, still surprised the middle-aged Bat Pony sometimes.




Pop looked at the weird scene, where Victoria had first talked to, and then quickly started to hug Benny. He hadn't halted from hugging her back after the short surprise of the Pony's embrace had settled, and were now currently resting his head on hers, with his tail wrapped gently around them ans whispering something to her that Pop couldn't hear.

"I'm honestly not sure what it is we've done. I mean, she and I didn't exactly get off to the best start."

That was perhaps a bit of an understatement, as Victoria's comments had made Pop loudly sorta challenge her to a fight, which she would've entered if it had come to it and kicked the smirk off the baker's face. She didn't know the details about Victoria before that, so she would've just seen an arrogant, insulting and rude mare who needed a slapping.

Now however, she couldn't see herself doing that. Even though Victoria would repeat her former behavior, Pop would know who she really were below the defensive barriers she put up between herself and everypony else, and it would just make her feel pity for the mare, and sadness over her feeling like she needed to push them away.

"Perhaps Benny being patient with her and trying to comfort her instead of keeping a distance or judging her is just what she needed?"

From the start of her relationship with Benny, anypony she had met had found him to be an odd duck. Some because of how infatuated he were with a mare, though generally, that was just a smaller part of how differently he acted from what they expected.

Dragons were seen as rather brutish, demeaning, and... Well, they were seen as Jade, basically. Yet Benny had been weirding others out by how little he fitted that. When they approached him with the same arrogance they thought he had, he didn't fight back. Instead he would get sad, try to win the ones going after him with  smile, or covering behind something. Especially the first and last of the options in the first year he lived here and tried to fit in.

The emotional Dragon were still not accepted by everypony, considering he were an outsider and were in a relationship with a Pony, but those who gave him a chance usually came out well with him eventually, as he were an emotional, friendly being who wasn't one to turn his back on those he liked, or just beings in general.

She guessed that this emotional side of him might've helped getting closer to Victoria, and whatever triggered her then, made her count on him for some comfort. A good choice she'd say, though if it was going to help she had no idea.

"Well, regardless of what is going on, I think you're right. Perhaps the real Victoria is trying to break out now, and the empathy he's showing her is helping out? Best if we wait and see I guess? I'm not entirely sure what to do right now."

Meanwhile, Benny had just kept on embracing Victoria, and with closed eyes would whisper calmly into her ear. She had put quite a lot on him all of a sudden before she had gone into weeping mode, and honestly, he could well understand why she needed to feel somepony was there for her now. Poor thing must feel seven sorts of vulnerable.

"Shhh, it's okay, I'm here."

His right hand would run slowly down her mane as he spoke. A small thing he had picked up from his time with Pop. Had turned out that a good deal of Ponies apparently liked to be petted slightly when they were like this, and unless he'd be informed otherwise, he'd keep at this. Just had to keep running slowly with the hair, and not ruffle. Some Ponies got really miffed about ruining their mane styles.

"My mother is a kind being in her own way, but you're right. She's reluctant to connect to others sometimes, and her views are archaic. With how she acted, I don't blame you for saying anything about her.

But you're not her. You've seen yourself in the mirror, and you're not happy about it anymore. You can change, and break out of your shell. You just need to trust those around you. Sprinkles, Battenberg, Angel, even Pop and I. None of us hate you. We're all concerned, and we want to help you, and support you in breaking down the barriers you've set between yourself and those you care about.

You're not going to be alone in this Victoria. I promise you."

Benny was not sure how we was going to help, but he knew that he'd find a way to try. Victoria was starting to become a friend now, and you didn't turn your back on your friends, no matter what.




Athriel loudly cackled at Astral's comment and poked at her head.

"Oh, that's far better than the rejection I was asking for. Now he's begging even more for me to leave you alone. What a fun thought to bring him to hibernation with. I hope his dreams will be full of nightmares."

She could wake his consciousness up again another time, but right now, his pleading were starting to annoy her, and the *she haves a crush on you* thought were going to be good to have simmering in his mind when he no longer could see what she were doing. Should make his dreams delightfully troubled and pained from all the fear, paranoia and confusion.

As Astral mentioned love however, Athriel instead scoffed slightly and gave a quick look towards Warlock. Barely anything that would be noticed, and what ent through her mind wasn't for any of them to rummage through, so she kept her muzzle shut on that.

Then the mare went suicidal and started to yap off about Warlock's family...

Granted, Athriel didn't know much about that story, but what little she had gathered back in the day made it seem like it was really not the right wound to twist a knife in right now. Might be that he wanted Astral alive, but he was also impulsive and emotional a good deal of times, so he might strike her regardless if she kept on with this.

"Don't mind the brat, Warlock. She's just trying to rattle you and make a mistake. Can't have that, or we won't have our bargaining chip to threaten my *dear* sister with."

Below them, the combined force of Brick Wall and Blackbeak were moving fast through the castle, listening in for some kind of clue where to go so they could find the others they had been yanked away with. If the lot didn't keep it down, the two of them wouldn't have a hard time finding them.




Scarcity didn't need to ask where those depressing thoughts came from when Silver's hoof came into view. Or rather, the despicable piece of jewelry that resided there, glowing ominously.

The Element of Depression was not something that sounded as dangerous of Hated, Dark Magic, Deceit, or really any of the others, but she frankly considered it one of the worst. It brought the wearer down, and and amplified it to spread to others. The former wearer - from what she knew - had spread depression like a plague wherever he had gone, and those places had been easy to invade for any force that so wanted. No citizens had any hope left, or a will to fight.

It also had an unfortunate history of switching wearers often, though she did not like to think further on that. It was a harsh fate that befell the wearers, and Misty were far too young to have to go through that in her opinion. Though when the gem glowed, it meant that it was finding somepony compatible, and if nothing was done soon, she might end up with that in her possession, and no hope for anything to get better, and seeing no point in anything. Including throwing away the gem.

"I know little about Astral, but I know Chow, and I can assure you that he will not simply bend his neck. He is far too stubborn for that.

Also, it would appear that my associates have gone with them, and they're very capable. Blackbeak haves something with her which can neutralize some of what Warlock may do, and Brick were a former Royal Guard, who left with full honors. He is well trained, and will know what to do in this situation. They will help get your friends back.

Now dear, perhaps we could move that piece of jewelry away from you? It will not help your state of mind to keep hold of something as dangerous as that."

Scarcity used her magic to hover the cloth that had been used to cover the mirror earlier over towards Misty. She should be able to see faint runes on the inside of the cloth, meant to keep something down.

"I do apologize that it is not specialized in something like the Element of Depression, but Golden only got hold of it to cover the mirror. It should perhaps help though, and help not clouding your mind further."

She let go off it next to Misty. It would be best if the filly would do this herself rather than Scarcity, so she would give her this chance to begin with before taking it further. A regrettable situation, but it was better than the alternative.




It would take a few minutes, but eventually, the Sphinx and Serpanther would cease their ouch, and the former would sit down and hold a paw to his head. He began to grumble after that, and mumbling something incomprehensible that the others wouldn't be able to understand, whilst Zhu would just take a step back, seemingly unfazed.

"Why did I have to see that? Everything was simpler without it."

"Perhaps, but lies clouded your judgement. To find your place in the world, you needed truth."

Enzo went back to grumbling, but now also shaking his head from side to side, whilst guards started to show up in the garden, ready to strike at the Sphinx, but unsure what to do currently. Much like Zhu also did now, they were looking towards Dew, who stood close to Wing, ready to strike as well.

"Time and isolation clouds a mind. He had forgotten the facts, and needed to see what he had lost."

"And how would you know what that were?"

"I was there, not long before he was caught. I know it all."

Dew gritted his teeth and took a step towards the cloaked Serpanther.

"If that's true, and what they did is as well, then you're as guilty as they were. You could've cut him loose."

"I could, but he was needed for the time ahead."

"What're you on about?"

"I want to know this too."

Scorn got closer to them, looming over Zhu with narrowed eyes.

"I am neutral, not working for either good, nor evil, but doing what must be to keep them balanced. Sometimes that requires sacrifices, like leaving a Sphinx alone for a few centuries so he can be ready for another point.

Your eyes are clouded to how the world works, but I don't have this blissful ignorance to hide behind. I see things for how they are, and guide some parts of it as best I can.

In the case of Enzo, he now knows that the only one he can blame is gone, and Crackleback is no longer an adversary of his. He can now serve a purpose that could benefit your goals."

"The Stranger... Should be Puppeteer."


Whilst Scorn was quick to judge, Dew were not so sure what to say here. He had been working a long time for the guard, and he had seen the point of making sacrifices for the greater good sometimes, but he greater balance? He wasn't sure what to say about that. It sounded important in its own way, but having to do evil? How could this creature live with himself?

"...Guards, keep your ground, but stay your weapons."

He wasn't sure what would end up happening, but as he loudly proclaimed his order, he were going to try and approach this cautiously and see for himself. Starting with not having the guards attack the Sphinx until he would find out what the mental state of the large feline would be once he had stopped grumbling to himself. Was he going to attack again, or had this truth Zhu spoke about turned him around?



@Storm Shine @EQ_Theta

"Big name for a fish."

Omen tried to form the word in her head, but she mentally cluttered it up every time she attempted, which caused some gibberish projections to be sent around her.

"What kind of world would have weird fish names Master Discord? Are any of my siblings in that one?"

If it was  the Human world, there were several actually, but Omen wouldn't know. The ones of her sibling that resided in her world barely ever came around their home realm again, and the few times they did, it was mostly just to see Mother. For some reason they weren't too thrilled being around their siblings after going to that world. Or well, not around Omen at least. She didn't know if they liked being around the unformed ones.

Meanwhile, Brute reacted on the question with a small scoff, whilst a memory of the mare went through her head.

"In a town like this, you eventually learn how to spot a con artist if you want to keep onto your bits. Filigree's words were chosen carefully and honeyed well to speak to those around her, dragging everypony in one way or another to this seemingly nice mare. Infatuated the gullible into following her lead and grant her exactly what she wanted too, at least in my eyes, though everypony kept saying I was just paranoid.

I don't know what laid beneath the layers, but anypony as successful in manipulating others as she were have to be hiding something dark, though I never understood her goal. Kept seeing her eventually end up speaking with mine workers or owners for some reason. There was a pattern in it too, but nopony seemed to care, and it wasn't exactly hurting anypony, so there was nothing to do about it..

She seemed harmless, and she wasn't robbing anypony, but I'd be willing to swear on my championship belt, that she were hiding her true self, and hunting something down. I just have no proof of either of those claims."



@Foxy Socks

Briar chuckled as he noticed that Foxy were already on her way over before he had spoken. It seemed she did not care about getting a little wet after all, and it wasn't like this river had anything in it that was worth fearing either. Just some harmless fish, and a slow stream.

But some beings did not like getting wet, so he had considered the offer to be worth mentioning regardless, though now he really should be on his way as well. She had crossed the river in the time he stood and thought, and even Brittle had fluttered over the water. She were not a confident enough flyer to go far above the water surface, or fly around much in general, but close to the ground/water like this, things were not as harsh for her.

Whilst he walked into the river and started to walk across himself, Brittle would scurry over to the entrance and pull the blanket of greens in the way to the side. Foxy had basically gotten it pulled away fro the little *natural lock* that it was attached to when she got there, so it didn't make much of a resistance.

The cave were rather basic. No light source beyond the entrance, which left a good deal of the medium-sized cave hard to see too easily, though there were not much to see regardless. It had a bed in one corner, made seemingly out of a layer of moss over a stone, with a blanket next to it, and then on the other side, some roots and assorted items were stacked in a neat little bundle.

For a home, this were likely something of the least personal one could imagine, apart from an empty room painted white.

Regardless of that, Brittle would go in and jump up on the bed to lay down a little, whilst Briar would get closer through the river, whistling softly the entire way.




Nerzhei looked over towards her robes before answering. She might not need them, as both her kind and Ponies didn't have to wear clothes, but she still didn't feel comfortable about being without them. The layers felt comforting, and she missed having pockets.

"I'm not here to be your heater. I'm helping by getting your armor set, but after that I'm leaving. I have important research to do. If you want to keep warm and not infect the general population, then try to find some natural steam baths. Right now, I need to get back to work before my arm gets crushed."

With some gritting of teeth, she rose from her seat and went over to the anvil, then looked at Blood and rolled her eyes.

"Fine, you want to be warm?"

She reached down to the amulet with the gems in that had not been taken by either of the two others yet for some reason, put two fingers ont he blue and red gems, and focused..

At first nothing happened, which made Slappy open his muzzle and quickly yap off the expected *Please don't eat me. I swear I won't tell anypony, ever.*, which he only barely managed to get done before a red flash went over Nerzhei's hand, and a rumbling came from about a meter to her side.

Steam rose from the ground, and as the dirt gave way, a small pond of steaming warm water would be revealed.

With the spa in town, she could redirect a little of their water and then warm it by using these slivers of water and fire magic, though it still only made a pond large enough for a single Pony to sit in, and would loose the heat within an hour. Basically something around the size of two half barrels side by side, in both depth and width. Not much, but there wasn't a lot of magic in these things either, so it was really not a surprise.

"There, happy? Can you get away from my forge now so I can actually get something done?"

She did not have an ample amount of water gems to use from, so seeing as she had now used what was in the one on her, it was actually quite annoying. Hopefully she could find somepony good in that sort of magic one of these days so she could get her stocks refilled somewhat, or that part of her studies would have to be delayed.




Chop Chop went over to the side and came over with two full saddlebags. Far more full than what Lance would be able to carry himself, and with a list that made it apparent that he now had around a dozen deliveries within them.

"You're too scrawny to carry this, but you can read, right? Just deliver them to where the note says."

He went closer and closer to Lance... But passed him entirely and went for the door instead, where he'd give off a loud whistle into the main hall.

"Did somepony call Alonsus?"

The bulky Earth pony would arrive shortly after, whilst CHop was walking calmly back towards his pots and pans. A side glance had been given to Lance as he passed him, with narrowed eyes and a harder than usual look, as if he gave a non-verbal warning about something.

Alonsus did not see that. He just saw the saddlebags and then rolled his eyes.

"Many are the things that requires the attention of Alonsus. Must I be here for this too?"

"The extra chairs doesn't need to be fixed for another four days, and we've gotten a large number of orders. Get them on and start working."

The large stallion wanted to protest, but a glance from the cook made him shut it and just do as he were told. He wasn't going to go against Chop when he was in a foul mood, or be the cause for said mood for that matter.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Mirage scratched the back of her neck awkwardly and replied. “Well we are around the same age... She’s somewhere around 18 and I’m somewhere around 24....” She doesn’t really seem to know how to explain her and Amanita’s relationship though, guess it can be complicated for both of them...? When Mirage saw Stargazer and Jelly salute towards her she returned the salute to both of them.

Amanita answered Jelly’s question now. “Well, I guess it could be guard training but she barely talks during this! And it’s so boring when I can’t do anything that requires sight!” She throws her hooves up into the air dramatically, looking silly while doing so.

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Blitz Boom

Warlock rolled his eyes as he turned and walked to a shelf of books, he knew Athriel had a plan with Astral, and didn't want to interfere. As he left them to do their thing, he materialized a helmet in his hooves as he lifted them up. putting it on as his mane poked out of the back of it, it was designed similarly to a helmet for a Canterlot guard, but lacked the golden shine of them, soon after the rest of the full set of armor started forming on Warlock, the element of hatred working it's way deep into his armor, making sure it was far away from ponies to strike. "I sense somepony near, other than us." He said, looking to Athriel, then closing his eyes as he looked throughout the castle and finding Brick and Blackbeak with ease. But then suddenly Warlock vanished from his position in the room with Athriel, as he teleported towards the location of the two, swords drawn, and ready to fight.

Astral jumped towards Warlock as he teleported away, although too late as she just scooted across the ground towards his original location, kicking dust up off the ground. Her teeth clenched as she punched the wall, cracking it, with a loud sound that echoed throughout the castle. The cracks burning like embers, despite the walls being made of stone. "This will end in both of you returning to stone." She said, turning to Athriel.


Misty looked at the gem she was holding, but as soon as the words 'Element of Depression' got to her head, she yelped and tossed it away onto the floor. "I had no idea what that was!" She said, looking to Scarcity. "I thought it was a different element! Like, deceit or something." She said, backing to the end of the bed, away from the element.


At this point Iron Wing wasn't sure how to react to anything, but stood his defensive stance to make sure he'd be ready if Enzo suddenly lashed out.


While that mess was going on, Nectar was standing herself up in the throne room, struggling to walk once again. "Did he receive the call Francis?" She asked to him, as he sat with her, looking out the window to the outside.

"No idea, but the ponies might react badly to an army of changelings at this time."

"I need them to notice, then I can change their image of us."

"You're a changeling, you can do that already."

She chuckled a little to that, sighing a little as she walked to the window, looking out. "If he did receive the call, he should be here any moment. With the rest."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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"Maybe because you offered to help her she thinks she can rely on you guys? Maybe you're just the kind of people who she feels compatible with? Whatever you did, it must have really spoken to her, you should use that to your advantage if you want to pursue friendship with her."

Sprinkles stood on the ground now, too focused on and impressed by what was happening to continue floating.


Victoria did not immediately say anything, she just enjoyed the moment and sobbed lightly. She'd never been hugged this way before, or rather she'd never let anypony get close enough to even try. She liked it though, it reminded her of the times when she was little and carefree and actually let people love her. She gently sat down wrapping her tail around the inside of Benny's, she didn't open her eyes but instead gently nuzzled Benny as she finally let out some more of her thoughts.

"Thank you Benny, this is a feeling I've never felt before and it feels good. Maybe it really is time I changed my ways... It's funny, if you'd tried to do this to me a couple of days ago I'd have kicked you in places you didn't even know you had."

Her sobs transformed into a light chuckle for a moment.

"I was a monster... Why did I have to be so difficult, if I'd just been a nice pony I'd be as loved as Battenberg is, I could feel loved and wanted like I do now but all the time." 

She finally pulled away from the embrace, though this time it was not a rough shove but a reluctant pull. Her eyes were drier now but she looked a mess with her mascara and eye shadow rubbed about her face and her mane slightly roughed up from the hug.

"I appreciate your help, its nice to know you're looking out for me and I'll gladly accept your help. I don't want to overstep my boundaries though."

She looked at Pop nervously, as if expecting her to be angry for getting so close to Benny.

"She's a lucky mare..."

Victoria looked up at the sky and took in the sunlight.

"I hope her and I can be good friends one day, I regret so terribly how awful my introduction was... I'll probably make her an apology cake, and one for you too for looking out for me. Anyway, we must continue onwards"

She walked a couple of paces then looked back at Benny.

"I'd very much like it if you continued to walk with me, I enjoy talking to you."

She gave him a sweet smile with her messy eyes clamped tightly shut, truly happy and sweet for once in her life.




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A faint giggling could be heard in the distance. Sounds of foals playing perhaps? It grew louder as the mare clopped down the cobblestone streets passing numerous small, beige houses. Eventually, she rounded the corner of a small house, finding herself staring at the source of the noise she had heard earlier. A groups of foals were standing in the street, in a circle around something, throwing taunts and laughing as they kicked and shoved it. The mare shouted and the foals dispersed leaving only what looked to be a battered and bleeding changeling pupa. She bent down and offered a chitinous hoof to the crying pupa. The changeling looked up and stuck its hoof out to reach and grabbed hold of the hoof offered to her.

Suddenly, a purple fog descended upon the two as the landscape around them disappeared. The mare's eyes darted around, panic beginning to set in. She looked back at the pupa as the crying turned to laughter, a maniacal laughter that froze the ichor in her veins. She watched the pupa's once black chitin turn purple as red runes crossed its surface, its very form changing into a sort of demon pony. Suddenly this foal demon leapt at the mare's face and the world was encased in black.


Satin woke with a start. She bolted upright, feeling the tears fresh across her face, here eyes, now red, open in shock. She put a hoof to her now aching head, trying to catch her breath as her crying slowly subsided. She took a moment to collect herself and observe her surrounding, soon realizing she was in her room at the tavern. She slowly got up from her bed and walked over to her bags, grabbing a small towel and wiping off her face.

A small glint caught her attention, her gaze drawn to a small letter and note just inside the door, presumably shoved underneath it. After putting her towel away, she slowly stepped towards it, picking up the note first and reading it.


Ms. Wings,

I found this letter on the table you were sitting at and decided to give it to you. I can only assume your friend left this for you before she left.

Bubble Tea

A brief image of her dream flashed in Satin's mind and she winced. She picked up the letter and broke the seal, looking across its contents. Brief instructions followed by words she couldn't understand if she tried. She rolled up the parchment and tucked it into her purse, which she then slung over her shoulder. She'd think about using the scroll letter, but for now, she just needed some fresh air. She stepped downstairs, saying goodbye to Bubble Tea and out into the streets of Ponyville, which she couldn't tell if it looked better or worse than last time she saw it. Eventually she came across a fountain with a few benches surrounding it. Choosing on as in the shade as possible, she sat down, took out a notebook and pen and started writing.

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Blitz Boom

  Stepping away from the cart to allow Happy Hour to gain access to it and begin working on it, Ambie again questions the other stallion. A habit that must seem natural to him by now.

"Oh! Well, all it's missing is a way to harness it to me, right? Shouldn't require too much effort, right? And, like I said earlier, if we need any wood, there ought be a log or two still left behind since I didn't need all of them from when I first took them."

 Attention coming back after having been diverted from turning around to point out the remainder of the log pile, Ambie remarks in dull surprise.

"Oh! Uh, you're already done? That sure was fast! So how do I put it on...? I didn't really see how you put it together."


@Dji  and B.B.

 "I wasn't talking to you! I was talking to the other red birdhorse! And what do I care where you ponies go?..."

 Eyes dodging for a moment and mincing his claws closer to Dawn Streak; Kaltrop stutters out in quieter tone.

   "...and, um, Wh-... what do you mean by r-... Rounds?"


Edited by Widdershins
Mentions again...

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

"Hunting someone? Seems like the other way around in this case."

Lin nudged her brother, a little forceful for him. He looked to her with an annoyed look before wondering what he did wrong this time. If Brute was prodding them with information, they mind as well spill out everything, including who could be responsible for what happened. Sooner or later, she'd be asking since everyone here was witnessing the same thing happening in the mines. Brute, so far, seemed to be inquisitive and was providing information the siblings could use later. Sounds only right that she needed to know other relevant information. Lin hesitated to let this slide but she relented as Sen continued. 

"There's more," the longma continued. "There's a bat pony named Silky Rose who can use these crystals, probably through magic. We don't know much about her because she wasn't around when we were at the mines."

Lin looked at the Refraction's progress, still interested in seeing if it would grow to a considerably larger size. It might lead her to consider redecorating their home to accommodate it. Flammables and crystals are definitely going to be kept out of reach. 

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@Blitz Boom

The meaner-than-usual glare that Chop had given Lance had startled him.

Did I do something I wasn't supposed to?

He took the list and left the kitchen, waiting for Alonsus to follow. 

I have no idea why he gave me that look. Oh, well. I'll find out soon enough.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom and also @~Phoenix~ !

   Rather quite succinctly answered your own question there. It is indeed like breathing. If I may return your questioning with more questions; what would you do if you happened to be dropped into a world where the chemicals you exhaled were violently reacting with the atmosphere? Potentially harming the native beings? Would you just stop breathing?

    ...one does not control or wield Chaos Magic. You either manage or be it.

   But I sense you're not in the mood right now for explanations.Your mind seems a bit irrational & angry over just about everything that has happened since I've shown up.

 Which is just as well, as it seems we have company already.

  Widdershins calmly turns to address the door a few short moments before anypony can be heard coming towards it and opening it.


    In the short scuffle of the three ponies entering the room, Widdershins paid little attention to Phoenix at first, perhaps being aware enough to notice that things hadn't gone well so far with Smokey and allowing the stallion-in-mare to make the first conversational move on that part. The Draconequus's eyes flickered after the retreating form of Sorrow as she took care of her own trinket. Having at least heard reverberations of magical distress emanating from her direction, Widdershins took mental note both in case if that situation was going to involve him later or result in a minor explosion in the next room over.

 No, who Widdershins did turn to was Grim. Winding his way over to the butler stallion, looking even more wormlike than usual, he stands by Grim's right side as the pony washes up.

That ought not be too much to deal with, hopefully. A bit of a pop back into shape usually does it. I would suggest moving slower & with more caution for a while. And, say, to stop the bleeding for a while... here...

 With that, Widdershins bends down his shorter-than-before-snout into his short, golden-brown, thin mane to pull out a tuft of hair, wincing a bit in pain as he does so. Gently placing the small chunk of hair on the side of the sink next to Grim, the tuft quickly fluffs out into a tiny cotton ball, sterile and completely unremarkable from any store-bought one.  

 I do happen to have a bit of a background in triage & First-Aid. Personal experience; i'm sure your aware of, being the caretaker from around here by the looks of things. 


   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom

AJ looked in awe in the transformation that happened before her eyes "sweet celestia " AJ said as she gazed upon the pony like figure in front of her, she was a good inch taller then Applejack and there was this aura that surround her, its was unlike anything AJ has ever felt before,it was so.....peaceful....,"um sugercube would ya like to come to the farm house from some food? maybe we can get to know each other better, tell me what drew you to ponyville , how long your going to stay " AJ said with motherly concern in her eyes as she gestured to the house a small distance from where they where standing.

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@Blitz Boom @Widdershins

as Phoenix entered the room, she felt a basket of different emotions. on one hand she was absolutely ecstatic to see Smokey. after a little trip around the garden with somepony as strange as Sorrow, she definitely needed a familiar face to provide her with some comfort. a soft smile grew over her face as she looked smokey in the eye. she wanted to respond to what he said. how could he ever believe she would leave? she definitely was a bit nervous and skiddish at times, but she was never the type to just leave someone hanging like that. even if it were something like that...

she also felt rage, and her smile soon turned on it's back as her gaze shifted over to widdershins. she didn't have any words for him. the things she desired to do to him were... rather brutal. she grit her teeth as she tried to contain her anger. in a single moment, however, it all went away. this most definitely was the same draconicuus she had come to hate, but something was most certainly different about him. he looked completely different. could he possibly be... younger? and just like that, her rage was replaced with confusion. 

something jostled in her memory though, something that had just happened. some pony had rushed over to the sink just beside her, and she hadn't already noticed. she turned her head to realize that it was grim, and it looked as though his nose was bleeding. she didn't quite understand how it had happened, but then it clicked. she remembered feeling as though the door had hit something as she opened it, and the realization dawned on her "oh... oh! i'm so sorry..." she said as she stood behind him. 

she was suddenly pushed aside as the draconicuus had come between them. Phoenix simply backed away to allow the bleeding to run it's course before she found herself at Smokey's side, practically leaning against him as she wanted to get close. she needed to talk with him after all of this was over...

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Jelly giggled as she saw Amanita's display of emotions. She were very animated in the way she said things, which were pretty entertaining to the filly. It made talking with her more fun.

"Yeah, that sounds boring. Gotta be something you can do without looking at stuff though, right? Perhaps not training like they do, but like uhm... Listening to music perhaps? I don't know. What do Changelings do for fun?"

Meanwhile, Stargazer chuckled slightly as he heard the age of the two Changelings. It really wasn't that far off one another, but at the same time, that was just more impressive. Taking in one not too far below your own age was a noble thing. Especially since most foals among Ponies at least, had a harder time getting adopted the older they got.

"A young mother if I ever met one. Impressive that you're taking care of somepony else then, and from the looks of things, doing a great job with it. Amanita seems quite healthy."




"That's still a kinder fate than what your mother left me in."

Athriel glared at Astral with seething anger, not taking the treats of her own flesh and blood all that well.

"All I ever wanted was to be healthy. Have a life like everypony else, instead of slowly withering away to my disease. Is that really too much to ask?

She followed me willingly into the darkness to find a cure, but as soon as I did, she just left me. All because of who I assume is the pathetic excuse of a stallion you call *dad*.

Sapphire betrayed my trust, and in the end, obliterated my body and trapped me into this... Parasite. No form, no real powers, and she just gave me to the Griffons and went on her way to let me rot in silence for eternity. Never even told her daughter about how she turned her back on her own flesh and blood."

The more she thought about Sapphire, the more cold her anger started to sound. This was a deep wound, and a touchy subject to even bring up, since nopony else infuriates her like the only part of her family she had once trusted wouldn't hurt her. The only one who had ever been there for her...

"If you want to look at somepony who deserves to be put into a stone statue for eternity, it would be hear. She is the one who deserves it,  and after what she have done to me, I will enjoy breaking her spirit by holding the only family she apparently cares about as leverage against her.

Isn't that something Astral? You're going to be the instrument that returns Sapphire to the cruel witch she once were."

Whilst Athriel were having something akin to a poorly thought out bonding session, Blackbeak and Brick got faced with who they were looking for. Though perhaps more accurately would be to say that he found them.

They didn't seem to mind, as both of them were actually smiling to some degree. Mostly the Griffon, but a small sneak if one did cross Brick's face as he stood ready to hack and slice at Warlock.

"Well would you look at that? Magical Pony in magically charged armor, carrying an element. This is going to be fun."

Blackbeak wouldn't even be finished talking before the thing beneath the mirror she held up i its chain started to lash out, with several tendril-like arms headed towards the charged Warlock.

If he could hold them off for a minute or so, the magic in his armor should be diminished enough to not attract its attention like this, unless he used magic to give it something to aim at and feast upon.

Unless he were foolish enough to try and break the glass, in which case he'd be as doomed as the others would be. There was no escape from the things reaching towards him if the barrier broke, no matter how much he might try and use magic to run away.

As for Brick, he would for the time being protect Blackbeak, and if Warlock got near, would equip hia blades and be ready to hack where in his armor there might be an opening.

This may end up being a rather even fight.




Scarcity chuckled, and used her magic to wrap up the element and float it towards her. If the filly did not want to have iton her, she were likely a better guard of this.

"It is a deceivingly destructive element this one, for wearer and surroundings alike. Do tell, now that it is away from you, does you mind feel clearer? Things should seem less dim and hopeless in any case, if my information is correct."

It should be, considering the multiple sources she had gotten from the book that was left at her shop earlier when Chow and Astral had showed up, but it was uncertain. Not everything matched with the stories she had scraped up herself before and after that, so she worked on some degrees of assumptions.




Enzo did start to look pretty tense, and as Scorn got closer, his claws extended from his paws.

Yet further it didn't go, before he just put his head to the skies and let out a pained, meowing sound, which made a large portion of the guards wince. Dew stood his ground, but he were close to reaching his hooves up to his ears, regardless of the fact that it would likely not help one bit.

It would be around two dozen seconds before the sound were over, and Enzo looked down again, confused and with hanging ears.

"What's left then? My home is gone, and all I wanted to suffer are dead, so I can't have my vengeance or a place to return to. The element is gone too, so I don't even have anything to guard... What's the point of any of it then?"

Enzo had gone from an outright threat to a depressed, confused creature that had lost the will to menace the castle in less than five minutes. Not a bad track record for a few individuals versus a grown Sphinx, though what were they going to do now? Dew was thinking about it, and Scorn were growling near the creature, not pleased at seeing him still being there.

Zhu on the other hoof, just stood and looked towards Iron. His eyes were not showing currently, but rge angle made it quite clear. Perhaps he wanted to test the general, and see how he would handle Enzo instead of him saying something? As he had said earlier, he saw possible futures, not guaranteed ones, so it may well be that he didn't know for sure what approach the newly promoted Wing might take.




"H-Halt, who-Oh, it's you."

A small of stature Solar Guard had entered the throne room, clumsily holding a spear in one hoof, and starred in with frightened, paranoid eyes as he entered.

It wasn't until he saw the Changeling queen that he seemed to ease up a little, and scurried into the room.

A puff of green flames engulfed him, and the next instant, a rather frail looking Changeling drone with a purple scar going down over his right, foggy eye showed himself. He was still wearing the uniform making it quite obvious that it was stolen, but that was a minor detail in his eye.

"I'm sorry for the abrupt intrusion, but the call were given and I was just outside."

There was more confidence in the happy voice of Dandy Littlelegs than there were before, but that had been a disguise too. Sure, he were still small and frail, but the rest were mostly an act. It was what made him useless as a fighter, yet be something of an asset as a scout or spy. He were good at blending in as the ones nopony really paid attention to.

After changing into one of the new changelings too, he didn't get hurt because of his hunger either anymore, so it was mostly safe for the colorful Beetle Pony these days.




Benny looked over at Pop the same time as Victoria did, and smiled joyfully as he saw her looking questionable on the two of them.

"Funny. I always think its me who's the lucky one."

He didn't much think about, nor cared whatever the two mares he looked in the direction of could hear him. From the first day he had seen her, he had been drawn towards Pop like a moth to a light bulb, and there had been many times when he didn't understand how he could've been so lucky as to have found somepony like her, who cared about him as much as he did her. He always saw her as being the good and pure of them, even if she had a few minor flaws. But those just made her more adorable in his mind. Perfection sounded dreadfully boring, not to say impossible.

Heh, but he could spend hours just thinking about her, and how lucky he were to have somepony as important as that in his life, but now was not the time. Few days later when he had to be fitted for a suit so he could be dressed right when he were to propose was more the time, though he'd likely not have any luck not thinking about this before then.

He hoped that Victoria would find somepony like that too, who made her smile and helped keep her out of her shell. The sort of mare he had seen once she had walked out of his hug were the Victoria that whoever would end up with her would be happy to see every day. Same with her family. He were sure that they'd all love to see the real mare below all the protective gear as well.

"I'm sure that you two will eventually get along all the time Victoria. You're a nice mare below all those shields, and soon as we find out how to crack that door open and jam it there, lots of ponies are gonna be happy to call themselves your friend, just like I do."

The mention of cake nearly made him drool, but he managed to keep his mouth water to himself. For now anyway.

"I bet it's gonna help too once we get word to Snip Snap that there's a mare that would like to meet him. He's a lot like you, and I'm sure that you will get along if he gets a glimpse of the nice mare you really are. I could also just tell him stories to lure him in and you could then catch him in a trap."

The way he said that last part and grinned hopefully would make it clear that he was making a joke, and not honestly suggesting kidnapping as a way to get a coltfriend.

Taking a hand back, he pulled out one of the paper towels in on of his bags, went past Victoria, and handed it towards his newest friend.

"Hey, figure you might wanna dry your face. It's gotten a little strange with the face colors."

When it came to makeup, Benny didn't know... Well, anything at all really. Pop didn't wear it, and on the job, nopony else did either. Or if they did, it wasn't a lot, so he didn't notice it. For all he could tell, Victoria had been wearing face paint for some reason, though he wasn't sure if he should ask why. Usually it was just foals who did so, and they got funny masks like that. Griffons, Dragons, tigers, all sorts of costumes. Victoria had seemingly just had it in her face and around her eyes without being too noticeable. Seemed mighty weird to him.

Meanwhile, Pop shook her head and chuckled a little to herself. Typical Benny and his shenanigans sometimes...

"Well, whatever happened, they seem to be doing better now, so that's good. Think we should rejoin them before they wander off on their own?"

She wondered how Sprinkles would react to seeing all that melty makeup on Victoria's face, but mostly, she just wondered how Victoria would handle it. For somepony who cared that much about their look, that might be horrid to look at.

"I think she needs friends too Sprinkles, especially if she's starting to open up. It might just make it worse if she feels abandoned... I just hope she'll let me, and still want my help in setting her up with somepony. That might well end up being the best thing anypony could do for her."



@Lil' Lovebug

"Hey, I remember you. You're the singer that was at the inn last night, right?"

There had been plenty of beings glancing her way as she had wandered out, but nopony had addressed her before whoever were approaching her now.


The Unicorn stallion looked harmless enough as he went over and gave a small smile towards her, remembering how festive it had been last night once the Dragon had showed up, with her singing to ease everypony's mind.

"I thought you'd left town though. Snippet told the weird one that anyway. I can't remember the name... Her ears were on fire, does that help?"

He had only briefly noticed Vivid last night, and this morning, she had not really spoken much. Just come around to look for the musically gifted Changeling, and were told by the assistant innkeeper that she was gone. He had been around to pick up a package of bath salts he had forgotten there last night and overheard things a little, as well as seen how the mare had taken the news.

"She looked pretty sad about it actually. Seems like there was no reason for that though. Strange that Snippet lied about you just being a late sleeper then, instead of telling her. I mean, she's the one you were wandering around with last night, right? Never seen other ponies with fire ears at least."

Considering it was around 3 in the afternoon now, thinking that the mare were taken off was a fine assumption for her, since Satin had almost been in her room for like, 15-17 hours or so then, but Snippet really should've known better when she took the morning shift so the innkeeper could rest. Very weird.




Happy facehoofed at the question, once again wondering how this stallion managed to live on his own, or even work on a farm without knowing how a little harness like this worked. Was it a pity position or something?

"How don't you know how this works? I thought you'd been working for the Apple's for a while now?"

He let out a sigh, and a silent prayer for the strength to not attempt to beat the stupid out of Ambie's skull, and started to show him how this worked. If he tried to look away or not pay attention, Happy would just start over, but a little louder, until something would eventually go into that thick noggin Ambie carried around on his shoulders.

"There, you got it this time? Or do I need to start over again?"



@Widdershins @Dji

"Relax your scales shaky, I just wanna stretch my legs and see what the deal is around here. Haven't been in Ponyville recently, and I'm thinking I might as well get a look around when you two eventually go back to wanting a bit of privacy."

It sounded nice and all, but honestly, she just wanted to see if there was somepony after the destruction that needed a quick loan that she could pray on. Yeah yeah, it wasn't *moral* and one could call it a little *despicable* but what did she care? She had a business to run, and she was a fair kind of loan shark honestly. No extra rates or hidden fees in her deals. Everything was up front, and if they then tried to bail out, then they'd know there was consequences too. Of course, she didn't speak about the consequences all that directly, in case it might be an undercover guard, but most Ponies didn't need a threat either. Upstanding sorts usually, and if there was an issue with the payment, she were reasonable if she could be given a good excuse.

Why, she were barely a low-life at all. More like a savior or those less fortune.



@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

"How is a Bat Pony using ma-"

The loud sound of the door splintering caught her attention, and stopped her words. With the gems around the door being drained by the now larger Refraction, it had directed  the next blast to the door to get into the rest of its meal.Considering the size of said flame, the door didn't stand a chance, and they could now finally look into the office.

It was sparse, and filled with metal file cabinets and small lock boxes. A few certificated were on the wall, and on the large, waxed desk, you could narrowly glance the title of several self help books on paranoia and sleep deprivation. Though the thick layers of crystals there made it hard ot see much.

There wasn't too many of said crystals in here actually. Some covered the window, a few sprung on the floor, but most had been on the door, the desk, and sadly, on the Pony on the other side of the desk.

It was another like those that had been around the Bat Pony mare in the mine. Smooth, nearly polished, and very expressive. In this case, the horror were evident on the tired Pony's face, and he seemed to have risen a hoof to try and shield himself against something (or somepony) on the other side of the desk, but clearly it hadn't worked. It had likely been Rose, who had then blasted the poor accountant with whatever crystal magic she had access to. The window and door had been shut to keep others out, and from hearing what she might've had to say, and then eventually they had just grown enough to poke through and catch attention.

Brute looked at the crystal statue, then gritted her teeth whilst the feeling of wanting to kick something in half rose in her.

"Looks like we've found File Fiddler... Are your pet able to handle this as well?"




Alonsus would follow soon after, carrying the two saddlebags of food like it was nothing. From the looks of things, the before-mentioned bags were likely made with him in mind too, considering how well they fitted down his sides and how the others around him were generally not of his body type. In this town, Big Mac was thew closest that one came to it, with Bulk Biceps being a good deal above them.

"What a strange turn of events. Usually Chop is not this sour after Stare have been there to talk with him.

Ah, but one could wonder for ages, and never find answers. Shall we get going my friend? There are food which should be delivered warm, and hungry hearts that yearn for the feast that their dear Alonsus carries to them."

Since Lance had the list of where they should go, it was on him to tell Alonsus, and then they'd try to get there. The Earth Pony could help with directions certainly, but he needed names or addresses to find to be able to do so well enough.



@Widdershins @~Phoenix~

Smokey paid no attention to Widdershins whatsoever. Nor on Sorrow's odd reason for needing to leave the room, or Grim's bleeding nose. His entire focus were on Phoenix, and what she were doing.

Inevitably, it did lead to him seeing what had befallen the others too, as her focus were drawn towards the Draconequus and the aging Pony, but he did not know what to say when he saw this. Grim's nose being hurt were odd to him, as he hadn't seen any injuries other than when he had been in here before. Had his nose just started to bleed again? It was possible he supposed, but he had to ask him about that to know for sure.

However, it seemed like another being had more interest in him right now. The oddly behaved Widdershins, who were more and more starting to seem like somepony else than the one they had met in Ponyville. Less.... Chaotic he supposed? He hadn't tossed a pancake at anypony yet as an example, and his words seemed less clueless and confused. *sigh* Another thing to ask when there were time, however he could not find the words when his muzzle opened, since Phoenix had at that point gotten close to him once again.

After all that had happened with Widdershins, feeling her this near to him again finally made things starting to feel right again.

He must look like a mess to her though... His hat were over in the corner, drenched in mouth wash, and his mane were moist and unkempt, like he had just woken up after falling into a pool. He used his magic to levitate a comb towards himself whilst trying to keep it out of her sight, but she would basically have to sleep to miss the brush going from the room behind the mirror, and towards Smokey, where it would start to handle his mess of a mane.

"I uhm..."

Smokey cleared his throat, trying to find words again that he could say as he looked at Phoenix. The mare who had inserted herself into his dreams with a simple kiss, and whose presence beside him made him recall one of them, where he had been standing at an alter. Previously that had been with a faceless mare at his side, as he had not been able to imagine anypony to be with before that, but after their moment, it too had been filled by Phoenix.

He could see it for him. The edges of his suit paling in comparison to the radiant dress she wore. He always imagined a simple dress when it were, but with her, it evolved from the base white and got layers upon layers added, with high quality fire opals to enhance her fiery appearance and warmth. Ponies all around them were cheering, but barely registering with him as he fell into the pools of her eyes. It were so vivid to him now, that he could even see the light reflect in them whilst she smiled at him.

Then the second passed, and the fleeting moment left him once more.

A deep breath were needed to be taken by him before he could go on, looking at Phoenix that may not even be starring back at him after all. It may well just have been part of the scenario that had entered his love-struck mind, though it felt no less real to him. Perhaps in time, the dream could become a reality, but this were here and now, and in that time, he needed to try and talk to her again.

"I have so many things to say... So many words that just can't get out."

He stumbled to find his words, but he could not find solid ground. How silly he must look like this.

A chuckle escaped him, and he shook his head.

"Heh, just listen to me. So many years of smooth talk and yet I can't make a sentence worth following now. I just...

I'm happy that you're still here Phoenix. Thinking you left scared me more than I had imagined anything could."

Grim stood over at the sink, head down into it, and rolled his eyes at the show going on behind him. It was so obvious how it were between them to him, and he really had half a mind to go slap Smokey in the back of the head and tell him to get to the point already. But he supposed their awkward flirting and dancing around the subject was going to have oto settle in at their own pace for now. Besides, he had a hard enough time with his nose right now, which needed something to stuff it with- Which the Draconequus then conveniently provided.

He looked skeptically on the creature, but eventually let out a sigh and put the cotton ball into his nose to help staunch the bleeding.


He felt after, trying to determine if it was broken and needed to be settled, but thankfully it idn't seem that way. He had been there before, and there was a distinct *Your world is an ocean of screaming and pain* that was lacking from that experience. A fourth strike might finally do it though, so like Widdershins said, he had to try and be cautious from now on, and listen in if he heard Phoenix somewhere. He didn't think she did this on purpose, but it did not change that it had happened 3 times now because of her, and an unfortunate pattern of bad luck were starting to emerge.

"Somepony needs to keep the mansion in check, and keep an eye out on him when he is here. You'd be surprised how often he returns hurt in some way and needs to be looked after for a time. The pay's good as well. Makes it easy to support my family.

Quick question though, mind if I trouble you for a second cotton ball for my other nostril? I'd like not to bleed on the carpets. You wouldn't believe how expensive it can get to clean those things."

He'd tentatively try and talk to the Draconequus like you would any other right now, but he'd still have a weary look in his eyes when he looked at Widdershins. It would take some more time until he were sure that their guest wasn't going to do something crazy and potentially dangerous.




Lyriel let out a small, pearly laughter.

"I will, but please, give me a moment to try and adjust to this. I have only had two legs throughout my like, and this is a new sensation entirely."

She'd wobble around like Bambi trying to get on the ice, but eventually, she'd be on all four somewhat stably. You know what they say, the 31'th time is the charm.

Slowly, she took a few steps forward, looking as if she may fall at any given moment, but for every step, it seemed to be a little more confident, as she got used to the motion. She would still move rather slowly, but she'd seem more secure in said movements for the time being at least.

"What a strange motion one have to go through to walk like this. I suspect it will take some time for me to get used to this, and forget how once I wandered, but it appears as if I can stand on my own at least now. If your offer still stands Applejack, I would be delighted if you would show me to your home.".

She turned and bowed before the tree, whispering a soft prayer to the Earth Mother. Whatever this represented, she believed that it were in order to treat it with respect.

"I can tell you whilst we walk, that I am likely going to stay in the Everfree Forest until I am reclaimed by the earth, or until it is burned to the ground. It is a troubled place, with many chaotic elements that takes time to decipher for me, but it seems to need a ward. So many creatures are hurt, and the poor creatures you call Timberwolves especially seem to need someone that can understand and help them, so there will be much for me to do.

I do hope that one day, another of my kin will wander through, and we can raise a grove of Dryads. It is a large forest, with plenty of room for a flock of us without taking away from other creatures, but all in due time. I have seen that my kind is not normal around here, so I carry little hope that it will happen soon.

Perhaps an Ent will be possible to find too. They are not entirely like my kind, but the one I did read about were kind and strongly of nature as well. It may work if it came down to that, though I suspect it might end up being a Pine Ent. They're always on point."

She'd laugh at her little pun, walk with Applejack as she spoke, and think of how it would be to be part of a flock once more. It had been so long that she could scarcely remember it in its entirety, but she recalled enough to know that she would like to feel that way again. It were lonely to not have others to connect with, even when surrounded by the animals. They were delightful companions, and she loved them dearly, but it were just not the same.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Mirage smiled at Stargazer. “Thank you Stargazer, I just want her to be happy, and to not be hurt anymore...” She does seem to not want to talk anymore on the subject at hoof and opts to watch Jelly and Amanita, her gaze seems to hold one of “Love” which would be surprising for a Changeling of her former hive.

Amanita tilts her head to the side slightly and asked what might be a shocking question to Jelly. “What’s ‘music’?“ Her words and her expression showed her confusion on the matter.

Mirage , MistletoeAmanita

Here’s Amanita, Mirage, and Mistletoe my friends! Let me know if you ship Mistlerage!(MistletoexMirage) 

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@Blitz Boom

Astral looked to the gem around Athriel's neck, narrowing her eyes at it. "If you really want to break her spirit." The smoke inside continuing to hit itself against the walls of the gem. Astral clenched her teeth, forming a sword in her hoof. Throwing her sword at Athriel as she ran at her, while it would certainly look like she was going to strike at Athriel and as in turn, Chow. She was aiming for the gem, and that would become apparent only as the sword was slicing into the gem. "Do it RIGHT!" She yelled out as the gem cracked, making it already too late as she pulled the necklace forward into the sword, slicing apart the gem, sending out it's magic in a powerful explosion that shook the castle and even cracked walls, sending the two ponies flying apart.

Quite loudly they could hear the screams of a pony echoing out throughout the castle, originating from the gem itself as it split. "AAAHHH!"


Warlock collapsed quickly as the enchantments of his armor were torn apart, the magic of the element pouring out, soon after Blackbeak and Brick would be able to hear the sounds of the pony as well as the explosion that shook their surroundings. "Sapphire!" He yelled out in fear, the first time he'd ever do this, attempting to teleport away, as the object tore apart the spell, Warlock looking back to the two as he was instead left with fire surrounding him, constantly trying to teleport away. Lifting rocks up to toss to them, attempting to not hit the glass and instead the ponies who wielded it.


Misty looked down as she took a moment to think. "Well, kinda, there's still the fact we're certainly overpowered. But there is some hope. Right?" Iron Star jerked away as he took a gasp of air. Misty looking to him. "Is he alright?"

He took in deep breaths, trying to calm down, mostly ignoring the doctors that may be gathering around him yet again. "N-No, I am not, neither is Astral, I-" He paused for a moment. "I think they freed Sapphire."


"Warlock and Athriel must have tricked you into thinking your enemies were alive then?" He said, turning down his defensive position. "And you guard the element of hatred, but that doesn't mean your only purpose is to feel hatred, but you can help with saving Equestria, and become a hero."

Nectar lowered her head as she watched the events unfold, turning to the changeling. "Stand guard, I have no idea if Enzo needs to be held back yet, but I am sure that this Warlock and Athriel need to be, but we have no source that determines where they are." She said, looking to Enzo from where she stood. "I called one of my generals here, he'll come with my army, and we'll stand guard until Warlock and Athriel return, and yes, I made sure he knew that's what we were doing." She said, looking to Francis, as he seemed like he was going to ask that.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

AJ was a little confused when she bowed her head to the tree"reclaimed by the earth.."?AJ echoed, growing in distaste as she pondered over what that meant,once she heard the "timberwolves" she cringed but said nothing,they had reached the door to the house as AJ was opening the door she asked" are there any more of you out there, and sugercube did ya show yourself to anyone other then me? " she opened the door and gestured Lyriel inside and pointed to a table and a few chairs with her hoof "sit down and il will whip something up! " AJ said as she already had a skillet in her mouth.....

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


Dawn eyed the claws wearily, noticing they were extremely close to her. Her ears flattened at his question and she shook her head. "Fighting or something more," Dawn heard herself say and couldn't exactly believe that those words came out of her mouth. She didn't expect to face her fear of dragons today either but stranger things have happened.

@Blitz Boom & @Moonlit & @Seamore Sandwich


Twilight's ear flicked at the sound of the voice and glanced about. She took a small breath and listened to what the ghosty ghost had to say. "If it was an accident, then that is okay. I'm surprise a ghost is this passionate about keeping something alive," Twilight admitted, being quiet enough for only the ghost to hear. She matched pace with Last and continued looking about in case something jumped them. Even this close to town, the Everfree could spring some nasty surprises.

Aurora didn't know what to make of the princess talking with herself. When she noticed they head reached the edge, she ducked out the bushes and flew overheard, being sure to keep above them. Maybe she'd be mistaken for an errant Pegasus? That was the hope at any rate.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine

"Yes, and we're not sure how different it will turn out." 

Lin blurted. She didn't like doing it but that last question would've left her brother stumped. He wasn't around to see the things she saw, the things she felt when the flames hit her in the mines. That was a strange sensation, the way her vision shifted to see colors known and unknown, to feel the sensation of burning but not feeling it the way it normally should. Fire should keep her away like what sharp pain does, quickly pulling away from the source of it, but how does one feel heat with their eyes? It is a strange thing, perhaps something she will never be able to explain unless she intentionally encased herself in the parasitic crystals and had the little Refraction burn it off her when she is conscious. Omen seemingly wasn't conscious and maybe she doesn't experience pain like everyone does. Maybe Fiddler might experience the same thing Lin did not too long ago. 

Or maybe it will be like the miners who were released from their crystal prisons. They didn't complain about feeling something hot and messing with their eyesight. Then again, Lin wasn't eavesdropping on them so she wouldn't really know. Sen didn't either but he remained quiet, taken aback by Lin's sudden interruption and so she had to come up with something to save face.

"W-what I meant is that, I don't know how it will feel like for Fiddler but you can count on the Refraction to clear the crystals on encased ponies like it did on the door."

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@Blitz Boom

Victoria accepted the paper towel and quickly set about wiping the mess from her face. When she pulled it away there was practically no traces left of the red and black paint that had previously surrounded her eyes, she looked strange without her decorations but she was still just as elegant and lady like as she had been before. Her eyes were still damp and shimmered in the sunlight.


"Looks like you get to see even more of the real me." She chuckled in a slightly embarrassed way and blushed, looking down at the ground.

"Don't get used to it though, I may be planning on changing myself but make up is my passion... alongside baking. I like your thinking with the trap idea by the way."

She giggled and gave Benny a playful shove with her front hooves, though she was gentle she clearly possessed more physical strength than her sister. She turned to look at the approaching mares.

"We should get moving again, I hope I haven't delayed you."

"Are you doing ok Victoria?"

Sprinkles put a hoof on Victoria's back, to which Victoria responded with a smile.

"I'm much better now Cupcake... do you mind me calling you that? I think it suits you better."

Sprinkles smiled at her, she didn't mind being called that name, as long as it didn't become something everyone used to refer to her.

"Sure, you can call me whatever you like."

"Oh, in that case I guess I'll call you annoying brat."

Victoria laughed and gently kicked the pegasus with one of her front hooves.

"Just kidding."

The two mares laughed and embraced.





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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta

Discord hummed thoughtfully, tapping his chin as he thought of how to answer Omen's question. "The fish are normally found in human worlds, though not in all of them." He said at last, "There are plenty of human worlds scattered throughout the multiverse, and even within the universe, and it seems quite possible that one or more of your siblings could be in some of those worlds." The spirit explained, thinking back on all of the worlds he had peeked in on over his long existence. "Humans are quite possibly some of my favorite creatures, I would even say. So much potential for chaos! Why, even their sense of order can be laced with chaos!" He chuckled, "They can be quite amusing and, at times, extremely unpredictable."

Discord spared a glance at the poor petrified pony after he had spoken, but otherwise didn't expend much attention on it, knowing that the pony would be fine once the Reflection finished it's meal

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

I'm never going to get used to Alonsus's way of speaking.

"Alright, let's get a move on then. F-First address is, uh..."

Lance walked out of the restaurant, assuming Alonsus would follow. He recited the first address off the list to Alonsus. Lance hadn't been around town much yet, so he hoped the bulky stallion knew the way. 

I should explore Ponyville after work.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

'Quite the odd character,' Satin bemused to herself, placing her writing materials down next to herself. She perked up at the mention of Vivid. "You've seen Vivid?" Satin's voice betrayed hints of pain as she thought of her dream from earlier. "This Snippet you speak of isn't lying as much as you may think. I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to head out to find a nice spot to write, bringing my bag with me." Satin shrugged nonchalantly. "They may have assumed I was actually leaving. I was gone for a few hours before returning."

Satin brought a hoof to her chin, thinking. If Vivid thought she was gone, what would she do? Satin decided to push those thoughts back as she looked up at the pony in front of her. "Thank you for telling me this. What's your name?"

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@Blitz Boom

Phoenix stood there, not entirely sure how to respond to the whole awkward situation. she had many different emotions running through her head, and it was difficult to tame them. 

she liked smokey. he was no doubt a nice stallion, and she never had any plans to leave him in the dust. however, she made a rash move a little while ago, and she was beginning to regret it. she was a little humiliated that Smokey was making such a huge deal out of it for the time being. just because she did what she did doesn't necessarily mean that she's ready. just that she needed to find out so she could add it to her consideration. it was all just so complicated. 

she stood there, silently pondering all of this, as her eyes darted away from Smokey's, a large amount of blush covering her face. 

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@Blitz Boom

Foxy moved slowly around as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, revealing the basic interior. While small, Foxy enjoyed smaller spaces, giving her a feeling of security. Tired, Foxy lay on the floor, gently placing Agni, who had been resting on her, on the ground as well, trying not to disturb her. "What a comfortable place. I assume it provides protection as well, as there are plenty dangers outside. It would be difficult to notice such an area, and I don't think I could find it well myself."

Despite being basic, it was closer to nature, which Foxy liked. It was warmer inside, and soon Foxy began to doze off, still fatigued from earlier.

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"Don't we all."

He smiled a little to himself and looked at Amanita and Jelly. Might be the former was technically an adult, but it didn't change the sentiment in what he were thinking. About how as a parent,y our purpose wasn't just to educate your young, but also shield them from all the harm in the world. An impossible undertaking, but a good father or mother would want to keep them safe, no matter how impossible it actually were, and it reflected well on Mirage that she seemed to have the same way of looking at things.

 Perhaps Changelings were really not as different as Ponies as he usually thought...

Meanwhile, jelly's jaw nearly dropped to the ground as she heard that Amanita didn't know what music were?

"You don't know music?! Poor new friend."

Jelly would try and flutter closer and hug the mare, feeling sorry for the tall bug pony.

"Music is amazing. There's pretty songs, machines that gives out loud drumming noises, and instruments! Ooooh, I should've brought my flute."

It was a thing in the Canterlot school. You had to be part of the music class at some point, and when she had, the flute were the only thing that really drew her in. They had tried to teach her the harp, but... She'd rather not want to think about that. The vibrations that close to her head had hurt, and she got her hooves tangled in the strings twice in the first hour, so that was no good.




Much as she had examined what Chow did and knew how to fight with him as a vessel, she did not have the sense of battle that he had gained through years of training his senses. He would've seen the first strike were a rouse and blocked the strike to the gem, whereas Athriel struck where it seemed to make sense, and got one of the larger surprises in her life when Astral cut through the germ where her mother resided in.

She didn't have the time to say anything after that before the shockwave hit, and with her wearing the necklace, she got blasted with the blunt of the strike, and hammered back into, and through the wall behind her.

The damaged to Chow's body from this were extensive. she could feel broken bones, ruptured veins, internal and external bleeding alike, as well as the massive burn on his front from the force... His vessel was no longer worth holding on to. She would have abandoned it outright and taken her old one back if she hadn't looked through the hole and watched the last thing she had imagined happen: Her sister getting reformed before her very eyes.

It was impossible to think it anything else. She knew how Sapphire looked like, and she could almost taste her magic from over here. There were no doubt, and with her between the Griffon's body and Athriel, there would be no escape that way.

She gritted her vessel's teeth.

"This is not over... Traitor."

It was the last thing she said as she expelled herself from Chow through his pores, and went down into the cracks in the stone floor, taking advantage of the only good thing about her current state: She were basically a soul in mist. It wouldn't be hard for her to go deep, where she would try and find herself a new host. Had to be something she could use in here.

With her gone however, Chow were woken up to a world of pain, and would let out what he felt like should be a large scream, but were more coughing and troubled breathing. His best bet were that a lung had collapsed, but it was hard to focus through the pain. With the best of will, he could only really focus somewhat on keeping on breathing. Just breathe, whilst he was helpless after the incredible fore he had been slammed through the thick wall with.

He was going to need help, and it had to be fast.




Blackbeak looked triumphantly on Warlock. The mirror had taken from his armor, and kept his attacks from doing much, leaving him to go on the defense, even after the mirror stopped the assault, and just reacted when he used new magic, rather than the latent one it had feasted on when it came to his armor. The element didn't seem to interest the creature for some reason, which were likely lucky for Warlock, or the tendrils might well still go at him.

As for the stones tossed at them, Brick handled those. He didn't even draw a blade yet as he smashed them to the side so they didn't hit the Griffon behind him. It was clear that this was a step up from the low-rung guards Warlock had run into before, or the mostly self-trained Chow. This were a fight against professionals equipped to deal with him, and it would take a miracle to not have this all end here and now.

That was when the shockwave from above hammered through the rocks and down to them...

The shock itself were not magical down here, or at least not enough to really catch the interest of the hungry relic, so it hit Blackbeak without protection, and caused her to hammer into the floor, slam her head pretty hard, and pass out instantly. The mirror in her talons scurried across the floor towards Brick and Warlock, vulnerable for somepony else to pick.

Brick would be the one. He had felt the pressure, but refused to bend his knees and fall down. It had taken a lot out of him to stand his ground from the pressure, and the pain on his normally stone-faced expression would also give off that it were not without cost, but he had been able to withstand it.

He had turned around instinctively, used to seeing if once his squad, and now Scarcity were safe, and saw Blackbeak fall, and the mirror get out of her grip. Instinctively, he stomped down and caught the chain that way without hurting the glass, which were good. Though the sound of something cracking above him made him do something he had not thought he'd do here: He would take it up, hold it in his teeth, and retreat to the Griffon.

Stones were falling from the ceiling, leaving him with only two options to reactively chose from. Save his associate, or take down Warlock by jumping forward. Not a real choice, though he wasn't even sure if Warlock were still there at this point. He had thought of Blackbeak first, and it would have left him time to escape, or be slung away out of reach. If it had done neither, he would certainly have a chance now, as the Pegasus charged over to Blackbeak, got hold of her, and dragged her with him away from the rocks falling down towards them.




"Sir, you got to calm down."

The main doctor had jumped back a little to avoid getting hit by the suddenly awake Iron, but now he had to step back in and handle things. He needed the pony calm and able to tell them what might be wrong with him, and not whatever else he was jabbing on about. He frankly had no idea, so he would focus on the stallion's health first and foremost. Others could handle what he was talking about.

Scarcity didn't know much what was going on either, but she did know who Sapphire were, which were a plus in her book.

After she had handed over the house to Astraland Misty, she had made sure to send some words to a few contacts that were skilled in digging up dirt, so she could find out some backstory on who she were dealing with. Considering the magical talk the three had engaged in now and again - they really should have listened when Chow told them that the city had ears everywhere - it helped give enough information for her to get something useful on Astral. Misty on the other hoof, she had yet to hear something back about, though she suspected that what she would learn would not be pleasant. Something bad had to happen for a Zebra foal to be away from her people.

As for Astral, it was sadly still very little. Mainly just a hasty birth certificate and a few stories so far, though she had been assured that there would be more coming, as one of her associates had managed to track down where she had grown up. It would not help her right now though, but what would were that first thing: The birth certificate. Only names on that one, and it did seem oddly unprofessional done - Perhaps a shaky hoof or somepony who weren't a doctor, which one she did not know yet - but the name Sapphire were there, as well as her father.

"Ah, so her mother have returned? I would think that would be good news. Unless of course, something is wrong with the dearly departed?"

A story about Sapphire's death was something else that had been brought her, but it was all that was found about her, and somehow, she were suspecting that this would be everything she would ever hear. There was no proof of that yet of course, but it just seemed so sparse what she were learning about the family right now. Usually she would have a heap of starting information, but this were barely anything. Too little to just be a coincidence.

She suspected that they were either reclusive and lived outside the boundaries of civilization, or they had removed most of the traces themselves. She supposed she would see when she got some more information on Astral she supposed. It may be that she were the key.

There was feelers out to find out something about her father as well, but so far, nothing there. Though she suspected that this stallion, who seemed so connected to both of them, may well be the dear old father of the witch. What a curious flock they were.




"I was not a slave of the element I was forced to carry. The wards kept it dormant."

Enzo rose his head a small bit so he could look at the metal-winged pony who were talking with him now. The one with the throwing feathers that had been harassing him before the wind got weird it seemed.

"It would have been easier. At least then I would have had something to blame."

He were reluctant to answer what else was being told by the pony. The thought hat a sphinx would be seen as a hero by ponies were ridiculous, and he should trample the pony for even teasing him with this, after he had been dragged around the nose for so long already. First by the pillars, and then Athriel and Warlock.

His claws scratched into the ground when he thought of them, and how they had used him as a distraction. An action he noticed, which made the guards around them prepare a battle stance. The way ponies would likely always approach something like him. It was the way he had always been told when he were a kitten at least, yet if he looked back to the ones in charge, here was now this tiny, iron-winged pony who reached an olive branch to someone who had just attacked them, and behind him the one in the helmet - whom had been quick to charge him before - stood still and just watched, waiting for what would happen.

Scorn were still looking distrustful and in disbelief that anyone would try and trust something like Enzo, but he were one of the new generation of Pillars, so he were not surprised.

As for the cloaked one, he seemed to just stand and watch the diplomatic pony as he went through this. An odd one for certain, though not one worth his focus right now. That was on Iron Wing, and the thing he had said.

Minutes would pass in silence, as the sphinx would ponder the suggestion and the implementation, and weighing the pros against the cons. This was not something to pick from lightly, as it may well just end with him in another trap, which would make it a better option to simply fly away now, and never look back.

"...If I agree to helping you, what guarantee do I have that I will not be bound in spells or chains?"

Meanwhile in the castle, the Dandy looked out a the sphinx nervously, before gazing back at his queen.

"T-The entire army? What if Canterlot thinks they're being invaded again? Chrysalis actions caused a lot of us to be hurt by association alone..."

He brought a hoof to his blinded eye, and ran a hoof down the scar. It was a painful reminder of what could happen when the perception of changelings changed from annoying parasites, to unholy monsters. At least with the first he had been able to work for his food, back when he needed to drain love, but right after the news about Chrysalis' attack came out, things got drastically changed. Not just for him, but for all of their kind.

Small hives that were working with ponies got attacked and had to flee, the bigger hives increased in size, as the smaller ones were now unable to sustain themselves, and the alluring words of the stronger ones telling them that they needed to live together to make it got more enticing. Then there were rampant attacks, retaliations, starvation... It had been a nightmare for their kind,t hat was only now slowly coming to an end. If they started to do something stupid, it might just end up making it even worse for years to come,




"When the time of a dryad is at its end, we are reclaimed by the ground, and sent to rest in the Earth Mothers warm embrace. Her love will soothe the pains we went through, and make us forget our worries, so that we are ready for the day when she will return us to fertile soil."

This were what she had grown up learning, and it were what she believed in as well. In the end, all of them would be allowed to return to their deity's embrace, and she would cleanse them off the worries that weighed on troubled minds. Even those of her people who now turned their backs on her teachings, would one day be reborn in new shells. At least she hoped so, as it were the only hope left she could see for her troubled tribe.

"Nothing is forever my friend. Everything will eventually pass, and from the mulch will grow new life. From the phoenix who rise from their flames, to the beetles who picks clean those whose time were done. Death will lead to life in one way or another, and the great cycle of nature will continue."

Lyriel did not fear the end, as long away as a natural one for her were away. She knew that it were just a small part in the larger picture, and she found peace in knowing that even when things ended, she would still be part of the nature she loved, one way or another.

As she entered Applejack's house, she found herself fascinated by everything within the place. It were not the first place she had seen, as she had curiously glanced through a few windows during the night, but it were no less fascinating to her. So different from what it were in her old home, and yet with some smaller similarities. How intriguing.

Sitting down, she were reminded of her family again as she were asked a few questions by Applejack, with the first sparking the most glimpses of better times.

"In the valley I sprouted in, there are no more like me. Those who remains are tormented husks of who they once were, and it fills me with sorrow to think that their heretic ways have driven them so far into the arms of madness.

I have been told that there are others though, who thinks and guards like I do, somewhere out there. Perhaps the day will come when I will meet them? It is a pleasant thought at least.

And others did see me. The dragon hovering over your town wished to speak with me, and they got a good look at me, when I was more humanoid in shape. It is why I needed to get away a little. I had a want for a little space, and an escape from strange glances. It is my hope that perhaps now, I can mingle better with your kind. Ponies were most of whom helped me escape the Silver Valley, and I hold your kind in high regards partly because of that. Though I must admit, that in general I simply find you fascinating. You are quite the joyful creatures."



@Dji @Widdershins

Spicy and Marley exchanged knowing looks, but kept silent for the time being. The mare because she wanted to see if the two of them would start to make out again as she slowly started to walk with her wagon, and the griffon because he were getting curious if the dragon were gonna move in for another kiss and swoop her off her hooves. He were a bit of a romantic in his own way, and liked seeing couples blossoming like that. Just you know, with a bit more confidence.

He could just say that and make himself seem a little better, but unfortunately, the romantic side of him had to go through a few filtering layers of confidence and sass that would cause him to sound more like a donkeys flank.



@Dji @Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

If Cherish were corporeal, she would've winced at the comment from Twilight.

"Ghosts are like everypony else, we mostly don't want to hurt others. The good ones just eventually go mad from pain, sorrow and longing after something that isn't there anymore, and they lash out. Some more lucky ones just gets caught in a loop of thoughts, going through the same things again and a again until somepony comes and help them. I was once like that, but I got a friend to talk to and play with. He helped me keep sane until the strange mare with the burning ears and the bat pony came and helped him to let go. He's someplace better now."

She missed her friend. He had been with her for centuries by all accounts, and they had been through a lot of stuff together. Including the occasional different mares who came around and cleared some of the other ghosts out. The two of them tended to hide when it were, but with the newest and strangest mare, her friend wasn't the same. He had started to slip into loops and sorrow over the past few months that she couldn't help him get rid off, and at the time the duo had shown up, it was hard for her to even get in contact with him anymore. He were having such a strange, glazed over look in his eyes for a long time whenever he saw her...

When he was finally able to let go, she briefly saw him as how he used to be again, and she knew that wherever he were going, it was a good place. Someplace with ponies who waited for him from what she had heard.

Perhaps one day, it would be her time, but she wasn't ready to let go yet. She still had something in the world, now that these uhm... *assorted creatures* had helped her out of the lonely castle.

"I'm still sorta sane, and I want to try and help again, like I did when I was alive. starting with the poor doctor I hurt. She's too young to move on."

About the same time she said that, the group would find themselves at the hospital, at which point Last would whisper to Cherish that she should get the doctor out in the open.

As she did this, a nurse that had been taking a breath of fresh air came wandering towards her, not looking all that pleased at Last.

"Miss Stand! What did the doctors tell you about exerting yourself? It's a miracle in itself that you can walk around in your condition."

"I'm not pulling this. Her majesty, Princess Twilight, is doing so. I'm just directing it. Now help the doctor."

The nurse looked confused until Ziggy came into view of her, and she nearly let out a scared meep. The way her leg was bend were really not a good sign, as were the swollen right wing and the fact that she was unconscious.

"W-What happened?"

"Accidental collision with a bunch of trees further into the forest. She's been out for about a half hour."

The mare didn't waste more time, and let out a loud whistle towards the hospital. Three others would be there soon after with a gurney, and would take the doctor in pronto so they could have a look on her. The doc was in safe hooves now, though it seemed to annoy them some that Fah'lina went in with her, and refused to let go off her.

"Where do you want the payload, your majesty?"

Last's focus were now on Princess Sparkle, who would direct them to where Serenade and them needed to be. Preferably the castle she would think, but they would see. Long as the siren could remain hidden this should be an easy undertaking.



@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

Brute grunted and observed then. There wasn't much else to do really, other than waiting until Shrimp had taken notice of the crystallized pony.

Either he understood that it was more important that the pony got loose than him eating the gems on the desk, or an encased pony was just more delicious. Considering the licking of lips going on, one would lean towards the last option, but that may just be a coincidence.

Regardless, the refraction would get to work and slowly, you could see the shifting colors on the crystallized ponies drain and make way for a few small craxk. Then those became larger as the pattern spread, making it seem as if the pony was about to just break up into small pieces. Brute was not looking happy when this went on, and especially not when the last drop were cleared from the top of the statue, and the cracking gems just pulverized around the pony.

"-wear i won't tell anypony!"

Fiddler were in motion, like the ponies in the mind had been, and stumbled backwards into one of the shelves. It looked like it was going to fall too, but Brute kept it up with her magic, though the pony hardly even noticed her at first. He was too caught in a widely confused and terrified facial expression, and had to blink slowly several times beneath the greying hair of his usually orderly mane, before his brain kicked in again.

The pony he had been attacked by were gone, it was early instead of night, and there were crystals on his desk, being chewed on by some kind of white and gold snake-dragon. His door was also gone, and behind it were two strange creatures and Brute.

"B-Brute? Oh dear Celestia, you have to call in the guard. All of them. We have to stop her before she escapes."

Brute stepped forward, doing hers to avoid the crystals as she got closer to the terrified pony with his back to the shelf.

"Whoever were here is long gone Fiddler. Now come on out before the shelf falls on you, or that strange creature d-"

She didn't get further before a gem fell from the ceiling towards Fiddler, seemingly aiming to latch on and spread, but it barely hit him before Shrimp let out a small blast of glittering fire towards it, which both hit the hoof-sized gem and Fiddler.

Behind them, Omen looked on as the accountant got blasted, though it didn't seem to do much else than make him space out enough for Brute to just pick him up, sling over her back, and walk out with.

"Things are strange in there."

With that, she turned back to her master, and looked up at his (in her eyes) perfect form. Chaotic and majestic, as she had been informed by him in times long gone.

"How does humans make chaos? Don't think siblings from human worlds speak with me. Big with two legs and no coat are human, right? They look weird."

She were curious a to what else he could teach her, and was more or less uninterested in what was going on behind her, were Brute would go up to the side of Sen and Lin and told them that they might wanna give Fiddler a bit of a slap to wake him up from his daze before asking him things.




"I dunno what make up is, but hey, funny to see the pony beneath the face paint. Looks like she even got a little more color on her cheeks."

Benny grinned at the blushing Victoria. She seemed to be lighting up like a Christmas light right in front of them. Something which would just get more apparent when Sprinkles came over and the two of them had a heart to heart. No joking there, they sounded like a pair of actual friends there, and it seemed to put Sprinkles off her game entirely. It was kinda fun to look at.

Not as funny as when Victoria called Sprinkles a brat though. It was delivered so perfectly that Benny just couldn't stop himself from letting out a laugh and a few small chirps. It happened when he was laughing quite a lot, like with some beings and snorting during it. Pop didn't laugh quite as hard, though a good chuckle did escape her over the delivery. It was a pretty well done joke after all, she had to admit that.

"What did you do to her Benny? She seems so alive now compared to before."

The cherry tone from Pop that had rejoined him now were just what he needed to her, and he leaned over to hug his mate.

"Big ol' heaping of love and understanding, wrapped in a dragon hug. Just as the doctor prescribed."

Pop enjoyed the embrace for a time before she nudged loose so they could follow the two baker mares. Some mares might have then started to think about whatever or not Benny might have had a deeper connection with Victoria than what he had said, but Pop had no reason to be afraid of that. She trusted Benny on that matter without question, and knew that he was just a friend to Victoria. Hopefully she could be too at some point, which were sort of the reason she caught up before Benny did. She wanted to try something.

"Hey, Victoria? Sorry to bother you right now, but you seemed to do better and I just wanted to ask you something.

You uhm... You wouldn't mind Benny and I calling you our friend, would you?"

"Sprinkles too. Anyone throwing cupcakes are friends, it's in the law."

She chuckled at the comment from behind her. Silly dragon.

"And Sprinkles too of course. You're both nice ponies, and we'd be happy to hang out with you some more at some point in the future. You know, if Jade doesn't eat me."

She chuckled at that too, though a little more nervously. She knew it was against the law, and Benny had told her that his mother ate purely gems, but the thought wasn't out of the real of possibility in her mind after actually meeting the dragoness. Intimidating lady that one.




"Ah, Melon Scooper, He is not far from us. Onward my friend, so that we might vanquish his hunger."

Alonsus let out a small, deep laugh. He'd laugh more naturally, but he did what he could to avoid that, even if it sounded a bit fake what he had going now. The bellowing laugh he could give off bordered on something a cartoon villain would let out, and after being told in the self-help classes that it made the teacher imagine Alonsus with a twirling mustache and a cape, he had started to try and fade it out. It was a rather embarrassing image to have connected to you, at least in his mind.

As they went on their way, the stallion poked Lance surprisingly gently, and pointed towards a house where the roof were being set up by different beings working as efficiently as a bundle of ants.

"That house were little more than rubble when I made my way past it earlier, and none of them were doing more than clearing it. Fast workers."

A beanstalk of a pegasus seemed to take notice of Alonsus and rose a hoof in greeting at the pony with a big smile. Alonsus were about to raise his hoof, but then suddenly had the smile freeze on his face, and stomped down with worry plastered over his face.

"W-We should be on our way. Ponies are waiting, yes... Yes..."

He'd scurry along, whilst the pegasus sent weird, confused looks towards the retreating earth pony.



@Lil' Lovebug

"Yeah, that might be it. Unfortunate circumstances it seems. Pity that your friend didn't know that though... Hopefully she will return at some point."

He didn't actually mean that, as she had kinda scared him actually, but as long as he were not near, then sure, he hoped that the two would reunite. Had seemed like they were friends at least, and the flaming ear mare had appeared rather dimmed when she heard that Satin had left.

"My name is Bubble Bath. I currently work in the reception over at the spa. Perhaps it would be a good place for you to stop by at some point, if you have issues sleeping? A good massage, steam bath, etc. can really help ease a troubled mind sometimes."

The spa really did help, so he wasn't just trying to make a sales pith here. There had been many a lonely night were he had been thinking nervously about how he might approach Bulk Biceps and ask into his uhm, *preferences*, where a good mud bath really helped him ease up and get better rested the day after. A shame he still hadn't buckled up the courage to say anything, but that was neither here nor there, surely.

"If I see her there, I can also tell her that you're still in town. We get a lot of troubled ponies who feels a little under the weather there, so perhaps she's enjoying a treatment."



@~Phoenix~ @Widdershins

A blush spread on Smokey's face as well as she kept silent and looked away from him. He were pushing her too much again it seemed. When would he learn the right amount to not wander into traps here? Foolish heart of his could not regulate it well after their moment, even if the draconequus had spoiled the mood at the end quite drastically.

"Could we perhaps... Go to the adjourning room and talk? Grim seems to be entertaining who I think is Widdershins right now, so perhaps we can have a few moments to speak? Please?"

He had been looking at Widdershins as he had talked, unable to look at Phoenix and that adorable blush spreading on her face without wanting to embrace her, and now that he wasn't looking at the draconequus through angry glasses, something seemed off about him. Not in the sense that he was odd, that was a given. Quite the opposite was the weird thing actually.

Thinking on it, the way he spoke was more connected and less random. He also weren't doing anything strange currently, or had really done any tricks whilst he had been here beyond that one, incredibly disgusting one. The last time they saw him he were far more unhinged than this, and there was little reason in what he said. Didn't he also look more scruffy last time? Even with his appendages gone, this one seemed more elegant and less... Crazy homeless person in it, to put it simply.

Perhaps later when he had a chance to speak with Phoenix, he would confront Widdershins about this. Perhaps he hadn't been joking around before. it might be that he really didn't recall being set on fire or meeting them, because this wasn't the same him as the one they had met, though how and why he wasn't sure. Draconequui were defiler of logic and reason.



@Foxy Socks

Agni did not like being put on the floor, and drowsily flapped up, looking for something to grab hold in or sit on. She settled on a bit of particular thick moss near where Brittle were laying, which originally were going to be her pillow of sorts. With the groggy phoenix quickly falling asleep again though, not noticing who had been next to it, she didn't dare to touch it. She didn't want it angry with her, so she just sat a little away, looking cautiously on the bird, afraid of what it might do, but also fascinated with how it looked this close. The dark wasn't that much of an issue for her as she usually slept during the day and rummaged at night, since the night had less ponies wandering around that could harm her. Briar was trying to change that, but it would take a long time, along with everything else he had to work on.

Behind Foxy, Briar came up and slowly opened his eyes towards the darkness. It was less harsh than it had been in Rarity's store, as the colors were darker and less varied, so it were a lot easier to adjust to it.

"So this is how my home looks. How amusing."

The moss in particular caught his eyes. He had grown stuff like that for years, but he had never guessed what kind of color it were, and telling a blind pony about the color green wasn't really doing much.

"It is well protected, yes. I found it as a usage for one being, but after Brittle and I reunited, I gave her my sleeping space. I rest outside instead. It is quite lovely out here too, and the morning dew is refreshing."

He didn't drink through his pores that much, but the morning dew were a small amount of water that went in easily. As for the river water, he had shaken most of it off after he had passed. He did not get as easily soaked as a pony, so what little were left now were currently quenching his thirst. Refreshing, if he might be so bold as to use a description that had recently passed his lips.

"Being outside also means I can ensure that nothing that are not supposed to walks in, and I can get my morning fish without getting up. It is a mutually benefiting arrangement really."




Ponyville wouldn't be as normal as one might think. Even from the edge of town where he had landed, the stallion should be well able to see that some structures were damaged from how at least three roofs were currently being laid by a variety of creatures. Changelings, minotaurs, dragons, griffons, ponies of all varieties, and likely more. It might have something to do with the large dragon looming over the town, but it was hard to say just from looking at it.

Still, for Ponyville this was still relatively tame, although if he had that impression, it would not last long. The air in front of him would start to vibrate and stretch, as if something tried to break through, and a few seconds after, the vibration stopped, the air violently bulged, and before he knew it, there would be a pony-sized cocoon in front of the stallion, and a hole in the air that repaired itself almost instantly. If he would look though, he'd be able to see the dark outline of strange creatures, and a darkened shop of some kind, with silk spread around the floor.

The cocoon wasn't made with regular threads, but seemingly some kind of rope instead, and it was wriggling from side to side as whatever was in there were struggling against what looked like the spider wrapping of a pretty large specimen. Or a prank gone horribly wrong, though neither would explain why this had just appeared in mid air like that. Only way to find out that particular answer would likely be to cut the ropes and see what the price inside was.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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