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What makes you the happiest?


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Lately I've been seeing some negative topics regarding painful/terrible experiences or previous hardships, so here's something different :).


What makes me the happiest is how I have a very great special somepony :). I've always wanted to be with someone who really cares about me, or who I can be really affectionate with, who I share several interests with, and well, she's just so gorgeous :). I don't think I could ever live my life as happy if I didn't have her around :).


How about Yall :)?

  • Brohoof 12
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It might sound a bit cliché, but making people actually smile when they really need it or not in a period of their lives where they could afford to smile; if I could make them even a tiny bit happier just for a moment, I'm happy too. :squee:

Also what would really make me happy is if my special somepony would enter into my life, unfortunately that has not happened yet, but I'm not giving up.  :lol: 

  • Brohoof 3
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at this point in my life?  just coming home and relaxing on the couch with my little fluffy buddy!  (yes, he's my furry kid, and yes he's spoiled rotten!)



  • Brohoof 4
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What makes me the happiest is how I have a very great special somepony :). I've always wanted to be with someone who really cares about me, or who I can be really affectionate with, who I share several interests with, and well, she's just so gorgeous :). I don't think I could ever live my life as happy if I didn't have her around :).



You make me happy too Wolfie :)

  • Brohoof 3
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Being able to completely cut loose and be around somebody who I don't feel I have to hide any aspect of myself from or being around people and being able to be excited about something weird and not getting judged

  • Brohoof 3
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People actually noticing me (went to a new school it happens!)

Talking to the person I like

Fluff (very romantic person who cant actually experience it himself, therefore literature is good)

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