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New to the fandom... i owe you all an apology :/

Soren Gabriel

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Hey everyone! :) The name's Soren. I became a brony about 2 months ago and have already finished season 4. As you can imagine, im super hyped for season 5. :D anyways, I wanna get down to this quick and say... Sorry :/ I found out about bronies about 4 years ago and quickly turned into a hater. A total anti-brony. I was intolerant, I was close-minded, and I was at times hateful :( The day I decided to give the show a chance, I realized how idiotic and blind I had been. I realized I was the creep for judging you all instead of being open-minded and giving both the show and all you guys a chance. Truly, mlp deserves all the love it gets. You guys and gals, on the other hand, deserve none of the hate people like Past Me have been giving you. Therefore I want to officialy apologize to all of you for what I've done before. :) I'm a total brony now and am proud to be in this fandom with all of you. Now all that's left is to make some brony and pegasister friends. That's my question: can you guys forgive what I've done before? /)

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Opinions are great like that, as are people. They can change over time. I'm glad to see you gave the show and the fans a second look, and I for one welcome you to the Herd. :D






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Forgive and forget we all make mistakes it happens everyone deserves a second chance and I'm just glad you decided to give the show and fandom a second chance  :) welcome to the forums I'm sure you will make lots of friends here. ^_^

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Welcome to the forum! YAY!


I hope you make a bunch of friends while you're here! And that you stick around for a long time! :muffins:

Also, if you have any questions, concerns, or experience any issues, please feel free to let us know by creating a thread in the Site Questions & Tech Support forum, so we can get you answers, assurances, and/or solutions! :muffins:




That avatar, and that response... they go together well. :derp:



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I feel ya on that one man, I dissmissed the show for years because,"I dont need any ponys, thats a girl show" but when I did watch the first two-parter I was strangely "hypnotized" for lack of a better word. Now I have str8 pony pride for real, I remember when I got my first shirt, I could'nt wait to wear it out, anywhere I still get looks but I love it, most time Ponys don't even realize there is a fandom, especially a fandom this large and worldwide. We are everywhere, and we are loyal and I've found all around most bronies are great people, I know my ex old-lady saw my post on facebook and said what up with that I said "Man don't down on the ponys, ponys are everything".Anyhow I'm tring to usher her into the heard, It's like I told her"It makes me feel really good to watch the show" I could not put my finger on it at first, but the show is such a positive outlet, with strong moral compass. All in all Its a awesome show, hell I'm watching it now, on netflix, and I've watched equestria girl, especially",Rainbow Rocks" my fav. right now even have the sound tack on me i-pod, and although I can't seem to locate any bronies in central Mississippi where I live, and let me tell you in this state you get your share of looks. Hell, most people see rainbow dash and there like "you must be gay" I 'm like, uh no why", well you have a rainbow on your shirt and its a girls show. I'm like hold it now, what in your mind makes it a girl show, although it is, or was at first designed for that market, but has become a whole other monster so ," welcome to the show"......."were here to let you, know"...."Our time is now"..... So Welcome to the fandom alive, everypony needs to come on in the door is always open," open-minded" and or "free thinking" persons of all age, race, creed,and color  need apply, Have a awesome day my friend.                                                                                post-31415-0-81486800-1422248994_thumb.jpg

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*Wrote in a notebook* "Heresy and negation all ideas of harmony. Verdict: To the Moon!"


We all commiting a mistakes. I forgive you and someone else there may forgive you too. But you forgive yourself?

Edited by Requiem
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I didn't even need to read anything but the title to know that I already forgive you :)



Hey there Soren, welcome to the forums! :squee: I hope you enjoy your stay in this friendly community! ;)

Edited by Edwardo_Brony
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Wow, people :) thanks be to all you guys. I can't tell you how awesome this feels, especially after what happened in that mlp facebook group I joined before (there were a ton of horrible people there. Messed up elitists) :/

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