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Your weirdest dreams and nightmares


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A couple days ago I dreamed that I got arrested by the cops. I tried to break out of the handcuffs and Guile's theme started playing and someone put it on youtube as one of those "Guile's theme goes with everything" videos. I woke up laughing.

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Last night I dreamed about posting on here. :lol:


But one of my oddest dreams in recent memory was that me and my family were going to this haunted house-type thing that doubled as a hypnotist show (Dream logic, am I right?). My Pre-Calc teacher was at the entrance, and said something like "Remember this: You are not in control. You will never leave." I continue inside, reminding myself that she's only trying to scare me and that I'm in full control. I come to a long hallway lined with people saying things like "Your movement is being restricted" and "This is restricting your movement." I suddenly feel a sort of energy pushing on my body from every direction. I try to remind myself to concentrate and to not let them overpower me, but I begin to feel as though I'm not even the one telling myself to walk forward anymore.


Then I woke up.

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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I once had a dream that I was a cat being chased by a creepy old lady with a shovel. She hit me with the shovel, I went down, she took me home. She put me in a cage that was on top of a very high table, leaning over the edge. The cage fell, and I couldn't get out.


I woke up in something like a blanket fort on the floor with my feet in a pillowcase.


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Yo Applejack...



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One dream, I was this skeleton guy walking on stairs, side ways stairs, and maybe upside down stairs and I say this eye ball bouncing around and this green slime creature and they were moving.

  • Brohoof 1


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I had a dream a few weeks ago that was about defending this one village from an invasion or something... it was located near the coastline of some Asian country (probably Sri Lanka or something) and then my squad and I killed all these enemies with guns. I even pulled some kung fu ninja shit and chopped this guy's head off with a katana! :lol: But then near the end, this huge ass tidal wave was heading for the village we were supposed to defend. Everybody was running for their lives, and so was I. I was about to get into a car to escape ASAP but by the time I reached the car, the wave it me. I drowned... and I woke up in this food retailer that's kind of far from my place. So I proceeded to buy a ps3 game but the cashier said the tomatoes were too green so I had to buy shampoo instead. And then I went home. And then I woke up.



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Last night I was sitting at a laptop organizing some iTunes files and cutting slices of some weird blue-greenish fruit as I completed a folder. Then the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) shows up and says "Good work. You're making the world a better place." I was starstruck and stumbled over myself by responding "No, having Doctor Who on the internet and on tablets makes the world a better place." He smiled and disappeared. I woke shortly after.

  • Brohoof 2

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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I dream't.. That I was Voldemort!!


I can't remember the last real weird dream I've had, as far as I recall I haven't had any dreams in a long time now. But one I may always remember is standing on a very high tower waiting for a hot air balloon to pick me and some other people up and I fell off. I remember falling but never actually hitting the ground. I don't know why I remember it but it's the only one.


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Oh man, I remember this really weird dream I had once. IT WAS LOOOONNNGGGG.

So I guess I'll begin. This is somewhat of an abridged version of it. CAUSE IT WAS VERY VERY LONG.

So first of all, the cast of That 70's Show was at my house, for some reason I had really long hair(I always wanted to have long hair).

So we walked down the street, and an old man was yakking about how he had these weird clickers that enslaved pokemon. Apparently, Pokemon was real in my dream. I thought, "pfft. How could a weird clicker thing enslave pokemon?" So I clicked the clicker multiple times, just to test it out. I didn't see or hear any Pokemon getting enslaved. But, the man who was handing out the clickers giggled in delight. So anyway, I went back home,(The cast of That 70's Show Doesn't make a appearance from here on)

I slept in the dream (INCEPTION!). After waking up, I heard distraught cries of many pokemon. I was being tormented, the cries of the Pokemon filled my head. I ran up to the old man. Pokemon, 30 at least, were working on a horrible treadmill, with spikes and fire. I grabbed my pokeball, then I was in despair when I noticed it was empty. The man said, "Haha! The Pokemon working here are all Pokemon you have met! If you wish to fight me, come to the castle on top of the winding hill!" And with that, he snapped, and they were gone. I gathered friends of mine,Peyton, a young man with glasses, Isaac, a younger child, but still a great friend, and Eric, a long haired teenager who wore a button up shirt. And we were off onto the winding hill. This task proved difficult. Many guards fought us, keeping us from reaching our goal. We fought valiantly and with teamwork. After a difficult fight with many batle scars, we had reached our destination. The castle. We entered the castle. An eerie silence was in the air. Then, agony of the many Pokemon was heard. We ran through the main room, into the mess hall. Many Pokemon were on the horrible treadmills, each of which powering many household appliances. The clicking man, who revealed himself to be named "Zetaga", had told his horrible plan to enslave every pokemon, the clickers being linked a specific Pokemon, every time someone presses the clicker, a Pokemon would be enslaved. Thus, a battle was on. He sent the enslaved Pokemon at us, they had no choice. Our trio dodged the Pokemon without putting them in any pain. Not having any defense without the Pokemon, he was easily defeated. He was sent to jail, and the Pokemon were freed.

Wow. That was freaking long!

Objection! Hold it! Take that! Gotcha! Eureka!

I like video games and anime.

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fa la la la la la la Tra lalalala la, la LLA laa LAAugh...


I was racing the wrong way on a highway and kept dodging everything, eventually I crashed into a big rig and died.


I had a dream I was michael jackson and I was in a music video that took place in a used car lot in the desert...This dream I don't remember too clearly.


Then I was in an arcade playing Daytona USA and it turned into real life...Me and my cousins were driving the wrong way on a one way freeway (this was a different dream than before)...the music was a remix of Daytona it was more housey and Mitsuyoshi sounded more like Elvis P....I remember I kept having troubles with the clutch and shifting...eventually every lane got blocked and we drove on the grass...We kept worrying that our time was going to run out, so we drove to another arcade. They had an unusual air hockey in the basement...we ran up the stairs and my cousin was climbing up a tight rope...


Next I was peter gabriel in a swamp all muddy getting cut on a dinosaur skeleton, then I teleported and there were a bunch of catholic clergies trying to hang me..I was trying to find my father so I told them not to hang me...I needed two tables to be on so I wouldn't lose my balance...one was a stool that I would be hanged on the other was a petite little table from my house...once I sat on the petite table they said I committed a mortal sin because the petite table was "unclean", which was why they gave me the petite table to sit on in the first place...then I reminded them that "lying" was also a sin. They told me they wouldn't hang me anymore...then I woke up


all these dreams took place in one night.

Edited by glitterlicious

S.V.R. Stop. Violent. Recreation,

I know it's tuff but let's all try to stop playing violent videogames, violent TV, violent thinking, and just violence in general.


Put "SVR" in your signature if you support Stop Violent Recreation!

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I had a dream I was at school with my classmate boys and then we went to sports in the dresser I was turning on music then girls came in with blood on their mouths me and other boys jumped on the gym lockers and had to stay there for 40 minutes until they went away. xD

                     ~ I'm in love with my own OC Luriel Maelstrom ~

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I had a dream I was at school with my classmate boys and then we went to sports in the dresser I was turning on music then girls came in with blood on their mouths me and other boys jumped on the gym lockers and had to stay there for 40 minutes until they went away. xD


sounds like you have a fantasy of vampire girls sucking your blood.

S.V.R. Stop. Violent. Recreation,

I know it's tuff but let's all try to stop playing violent videogames, violent TV, violent thinking, and just violence in general.


Put "SVR" in your signature if you support Stop Violent Recreation!

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sounds like you have a fantasy of vampire girls sucking your blood.


Imagine 5 guys lying on gym lockers hiding from 10 girls xD

Edited by Luriel

                     ~ I'm in love with my own OC Luriel Maelstrom ~

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I had a weird dream today where I was visiting a mental institution, and then someone (I think it was jim carrey) made me get stuck there. To the point where everyone thought I was a patient. I ended up having to almost kill him to get out and when running away I ran into a tour group of high officials that cleared everything up.


Then the dream jumped into Metal Gear Solid:Revengeance and I was raiden fighting some sabertooth guy and later on draggin solid snake down a road of motor oil.


I have no clue how any of these dreams popped up since the last thing I was playing before bed was resident evil revelations.


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I had a dream that my uncle straped me down.... then took a skill saw and started to cut off my limbs and other parts of my body.......... shouln't have read cupcakes lol.


I'm just your average Brony, Whovian, Sonic Fan, Yognaught, Mechanic, Drag racing........

Time traveler............................. Thats me SXCJ40


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I had numerous dream while I was on a boring car ride. (it should be noted I fell asleep with a book open in my hands. A big, hardcover book)


Dream 1



I walk down this pool hallway and wave to a janitor than slip on a puddle and fall on the ground. The second I wake up I slam my book together and it scares the living daylights out of me.




Dream 2



I'm in a huge city then I point to a giant rubber duck in the sky.




Dream 3



Darth maul comes up to me and says "I like pie" and flicks his tounge around.




Dream 4



There is 100s of extremely tiny cats on my staircase (like I'm talking two inches tall) and normal sized kittens. I accidentally stepped on one then they start crying.




Dream 5







Dream 6



I pick up my iPod then turn on winter wrap up.




Dream 7



I'm walking in walmart then this giant fooseball table comes out of the ground and millions of people are being chased by dinosaurs and apes on it. And a giant cyborg babboon is leading the charge.




I had ALOT more, but I can't remember all of them.


Also one morning I kept waking up in my dream. I would wake up, get my iPod, go on the chat and instantly fall asleep. It was REALLY annoying because the exact same thing happened everytime until I really woke up.

  • Brohoof 1


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I think the weirdest one was where I was in a hospital on a wheelchair. I was pregnant and the birth was imminent. My family was there... Of course... but then there was a guy that was my boyfriend. A guy that had been created completely from my mind. He didn't resemble anybody I knew. If that wasn't weird enough, that dream ended with me getting chased out of the hospital (before giving birth, I believe) by an ominous black figure of some type. Still in wheelchair I was traveling frantically around a town trying to get away from whatever it was.


That dream was weird, on so many levels.


Another more recent dream (like early last year, maybe) had my ex and I together in a building (with other people) waiting for the end of the world (by meteor or something). We got back together in that dream. And then the world didn't end? I don't remember how it ended.


Before both of those dreams I had a very disturbing dream. I believe it was within a year after my childhood family dog passed away. In that dream she came back... in zombie form. Decayed and everything. That stuff is very disturbing to me. I do not like zombie anything. It creeps me out. And to think I had that kind of dream. It disturbs me a lot.


Lastly, I've had plenty of marching band dreams. I've heard of other people having them, so perhaps they're not that strange. They're dreams where for some reason I'm put back into my high school marching band in the modern time. Oftentime I'm at the big competition and I'm about to go march a show I never learned. lol. I think what makes them strange is how many of them I have had, and I've had some large variations of them recently where I'm not really performing but I'm related to the band in some way and going to the big competition with them.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I once had a dream that I was in school and I had 20 foot long arms that were strong as hell. I had no control of them, it looked like one of those wacky wavable inflatiable thingies. Anyway I was in the middle of the hallway they were flopping all over the place knocking people down, it didn't matter kids, teachers, my arms didn't discriminate. I woke up laughing that night, it was ridiculously weird, but funny.

Edited by Strafe



"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

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I was jet-skiing in a lake of butter with some Russians in a helicopter chasing after me.


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OH and another one was I was on a date with Rebecca Black...ON A FRIDAY. Couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.

Signatures are for fillies.

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I remember one from about a year or two back where, I wasn't driving yet in real life, but in this dream, I was driving a very large truck onto a bridge and crashed off the side of the bridge, landing on a long, narrow dock at the very bottom (near the water), and this dock extended a quite a large bit (hundreds of feet), and many mini-shops and stands were all set up to purchase items and whatnot. But then, after a while, I met a girl that was completely non-existent in real life, but she and I traveled around, and soon to a large mall on this dock named "jen.little", and it was supposed to be very fancy, but soon after, I turned around momentarily to look around, and Fran Drescher (from "The Nanny") was standing beside me, and apparently everyone at that dock had been tricked by a celebrity when they were falling off the bridge, and the whole marketing business on this dock was set-up, then suddenly, we all were in a street, and I walked into a building to use the restroom to find that all of my teeth began to fall out before my eyes in front of the mirror, and my mother and I were trying to place them back in my gum sockets, but horribly failed.


I don't understand this dream and I never will, but it was the most interesting dream that I've ever experienced. :lol:

Edited by Rainbow Dashy
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